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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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From the next patch only the first 4 medals will count for valor/commendations, the rest are just for show... so this fixes that problem.


However most pugs i roll with won`t mark healer, but they will kill them first... ok maybe not most but enough... not like it`s hard to figure out who`s healing...


So marks or no marks, they will still die because they need to die first, anyone decent enough knows that....


If they remove it they might have the surprise they will still die first... what then? Ask for immunity while they are not doing any damage and just healing?


In the time you are calling out the names and looking for the heal in the crowd to get focused they may heal 3 or more in that time and they may kill you and you have to spend time looking for the healer on the next spawn NOT just i see you forever


No immunity it just give the healer a chance to get them off them los you and not have the WHOLE TEAM see them come out of the gate again 300m away

Edited by Misspriss
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In the time you are calling out the names and looking for the heal in the crowd to get focused they may heal 3 or more in that time and they may kill you and you have to spend time looking for the healer on the next spawn NOT just i see you forever


No immunity it just give the healer a chance to get them off them los you and noty have the WHOLE TEAM see them come out of the gate again 300m away


Stop saying the same thing over and over. We get it. Nice opinion. Sweet. Don't need to read it again.

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Healer here. My 2 Eurocents:


Marking = GOOD


Marks not dissapearing when respawn = VERY BAD


If it worked like this then I wouldn't complain, but sticking a mark on a healer that can be seen from just about any where in the war zone that lasts the entire match is beyond retarded. Forcing players to constantly remark healers would at least let us get back into the fight.


I also find it incredibly hypocritical that half the dps in this thread saying that its fine to mark healers because they target them any way. If that's the case then why would you need marks? Simple fact is you dps need a crutch because half of you just face roll damage in to the first target you see and couldn't be bothered to actually find a healer with out the marks. You would Just keep spamming the tracer missile on that Jugg and wonder why he isn't dieing. :rolleyes:

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Stop saying the same thing over and over. We get it. Nice opinion. Sweet. Don't need to read it again.



We get it. They want it to stay cause they are bad. And they want to keep it in and for it to take no skill. We do not need to read it again same thing over and over the rest say the same thing over and over again and the door swings both ways and if it does not make a difference then take it out door swings both ways here.

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Well, until there is a Warzone released where the objective is to kill the healer, marks are fine with me. Because me, getting focused by undergeared players, taking 3 or 4 or 5 enemies out of the game for the whole time they're burning me... I win.
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healer here aswell, I'm all for marking...


I agree it should only be until they (or me:P) are dead, BUT then at least more people should be able to mark than just the ops leader...


in general I like the marking mostly because it's extremely painful to tab around, so I just tab tab tab tab tab until I see a mark

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healer here aswell, I'm all for marking...


I agree it should only be until they (or me:P) are dead, BUT then at least more people should be able to mark than just the ops leader...


in general I like the marking mostly because it's extremely painful to tab around, so I just tab tab tab tab tab until I see a mark


This. And because there's no, "****, one too many tabs," Target Previous Enemy keybind.

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Marking healers with raid icons...
All this do is to make it more likely to have pugs actually attack prioritized targets.


Premade groups already focus down opponent healers as soon as they are spotted - with or without raid icons.

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


DEFINITELY agree with this. this is absolute garbage and makes the healing class borderline useless in pvp. granted when im not marked i do love distracting a good 2-4 people for a bit from the actually objective but what happens when an enemy premade makes things easy mode by marking you. chain CC and death in seconds. pointless. your CC breaker wont always be up...

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As a scoundrel healer, my main defense is the enemy not noticing me - whether it's by stealth or smart positioning.


Being automatically pointed out the moment I break stealth negates that completely and

gimps my class/spec.


So tell you what. Let's keep raid icons, but make it so any player with an icon:


has 90% less armor

does 90% less damage

abilities cost 90% more


There is a huge difference between someone looking for me then pointing me out in chat or vent when I appear and being pointed out by default. It doesn't matter if it's a pre-made or a pug. Even if pre mades would focus fire me anyway it still takes effort for them to spot me and skill on my part not to be spotted - skill that raid icons negate.


People defending raid icons are defending their need for EZ mode. Plan and simple.

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


im a healer and i invite everyone to target me. i know you wont be able to kill me and it takes you away from my teammates who are hopefully completing objectives. try to look at things from a different angle for once

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IF you cant take being marked, roll something other than a healer lol. You are going to get focused whether you are marked or not


Ok, by this logic it should be no problem to take the marking ability away in pvp.


That's all th OP is asking and i agree. We already have a big target on our heads being healers, why have a freaking icon over our head as well??

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im a healer and i invite everyone to target me. i know you wont be able to kill me and it takes you away from my teammates who are hopefully completing objectives. try to look at things from a different angle for once


yeah that's pretty much what I do. it's hilarious when four people attack me in voidstar while another stealthy plants the bomb on the other door :D

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As a healer I expect to have to deal with people trying to kill me all match, what I don't expect is to have 3-5 players see me coming from across the war zone after a respawn and instantly zerg me down before I get a heal off.



This is a much more convincing point than the garbled punctuation and caps-lock mess from the OP. Thanks for rephrasing.

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I couldn't even make it thorough the first 3 pages of this thread. I don't think people understand the issue with marking healers.


The issue is the mark survives after death. So even after you kill the healer, the respawn with the mark in place. So all the opposing team has to do is mark you once and you become an instant target for the entire game. That isn't tactics. That is an exploit. You are using PVE options in PVP content.


As to surviving with multiple players on you, faced off with anyone with interrupts and you as a healer will be dead in under 15 seconds. You can't survive if every heal is on cool down. And unlike Sages and Inquisitiors, Bounty Hunter healers don't have an escape. So once you are marked and targetted, you get stunned, you get interrupted and then you end up dead. Can the BH pop their bubble and get immunity to interrupts? Sure they can but it only last 12 seconds. And it has a two min cooldown. So in a 15 min match, you only get about 1.25 mins of interrupt immunity. And that is assuming you time your bubble use with resolve. The smart players don't use CC until after you pop your bubble. Then they just CC you and make you waste the immunity.

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Marking healers is necessary because classes do not have enough visual differentiation.


One lightsaber? Could be a Sorc, but also a Jugg. Highly armored dude? Could be a Merc, but also a Powertech. Thin guy with a rifle? Might be an Operative, but also a Sniper.


There was no doubt when I saw a priest in WoW that he was a priest. I could even tell if he was a shadow priest or not just by a glance. TOR has none of that, so marks are needed.

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Marking healers is necessary because classes do not have enough visual differentiation.


One lightsaber? Could be a Sorc, but also a Jugg. Highly armored dude? Could be a Merc, but also a Powertech. Thin guy with a rifle? Might be an Operative, but also a Sniper.


There was no doubt when I saw a priest in WoW that he was a priest. I could even tell if he was a shadow priest or not just by a glance. TOR has none of that, so marks are needed.


Will be worse after 1.2 (worse in a good way IMO). I'm going to be an astronaut with 2 blasters :)


Marking is fine. Marks that persist after death probably shouldn't be in PVP, especially since those marks blow up at distance. The fact that I can see which door my primary healer target is going on Voidstar before he does anything feels kind of gimpy.

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