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What do you do as a BM when...


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With the current setup of warzones in this game being TEAM oriented and OBJECTIVE based I would take a full group of under geared players with 12-14k hp that played the objectives and worked as a team anyday over those self important jag-off's that complain about ppls gear because 9 times out of 10 those are the same dip's that are out there deathmatching trying to prove their superiority ending up with epeen stats and wondering why they lost.
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Tell me how those inherent PvP skills work out when you get dropped by anyone in 2 GCDs because they're getting massive crits. I don't care how good you are, it's a fact that if you don't have gear, you can't do anything due to how quickly you die.





I was doing quite well pre-50 in WZs, having a lot of fun - consistently contributing to my team. Hit 50, decide to do a WZ, and with 12k hp, and people landing 4500dmg and 2500dmg in consecutive hits on you, my skills quit mattering. Gear is 90% of the game at this point.


So, I don't understand in this entire thread, is original poster said they bail on the match if they see too many 12k hp guys. How do they know the other team isn't in a similar situation, and the match wouldn't be a good one?


I suppose if they do know, it's their prerogative to bail, but why so much hate for people just getting to 50? It's like we're morons or something. I've barely made it through Belsavis, let alone found out about Belsavis dailies.

Edited by Terrorble
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I'll play the match because I'm not a pansy and don't actually expect my teammates to carry me every match. Who cares if you don't get to finish your daily? The world is not gonna end because you couldn't finish the daily in your 2 hours of playtime or whatever. That just means you don't like PVPing. And if you don't even like PVPing, why the FUDGE are you trying to get gear to do it better?


Do you bang your head on a door repeatedly to make your head tougher so that you can bang your head on said door EVEN better in the future when clearly you probably don't even like banging your head on doors?

Edited by Swarna
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I'll play the match because I'm not a pansy and don't actually expect my teammates to carry me every match. Who cares if you don't get to finish your daily? The world is not gonna end because you couldn't finish the daily in your 2 hours of playtime or whatever. That just means you don't like PVPing. And if you don't even like PVPing, why the FUDGE are you trying to get gear to do it better?


Do you bang your head on a door repeatedly to make your head tougher so that you can bang your head on said door EVEN better in the future when clearly you probably don't even like banging your head on doors?


They do it for the "bragging" rights, to say that they know what they are talking about because they got to _____ on their main.

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They do it for the "bragging" rights, to say that they know what they are talking about because they got to _____ on their main.


Like i said i will stand by a weak them IF they got skill.


But a BM get NOTHING by playing a lost match , soon they will add the 1000/1000 BM comms we can buy or something , but until then lost match = lost time.


And not getting the daily done , to me at least , is unacceptable.These quests are the only way to get BM gear atm , granted im only gearing my companions atm ... still.

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... you join a PuG and all your teammates have below 14k HP?


Personally I leave. Not to be an ******e, but simply because I probably wont get a win, and playing pretty much alone vs an entire team is not all that fun either. Winning is also the only reason to play as BM, to complete the dailys. And as of now theres also no penalty for leaving.


Must suck for fresh 50 players pugging it, seeing the few higher ranked players leave as soon as they enter, having to play against probably better geared players with players short, losing game after game... But thats nevertheless how the BW intends it to be given the current game layout.


a team full of under 14k?


in this day and age? a month ago, sure.


huh, usually i see maybe 1-2 below 14k, the average pug being 15-16k hp.

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I didn't wade the the douchebaggery drivel of all the thread.


Everyone starts somewhere. At one point even YOU had 12k hp at one time. I bet you even had 4k hp at a time.


Get your elitist attitude and take it with ya out the door.


FYI I have seen many BAD players with 16k health lose the game and many players with 12k hp play well and win the game.


Gear isn't everything. It is something..but not everything




OP is a tool

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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... you join a PuG and all your teammates have below 14k HP?


Personally I leave. Not to be an ******e, but simply because I probably wont get a win, and playing pretty much alone vs an entire team is not all that fun either. Winning is also the only reason to play as BM, to complete the dailys. And as of now theres also no penalty for leaving.


Must suck for fresh 50 players pugging it, seeing the few higher ranked players leave as soon as they enter, having to play against probably better geared players with players short, losing game after game... But thats nevertheless how the BW intends it to be given the current game layout.


Your a sad BM man. You need to realize you win some, you lose some. Winning isn't everything. Try and hlp some of the new 50s for a change to get them on your lvl. I never leave a WZ even if it is going horrible wrong. And I always try to give encouragement to my fellow teammates. Your one of those guys the second you start losing you begin to blame the rest of your teammates. When in reality it was probably your overconfidence that made you fail to pass the ball in Hutt Ball. Or whatever the case. I really hate pugging with ****s like you. Not the fresh 50s. And on top of it all they can be more fun to play with (in some cases they can be like you).

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i love when you pus--- leave. then we atleast had a chance at winning. Nothing worst then an over rated BM who can't prove how bad a-- he is. I am almost BM now and I guarantee I will never be a Bi--- like you.


You can say that now, and I had the same attitude. Always taking charge, giving directions etc, etc.


Unfortunately most of the time having low hp is also corresponding with lack of skill and gamesense. Have had the entire team limp around in the huttball pit trying to kill one or two random guys, while i singlehandedly have had to defend the highground against the 4-5 inc. ballrunners, time after time.


When youve had a couple hundred of games like that you simply just get fed up and rather than having to rip your hair out and say things in public you really dont want to, Ive found it easier to leave up front.


