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Discussion about this so-called "huge loss of subs"


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I haven't played in over two weeks.




I've little interest in signing in.... am I'm only level 25 of my first play-through.


The lack of any guild features is a huge issue.


Topped off with the fact that my crafting is nothing more than a credit sink and hardly useful to my other guild members, I’ve nothing spurring me forward in game.


I don’t even see level 50 as a goal but more of a beginning to the end.


Voice and story, as expected, are highly overrated and expensive content in an MMORPG.


Current subscriber...... questionable re-subscriber. :(

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20 december game came out


1 free month -> till 20 januari


many already quit after that (2 mill sold, 1.7 active players)


many ppl used a GC (like myself)


20 januari -> 20 march


21 more days until Armageddon... take that bet from me.

Edited by dnomz
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20 december game came out


1 free month -> till 20 januari


many already quit after that (2 mill sold, 1.7 active players)


many ppl used a GC (like myself)


20 januari -> 20 march


21 more days until Armageddon... take that bet from me.


I'd rather play it safe and take no bets. I just re-opened my sub for a month because I have nothing else to do. The game won't hit WoW's millions of subs, it won't, that I can pretty much say for certain. But it will keep a population. The game isn't THAT bad. However, people are starting to expect more and more from companies, some unrealistically so, and some much more realistically so.


It really all depends on how BioWare does in the coming months. This is never going to be the hard-core raiders MMO, or the pro PVP'ers MMO. Who's MMO it will be? I can't say for sure. It really isn't mine though.

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Servers are all light and standard populated now when they used to be heavy,very heavy or full. Doesn't take a genious to figure out that something is wrong.


If subscriptions isn't dropping then ppl are just bored and refuse to log on to play.


Which is hardly better because at the end of the day I'm still standing around my fleet at 7PM with 33 at the fleet.


In my humble opinion this game is dying, and it WILL die unless Bioware acts and makes server merges.


I know I won't play past this month if my fleet continues to be a ghost-ship


I take it, then, that the official explanation of "we expanded the sizes of the servers so they hold more people than they originally did at launch" can in no way explain why servers which were heavy, very heavy, or full are now light, standard, or heavy?


Or does that make too much sense for you?

Edited by Kharnis
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I know for my during my "primetime" 10PM to 1AM CST there are only 3 heavy US servers and a handful of standard servers, the majority are light. Why do I know this? Because I was watching for about a week to see which server to reroll on so I had someone to play with.

When I login most of the servers are standard with a few high. I'm pacific time though.

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20 december game came out


1 free month -> till 20 januari


many already quit after that (2 mill sold, 1.7 active players)


many ppl used a GC (like myself)


20 januari -> 20 march


21 more days until Armageddon... take that bet from me.


1.7 million is still a very healthy player number...

****, even 1 million is.

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I've unsubbed. My guild of 50+ on launch day sees fewer than 5 on during primetime every evening now.


My number 1 gripe is the lazy enrage timers creating stupidly rigid group composition requirements. It's not fun to login and see that you don't get to play with your friends tonight because you can't fill the needed role. That's my /unsub reason.

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leveled Smuggler, now workin' on Merc... faction balance kills PvP and WZ timers blow now.


I play on a light/standard server (Bondar Crystal) and even at peak LOW times I still get WZ's in about 5 minutes, tops.


anywhere between instant and 1 minute peak time.

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I've unsubbed. My guild of 50+ on launch day sees fewer than 5 on during primetime every evening now.


My number 1 gripe is the lazy enrage timers creating stupidly rigid group composition requirements. It's not fun to login and see that you don't get to play with your friends tonight because you can't fill the needed role. That's my /unsub reason.


That is probably one of the best reasons to be a tad upset I have heard all day.

However, not a reason for me to unsub. I enjoy just farming/crafting, PvP, the like.

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The guild I am in was doing Nightmare mode. We can't even muster enough to do Normal anymore. My guild of 200 is down to 5 people who log on. Most went back to the games they came from. Most of the people I played with have quit. My sub ran out yesterday and I won't be coming back.


I have played most MMo's since EQ. This game while great 1-49.. is just terrible at end game. The thing that killed it for me is they had 2 months to do good fixing in design.. not bug fixes.. all they manage to do was destroy ilum more and knee jerk nerf classes with out actually fixing the problem with them. From a design stand point.. They are failing miserably. I can not justify giving them money to keep failing.


The complete LACK of doing anything about cheats or cheaters also has me concerned. The one time they did something.. they banned for 7 days and let the people keep the items that they cheated... Really? That right there tells me they are hurting for money.


I tried praying for WoW to get better.. kept paying them money.. It never really did and is now Kung Fu PokePanda Land... I just won't do the same song and dance again.


Good Riddance.

Edited by JonnyLoveMachine
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The guild I am in was doing Nightmare mode. We can't even muster enough to do Normal anymore. My guild of 200 is down to 5 people who log on. Most went back to the games they came from. Most of the people I played with have quit. My sub ran out yesterday. Good Riddance.


As stated earlier in this forum:


Anecdote =/= data.


Sorry your guild fell apart, though this is not evidence relevant to the death of any game.

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As stated earlier in this forum:


Anecdote =/= data.


Sorry your guild fell apart, though this is not evidence relevant to the death of any game.


They do not provide data so all we have is anecdotal evidence. And while it is anecdotal.. it is also what is happening. Try to down play it by saying numbers are not real because they did not come from the source is .. well.. stupid. Those sites are usually really close.. they also correspond to what I am see'ing in game. So with that anecdotal evidence we can make a pretty solid claim.


