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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is SWTOR worth $15?


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TLDR at bottom!


My basic question: Are the cumulative costs of monthly subscriptions congruent with the amount of content and services provided?


So, what does our money buy?


#1 It pays for server operating costs and customer service


I looked for an item in EA's latest quarterly report that would cover server costs, but all of the items were of the "condensed" variety and offered no single number to reference. So, let's use ActivisionBlizzard's MMO-related costs, since EA and ActiBlizz are both behemoths and can conceivably have the same cost structure. $58M for 3 months. Or approximately $20M every month. With a 10M user-base, that comes out to $2 a month per user.


#2 Patches


The $13 left over after figuring in operating expenses goes to content updates. This probably shouldn't include too many balance tweaks or bug fixes, because other games do this for free (most of the time). Later this month, we expect 1.2 to drop. Containing:


New WZ

New FP

New Dailies

More gear

Crafting additions

Legacy features

UI Improvements (pretty much just a "fix" though)

Guild banks

Etc, Etc


Quite a lot of content, to be sure. However, it has taken 4 months or $60 worth of subscription fees to get this and previous additions of content. $8 ($2 per month X 4 months) goes to server and customer service costs... leaving us with $52 for this amount of content. Yes, we received the first month for free, but we will not in the future.


$52 is pretty much an entire game worth of content. Are we getting an entire game of content for our money?


Disclaimer #1: My numbers are subject to debate. In general, they should at least be a ballpark of the actual numbers.


Disclaimer #2: I am still subscribing. So, this isn't a treatise for or against this game as a whole. It simply concerns content added post-launch.



$15 per month. $2 goes to operating costs. $13 goes to content. Including all of the content through patch 1.2 (4 months from launch), have we received $52 worth of content?

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At this current time... NO.


We'll see in a month ot two which is all I'm prepared to give it, anything more than 3 months after launch for a game to be in a worthy state isn't acceptable.


Serer merges has become a priority fix now too.


logged on to play an hours before work just now and had 8 ppl on the fleet.


MMO my arse

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$15 per month. $2 goes to operating costs. $13 goes to content. Including all of the content through patch 1.2, have we received $52 worth of content?


I'm not entirely sure about your $13 (Content) + $2 (Operating costs) = $15 math but I'll respond anyway.


$57 (after taxes) < $66 (after tax) for a brand new single player game that I won't play but for two months, three at most.

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Depends on the individual. I'm still leveling my main and several alts, so it's worth it to me. The 1.2 content will be added before my main is 50, guaranteed. I get to play around in a SW universe with friends and experience story content that I enjoy, and blow up stuff in my free time.


It might not be so much worth it to people who focus more on the endgame. Sounds like it isn't fully developed yet.

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yes it is.. If you want to sit their and do nothing then it will be boring and you would be better spending it on the cinema.. If you want to actively engage with others and run some flash points it's fantastic value for money.


16 days played so far on my main and far more entertaining and cost effective then portal 2.


IMO I think the only thing this thread is going to lead to is trolling.

Edited by corbanite
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Using Blizzard's numbers are a bit suspect, due to huge volume differences. I would argue that BW's costs are much higher right now, than Blizz's with over 7 years of support. The longer a product is on the market, the less it costs to maintain.


So, I would say that we are paying much more in support costs and less in development at this point. So, is 1.2 worth the money?


All of the monetary conjecture aside, that will all depend on the consumer and his continued "enjoyment factor".

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Don't really see your point.


Even if it is only worth $15, bear in mind that most games ever would probably still draw even with development costs if they sold hard copies for $15. Why do they sell for $30/45?


To make an extra $15/30. Draw even with costs... And then make profit. That's called business.


I suspect you will also be exaggerating the issue, as there will be more relevant costs that we haven't thought of or that have been overlooked. Believe me when I say the difference will be made up by a requirement in business to make profit.


Yes, that's a requirement. Businesses have to make profit in order to satisfy shareholder agreements and to make sure they don't revolt. Businesses like EA and Activision are the type to sieze every opportunity to scrape an extra cent.


And clearly, it worked.


Subscriptions are the same, except they cost less than the game itself because upkeep costs less per month than development did. If you're under the illusion that you pay directly and only for content & server upkeep with your subscriptions - that's dead wrong.


There's a reason these companies make multimillion/billion profits, you know.

Edited by ConspicuousTree
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Don't really see your point.


Even if it is only worth $15, bear in mind that most games ever would probably still draw even with development costs if they sold hard copies for $15. Why do they sell for $30/45?


To make an extra $15/30. Draw even with costs... And then make profit. That's called business.


I suspect you will also be exaggerating the issue, as there will be more relevant costs that we haven't thought of or that have been overlooked. Believe me when I say the difference will be made up by a requirement in business to make profit.


