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Community Q&A: March 2nd 2012


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Umm, people feel powerful when they "pwn noobs" not when they look a specific way. At least from my opinion. Only those who equate "haha, I am wearing this and you aren't! See my epeen size!!" with image feel this way.


I think people will love looking like a level 20 and being massively powerful. The glee of surprising people like that will matter more I think.



There are more or less two ways to feel powerful in this game. You described one, I described the other.


Is it good game design to cut 50% of perceived progression out of the game?

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ThtreLady - Can we get character achievement announcements in the guild chat channels? I.E. Krysari is now level 39, etc? I'd love to be able to congratulate my fellow guildies, but I have no way of seeing when they level up or kill something spectacular.


Damion Schubert: This is a good idea - cheap but effective features like this are, as a designer, among my favorites. I'll bring this to the Guild Team, but no telling when they will prioritize it compared to the other guild love they are working on.



Oh geez really? I hope you will be able to turn this off. If I want want everyone to know that I reached level 10 I will 1) tell them myself or 2) play World of Warcraft.

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Bravo to Bioware for not letting a tiny few Bully them into responding to something meaningless. 50 some odd people out of a MILLION+ does not make a 'hot topic'.




As for the rest of the questions... most of it was no brainer or answered before, but, glad they took the effort to at least respond.


Still looking forward to 1.2 ... hopefully it lives up to all the hype they are putting into it ;)

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Firstly, I'd like to thank BW for taking the time to answer some of the questions asked. I know mine wasn't along with many others. I can only hope that with the guild summit ahead there will be a massive release of information on all topics big and small.
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Bravo to Bioware for not letting a tiny few Bully them into responding to something meaningless. 50 some odd people out of a MILLION+ does not make a 'hot topic'.


Prove it. I bet Bioware knows better than you do how many people the issue effects and how hot the topic is.


The romances in the game are not for "the straight male gamer". They're for everyone. We have a lot of fans, many of whom are neither straight nor male, and they deserve no less attention. We have good numbers, after all, on the number of people who actually used similar sorts of content in DAO and thus don't need to resort to anecdotal evidence to support our idea that their numbers are not insignificant... and that's ignoring the idea that they don't have just as much right to play the kind of game they wish as anyone else. The "rights" of anyone with regards to a game are murky at best, but anyone who takes that stance must apply it equally to both the minority as well as the majority. The majority has no inherent "right" to get more options than anyone else.


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3. That the issue is not an important item for the vast majority of actual players, and they'd prefer to add features that 90% of the player base was more concerned about than adding things that 10% had as their major priority.


90% because it was mentioned last week that almost 10% of the questions submitted were for that topic..


Yes, because the amount of questions posed in a thread on a forum that some people never use is an accurate source of information...

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An exaggeration is acceptable, but a completely incorrect number is a whole other story.


Considering there's not an accurate figure either way, there's no way to tell if it's a "Completely" incorrect number (Opposed to a partially incorrect one I guess?).

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Considering there's not an accurate figure either way, there's no way to tell if it's a "Completely" incorrect number (Opposed to a partially incorrect one I guess?).


Considering hundreds (no that definitely is not an incorrect number, just an approximation.) have posted about this content since 2009, He is way off with the number '50', this is just off of posts on the forums, you should've seen valentines' day on SWTOR's facebook account, that was quite a bit more enlightening, combine this information with David Gaider's statement that the LGBT gamer fanbase is a major part of the overall BioWare fanbase, it's clear that he is very very incorrect on the matter, not just exaggerating.


The user I quoted has repeatedly tried to claim our issue is worth nothing and only a hand full of people even care about it, he is deliberately trying to down play it's meaning to a group of people.

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Considering hundreds (no that definitely is not an incorrect number, just an approximation.) have posted about this content since 2009, He is way off with the number '50', this is just off of posts on the forums, you should've seen valentines' day on SWTOR's facebook account, that was quite a bit more enlightening, combine this information with David Gaider's statement that the LGBT gamer fanbase is a major part of the overall BioWare fanbase, it's clear that he is very very incorrect on the matter, not just exaggerating.