Especially when my time is limited, like you only get playtime from like 1700 to 1900 in between work and eveningplans. Leaving and requeuing til you get a team thats not an instalose off the bat is a faster way to accomplish this.


The reason I made this thread is that I would like some detriment to leaving. or possible revamp the daily pvp quests. But as it stands now, leaving is so easy and seems to be rather encouraged by BW given the daily quests nature and no deserter debuff.

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You can say that now, and I had the same attitude. Always taking charge, giving directions etc, etc...


...Unfortunately most of the time having low hp is also corresponding with lack of skill and gamesense


I snipped down the quote to conserve space.


I have a BM sniper. I am at the moment leveling a pyrotech Bounty Hunter 80% through pvp. Meaning I am usually valor capped before I level. When I hit 50 I will be 50/50. With him. I have geared out cybertech on my sniper so Ill have all 50 purple mods in my gear til I replace it with PvP gear. Giving me about 13k-14k health.


You mean to tell me that judging from merely my health pool you are coming to the conclusion I will have a lack of game sense or skill? I was a multi-glad playing a class that was considered "underpowered in rated pvp" in a game we won't mention.


Get over yourself! Quit being a ***** thinking the world revolves around you. It doesn't. Your actions effect other people. Of course you probably won't care. Like people said. Instead of leaving...help out. You were in their shoes at one point too

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I snipped down the quote to conserve space.


I have a BM sniper. I am at the moment leveling a pyrotech Bounty Hunter 80% through pvp. Meaning I am usually valor capped before I level. When I hit 50 I will be 50/50. With him. I have geared out cybertech on my sniper so Ill have all 50 purple mods in my gear til I replace it with PvP gear. Giving me about 13k-14k health.


You mean to tell me that judging from merely my health pool you are coming to the conclusion I will have a lack of game sense or skill? I was a multi-glad playing a class that was considered "underpowered in rated pvp" in a game we won't mention.


Get over yourself! Quit being a ***** thinking the world revolves around you. It doesn't. Your actions effect other people. Of course you probably won't care. Like people said. Instead of leaving...help out. You were in their shoes at one point too


Like it says. This is from personal experience through hundreds of games. Not like i started out leaving games, but seeing what a furstrating experience it is to play with teammates thats not contributing or simply cant contribute to victory due to being ridiculously undergeared compared to the opposition is very little gratifying.


You can be a lolchamp in all the games you want to. attending a WZ in crap gear will still make you a free kill. I see the same thing when i roll with premades and meet those guys, just wiping out 4-5 guys in 4 seconds with some coordinated aoe with a GS friend, is very funny. But not so much if youre on the receiving team. And ESPECIALLY not if youre a healer getting blamed by the greenies for not being able to keep them up while they clump up and derp in 3x coordinated mortar volleys, freighterstrikes and whatnot.

Edited by Niconogood
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Now if they noob them it is instant quit ... unfortunately usually people with 10/13k Hp are bad.


What utter nonsense.


HP are a reflection of the gear they are using - not the skill of the player.


As with all forms of the internet, such attitudes come down to the e-peen waving brigade snobbery.


"Lol I has BM gear and you don't, nubcake!!"


It's quite frankly pathetic.


I a joined as a new level 50 WZ with 11.5k, as the second round in Voidstar was starting, my friend was with me, same position. Neither of us were in PvP gear, even with half a match my friend came 3rd in the ranking in damage, and I was 5th - and this was with the rest of the team with 16-20k HP.


But whatever, I find it's usually the players taking this line, are the ones that need high-end gear to cover their own deficiencies as a player, because on level playing terms, they'd probably realise how crap they really are. ;)

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I used to leave, now I don't really care as much. I'll take the loss and a ton of medals, maybe talk a bit of **** to inspire my team mates to gear up, and then I'll move on to the next game.


Can't win em all.


Thats my point. Before I hit BM I played out all games to the bitter end due to getting valor/medals anyways loss or win.


When you hit BM, medals/valor means diddely squat. So if you know this game wont be enjoyable, and it will provide you with no progress toward dailys. Why bother as a BM. The games leaves no incentive to stay as it is of now.

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... you join a PuG and all your teammates have below 14k HP?


Personally I leave. Not to be an ******e, but simply because I probably wont get a win, and playing pretty much alone vs an entire team is not all that fun either. Winning is also the only reason to play as BM, to complete the dailys. And as of now theres also no penalty for leaving.


Must suck for fresh 50 players pugging it, seeing the few higher ranked players leave as soon as they enter, having to play against probably better geared players with players short, losing game after game... But thats nevertheless how the BW intends it to be given the current game layout.

Personally, I mock them for not being as hardcore as me, as geared out as me, and quite honestly, for having more of a real life than me.


But that's just me.

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There are plenty of ******* battlemasters running around like chickens with their heads cut off in warzones, contrary to popular belief pvp gear does not actually make you smarter.





unless you count cunning on gear...

Edited by Skullbash
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You really epitomize the inability of some gamers, whom these days, are unable to even comprehend something I like to call 'inherent PvP skills.' It's something that transcends gear, and something that I doubt someone like you, a gamer that cares about how a 12k hp'er might be a detriment to your ability to pug a win, probably doesn't have.



Gear makes more of a difference than player skill, you should know this if you have spent any time in lvl 50 warzones



Valor 65

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Gear makes more of a difference than player skill, you should know this if you have spent any time in lvl 50 warzones



Valor 65

When you're on even footing and have at least full champ gear, that assumption reverses, and it's all skill over gear.
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