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Do you fear an Operative?


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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative

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When I meet a good one, always.



When you see an Op/Scundy that thinks he's the lonewolf rogue-hero that pops out, kills anyone 1-vs-1 with flashy skills and maneuvering, and then disappears into thin air... then you've got nothing to fear.



But when you see an Op/Scundy that has strict discipline, does not take unnecessary risks, always strikes out at the worst of times, and even prefers to always make a battle 2-vs-1 against your favor, has no foolish "I want to be able to win 1-vs-1 !!" pride issues whatsoever....


...then yeah. Those, are the really, really scary guys.

Edited by kweassa
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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


Fear no i dont fear any class after a while any class is ... controllable.


Now yes i respect them , a good one can do all the dif between a loss and a win ... in some cases more and other less than any other class.


Giving massive single target dmg can be quite handy , just hit the right target at the right time... that is the actual tricky part.

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Not trolling. I am asking a serious question.


He's not completely trolling. He wants you to roll a scoundrel because the imps outnumber the repubs on most servers, and yes scoundrels/operatives are still good. You just have to wait until you get your opener at 36, then your armor pen talent at 40.

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One? No. Two? Hell yes. If two operative/scoundrel buddies actually coordinate with one another, they can be a two man wrecking ball, easily taking out peeps in under 5 seconds.


So you are saying that two Operatives pose a threat. Got it

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Not trolling. I am asking a serious question.


I'm totally serious.

Reasons why scoundrel is better :


1. When we kick you in the balls there is a chance that it hurt so much you get knocked on the ground making it an even worst stun as you are "rooted" for about 0.5 after the stun before you can start moving around when knocked on the ground. (That is not a joke.)


2. Story is better and the scoundrel giggle all the time when he receive upper hand (Buff required to use some abilities)


3. Shotguns.


4. A wookie. A freakin' wookie!!!


5. A kick *** ship.


6. Credits.


7. You can hide in your Freighter Fly-by fire.


And the most important... you have plenty of food on ilum.

Edited by snaplemouton
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One? No. Two? Hell yes. If two operative/scoundrel buddies actually coordinate with one another, they can be a two man wrecking ball, easily taking out peeps in under 5 seconds.


A pair of Operatives tag-teaming someone from stealth is HILARIOUS, in a Looney Toons way.

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Looking for honest feedback. Do you fear them or not


Mate , why would people fear another class lol.


if you are asking if when a operative appears that mean he won the 1x1 , then no , he does not , even if you do all the tricky operative stuff , a good player will still kill you anyway sometimes.


There is no fear like ... OMG if he opens on me im dead or something like it.


Sometimes you will , sometimes you wont.

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Looking for honest feedback. Do you fear them or not


/sigh alright I'll pretend that operative are a scoundrel disguised as a something very dull and boring.


No Scound... Operative isn't something you should fear. Because the majority of the players are so bad they backpedal, keyboard turn, clicker, no keybinds, look at their keyboard to find the numbers... name it.

That is why an Operative is so dangerous. Because you never expect to get killed by such a worthless foe.

A well played Operative can easily become the hardest class to kill or the best DPS you will ever encounter.

Operative (snipers too) also have the most powerful burst in the game. Flashbang, Explosive probe, Orbital strike, Stun, Backstab (Or vanish + Opener). Add to it the DPS 40 talent point spell (I'm a republic don't know all the ability names for imperial counterpart). You just sauced any healer in one stun. (As an healer scoundrel I can deal a 6-7k burst on sorcerers/operatives with that combo. And that's on the first second of the stun and in centurion gear)

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i'm currently playing a scoundrel and i'm having a blast (pun intended)


i'm almost fifty, everytime when i drop someone from 100% to 0% before stun-lock ends i wonder if the other guy thinks that operatives/scoundrels are OP and i dont blame him :-)



i do not fear a single operative, but i do hate them (i think i always hate my mirror class as i hated marauders on my sentinel :p) and make a priority of fracking their game up


due to the maxed valor i'm usually the ops leader so i mark enemy operatives which helps a lot


i do have, however, some respect for duo operatives, they are quite a challenge, especially when they realize that i'm focusing them - does not end well for me at times :)

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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


Fear is a strong word and I wouldn't use it to describe how skilled opponents see operatives in pvp. I am lvl 50 and valor rank 57 atm so kinda close to Battlemaster and have played plenty of warzones and illum pvp.


At the moment operative dps in melee range is not in any way bad but neither is it from my experience fearsome. Maras with the right spec and playstyle will generally do more dmg, assassins will do about the same dmg but have better defensive cooldowns & tools for staying inside melee range (force sprint, 30m range stun).


If you are looking for a FOTM class to melt faces operative is not the class you are looking for. I enjoy playing an operative because I like to both heal, stealth and do dps. I also like to play both pvp and pve. Hope this post helps you make a good decision =)



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I don't fear Operatives since I'm one of them. There are very very few Ops right now. Problem is that we got nerfed to the ground 2 times and now they removing our DoT (it was nice since most people was playing force users and now it will be useless in defense).


On 1vs1 we don't do good now since the nerf. Healers are very hard to kill now. Good Maruder is taking us down with no problem. No point hunting down tanks.

No gap closer end up with one thing - once we are pushed back by Inq, Cons, Trooper, BH we have no tools to get back into range for quite a while.


So as someone else said before - we started using hut & run tactic and aim for half-dead folks that we could finish. So I always move behind enemy line and wait.

~ i hunt consulars/inquisitors that run away when they are hurt (often in my direction :p )

~ i hunt folks that are damaged

~ i make healers busy


I also always around ball carrier in hutball. Nothing better than seeing 3 enemies blind because of the flashbang just before they were thinking about pushing back carrier :p

Also sometimes I wait in enemy base and when they popup from the forcefield I attack them.


I can survive just a while (shield + avade + healing + vanish and repeat) and by that time my team get ball and move to enemy base not bothered while enemy play with me. Before they realize - 4-6 players from my team is in their base with ball. Work all the time :)


Loot of people on my server know me and like me (PVP folks from WZ). At least on lvl 10-49. At lvl 50 my Operative is quite new so I just rethink my strategy since enemies have much more HP and loot of them know how to play their class.

Edited by DariuszPol
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Only 2 maurauders and 1 scoundrel I fear as a BH healer on my server, though each time in an warzone when I hear that shotgun and my face gets planted on the ground I go to hyper mode and then I know it will be a fun and hard warzone wich I love.


Think that´s the only scoundrel on my server that actually knows how to play it, never see anyone else playing the class nor an imperial agent, but somehow he manages to play it quite well, always top damage with the most kills and such.

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I don't "fear" them as such, as much as I loathe fighting them. Stab stab stab stab stab. Much like Merc's and Tracer tracer tracer. Compared to the Vanguard or Sentinel which I'm playing atm, the Operative and Merc just seem to spam the same ability over and over again. Whereas other classes have to actually work to do stuff.
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