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Why are Republic so bad at PvP?


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poor op

just try to face the truth, it is simple math :


imp faction having much more people


imps op classes beeing much more played so you have insane damage dealers/healers in bg with 3 bh + 3 sorc and sin/operative


imps classes have littles advantages against so called republican mirror classes, just do a little research on the forums.


more win in warzones


--> lead to better stuff much faster than republicans

------> lead to even more wins

---------> lead to even more better stuff

------------> lead to republicans leaving the game or rerolling on imp server or giving up pvp

------------> lead to even more win


and finally


-----------------> lead to random imps players with op classes (i am sure u play bh or sith sorc or operative, right?) and top gear thinking that they are true pvp prodigies.


-----------------------------------------> fail

Edited by Skyrill
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Lol republic on my server destroy imperials



But I won't say which cause I don't want bad pvpers rerolling onto my server and messing that up


LOL so you are scared of competent opponent? I guess some people need that ego trips by rolling over others that are not very good at PVP.


On my server things are quite balanced, both, imps and reps got some very good players (with imps having bigger numbers so it may happen they can muster bigger number of different competent premades, but reps can sure stand up to them with what players we got).


Only issue I see is population dropping leaving less and less good ones (especially on underdog side). So all good EU PVPers feel free to come to Lord Calypho, regardless if you wish to join imps or even out a bit on reps. More players can only make game better!


In open world we would not have the numbers, but in WZ's we will have some good fights for sure.


And best part is, most good players are known and respected on both sides by both sides, apart from few exploit abusers of known WZ bugs that we all just tend to ignore and laugh at (both sides have such losers, so that is balanced as well I guess :)).

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Only played sub 50 pugs on Fatman so far. Most reps are appallingly bad. But I'll stick it out and join a good guild.


I have played on 4 servers and this is the worst. republic is an embarrassment here.

Edited by Pathlight-
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I have played both sides and the sith toons are much easier to play not to mention the amount of stuns we have. I win on sith pugs I lose on republic pugs. Same person different results= not balanced counterparts.


So basically you have no idea what you're talking about.

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It is like that on Frostclaw, its just horrible. All the competent PvPrs have left, and those that were considered to be crap, are now the best the republic side have.

I stoped playing for a month becouse it was so bad, and came back the other day, just to find out it was even worse.


People leaving objectives to take 3rd one in Alderaan, 4 people beating on 1 person without beeing able to take him down, people not having their passbutton on hotbar going towards their own goalline etc.


I havent won a single warzone the last 2 days, and i always end up doing 2-3 times as much damage as anyone in my team and getting twice as many kills. Then you inspect them and 5-6 players have green quest armor or mix of blue quest and centurion parts.


Whats even worse is that if you actually manage to get 2 objectives in alderaan, someone says lets take the 3rd! in chat, and half the team follows...and when you check his rank hes BattleMaster or higher, every idiot can get higher ranks now.


Dont go to Frostclaw on rep side if you plan on playing on a PvE server.


This is the nab that as a Gunnery Commando (one of the Grav shot spammer i might add) called a Pyro PT "Do you bind a single key?" "Faceroller" xD


I heard Empire was OP cause all the good players play Empire :)

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On the server I play on, at sub 50, (the OP has stated he is lvl 18 on his Rep character), when playing in a PuG, 9 times out of 10 the Emp side will have 4+ lvl 40's whilst the Rep side might have 1 if we are lucky.


They therefore have more class abilities i.e. HoTs, DoTs, CC, stuns etc, and, many of those abilities will be enhanced from their skill tree.


In that situation the Emp side will just roll over the Rep side, and on occasion it will work the other way when the lvl inbalance works for the Rep side.


It is hard to have an even fight with such an inbalance, which is partly caused by the disparate populations of Emp vs Rep.


Ultimately it is rare for a PuG to succesfully use tactics to their advantage to any great degree, in my experience faction has no influence on this.

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I don't know that republic players are worse at pvp. If the game had a class balancing mechanic that put players in fairer matches, I'm not sure the republic would lose anymore than the empire does. On both servers I've played on, the empire has always had a billion sorcerers and assassins; which are very-helpful in objective based pvp.


Another quick list;


  • empire has more premades.
  • empire has waay more pvp guilds - this creates better pvpers overall.
  • empire has more sorcerers that stack very well.
  • empire side attracts more core pvpers.
  • empire on the swiftsure immensely out gears the republic.

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Republic absolutely dominates on our server (Krayiss Obelisk). yesterday was the first WZ I had won in about 4 days, and it's not because I'm horrible. (By no means, would I say I am a pro at PvP, but I usually post a respectable 5-8 medals a match and I actually go after the objective unlike some!).
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Nightmare lands has a good hardcore group of pvpers on the pub side. There are more imps than pubs but the amount of decent geared and experienced players on the Imp side is about the same as pubs. Plenty of geared imperials that are average or bad though.


