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Broonmark/Pierce viable companions?


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I know everyone says Quinn is #1 (generally) but I find myself finishing fights with 100% health - which I take to mean I could sacrifice some heals and use extra dps. Also I just hate Quinn.


I'm anni specced with biochem so I'm not super worried about the heals (excluding elite fights). I would really like Jaesa as my second but I honestly just want to figure out what the best comp is for anni spec'd mara that ISNT quinn. Cuz he seriously blows.

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I personally went level to 50 with Jaesa from the time I got her so I take that to mean you can pretty much just use whichever you prefer.


Post 50 everyone will be geared in a minimum of centurian and/or tionese gear so you then you just use whatever the situation calls for.

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I used Quinn since I got him for EVERYTHING minus the final fight, which I did without a companion.

It was way more epic to 1v1 Baras, and even though it required me to get some level 50 gear, it was more satisfying and was worth it.


On a more related note, I never used Pierce or Broonmark. Ever. I got them some hand-me down gear, but I have never actually used them in a fight. They are both tanks, yet I can tank just as well, if not better, by using my defensive abilites (cloak of pain especially). Plus, I can tank the hits and have Quinn heal me.


Yeah, Quinn's annoying, but Pierce/Snowookie aren't that great of characters either. Personally I love Vette, but this game's lack of same-sex romances made things hard. Jaesa is pretty cool, but she's literally overboard if she's dark-side. On top of that, she transitioned into dark side so fast, it wasn't even reasonable (like Anakin in Episode 3!!!).


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I've never used Quinn, and likely never will. Soloing champions and heroics never appealed to me. I ran with Vette until Jaesa and have been using her since (though will likely switch back to Vette once I cap Jaesa's affection).


I would think the two tank options wouldn't be too bad, though by the time you get them you already have decent enough defenses yourself so they're hardly necessary.

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I would think the two tank options wouldn't be too bad, though by the time you get them you already have decent enough defenses yourself so they're hardly necessary.


This. There's no reason to use the tanks. You get them last. Juggernaughts care even less than we do about these "tank companions".


On top of that, we get them so late, that there's barely any time to gear them before we hit 50 and virtually never use companions ever again. Companions at 50 are only ever used for dailies and the occasional pet fight. Other than that, they're useless.

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but I honestly just want to figure out what the best comp is for anni spec'd mara that ISNT quinn. Cuz he seriously blows.


Why does he "blow"? he's the best companion we have for soloing, and he can hold his own if he gets aggro, and gives me time to finish my mobs before I take on his aggro.

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The tank classes are good for a distraction if you are trying to solo the "Lights Out" Heroic Belsavis daily. Other than that...in order of effectivness Quinn > Vette > Jaesa.


Funny side note, if you let each of them try and solo a melee lvl 50 Gold, Vette actually holds up longer than the tanks.

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I've decked out Pierce, but hes still crap. Just needed to spend some cent comms


What? I have pierce in tionese gear pretty much. And he is no slouch. At his current crappy gear level, am able to have him tank some easier HM Flashpoints. And about half of Kaon. You need a good healer to counter it, but a properly PVE geared Pierce is a gecent tank. If you had him in Columi/Rakata gear, pretty sure he would perform better than a lot of players.

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i was able to deck out my broomy with columi and several pieces of rakata. my 8 man group has 2 warriors and we both have just about everything we need. so when some warrior pieces drop that we dont need we just greed roll them.. so I turn them in for war leader (even though I'm marauder). I have him up to about 19k health. He does alright. takes some time to get used to him cuz I normally role with quinn.. hate that p.o.s. but he keeps me alive.


when i used to use broomy he could never stay alive. btw i give pierce some gear here and there but he cant stay alive for anything..



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Dunno man, I find tank companions to be absolutely redundant in this game. Myself, I've been running with Vette until I got Jaesa and since then Jaesa only. I geared Quinn with some Tionese and Columi but I only take him out to solo daily heroics. Other than that it's Jaesa all day and she tears through stuff.
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I used Pierce exclusively once i got him through lvl 50 (carnage spec). He is a beast when geared. I've got him up to about 19k health with full columi and a couple rakata pieces. But lately i've been using Jaesa instead of him, just to burn through stuff faster, as I don't really need a tank for much of anything anymore.
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Just answered my own question 5 minutes ago. Took on a same lvl champ (39) with Jaesa twice. I got VERY close to killing him and probably could have if I played a little bit better.


After the second time of me dying with champ at 2% I decided to try it with Quinn. I was never below 80%.


I hate him but *****iiiit that ****er is good.

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For champion an heroics, you don't have much of a choice. They are typically fight of endurance, you need one person to take damage and one healing. Tank/heal works best, but dps/heal can work with a bit of survivability. This is the marauder's case.


For regular content tough, anni mara works well with everyone. 2 DPS kill stuff faster, and you can take the heat. Tank also just take on enemies while you DPS them down, works just as well.


Not all class in the game got this versatility. I personnaly use Vette normally, and roll Quinn for harder content.

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Pierce is so useless they really need to increase the range of his leap. Most of the time I find myself charging at a target and Pierce sitting at max range because his leap is 20m's and most of his other abilities are 30m's. However I use Quinn for dallies and what not.
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