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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I'll admit, I am a MASSIVE star wars fanboi, and have been waiting for this game for years (even bought a brand new PC to run it) and I love MMORPGs - but even as much as it pains me to admit.... this game really blows.


I'm not saying it will blow forever (hopefully) - but instead of addressing server issues, they need to address the actual gameplay itself.


And yes, I have unsubbed... still got 21 days left to QQ on the forums

Why? To all of it. Why you think the game blows, why you unsubed and why are you going to bother to come to the forums and keep complaining after stating you don't like the game and is unsubbing? Why not go play a game you like and stop trying to drag the game through the mud?

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Why? To all of it. Why you think the game blows, why you unsubed and why are you going to bother to come to the forums and keep complaining after stating you don't like the game and is unsubbing? Why not go play a game you like and stop trying to drag the game through the mud?


Quite simply, because it deserves to be dragged through the mud.

What a massively wasted opportunity EAWare have on their hands here. They should be ashamed and we damn sure won't let them forget that.

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I find it very unlikely they're just dragging their heels on this.


The Oceanic players will be moved in April, and that's a group of people they've committed to move. Since waiting that long for no reason is guaranteed to create badwill, there must be a reason for it.


It could be that they're waiting for tools that aren't in place yet. They could be waiting for patch 1.2. They could simply be testing an figuring out all the complexities between guilds, alts, legacies, names... there's any number of things that could be causing server moves to not be instantly available.


Merges... I'm just not seeing the need. Just a way to voluntarily move your toons, that's all that's needed and many people will migrate voluntarily. In fact I would suspect a new problem will arise, namely overpopulation on some servers. Which is no doubt another factor they have to consider, not only do they have to have a move procedure in place, and the other potential issues, they also need to figure out at what point to say "no can do" when person 5001 wants to be moved to Freedon Nadd or Red Eclipse.


Just suck it up and be patient. There will be action on this in due time. In the meantime, if you're that impatient, reroll elsewhere.

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Apart from they can transfer entire guilds to the PTS so point B is untrue. Point C is of no real concern.


They need to pull their fingers out of their arses and allow those of us stuck on crappy servers to move, because they can do it, they just wont.


I've been transfered over to the PTS.


It is done by hand. Also - Legacy levels and last name have disappeared :)


So they can transfer your character, but they seem to be having a few issues with the Legacy levels.

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Because thinking for yourself is hard.


First off.. I'm not subtly implying its the players fault. I'm downright blaming them. (some ofc not every single one)

Second off, i didn't put ALL of the blame on the players, but the main issue is player created and it can be seen in any mmo with servers/shards. That's not something that the devs create, they can potentially make it worse with too many servers, but they don't create it. Bioware only screwed up because they made a few too many servers. 10-20 less probably would have been better. but EVEN THEN the issue would have occurred.


And last but not least. It's called fighting fire with fire. If you guys really want to start with this ignorant blame game,and ignore any logical or moral thought that might cross your mind, then I might as well point out the REAL issue behind the situation in a typical forum-esque way.


It's called perspective. If you don't want to have one it's your problem, I'll just throw it out here until you see both black AND white.

Funny how ignorance disappears when my argumentation starts looking like yours. Albeit only for a few seconds.


On a side-note. i can't believe the same lackluster, misinformed and childish arguments are made over and over again for nigh 10 pages.


This game won't die because a handful of the vocal minority on the forums say so. If you insist on being vocal, be constructive and leave the baseless comments like "this game will be dead by x" at home.


Okay. I'll bite.


You are completely and utterly WRONG.


No designer of ANYTHING, be that of a Car, a Cell Phone, or a MMO, can EVER blame the customer.


YOUR design is what the CUSTOMER (IE me and you) is responding to. It is NEVER the other way around.


Ilum was a failure because of it's design. HUMAN NATURE is to take the easiest path to reward. That's basic psychology. Something these "devs" should have found out in their Psych 101 class in College.