In my experience good players can be found on either faction but as a republic player I had to fight at a disadvantage with faction imbalance, the ilum fiasco etc and it made me and my fellow pvpers better players for it. Since the announcement of 1.2 this week, old players are returning. Don't know how long they will stay though, guess it depends on the patch really.

Edited by PloGreen
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What annoys me to no end is not that people make mistakes, is that they don't learn from them. I constantly see Republic players running to the edge of platforms in Huttball, giving Maras/Juggs a target to jump to, or using knockbacks/stuns right before a trap so the ball carrier gets a full resolve bar and runs right through the trap.


Killing the enemy ball carrier near our endzone and instead of resetting the ball they try to run it across the entire map die near our side and now the enemy has the ball again and is in position to score.


I know we all started with crappy gear at some point but damn, seems like every day I join WZs I see a new batch of players with complete crap for gear. I'm talking about lvl 35 implants on level 50 players, greens, lvl 40 blues, etc.


I'm hoping 1.2 comes out soon so at least these guys won't have an excuse not to have some appropriate gear for PVP. It's like they hit 50 with severely out-leveled gear, find out that PVPing against geared imperials at 50 isn't the same as 1-49 and stop playing to start a new toon from scratch...


That's not the case for Imps, I always see familiar faces in their groups, they have their strategies down and of course they never have a shortage of healers with the abundance of Sorcs on their side. That's key right there, Rep healers are always in short supply.

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Lord Calypho Server (RP-PvP)

Pretty good Republic Side on PvP

Pretty good Imperial Side on PvP


And I did not see a terrible Ilum imbalance (but I really can't say, worked my *** off during those days so I didn't get in as often)


Generally, the ratio in WZ's is 4 or 5 out of 10 for Republic and 5 or 6 for Imperials (with notable exceptions);)



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I play on both sides. 10-49 as well as 50.


In the beginning most Republic players were "bad" because the number of experienced pvpers on the Republic side was much smaller.


That changed fast. The Rep-side became really dangerous at Alderaan and Voidstar.


Then a large wave of "Wannabees" from the Imp-side changed sides and restartet on the Republican side. Most of these people "do only pvp" ...and are not good at it. Most are unable to understand the value of teamplay and tactics. That ruined the Reps chances for some time - especially from afternoon to "bedtime for students".



The next problem became Huttball. It´s the most complex Warzone and the Imps got a lot more exposure to it than any Rep. Which means that they were much better at it than the average Rep for a few weeks.


But that changed, too.


Then came "the healing problem".

Imp attracts a lot of the "evil" and "cool" players..and not many of these people become healers at level 50. It was almost as if every Jedi Consular became a more or less competent healer at 50 and every Sith Sorcerer became...a pretty useless dps-class that no one really needed.


Then a lot of experienced players started to leave the game or reduced their presence ingame down to a few hours per week because it got boring. A lot of the remaining players started twinking and went over to the "other side".


At the moment it´s pretty balanced.

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I'm republic and On my server reps dominate most of the time tbh.. actually getting kinda boring the imps need to up there game a little..

We have an imp we got pretty friendly with in my guild who has rolled a rep character.. he dinged 50 on monday.. and managed to get the pvp 9/9 pvp weekly.. then at reset on tuesday got it again in a matter of hours. On his imp he would struggle to get the daily..

Its a sad state of affairs really. There is a few decent players over there but the amount of fresh 50s that have no idea usually messes things up.. I mean we have that here too but even then it doesnt help them..

Edited by AngusFTW
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I am on Krayiss Obelisk and 3 of the pub guilds use exploits/hacks so they usually win most of the time. I'm getting sick and tired of it and pvp isn't fun anymore. Bloodline, Order of the Ducks, and Serenity know that you all are being reported everyday and hope you all get banned you all deserve it. Also Seven on the imp side you're also being reported for doing the same. :mad: Edited by abreen
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As a serious pvper in swtor, war hero on my old now dead server (scepter of ragnos) and now almost a battlemaster on tomb of freedon nadd, I may say that empire players are either truly awful or group up in premades.

When the game just launched on scepter they didn't have any pvp guilds yet, republics had enough of people playing, alot of active ppl gearing up at same rate as imps, and we used to simply destroy them. We didn't just win, it wasn't 50/50, it was 70%+ win rate. It was fantastic. The best of the imps couldn't do anything in fair pug vs pug. Unfortunately, our veterans started leaving and imps started to group up in guilds and run premades. Alot of them. And by some weird unexplainable reason this game allows premade go versus pug. Our winrate went down by alot, there was an imp premade in almost every game... Then server started to die out so did premades and it's last days reps got back to about 50/50 win chance.

