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Backpedaling...Do you do it?

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im a gunslinger. i plant my butt behind something and stay there until something with a glow stick comes up and tries to poke me with it. then i run to the tank and give it back to him screaming all the way. its a life what can i say.


i dont pvp. it isnt challenging anymore.

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Well, due to the fact that the strafing angle in this game prevents you from using abilities, unlike other MMO's, and jumping makes you move slower then just moving thus jump turning is out of the question as well...


Ya, S key is bound to backpeddle, especially since the freaking camera keep auto facing as well if you move.

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I will often times walk backwards away from critical events (the guy running the huttball, a partner capping a turret or planting a bomb on a door) while attacking just to get people to turn away from those things. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you're using abilities and not just walking backwards for the hell of it.
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Backpedaling is fine if you do not need to or want to move fast, some thing I think a lot of posters here don't seem to realize. This could be when tanking, fighting PVE melee mobs (good way to make sure you are always facing them) and though I don't usually play ranged players 5-8 (or is it 5-10 in SWTOR?) kiting a melee, backpedaling can be safer than strafe kiting.


Otherwise strafing away at an angle should always be better.


I also think that players who backpedal often can find themselves using it when it is clearly bad, such as moving out of AOE.


Personally, I usually play melee dps and have S bound to move forward. I run into situations where it could be useful so infrequently that I found having the extra keybind more useful. I may consider using shift-S to backpedal.

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Back pedaling is fine; if you play a female char it makes her butt look really nice if you're wearing tight pants. :D


Anyway, there are very few situations where you actually need to turn around to run away from a battle in this game. Let's face it; raid content in this game is so easy the "pro players" just need to find a way to pat themselves on the back.

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Backpedaling is fine if you do not need to or want to move fast...


This says it all. Take a step or two backwards to get in/out of range of something? Sure, why not. Backpeddle away from a melee for 5 seconds while he hacks you to death? Bad move.

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So the major critique I get is backpedaling. Do any of you out there ever actually find it useful? Do you do it? Do you unbind your 'S' key?




I tank


So yes, I must backpedal from time to time when gathering packs

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I try all kinds of techniques and some work at some moments and don't work at some other moments. Anybody who says NEVER do this is a bad player.


Even standing in the fire is usefull if you pull the right person in with you. :)


Indeed , a good player uses every tool he can put his hand on.


Yeah , maybe many you will only use once in a while , but it can be on a crucial moment.

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I use it to find max range. In most games I start out backpedaling while I turn to strafe if I wanted to go straight backwards.


But I can't do that in ToR as the client doesn't seem to interface with my Belkin N52TE, which I pretty much can't play without. Being able to move with a thumbstick while using all my fingers to fire off hotkeys is magical. ToR just wont let me move in diagonal directions with it. :(

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If things like deflect and defensive stats were 'front facing' only- then I'd find backpedalling useful as a tank- in other games, turning around to walk a boss somewhere means eating a bunch of unmitigated blows. This game doesn't seem to have that though- nor do most bosses tend to move since a great deal are ranged anyway.


Without that one case- no, I have no need for the ability to move backwards, so I bound s to my CC break instead.


Yup in games with more definated (and probably better) defensive arcs back-peddling can be vital.


Then again decent MMORPG have collision detection too, so you can't do the cheez-mastery jump through someone and spin thing either.

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Please excuse my ignorance here. I don't often raid or PVP, so I'm assuming this is something pertaining to that? Why is backpedaling a bad thing?


It's not.


Just often you'd be better served doing other things, that doesn't mean it's bad or doesn't have it's place though. :)


It's "bad" in the sense a non-flavour of the month class is apparently the worst thing ever to have existed (on the forums). :D

Edited by Goretzu
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people that come from WoW PVP see no reason to backpedal, as that game truly had no reason to do it unless if you were a tank in PvE. So those that say they unbound S key show their first MMO experience by saying it.


I still have my S key, but barely use it. I tank, heal and DPS in both PVP and PVE environments in multiple games. I prefer to have a layout of my keyboard that is similar in all games, so I keep my S just where it is and what it is doing.


And yes, this game also has PVP situations where backpedalling is in fact useful. For me, it is mostly when I am at range and I cannot predict the way the enemy moves well enough. I prefer to backpedal for 2 reasons: 1) I can make sure the enemy stays in my FoV while still moving backwards, 2) if the enemy wants, they can get in my melee range in seconds anyway, so why risk loosing sight of something when their longest range charge is as long range as my longest range damage or CC power?


Also, all the self proclaimed 'good' players in this thread that unbound S.. I give you this line that a pro gamer once told me when I asked them if they still use S "Of course I use the S key, it's the D that is truly useless." Think about that one for a second.


PS. I backpedal a lot while datacron hunting ;-)

Edited by Devlonir
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  • 6 months later...
This forum post is full of epic fail. I love elitist WoW players who think they are god at MMORPG's. Theres a purpose for any movement in game its just knowing the right time to use them. It is not by any means noobish to move backwards in combat you would do it in a real fight.
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