On Ilum the easiest path was to trade caps. The next easiest path was the kill trade. And when that didn't happen on your server, camping INSIDE the base, and when that was changed it went to base camping outside the range of the turrets pulling people in and out one at a time.


Ultimately this is all Bioware's fault. Every month they would wipe our characters out in Beta and we would have to start over. They apparently couldn't give us high level characters because it broke the ENTIRE server's chat system in such a way that it was impossible for people to talk to each other, even in /say.


So NONE of the beta testers really tested Ilum at all. Hardly any of us tested Eternity Vault either. THAT is on Bioware's head. And I will not have a Biodrone tell me otherwise.

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I've been transfered over to the PTS.


It is done by hand. Also - Legacy levels and last name have disappeared :)


So they can transfer your character, but they seem to be having a few issues with the Legacy levels.


Maybe thats why they are waiting? if they cannot rollback Valor maybe they cannot rollover Legacy,and then they will say "Ok 85% of players have 15 Legacy,if you wish to transfer you will have 15 Legacy,no if's and's or but's" i dunno,i admit i dont know much about that programming stuff.

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We NEED server merges. I love this game, but now it's becoming a hassle to even try to play anymore. I've had a level 50 Juggernaut for some time now, but I can never get anywhere with him, mostly because there's NO ONE on my server (The Deadweight). I can never find people to group with or anything. No one on Ilum. Most of the time there's not even many people on the Fleet.


I love everything about this game, but the fact that I can never find anyone to group with is becoming a huge deal breaker. The LAST thing I want to do is unsub, but lately it's been crossing my mind.


If we close dead servers and MERGE to other servers, there wouldn't be a problem. There would be huge populations with people constantly wanting to group up. Instead I'm stuck on the fleet spamming LFG on the general chat getting no where because there's no one ever on the server!


Please Bioware, for the love of GOD give us server merges. You don't even have to do anything differently, just group up the servers more, then you have more people together and more fun. It's that simple. Please don't let such a simple (but gamebreaking!!!) problem kill this game for me. I've been anticipating it and enjoying it for far too long for it to come down to this.

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Why? To all of it. Why you think the game blows, why you unsubed and why are you going to bother to come to the forums and keep complaining after stating you don't like the game and is unsubbing? Why not go play a game you like and stop trying to drag the game through the mud?


Because we, the unwashed masses, MUST know why he's leaving. :rolleyes:

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A nightly scan at prime time (for the server) wll show you that about 80% of the servers are Standard [which is between 1000 and 1500 players (established by sampling numerous servers by multiple forum members).] About 10-15% of servers are Light (and frankly always have been0. The rest are Heavy or greater.


This has been consistent for almost 2 months now.


What is very likely happening is that the LIGHTS are becoming lighter as people leave them to reroll on another server. I have sampled a few light servers where people say they are dying off and I do see some evidence of this. But the other 85-90% of servers are stable or growing.


yea i saw someone post this link earlier in this thread http://www.torstatus.net/ and if its close to accurate then im all over it! I re-rolled on the first server in the 'top 20 servers' on the mainpage which was 'the harbinger' last night and there was 90 on Tython, I almost jumped out of my chair!

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A merge of servers would be good :)


People keep saying this, but very few understand it.


Merging servers is a potentially disastrous undertaking. There will be THOUSANDS of naming conflicts that will have to be worked out just for player names alone. Then you have guild names and legacy names as well. These are just the visibly apparent possible conflicts. We don't even know what kind of variable name conflicts and file and application level conflicts this could potentially create on the server itself.


Merging servers sends a message to the gaming industry that your product is failing as well, which causes speculation on the stock and impacts the business on nearly ever level of the company. Lets not even factor in how the average player might speculate a server merge to mean whatever doom and gloom message they have for us this week.



I know it seems like a perfectly good thing to do at times, but no matter how you look at things merging servers would impact the players and the company in horrible ways.


Demanding a solution is all good and fine, but demanding they implement a solution that you yourself are not grasping the full implications of is beyond foolish.

Edited by NaciremaDiputs
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People keep saying this, but very few understand it.


