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Day of having Rivals from your server sill SOON be over


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This game needs x-realm so bad. It's usually the bads that worm their way into a small tight nit group and get carried...once the competition goes global they fade into the sunset...


Just like once rated PvP comes out and people have to earn their titles it will show who the real "Battlemasters" are...cuz right now that title is the same as the purple ribbon fail kids get in sports for participation.


When the bads all group together you have a disaster. One person cannot carry an entire WZ op. When I get stuck with a group of people I have never heard of it usually means this WZ is a lost cause. I heal and heal and heal, mark the other teams healers, and no matter how much I heal and how few ppl die it is a loss because the WZ ends after the dps in my group chase a tank being healed around the map trying to kill it. They also do <100k damage the whole match. And then at the end they wonder how they lost.


Xserver PvP will be the end of solo queue for me as I cannot handle the abysmal fail the majority of people that PvP. Xserver queues will just put more terribads in the queue and you will have a better chance of getting a horribly fail team.

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So much QQing, thankfully all the whiners will be gone. cross server WZ's are a double edged sword, if you cannot see the positive and the negative sides to it, you shouldn't be QQing.



+ less waiting time WZ queue

+ more variety of players



- Potentially inconsistent teams

- No rivals


I for one am sick of seeing the same geared out the *** pubs. I will miss seeing some guys and I won't miss seeing some guys. All in all this will help us in a more positive way then negative.

Edited by Bloodmack
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Your opinnion doesn't count!


You are the minority!


For the rest of 50 % of the players out there, x-realm will be like a cup of hot milk and honey !


You have to imagine that there are some players and servers that have queues that last for hours and when they eventually get in a WZ it ends in less than 2 mins as there are not enough players!






I can't say I am on such a server, tho my server population has dropped drastically in the last month, but I feel for those who are on those kind of servers I've mentioned!


They are playing the same game right? And paying the same money for it!


So they should be allowed to play!


Who the **** cares about server side community and ****? If you want to be a ''celebrity'' or w/e go sing or enlist in K1 and you will prolly get what you want! But srsly, who cares about being known and ''respected'' in a virtual space by other players that you will 99,9 % won't EVER meet in RL?


This is actually pathetic and un-healthy thinking!


We are playing games for fun and we are playing MMO games so that we can play with and against others!


Does it count if they are on the same server or on different servers? It doesn't for me!


What's important is for us, players, to get faster queues, a bigger diversity and a lot of activity and fun, no matter the servers!


SO GG Bioware! Roll on XServers faster plx!


This txt actually motivated me! p.s. i see everyone gripes that are not

pro xrealm,well, ive seen some new faces in the pvp real and

i dont know about you but a lot of those familiar faces are

gone on my server. hell, friends list dead, guild broke up.


Time for something to happen.

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with Xrealm games coming out the days of seeing the same people in your games will be over.


Vanilla wow was so nice fighting against the same people over and over and getting to know how they play and winning some/losing some. These days are behind us yet again.


rating games will destroy swtor if they come out now because this game is beyond imbalanced and resolve is a joke.


I love this game and im saying that playing a DPS valor rank 75 Jugg.


Rivals are so much fun it will be missed.



Kinwrath Spider


To this I say: Who gives a ****. My server Terentatek is like 3-1 odds imp to rep, republic fleet only ever sees 45+ on our fleet on saturday or sunday prime time.


Our faction is dead, 40% of the warzones we go into cant even field 8 people.


Community can suck it if It means I can get full teams and faster pops on a consistant basis.


Im for inter-server queueing and for server merges.

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As a reb I really dont care about the rival thing, 2 thirds of the imps on my server are sorcs anyway, it's really hard to tell one from another cuz they all look alike.


+1 from another Republic Player. Purple lightning is purple lightning.


I don't hold grudges, but there are few people on both sides that will totally ignore the objectives if certain people are on the other team.


So I think lessening the chances of that happening are also a positive.

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The bads love x-realm. It makes it more likely for them to face another pug of bad players.

Also their badness won't be as obvious when there are more players in the game. Right now poeple remember the bads on the servers so it gets hard for them to get in to the good guilds on the servers who are doing premades.


Nobody wants to recruit some medal farming scrub or AFK dude.

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Before Cross server:

- queue up against the same overpowered (and often hack-using) Imperials, and lose non-stop and take 50 days to complete 1 daily.


After Cross server:

- queue up and have a shot at some random people showing up instead of the same old, same old overpowered/cheaters and actually have a shot at completing dailies in 1 day.

