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10 Good
  1. bien que n'étant plus abonné à ce jeu qui m'a beaucoup déçu, je ne peux que me féliciter de voir les bg cotés repoussés. depuis le départ nous savions que swtor allait donner lieu à un concours de celui qui a le plus gros s... sabre laser, et les bg côtés n'auraient fait qu'agraver les choses. moins de wow et plus de mmo ne peuvent que faire le plus grand bien à un jeu qui s'est déjà beaucoup fourvoyé. bon courage aux développeurs qui doivent se mordre les doigts de ne pas avoir écouté ceux qui les ont prévenu que les gens préfèrent toujours l'original à la copie... bon courage à la modératrice qui doit torcher tous ces pitis kevins en détresse.
  2. nerfed? if yes it is not enoug at all
  3. the op is ttally right and most people know it op, don't waste your time on this forum, thy'll tell you to l2p and will never admit that there might a problem with some imbalanced classes. just try to roll another class or simply leave that poorly done game that will go f2p in 1 year.
  4. poor op just try to face the truth, it is simple math : imp faction having much more people + imps op classes beeing much more played so you have insane damage dealers/healers in bg with 3 bh + 3 sorc and sin/operative + imps classes have littles advantages against so called republican mirror classes, just do a little research on the forums. = more win in warzones --> lead to better stuff much faster than republicans ------> lead to even more wins ---------> lead to even more better stuff ------------> lead to republicans leaving the game or rerolling on imp server or giving up pvp ------------> lead to even more win and finally -----------------> lead to random imps players with op classes (i am sure u play bh or sith sorc or operative, right?) and top gear thinking that they are true pvp prodigies. -----------------------------------------> fail
  5. please tell me your secret to not beeing killed while stunned by operative? please film it as i really need to see that once.
  6. was nice to watch, but, as you were never focussed it is nowhere near real wz against "real" players... in most bg i'm doing, i am everytime focussed by sin/op and sorc and bh.
  7. man, you wreck faces? wich ones? those that ignore you? those that are unstuffed? can you wreck sin/operative face? please tell me how, i am really curious.
  8. my point of view now is that gs is not a good class for pvp, unless : - you are heavily stuffed and your opponents aren't. - opponents are noobs and ignore you during the whole warzone. - your team has at least 2 healers that watch after your life. in this case, and it allready happened to me, yes, you can do great damage and have your ego flattered.
  9. 1)operative 2) assassin 3 bounty hutnter 4) sorcerer outrageaously overpowered, so any average player can easily down everybody else in wz. obviously, all of the l2p answers of this topic are coming from players of one of those class afraid of the nerf they really deserve. op class making people unsub? so true!
  10. Skyrill

    Unfair pvp system

    no he is right the system is stupid, it is only grind to artificially increase the time spent on the game, everybody can have that stuff, only need lots of time, and not good one! tell me where is the fun to be roflstomped again and again and again etc. t be able to at least get some stuff? there is no. pvp stuff, like pve stuff, should be crafted, or looted, or whatever, but certainly not stupidly grinded wz after wz. so right too...
  11. now that i am lvl 50 and centurion /champion, i would like to say that things have changed, but it is not the case. i've read the forums to improve my gameplay and honestly i really don't feel like i am playing badly, i even don't panic when focussed, but : - why have i got that impression that i do less damage than the others? i mean, much less. - why have i got that impression that it is really easy for any other class to kill us, when we have hard time trying to kill them? - Am i the only one to have that impression that as soon as i am focussed my libebar is empty in less than ten seconds? Not to mention those invisible guys that pop in your back : i think i never survived against one of them without any heal/help. so what? Reading the forums shown me something else : we are the only class with that much people trying to understand how to play to have as much fun (survavibility/damage) than the other classes, or QQing like me. tell me then : - why don't we see bh/sorc/mara QQing? - We are meant to be a pure dps class, ok? Why are we unable to reach the 400k dmg per bg that the bh/mara/sorc are reaching easily? I mostly do pvp and i NEVER saw any gs reaching 300k dmg in any bg, but LOTS of bh/sorc/mara... (talkin for my server wich has the biggest pvp community of my country). - why are we the only class that cannot tank or heal and have no godmode button? - why is this class so few played? I mean, seriously? I just want the truth about this class, i want to face it an to stop hoping that better gear, better spec, better tips on how to play will change anything, because as far as i saw for now, it doesn't. I believe some of you are playing really really well and are very well stuffed, but still : what the point of the gunslinger if you have to be a prodigy to enjoy it when any couch potatoe can play and enjoy any other class so easily (compared to the gunslinger)?
  12. - why are only the gs players that are QQ? why don't we see bh/sorc/mara QQing? - We are meant to be a pure dps class, ok? Why are we unable to reach the 400k dmg per bg that the bh/mara/sorc are reaching easily? I mostly do pvp and i NEVER saw any gs reaching 300k dmg in any bg, but LOTS of bh/sorc/mara... - why are we the only class that cannot tank or heal and have no godmode button? - why is this class so few played? I mean, seriously?
  13. tell me then : - why are only the gs players that are QQ? why don't we see bh/sorc/mara QQing? - We are meant to be a pure dps class, ok? Why are we unable to reach the 400k dmg per bg that the bh/mara/sorc are reaching easily? I mostly do pvp and i NEVER saw any gs reaching 300k dmg in any bg, but LOTS of bh/sorc/mara... - why are we the only class that cannot tank or heal and have no godmode button? - why is this class so few played? I mean, seriously? so maybe yeah some gs wreck faces, but only the ones that are very very good at playing them and extremely well stuffed, don't you think that it is quite unfair regarding how easy and fun are the other classes? problem : i don't have motivation / patience to reroll.
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