Merging servers is a potentially disastrous undertaking. There will be THOUSANDS of naming conflicts that will have to be worked out just for player names alone. Then you have guild names and legacy names as well. These are just the visibly apparent possible conflicts. We don't even know what kind of variable name conflicts and file and application level conflicts this could potentially create on the server itself.


Merging servers sends a message to the gaming industry that you're product is failing as well, which causes speculation on the stock and impacts the business on nearly ever level of the company. Lets not even factor in how the average player might speculate a server merge to mean whatever doom and gloom message they have for us this week.



I know it seems like a perfectly good thing to do at times, but no matter how you look at things merging servers would impact the players and the company in horrible ways.


Demanding a solution is all good and fine, but demanding they implement a solution that you yourself are not grasping the full implications of is beyond foolish.


Depends, it can say "look we're failing" or - Look we're taking the bull by the horns. We know theres a problem, we'll tackle it head on. Its causing more damage to their reputation than anything else. But Jobs are at stake so they wouldn't do it.


As for the merge option - say there's x servers with x people on (all light servers) A new server is opened up for these servers to be transferred into. People operate on a first come, first serve basis for those who are active, who want to transfer and are keen to save their name.


Have x days to do so, before those characters are moved too, and if your name / legacy has been taken - that's just how it goes.


That way everyone has a fair chance, no server is being given any form of benefit above another server, and it deals with the problem servers. Not necessarily a solution, but its an idea that can be built upon.


Either way, I know the problems that come with merges, but unless there is any real growth with the game, any incentives or benefits on playing on these servers to bring in the new players - chances are they will just continue to die.

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If "older" mmos have been able to merge servers without name issues i really do not see why this "new" mmo should not be able to do it as well. All you would have to do is allow the transfered characters to change their name and legacies to ones that are unique to the new server and if they allowed the players to poke around and check a few servers odds are they may even be able to find one that does not require a name change. Sure it is not an easy fix but to say that the work is too hard is foolish they should be capable of doing this and IMHO they need to get this on the fast track.
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patch 1.2 -> legacy -> character transfer -> server merges/shutdown


1) First patch 1.2 has to come out which is scheduled sometime in the first two weeks of April. Why do we need to wait for this? because this patch contains the legacy system. And BW have said they can't move anyone untill this system is in place encase it might ruin your legacy before it can even fully start.


2) So once the legacy system is in place, they need to figure out how they can transfer characters with or without their legacy and that it will all work again once you have changed server. BW has said they will allow the Asia/Pacific player base on EU/US servers to transfer to their own servers so they can play with players from their time zones. This is scheduled to take place at the end of april.


3) Once that is over and done with. BW can then offer the US and EU the character transfer service either for free or for a fee. Don't be surprised if they have restrictions with this transfer (e.g. only transferable to certain servers)


This is ofcourse if patch 1.2 doesn't bring back players and is able to keep most of them from leaving again.


So everyone calling for these services before the end of April is just making themselves look foolish. Take a break or level an alt(s) till patch 1.2 is out. Then play the new content and wait till the Asia/Pacific players have been transferred and then in May start asking for US/EU transfers.......:eek:

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Our Server "The Constant" has about 15 people logged on right now and it's prime time. Sigh. Can we please get our server merged? I know transfers are scheduled for late April but our server will be completely dead by then.
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Our Server "The Constant" has about 15 people logged on right now and it's prime time. Sigh. Can we please get our server merged? I know transfers are scheduled for late April but our server will be completely dead by then.


server merge = character transfer


When a server merge happens BW just tells you to transfer your characters to a certain server and then they close the dead one down. So it's practically the same as a character transfer.


atm they can't successfully transfer your character with legacy and all or a guarantee that it will work again if you transfer before patch 1.2. So no character transfer = no server merge !!


which is why they wont transfer the Asia/Pacific players till late April when they know for sure it will work with out messing everything up. :rolleyes:


it's a pain for the players stuck on low population server but you just got to suck it up or re-roll on a busier server.

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