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I can't stand to PVP in this game anymore.


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Its the sorcs/sages. Its well known that the hybrid spec allows them unprecedented flexibility, durability, and damage potential. And its pretty clear that bioware has no intention of changing them. Every day I see more and more of them in pvp, and I can't really blame people for rerolling.


I'm disgusted. I'm a very solid PVPer with my Vanguard. I often top the charts in damage done, objectives, and protection values. I do so because I understand my class and other classes, as well as being a team player. But I can not count how many matches have been decided by who had more sorcs/sages.


I've seen what that class can do in the hands of a skilled player. Making full use of terrain, LOS, their heals, CC, bubble, and damage. My Vanguard has a lot of tools, but those guys make me look and feel like I'm playing with one hand tied behind my back.


Yes this is a QQ post. I don't care if you want to come in here and troll me or not. That class is broken and I can't stand it anymore. GW2 can't come soon enough.


Had high hopes for this game, both in PVP and all the rest, but it just falls short. No, I won't be responding to this message.


Bioware/EA, you lost my business. A drop in a bucket in the middle of a desert, so I know you don't care. But every little bit counts.





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... My Vanguard has a lot of tools, but those guys make me look and feel like I'm playing with one hand tied behind my back. ...





It's more like both hands tied behind your back, your legs chopped off, knocked down on the ground, whimpering.


Tbh same thing against Jedi Guardians and Sentinels...


Beeing CCed for the 75% of the time fighting someone who also straight outdamages you is...retarded.

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Its the sorcs/sages. Its well known that the hybrid spec allows them unprecedented flexibility, durability, and damage potential. And its pretty clear that bioware has no intention of changing them. Every day I see more and more of them in pvp, and I can't really blame people for rerolling.


I'm disgusted. I'm a very solid PVPer with my Vanguard. I often top the charts in damage done, objectives, and protection values. I do so because I understand my class and other classes, as well as being a team player. But I can not count how many matches have been decided by who had more sorcs/sages.


I've seen what that class can do in the hands of a skilled player. Making full use of terrain, LOS, their heals, CC, bubble, and damage. My Vanguard has a lot of tools, but those guys make me look and feel like I'm playing with one hand tied behind my back.


Yes this is a QQ post. I don't care if you want to come in here and troll me or not. That class is broken and I can't stand it anymore. GW2 can't come soon enough.


Had high hopes for this game, both in PVP and all the rest, but it just falls short. No, I won't be responding to this message.


Bioware/EA, you lost my business. A drop in a bucket in the middle of a desert, so I know you don't care. But every little bit counts.






I hear alot of Crying. I kill Sages and Sorcs ALL DAY LONG. I tear them apart over and over and over again in every WZ I play.

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I feel your pain..however since lvl 40 and learning how to play a bit my scoundrel (see scoundrels are utter rubbish and should be buffed/not played .25 page thread recently) does just fine, he don't top the damage charts often because he doesn't run around spamming pointless and healed aoe damage, but he's up there in the top 3 more often than not.


I know the scoundrel for what it is and enjoy the playstyle. Sorcs are early bloomers and appear to be doing great easily but that's from pretty much people not co-ordinating and letting them run riot.


Its frustrating but every class should be played differently, when you know what that way is, things don't seem so drastic.

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Balancing is arround open world pvp not warzones.

Enough said.



/re-open thread


BioWare have just announced that Open World PvP has been suspended as of 1.2.


Time to temp re-balance the classes, I'm afraid.

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There are way too many of these threads.


He's basically right though, we played 5 pre made matches last night, win on voidstar, win on huttball 5-1 and then got stuck vs a premade sorc group with various specs.... It was very stupid. It wasn't a stomp fest where we got killed non stop but it was basically impossible to get the ball and score and we lost 3 in a row vs the same premade group. The majority of us on the team had BM gear.