On tomb of freedon nadd I still can't really understand what's going on. When I just dinged 50 sunday before last one, I was kinda afraid that in my lvl40-ish oranges I won't be able to win a single game. Whole week I had a 60-70% winrate, peaking with 100% at saturday morning (8 out of 8 games done all won). Then next day I couldn't win a single game for few hours. Only at evening time I managed to do my daily. Next two days weren't perfect either, but still much better. I honestly can only make my guesses as to why is that happening. I think it depends highly on a daytime. From what I've seen so far, normal republic pug is much better than a usual imp pug, but we often lose because we have only 6-7 ppl and it doesn't takes long for ppl to get discouraged and leave/don't try to win anymore (I know I leave very fast, I only care for a win) or because we're going versus a premade.


tldr: from my own experience at two servers I'd say Republic players are better. But imps tend to group up and do premades more often which might create an illusion that they're better since they win more often. That's a bs.


I can't wait for BW to finally realise to stop allowing premades going vs a pug, but since they even planning to do that with rated wz, thus eliminating all sense in a rated pvp, I don't have my hopes much up.

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Well if you feel this way and feel there is no quality PvPers on the republic side; Reroll a Republic Character and compete against Imperials. But I bet you'll find the same problem when you end up playing them.


Exactly this! All you aholes who really don't want a challenge and just want to /faceroll other players join the imperials.... WHY. All people talk about are class imbalance, and population imbalance - these are NOT the real problem w/pvp. THE real problem is most serious pep's want to play with other serious pep's - and I am sorry but there just not as many of those types of folks on the republic side. You want to help fix this? Roll republic....nuff said.

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I've been 50 for a couple of days on Jung Ma and have played around 15-18 level 50 warzones since then (Vanguard). I had played around 20 pre-50 warzones (and quite a few on a different character) and am not particularly skilled in PVP. I started with blue 46-49 crafted armor.


Huttball: The Imps are really good at Huttball. 6-7 games, they all ended 6-0 or 6-1. I got my first ever goal, though, so there was a positive.


Alderaan: Most games seem pretty evenly matched and, if we didn't win, it was close to the end. Some Imps are not very good at Alderaan, though, and we did win a few by a large margin.


Voidstar: This one can go either way, but the Republic seems to be a little better at it. However, in two of my 5-6 voidstars, all of the Imps guarded one bridge in the second room, so I ran across to the other one and opened the next door without opposition (and quickly ended the game). I can't believe that no one else has tried that tactic before.


This was all during the day. I never had to wait more than 5 minutes in queue. I don't know what primetime warzones are like.

Edited by sjmc
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#1 wasn't about holding onto a point. It was about assaulting a point held by the other team. Countless times I have zerged a point held by the other team while they had 1 or more people there. What happens is I blow my CD's, kill at least one (and many times more) and they suddenly panic. They call in their reinforcements. This means that even though I didn't actually cap the point, I occupied half their team for an extended period of time, and let my team mates cap another spot.


I do this all the time. Voidstar I will have 3-4 people on one door trying to kill me which leaves 7vs 5 or 4 on the other side. I don't have to cap the door, just prevent you from helping the other side. I will pull one back if they try and run, stun another and surge a 3rd to keep them on my side. Or if I am on my healer, I can normally heal through 2 people unless they are both dps spec and keep 3 busy for a while.



If I see 3 on one turret, Ill do the same thing and normally you will see another 1 or 2 run in to help. That makes things easier for the rest of the team.


Granted if one side needs help for defense, that is the first place I go, but if they are not being overrun, its all fair game.

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Population imbalance is a problem! There's barely anyone on my server and the pub guilds dominate the server it's ridiculous they win because of exploits now how fair is that to everyone else who doesn't cheat? And with 1.2 coming up I can hit level 50 and be an instant war hero because I can buy it for 350k creds instead of earning it with valor! How fair is that? Monkeys would do a better job than BW employees! They aren't thinking anything through. 1.2 is gonna crash the game to hell I hope they know that. :mad:
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I started keeping a tally of my W/L after I noticed that pubs seem to lose most of the time on my server (Fatman). Ever since I have started keeping track, the pubs have maintained a win rate in the 30-40% range. Usually it hovers around 33%, but is a bit high right now: my tally is 43-66 for a win rate of about 39%. I'm expecting a bad day today to bring it back down to 33-35% range.


You've got to figure that if you queue solo you'll be playing against premades a reasonable percentage of the time--and you are less likely to be grouped with a friendly one for the simple reason that there are fewer slots in that game. I have heard people boast about "winning 70%" in solo queue, but I'm not sure I buy it. I suspect that if these people actually kept track, the real data would vary wildly from their perceptions.


I noticed a similar phenomenon in RIFT but the W/L was closer to even IME with that game. I guess the "bad boy" factions are just more appealing, I don't know. More players probably means more good players, and maybe their horribads just don't pvp as much or something.

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Reps are terrible at pvp on my server. There is one guild that stands out on rep side for pvp and they were previously empire players...There's at least 10 guilds that stand out on the empire side that do premades though.


There have been dozens of times where I considered making a marauder to pvp with and just raid with my sentinel. But I love my sentinel and my guild so meh, I deal with the baddies on my faction, even when they make me want to bash my head into a wall as I watch them go towards an objective one by one and they tell me to stop being "bossy."

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