Yes, that's a requirement. Businesses have to make profit in order to satisfy shareholder agreements and to make sure they don't revolt. Businesses like EA and Activision are the type to sieze every opportunity to scrape an extra cent.


And clearly, it worked.


Subscriptions are the same, except they cost less than the game itself because upkeep costs less per month than development did. If you're under the illusion that you pay directly and only for content & server upkeep with your subscriptions - that's dead wrong.


There's a reason these companies make multimillion/billion profits, you know.


Three things:


1. I was considering the perceived value of a game, so profits are less relevant.


2. My numbers are ballparks. The operating costs are probably higher for BW than ActiBlizz due to economies of scale. Lucas Arts gets a % of the sub fee, most likely. But, the breakdown is from the customer's perspective. So, in exchange for $15 a month we get content and service. Content just happens to cost more because of the royalty fees.


3. EA lost money last quarter.... not too sure they like those "profits" you speak of. Loljk.

Edited by Abelf
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Hell no... this game is hella boring and considering Guild Wars 2 is going to be free.... this game will either die a violent death when GW2 comes out or it goes f2p as well


Good morning Mr. PaleGreen:


I am willing to make a bet that SWTOR will not die or change to f2p when GW2 launches. If I win, you will promise to stop posting in any color other than white. If you win, I will buy you a GW2-themed stuffed animal of your choice.

Edited by Kthx
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1. I was considering the perceived value of a game, so profits are less relevant.


I... Suppose? I mean, I'm not sure if there's much point to saying "It's worth 15$" when that's not what we pay and everything else is a matter of opinion.




As are mine, especially since I've put them in dollars and I pay in pounds <cough>. I suppose there's something to it customer perspective, but I'm not sure if it's worth picking apart when behind the scenes that money's going to many places that aren't content/service.


3. EA lost money last quarter.... not too sure they like those "profits" you speak of. Loljk.




Karma for Origin.

Edited by ConspicuousTree
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Hell no... this game is hella boring and considering Guild Wars 2 is going to be free.... this game will either die a violent death when GW2 comes out or it goes f2p as well.


Yet you still play. :rolleyes:


I cant even fathom the amount of sorrow and misery you will undoubtedly feel once you realize that you are just plain wrong, i can already see the tears in that little cave of yours.


GW2 won't hurt SWTOR whatsoever, hopefully the likes of you will be gone from this forum by then.

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At this current time... NO.


We'll see in a month ot two which is all I'm prepared to give it, anything more than 3 months after launch for a game to be in a worthy state isn't acceptable.


Serer merges has become a priority fix now too.


logged on to play an hours before work just now and had 8 ppl on the fleet.


MMO my arse


this. :(

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Why on earth pay a monthly fee to beta test a first person shooter with crappy graphics, numerous bugs (still waiting on a fix for the trooper class quest line BTW), a dead/sterile/bland game environment, simplistic combat mechanics, that has limited replay value since 80+% of the quests are exactly the same for each class?


Took the monthly fee money saved, ordered another game to tide me over...MAYBE come back to this one in 6 months or a year when some of the major bugs have been worked out and it is either F2P or patched to the point of playability.

Edited by Smitar
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$15 per month. $2 goes to operating costs. $13 goes to content. Including all of the content through patch 1.2 (4 months from launch), have we received $52 worth of content?


You can't accurately say if TOR is worth its subscription fee, simply because it's completely subjective. For a hardcore end-gamer, I would say that no, it is currently not worth the money. For a more casual story-oriented leveler like me, it most definitely is.


It all boils down to the enjoyment you're getting out of the game :)

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Took the monthly fee money saved, ordered another game to tide me over...MAYBE come back to this one in 6 months or a year when some of the major bugs have been worked out and it is either F2P or patched to the point of playability.


So, to clarify, the only reason you're on the forums is to complain loudly about a game you're no longer playing?


And I thought I had spare time...

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i don't know.


i have been in game since early access , still have not got a max level character, i get bored around 35-40 as all there is is questing..


looking for fp's is a joke as you have to whisper everyone around your level to see if they want to go which is a time burner and annoying ..


crafting is pathetic in most game crafting is supposed to be a time taker .. so that have to play the game consistently you have stuff to do and materials to gather.. with the whole companions doing it ..meh


all the game has is story .. there nothing fun to do sideways like little fun story lines or side quests . ever RP is kind of not worth it due to the fact that rp items are bantha fodder and chat bubbles are no where to be seen yet .


pvp is ok but gets boring fast .. :)


i am not even sure why i am still even paying a sub

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You can't accurately say if TOR is worth its subscription fee, simply because it's completely subjective. For a hardcore end-gamer, I would say that no, it is currently not worth the money. For a more casual story-oriented leveler like me, it most definitely is.


It all boils down to the enjoyment you're getting out of the game :)


^ this


For me it's most definitely worth it.


^ personally, this.


I've enjoyed the story, the roleplay and to a certain extent I actually like the combat.

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