It's just so frustrating to basically be up against the same class x6 all spec'd different and have absolutely zero need for any other class support. Just sorcs. Rolling. All day. With good players its noticeably harder to play vs a pack of sorcs than it is against a mixed class team.


It doesn't seem to be much of a problem in Voidstar / Alderaan but they're like mutant cyborg tactical locusts in huttball with bubble, sprint, roots, stuns and everything. If you're not getting maimed by the lightning ball stuns and dps then you're getting rooted and out sprinted.

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There are way too many of these threads.


He's basically right though, we played 5 pre made matches last night, win on voidstar, win on huttball 5-1 and then got stuck vs a premade sorc group with various specs.... It was very stupid. It wasn't a stomp fest where we got killed non stop but it was basically impossible to get the ball and score and we lost 3 in a row vs the same premade group. The majority of us on the team had BM gear.


It's just so frustrating to basically be up against the same class x6 all spec'd different and have absolutely zero need for any other class support. Just sorcs. Rolling. All day. With good players its noticeably harder to play vs a pack of sorcs than it is against a mixed class team.


It doesn't seem to be much of a problem in Voidstar / Alderaan but they're like mutant cyborg tactical locusts in huttball with bubble, sprint, roots, stuns and everything. If you're not getting maimed by the lightning ball stuns and dps then you're getting rooted and out sprinted.


yep +1

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I'm a valor 51 marauder. I wear pve gear. I chop sorcs/sages to bits.


I honestly have no problems with sorcs.


Then your either fighting badly specced, badly played or badly geared sorcs/sages.


A good sorc/sage will simply outlast your ungeared damage and kill you 1v1, there really isn't much you can do about it.

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Love the GW2 mentions everywhere, that game is gonna suck with all the whines aboard lol


Yeah, I was kind of hoping players like this would stick clear of GW2.


Gonna suck for the OP when he can't just steamroll people based on gear and he'll actually realize he isn't good at pvp at all.


lol @ sorcs being overpowered, please. It's even more hilarious that he unsubbed because of it LOL

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Sorcs/sages individually are not a problem. Any decent dps should be able to take them down, tanks may find they are simply outlasted. The problem, if anything is the sheer number of them and the utility they bring. Huttball yesterday, 4 scoundrels on our side, 4 sorcs on theirs, lost 6-0. It getting to the point that you can tell whether or not you'll win depending on the number of sorcs/sages on each team. Warzones are often won by the balance of classes on each team and i'm seeing more and more teams of 4-6 sorcs everyday, if nothing else, it's getting a bit boring.
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It's more like both hands tied behind your back, your legs chopped off, knocked down on the ground, whimpering.


Tbh same thing against Jedi Guardians and Sentinels...


Beeing CCed for the 75% of the time fighting someone who also straight outdamages you is...retarded.




*catches breath and wipes tears from eyes*


Dude...we have force stasis thats channeled for 4 seconds (casted by tank spec guardians) and Awe thats a 6 second stun that breaks on hit...And force leap which only prevents movement for a whopping 2 seconds... We cannot chain CC anyone. Chances are you were being stunned by multiple people.

Edited by Raansu
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I play both a Vanguard(shield spec) & a sorcerer(hybrid), all i do is pvp with them. The vanguard has just as much utility and 100% more surviveability than the sorcerer.


You complain about all the stuff the Sorcerer has but if they didnt they would just be 5 sec free kills, once any melee class is on them and they dont have any cool downs their as good as dead. So yes they have to pop a bubble (which isnt as op as you all think, their not paladin bubbles), stun and run away, any noob sorc that stands and fights any melee in melee range will be cut to shreads.


When im on my vanguard i see Sorcerers as a mild annoyance nothing more, if one of them is stupid enough to get close then they die.


Rather than moan just learn how to counter them, if they pop their cds and run off ignore them and focus on objectives or kill some one else.


QQ is for lazy people who cba to work out how to beat another class without asking them to be nerfed.

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