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Don't make Dual Wielder spend x2 for new content.


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Eh? How is dual wielding a massive damage boost have you seen the damage output on secondary weapons? its like 2/10th of the main weapon if that..


Well, lets see, I have a sniper on the empire side who uses a rifle and she does good, solid burst damage from behind her cover. I have a gunslinger on the republic side who does AMAZING damage and can charge up her attacks while in cover because she isn't using a rifle. She stays behind her cover except for the moment she fires while my Agent has to leave cover to target with the rifle while doing her cast times.


The gunslinger has more mobility, more escape options and does way more damage at the same level while taking far less damage. So you tell me, what could the advantage to duel wielding possibly be?


Now for the glow stick wielding club scene (Force users) you are correct, I see no obvious advantage what-so-ever about dual wielding assuming the double bladed and the dual wielding end up doing the same damage but seriously, if that's the case Bioware needs a clue grenade.


Maybe they balanced it so your "On hit" or "On Crit" abilities will go off more often because you are attacking more often?

Edited by Coyotecalls
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DW classes are the only few classes in game that have the luxury to actually choose what mods they want to go on their offhand.


Most classes are stuck with set un-customizable focus/shield. So if you are QQing about spending MORE to gain the UNMATCHED ADVANTAGES in terms of stat customization what about those who are WILLING to spend more to be able to customize their focus/shield so their focus/shield are not forever inferior to the offhanders for DW classes.

Edited by warultima
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This thread is dumb, OH's cost the same no matter what they are weapon/focus/shield, they all cost the same. If you are talking about pre-50, you should level up and stop worrying about gear that will be replaced in a day.
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DW classes are the only few classes in game that have the luxury to actually choose what mods they want to go on their offhand.


Most classes are stuck with set un-customizable focus/shield. So if you are QQing about spending MORE to gain the UNMATCHED ADVANTAGES in terms of stat customization what about those who are WILLING to spend more to be able to customize their focus/shield so their focus/shield are not forever inferior to the offhanders for DW classes.


That is the point of the thread. If the game is balanced they will -not- have a unmatched advantage. If you put a Sith Warrior who is DPS spec and a Sith Sorc who is DPS spec in the same raid with matching quality gear they do the same DPS. The problem is the Warrior has to pay a lot more money to get that same level dps.

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So?? Your point?? What about a smuggler or an Agent?? Do they dual wield light sabers??


That is not a kick back.. Just saying.. ;)


Agents don't dual wield anything. You're thinking of BH. Good try though.

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This thread is dumb, OH's cost the same no matter what they are weapon/focus/shield, they all cost the same. If you are talking about pre-50, you should level up and stop worrying about gear that will be replaced in a day.


That isn't the point of the thread. They're talking about mods and crystals. Not the cost of the OH weapon itself.

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Dual-welding awesomness is worth of this small price.


Hope bioware won't plug-in "easy mode" for people who got issues with getting two color crystals instead of one, lol. This would be silly to say at least.

People these days are getting more and more lazy as well as more and more "entitled".

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That is the point of the thread. If the game is balanced they will -not- have a unmatched advantage. If you put a Sith Warrior who is DPS spec and a Sith Sorc who is DPS spec in the same raid with matching quality gear they do the same DPS. The problem is the Warrior has to pay a lot more money to get that same level dps.


And you're missing the point of what the person you're responding to is getting at. The other classes that don't dual wield would like the luxury of picking and choosing which stats to stack in their OH, but can't. So, yes, a DWer will pay more, but they're getting EXACTLY what they want EXACTLY when they want it. Someone who can't DW has to wait for their specific drop or settle for something that they DON'T want.


Not sure if you're aware of this, but luxury costs more.

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And you're missing the point of what the person you're responding to is getting at. The other classes that don't dual wield would like the luxury of picking and choosing which stats to stack in their OH, but can't. So, yes, a DWer will pay more, but they're getting EXACTLY what they want EXACTLY when they want it. Someone who can't DW has to wait for their specific drop or settle for something that they DON'T want.


Not sure if you're aware of this, but luxury costs more.


Thanks to clarify that. Yes again I think its a fair trade. I want a offhand that had (+41 endurance crystal) + (max willpower + power mod) + (Max willpower + end hilt) + (Max Crit and Surge enhancement). Oh wait I cant do that while Sent/Marauder can easily achieve exactly what they want while the closest focus that offers "some" (NOT exactly what I want, just CLOSE) of the stats I want to stack is Battlemaster/Rakata while any Marauder and Merc can easily do it without any valor/pvp rank requirement and no raid required.


So before more non-sense QQ try to think about others because some of us would LOVE to pay extra to be able to get EXACTLY what I want at EXACTLY where I wanted like what you ALREADY can do.


To use OP's gimme gimme reasoning then I will call it being unfair and say something like give us fully customizable focus/shield like marauder/merc's offhand, why should we be gimped just because we cant DW (even tho we are all technically DWing its really just graphical difference). I dont expect the OP to understand any of that tho.

Edited by warultima
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imo ALL offhands should be moddable or none.


the unfair advantage is ofc in favor of those who dualwield.


getting the stats you want/need for just credits as opposed to rely on fixed stats that are usually useless in endgame equip?

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I can afford two.


Greetings from the 1%


First, this. :D


And as for it being unfair as to having to pay double, I'm fine with it considering...


Rakata Stalker's Focus

+103 Willpower

+85 Endurance

+77 Critical

+51 Surge


Battlemaster's Guard

+122 Strength

+105 Endurance

+89 Power

+51 Accuracy


Columi Stalker's Focus

+97 Willpower

+80 Endurance

+72 Critical

+48 Accuracy



+114 Strength

+98 Endurance

+85 Critical

+48 Surge


That is not even factoring in I can rip everything but the hilt out of my offhand and cater the stats to be exactly what I want.

Edited by BeefMoe
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Every class has an off hand item that ends up being the equivalent of a dual wielder's second weapon for upgrading.


Why does the OP think dual wielders should be treated special here?


This is a non issue and a waste of a thread.

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Every class has an off hand item that ends up being the equivalent of a dual wielder's second weapon for upgrading.


Um, what?


You should check out my previous post in this thread showing that no, the offhands are not equal, and its not even close.

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Everyone looking for a handout.


We've been spending money on offhands forever, including PvP gear, whats so different now?


I think hes implying that he wants to pay 2.5m for a double upgrade (2 warlord crystals) because he uses 2 weapons while he thinks none-DW classes should only get 1 crystal at same cost of 2.5m because he probably has little clue about the advantage he already has with an orange offhand vs crap focus/shield that EVERYONE ELSE HAS.


Again for those who dont see the advantage of having a fully customizable offhand vs none moddable focus/shield probably shouldnt be playing anyways.

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Your missing hte point of the OP though.. Why should a dual wielder pay twice as much as everyone else for weapon upgrades??



You are going to pay twice as much BECAUSE you have twice the weapons...


That's like saying "Devs, why do I have to pay twice as much so I can have a white crystal for my off set?"


You have the option of only putting the expensive vanity items in one weapon or two...just because you can equip them both at the same time doesn't mean you should get a discount.

Edited by Wolph_
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