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Economic Changes in Patch 1.1.5


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· When I get on my ship, I want it to stay on the planet unless I decide to travel to another planet/space location.


Agreed. I've always felt the timing of the ship departure cutscenes were fubar'd ... shouldn't they happen *after* I've picked a planet destination, not as I'm getting on the ship ...?

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Am I understanding this right; The quest of going to Tatooine, then Hoth, then Ilum will be gone because with no work, you can buy your awesome crystals?


Also, when they remove these vehicles, what's replacing them?


How long would we have to save credits to buy these? In other words, any speculation as to what the "limited time" is?


Between whenever 1.1.5 goes live, and whenever the next patch notes are posted for the PTS.


Eventually it'll be changed again by the time 1.2 rolls around, this right now seems more like a massive credit sink to drain the credits from the people that have been grinding dailies and having nothing to spend with their millions of credits.



I'm not particularly looking forward to another game that wants to "create a more player-driven economy", it'll just end up with the rich staying rich by charging ridiculous amounts for everything, and everyone else going broke with no way of ever catching up.


"a new tier of Player vs Player and Player vs Environment weapons and armor"

-Great, more pvp/raid only gears for the cryhards for them to spend a few days grinding/exploiting to get and resume the QQing...


"including new schematics, Legacy items,....Legacy items, new schematics,"

-Love how they listed schematics and legacy items twice, that's making me think twice about how "unique" these items will end up being. I'm betting on palette swapping of current skins, since we all know BW isn't capable of making a proper gear dye/paint system without exposing the lack of unique gear appearances currently in game.


At first I thought, "yay! a whole bunch more items are going to be introduced!".

Then I realized that this is coming from clone wars republic, and thinking hard on how the sentence was structured, it really just meant the new schematics, legacy items, pvp/raid gears and nothing else in terms of world/mob drops, or any mention of new unique skins.

No mention of dye/paint system either, sigh, so I'm expecting the "new" items to be palette swaps again.


Love the new credit drains, people will fall for it, drain a few millions, and then we'll all flock to credit farmers to get more. No wonder I'm getting more spam in my mails, they know they're going to get more business from the changes BioWare is doing, so yeah, good job...

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I see a lot of "I wants"... anyone else?




By the way, your friends ca visit your ship and travel with you in it. Just not Ops group sized friends.

And while I can agree with some of your demands, playing as a Droid and a Jawa make no sense, AT ALL.


And while the Imperial Trooper and Republic Agent would be fun... you've already got them with the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler. Exact same classes.


Why would playable droids not make any sense? The trooper's assault droid companion has quite the personality and does his own thinking.. his story is quite entertaining. The only odd part would be how companions would be handled.. but then they could all be droid companions maybe a humanoid mixed on who comes on board to help with repairs.


There's quite the variety of droid appearances around the game as well.

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Can someone tell me where these speeders that are soon to be removed from being able to be purchased are sold? It said the company is from Balmorra but I have not found the Balmorra speeder vendor yet. Can someone help me?
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FYI the Sith MUST use Red didnt happen till "Rule of Two" which is about thousand years from now, thus Sith yes most would be using Red are not restricted nor is Red forbidden by Jedi Order yet.


This is Old Republic not Luke Skywalker times.


Here is your lore/aesthetic reasoning thrown out the window. Colors for all!

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"Massively Multiplayer Online games are built around living, breathing worlds that are always evolving"


This is so funny as a world like this does not exist in SWTOR.

If you guys at bioware want to make a real mmo with a true player run economy and a ever changing dramatic world then stop and look at EVE online.

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"Massively Multiplayer Online games are built around living, breathing worlds that are always evolving"


This is so funny as a world like this does not exist in SWTOR.

If you guys at bioware want to make a real mmo with a true player run economy and a ever changing dramatic world then stop and look at EVE online.


No they shouldn't. Have u seen the "conventions" of eve? They are for about 10 people... Eve doesn't even get to the heels of TOR, not in combat, not in story, not in intances, and most certainly not in pvp.


GJ bioware so far has been listening to the community while also looking at the data at hand, best response to bugs/complaints in the mmo market. Keep it up!!!

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I really dislike the removal of the light side/dark side requirements on color crystals. They need to add neutral only crystals instead of making them free-for-all.


Remember all the talk about how they were going to give neutrals al their own gear?


Well this is their answer. They decided it was too complicated for them so they're just removing the restrictions on everything. Less work for them.


Sad. Between that and how they're treating Ilum and pvp in general you can see their interest in supporting this game is waning.


As if Bioware themselves know it's a lost cause...

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Why even bother with a Star Wars game if nothing is holy and anything can be done in any way?


Because the crystals are only alignment based as it is, so jedi can already use red and sith can already use green/blue, any lore argument based on sith only use red and jedi only use green/blue wont work because it doesn't work like that currently.


Honestly id rather see my lightside sith use a red crystal but i cant currently.

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I barely post but since most people who post are here to complain about things, I'll do the same.


My current state right now


I am playing a Star Wars game and one thing that was iconic to the franchise is definitely the color of crystals tied to the alignment of its user.

Whether it is actually a restriction in the lore of Star Wars or not, doesn't matter.

What matters is that it is how it is, and all haters have now managed to make Bioware change it.


Couldn't you just go along with it ? It's been like this for YEARS in Star Wars and just because some kids don't like it "oh noes y me no haz red lightsaber???", Bioware is changing something iconic to the serie.


Now, what is done is done and I am not going to go on a crusade like some of you did to change it back.


Bioware, you were doing a great job and are still doing the great job. I will likely continue to play this game. However, please don't cave in to whatever stupid requests your community has. You are the developer, with experience in studying, designing and developing games. I trust your judgment and the community should as well.

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Because the crystals are only alignment based as it is, so jedi can already use red and sith can already use green/blue, any lore argument based on sith only use red and jedi only use green/blue wont work because it doesn't work like that currently.


Honestly id rather see my lightside sith use a red crystal but i cant currently.


No, the way it works is that your attunement to the Force dictates your usage. Yes Jedi, Dark Jedi, can use red crystals, and Light Sith can use green/blue.



But with this change, Lightside Jedi can use red, which diminishes the uniqueness of, and signature or, a fallen Jedi, a Dark Jedi. The person who wanted to play a Dark Jedi...his uniqueness is lessened with this change.

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when r u going to implement a flashpoint Q system its one of the biggest reasons i stopped playing aswell as other of my fellow guildys & friends. the costs of training & in game items such as speeders r so high. it will be awhile before i ever come back to this game which im very unhappy abt, i was so caught in the hype of this mmo & i believe it can be great but w/ all the bad things that make this game kinda a pain to play my guild & i r just waiting for u to fix alot of stuff, i say stop fixing the little things & start fixing the big things that will bring ppl back to this mmo before it becomes to late & u loose ur fan base soon Edited by Yvin
removed "retardedly" via PM
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Sorry if this has already been said, but this would have been a thousand times better if you had given fan sites these clips and asked them to publish without comment forcing fans to figure out what was coming before releasing the patch notes.


The fan sites would have loved the page views. Fans would have enjoyed the mystery. And this stuff can't stay secret for long so most casual players would have gotten the clues before the patch.

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Are you going to make them super cheap so people can actually buy them if they didn't exploit or powerlevel their way to get them?


How long do I have to have to grind credits to get one of these before you remove them?


How about you don't take them out at all based on customer complaints? Be fair.


hyperbole and generalizations are fail


people who are 50 or even multiple 50s did not "exploit" or "powerlevel"

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