The user I quoted has repeatedly tried to claim our issue is worth nothing and only a hand full of people even care about it, he is deliberately trying to down play it's meaning to a group of people.



My personal opinions on the matter aside, I don't think either of you are being particularly "accurate" in anything you bring up... So it's kinda silly to get upset at one exaggerating.

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Yes, because the amount of questions posed in a thread on a forum that some people never use is an accurate source of information...


In the end, we'll just have to accept what Bioware tells us about it, that this issue does indeed effect a significant portion of the player base.


The only question is why the BW - Austin group has so far failed to live up the expectations of what a Bioware game is to that portion of the player base, and btw what the founders of Bioware say is an expectation of a Bioware game.


So far BW - Austin isn't talking (and one assumes isn't working) on the issue.

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My personal opinions on the matter aside, I don't think either of you are being particularly "accurate" in anything you bring up... So it's kinda silly to get upset at one exaggerating.


I have the experience of being invested in the issue since Jan '09, I am bringing up approximate numbers based off of math, he is deliberately trying to make out anything to do with SGRAs insignificant and all around bad.

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In the end, we'll just have to accept what Bioware tells us about it, that this issue does indeed effect a significant portion of the player base.


The only question is why the BW - Austin group has so far failed to live up the expectations of what a Bioware game is to that portion of the player base, and btw what the founders of Bioware say is an expectation of a Bioware game.


So far BW - Austin isn't talking (and one assumes isn't working) on the issue.


Precisely this.

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only answered 8 questions and ignored yet again.... the biggest question the community has.


It's the biggest question for you and for some players. For me and others, it's a complete non-issue.

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a vocal minority != a majority


I bet you wouldn't be able to find a single question on the forum or issue in the game that a majority (51%) of the players agree on. Guess BW can call it quits, no more need to do updates since only things a majority want need addressed. :p

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I bet you wouldn't be able to find a single question on the forum or issue in the game that a majority (51%) of the players agree on. Guess BW can call it quits, no more need to do updates since only things a majority want need addressed. :p


The cooldown animations had a rather resounding reaction to it, and more than 51% voted in the poll against it....

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I bet you wouldn't be able to find a single question on the forum or issue in the game that a majority (51%) of the players agree on. Guess BW can call it quits, no more need to do updates since only things a majority want need addressed. :p


i bet you 51% can agree that SGRA is a non-issue.

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IMHO, people with questions about space combat changes are easily 100 times more important and impactful to the game then the SGR nonsense. You don't see them QQ. Ask the question as much as you'd like, but please stop complaining when it doesn't get answered and stop acting like it's the most important issue in the world. It's not.
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They never said they WILL answer all questions. They said they will answer questions that the different teams are able to address during the week.


It silly--we hear people crying about a lack of information. Then we get information and they whine that it's not enough.


Proof that people cannot be pleased.


Glad that you were pleased by their answers. Good thing u got a mustache...Those stretch marks aren't that attractive....

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I like the answers this week, and while I can feel for the community who want SGRA, I dont think that an aesthetic issue like that should take precedence over gameplay (animation delays) issues, lack of economy, bugs and exploits, or actually inputting the legacy system


Once bioware gets this ship/car/hovercraft/any-other-vehicle running smoothly, then let them make it awesome with all the extra goodies (like SGRA) that make Bioware games awesome!

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i bet you 51% can agree that SGRA is a non-issue.


I bet you would be wrong, but like I said, we can only take BW's word on it that the population this issue effects is a significant number.


I dont think that an aesthetic issue like that should take precedence over gameplay (animation delays) issues, lack of economy, bugs and exploits, or actually inputting the legacy system


First, SGRA's are not an "aesthetic issue", it is a issue of core story content. An "aesthetic issue" would be something like the color matching system. Second, the folks working on all the things you mentioned are going to be different groups, and different from the group working on SGRA's. The people fixing your economy aren't going to be the same people working on animation delays for example. I would assume BW is in fact capable of working on more than one issue at a time, though I could be wrong about that I suppose.

Edited by Nozybidaj
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