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Healer medals over fixed


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Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.


So.... Will they essentially get credit for almost every kill now if they AE heal. This seems like an over fix.




This is not a major issue, it's just stats, but what's the point of ruining stats? Just remove them if you want them meaningless. They fixed the justified unfairness with the 4 medal cap so this whole change is so healers feel better about themselves? I don't want heal points if i am killing someone who is attacking the healer even though I contributed to the healers heals by keeping him alive.


When I see a healer healed 400K I think, that is a good healer, when I see a healer get 65 kills I think, these stats are stupid. Again I could care less about medals. Give healers 40 medals, but why ruin the stats? Next thing you know they will give kill credit for buffing teammates.

Edited by richardya
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The Points is every kill counts towars the Ilum dailies too.


I guess im gonna spec on heal for one single Game per week to complete my weekly ilum quest :D


As opposed to the current strategy of throwing out AoEs for dps types? What is the real difference?

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who cares


I get that only the 1st 4 medals count but it's just silly.

I mean to have healers as the leaders in kills is just dumb looking.

If they want to give them more medals then make more medals, why give them the dps medals? It just looks weird and makes no sense.


Medal for healing all 8 players, medal for healing someone 35,000 HP, I don't know, but give them healer medals.


only the first 4 medals count. Problem solved.


Learn to read ALL of the notes.


Thanks Einstein

Edited by richardya
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I get that only the 1st 4 medals count but it's just silly.

I mean to have healers as the leaders in kills is just dumb looking.

If they want to give them more medals then make more medals, why give them the dps medals? It just looks weird and makes no sense.


Medal for healing all 8 players, medal for healing someone 35,000 HP, I don't know, but give them healer medals.




Thanks Einstein


who really cares about stats though? I mean some people just really really want to track stats and maybe one day that will happen. If a healer gets the most kills based only on healing than so be it.

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I get that only the 1st 4 medals count but it's just silly.

I mean to have healers as the leaders in kills is just dumb looking.

If they want to give them more medals then make more medals, why give them the dps medals? It just looks weird and makes no sense.


Medal for healing all 8 players, medal for healing someone 35,000 HP, I don't know, but give them healer medals.




Thanks Einstein


Kills just means you helped your team somehow kill an opponent. It isnt killblows, solo kill, or any other epeen stoking stat. The healer did his job and the target died. What is the issue?

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Why is this any different than getting aoe kill credit or running around and dotting people up just to get on the list so you get credit when someone else kills the guy and you are on the other side of the wz?


AOE heals in WZ's especially Huttball are next to useless. You get credit for healing someone who makes a kill.


Makes perfect sense to me. Let the healers heal. It is a thankless job and maybe this will encourage a few more people to become healers.


These posts are why scoreboards are just wrong. They encourage selfish behavior instead of winning. The rewards should be on winning first and then extra awards can be handed out after.

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Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.


So.... Will they essentially get credit for almost every kill now if they AE heal. This seems like an over fix.


Because god forbid we incentivise people to heal in WZ's. We should use some system where you only get credit for a kill if you deal damage to the enemy, this way healers have to do something they are not specced into and waste ammo/energy/force and a GCD to get medals automatically giving to damage dealers. (End Sarcasm)

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who really cares about stats though? I mean some people just really really want to track stats and maybe one day that will happen. If a healer gets the most kills based only on healing than so be it.


So worst case Scenario is:


You get healed ALOT more, More healers join PvP and therefore you are alive longer and kill more, so instead of the 20 kills you wouldve gotten you make 40 kills because he kept you alive.


Stats are per game and not tracked as a standing and one day when they do that perhaps a new column labeled HK will be put in for Healed Kills. Until then let the healers win on kills (kills can earn you 4 medals), I dont know what people are complaining about, are egos that bruised by those stats.


Mmm YEP I think they are, WHY do I think this, well because in Huttball KILLS DOES NOT EQUAL WINS, YET while our team is carrying the ball toward their endzone someone is killing another player near our endzone, they kill the player and POOF he is now in FRONT of the ball carrier and not way behind. When my team has the ball I protect, deflect, pass, go ahead for a pass. I dont focus on kills, when they run from me at low health I move on. Now when they have the ball I run ahead and kill/knock off any sorcs waiting for them to come in range for a pull and knock off any Tanks, I also post in OPS to NOT hug the edge of our endzone is a tank with a jump to target power is carrying the ball.


if everyone is focusing on their kill numbers rather than using strategy to win the match then you will looose more.

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The Points is every kill counts towars the Ilum dailies too.


I guess im gonna spec on heal for one single Game per week to complete my weekly ilum quest :D


This is FALSE.


We have no idea if kills directly and individually count towards Ilum dailies. No one has verified this, because NO ONE is level 50 on the PTS.

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Give them as many medals as you like. I'd take happy healers over a team full of pre-madonna DPSers any day of the week.




Not that I disagree...


BTW Where's the medals for taking damage? Dont say guard, because a) not every class has it, and b) even if you do, you cant guard someone who moves away from you, it has a very short leash.

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wheres the problem exactly ?


Healers will steal e-peen from all that l33t dpsers who don't even know by now that WZ have objectives on them.


Basically, nothing more then worthless QQ over a problem that does not even exists.

Now OP and his supporters, give us your server and your nicks, so we, healers will never ever heal you again to not 'steal' your precious kill counts.


The stupid level is over 9000 in this thread :rolleyes:

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There is no way that kills in the WZ can count across the board for Ilum as there is a 3-5 minute cool down on kills on Ilum or maybe it will be as BW didn't even consider this.


It is pathetic that BW has not figured out how to allow character transfers to Test so that people can actually test the lvl 50 content. Is this just an oversight or do they really want us to know what they are really doing?

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OMG People


I realize this is a forum where people like to tell people they are wrong and put people down. I don't hate healers. I don't medal farm, I don't ignore objectives.


I like the stats, especially in Voidstar or Alderan where there is constant fighting. Yes, I like to see how my character and play is doing. Stone me if you like. This is just skewing information. What is wrong with wanting stats to make sense? Healers should lead in healing stats, tanks in damage taken (which I think should get a column) and dps in kills/damage.


Jeez, I am not asking for a nerf. I don't care about medals, give healers 100 medals for all I care.

Relax people

Edited by richardya
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