By your assertion.. we could say stars do not exist because we have never been there to confirm.. Well.. Sometimes you have to make an educated guess.. which I understand is harder for some than others.. but you seem like a bright chap... do the math.

Edited by JonnyLoveMachine
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They do not provide data so all we have is anecdotal evidence. And while it is anecdotal.. it is also what is happening. Try to down play it by saying numbers are not real because they did not come from the source is .. well.. stupid. Those sites are usually really close.. they also correspond to what I am see'ing in game. So with that anecdotal evidence we can make a pretty solid claim.


By your assertion.. we could say stars do not exist because we have never been there to confirm.. Well.. Sometimes you have to make an educated guess.. which I understand is harder for some than others.. but you seem like a bright chap... do the math.


I have done the math, and yes, there has been a drop-off of subs, but not as drastically as everyone claims.


This happens to every game that comes out.


There is an explanation for every "symptom" that has been posted in this thread (i.e. Server populations are not light/standard/heavy instead of heavy/very heavy/full - this is because the server cap was increased, not necessarily due to the loss of any players).


So we went from 2 mil to 1.7 mil after one month. That is to be expected, as well as one or two more spikes before the population plateaus and then begins to grow steadily over time.

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lets be honest, those that play the game, like me, have seen a huge drop in people logging in. Unless maybe you are on the lucky 3 or 4 servers that still seem to be doing well. Thats why I was forced to roll on a new server.


lets also be honest the only reason they got 1.7million subs was you had to pick a sub plan right away. I'd bet about half of those people were canceled before 1/20. I know everyone I'm friends with and work with who play the game did. I'm the lone wolf holding out hope that there will be some change out of my group of friends/work friends. I would bet that if the released sub numbers as of 2/21 there would be only about 500k left.

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I have done the math, and yes, there has been a drop-off of subs, but not as drastically as everyone claims.



So your fuzzy math trumps his anecdotal evidence?




Frankly, I don't care who provides me with the numbers; I can see for myself with my own eyes. The game sucks. The people who realize this are quitting, and they are quitting quickly. 1.2 can't save this stinker.

Edited by AJediKnight
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They do not provide data so all we have is anecdotal evidence. And while it is anecdotal.. it is also what is happening. Try to down play it by saying numbers are not real because they did not come from the source is .. well.. stupid. Those sites are usually really close.. they also correspond to what I am see'ing in game. So with that anecdotal evidence we can make a pretty solid claim.


By your assertion.. we could say stars do not exist because we have never been there to confirm.. Well.. Sometimes you have to make an educated guess.. which I understand is harder for some than others.. but you seem like a bright chap... do the math.


We can say stars exist even though we've never been there because we have a group of people who have made the claim, and then backed that claim up with data that has been studied and tested by others to prove their accuracy. Everyone in this thread who are claiming that subs are obviously dropping haven't done the same. Even saying "But there are these sites here" isn't enough, because the sites have no way of verifying their claims with any kind of data that can be studied and tested for their accuracy.

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So your fuzzy math trumps his anecdotal evidence?




Frankly, I don't care who provides me with the numbers; I can see for myself with my own eyes. The game sucks. The people who realize this are quitting, and they are quitting quickly. 1.2 can't save this stinker.


Sorry your unhappy with the game. Unsub, go back to playing WoW/console games, and enjoy your time instead of trolling/flaming forums.


This thread was not meant for bashing the game, it was meant simply for gathering evidence.


You represent the people who are quitting quite well, seeing as how you all say the same thing.


"This game sucks, bye"

"PvP is getting care-beared, I'm done"

"There is no content"


While I see plenty of people willing to patiently wait for all of this to be patched, while it is currently being hotfixed.


Even with 500k subs, this game will be fine.

Edited by Spell_Bound
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1.7 million is still a very healthy player number...

****, even 1 million is.

and who care

i still have active sub


so i log and still see ~80 lvl 50 at fleet


and my question: who care that somewhere exist 1.7 million or 17 or 170? if you can play only with your own server.

Edited by navarh
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I have done the math, and yes, there has been a drop-off of subs, but not as drastically as everyone claims.


This happens to every game that comes out.


There is an explanation for every "symptom" that has been posted in this thread (i.e. Server populations are not light/standard/heavy instead of heavy/very heavy/full - this is because the server cap was increased, not necessarily due to the loss of any players).


So we went from 2 mil to 1.7 mil after one month. That is to be expected, as well as one or two more spikes before the population plateaus and then begins to grow steadily over time.




If you look at the lifetime graph you will notice something. They adjusted the servers in early Jan which corresponds to what they said. You will also notice a huge decrease around Jan 20.. which we also knew. They then jacked the servers back up to make it look like the population was growing. Which we saw when it happened. Even with them tuning the servers to make it look like more people.. the pop is still dwindling off.


Now if we go by the graph.. the pop has dropped by almost half. If you look at the weekly graph it is losing about 50 each week. At this rate the game has 6 more weeks left in it. While I do no believe that.. the graph has yet to hit a plain. The decrease has been fairly constant. This leads me to believe the graph is probably pretty accurate.


So if we go with the anecdotal evidence.. The sky is actually falling..


We can say stars exist even though we've never been there because we have a group of people who have made the claim, and then backed that claim up with data that has been studied and tested by others to prove their accuracy. Everyone in this thread who are claiming that subs are obviously dropping haven't done the same. Even saying "But there are these sites here" isn't enough, because the sites have no way of verifying their claims with any kind of data that can be studied and tested for their accuracy.


What real proof do we have other than our theories? It is all math related.. but what if our math is wrong? Anything is potentially possible if you look at it from that perspective. Again with the educated guess.. just like the stars being real is an educated guess.

Edited by JonnyLoveMachine
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