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I'm really not looking forward to cross server queues. The Republic on my server are really fun to play against. There's a lot of good players on both sides, we know each other. We have a good community.


And this garbage is going to destroy all that.


I feel the same way. I'm really disappointed about this change and I know a lot of other people I play with are as well.

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Whilst I believe it will be for the good of the game in the long term - since catering to the usual casual player is, sadly, the way to go in the current MMOs - I will dearly miss facing a nice share of people that I've grown to know on these last months.


Be it that awesome healer - that badarse tank - even that marauder\operative that wouldn't leave me alone if we'd face in a match. I will miss y'all.

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Anyone else think the 50 bracket should adopt a level system like Halo? I mean....It will kill two birds with one stone(BEST COMPETITION POSSIBLE + instead of letting a battlemaster blow up a fresh 50 it will be BM vs BM and fresh 50 vs fresh 50).


The big part is the best competition possible. Only way you don't agree with that idea is if you find enjoyment out of smashing kids without gear(I forone would prefer to lose a tough fought game to some quality players than shutout bads on voidstar).

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This will be pretty much the end of this game for me. I rather enjoy the rivalries that server only WZs facilitate.


Thats why I think there should be a level system...Pair the best players vs the best players. If you lose a game you lose some experience(for that system at least)...if you win, you gain experience.

Edited by UglyStik
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Anyone else think the 50 bracket should adopt a level system like Halo? I mean....It will kill two birds with one stone(BEST COMPETITION POSSIBLE + instead of letting a battlemaster blow up a fresh 50 it will be BM vs BM and fresh 50 vs fresh 50).


The big part is the best competition possible. Only way you don't agree with that idea is if you find enjoyment out of smashing kids without gear(I forone would prefer to lose a tough fought game to some quality players than shutout bads on voidstar).


BM queue times would be hours as there are not enough of them on every server on both sides.


I would love if fresh 50's had thier own WZ. It would keep them out of mine, but there are not enough Champ/BM's to carry thier own queue.

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FYI, there is a lot of misinformation in this thread.


For example, there will not be cross-server PvP.


What there will be, is Ranked Warzones, where you get matched on your official Warzone Rank for Ranked competition.


And there will be the option to CHOOSE your warzone i.e. huttball, voidstar, civil war, + the new one.


Now, with RANKED warzones + picking your Warzone, you might need to wait, oh, say, for example, 152 years for your game to pop.


So, rather than waiting 152 years for your match, the game will go cross-server to fill the queue.


However, if you are playing on "overpopulated Server A", and you have sooooo many people who are ranked, and who queue for the same warzone as you, then it will NOT go cross server, and it will pull people only from your own server.

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BM queue times would be hours as there are not enough of them on every server on both sides.


I would love if fresh 50's had thier own WZ. It would keep them out of mine, but there are not enough Champ/BM's to carry thier own queue.




With cross server PVP though?

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I don't understand why BioWare is doing this. They have even said (REPEATEDLY) that they know xserver kills communities. They said it time and again while defending their choice to NOT have it in at launch. They know what it does, yet they are still going to do it?


One of the things I love most about pvp in this game is seeing the same people over and over again. Especially as I have been progressing in terms of gear and skill at level 50. Seeing that guy who murder-stomped me a week ago, and now being able to go toe-to-toe and even kill him? Freakin' priceless!


Xserver pvp will rob people of this experience. C'mon BioWare, find another way. Make xserver only for low pop or something -- not mandatory. We like our communities and some of us don't just want the battlegroup meat grinder with no emotional or social connection.

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This game needs x-realm so bad. It's usually the bads that worm their way into a small tight nit group and get carried...once the competition goes global they fade into the sunset...


Just like once rated PvP comes out and people have to earn their titles it will show who the real "Battlemasters" are...cuz right now that title is the same as the purple ribbon fail kids get in sports for participation.


Actually it needs server merges.


Would help much more than x realm.

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Every time an effort to improve something is made, there is someone complaining about how great things used to be.


When the first aqueducts were built, there were old people claiming it was a curse and that it would destroy civilization.


When mankind made the first pair of pants, people were still in love with their leafs and probably claimed it was an afront to nature(nothing like 80 year old junk hanging in your face all day).


When the first fire was made, the creators were probably flogged and stoned to death.




Get with the goddamn times already...

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Rivals are so much fun it will be missed.


well if you think you are so bad that you will end up in the lower levels of the rating system were the massis will be then yes, you will most probably won't be able to know your rivals.

but the higher rated people will ;)

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