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500 valor for the first 4 medals...bad idea!


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The healer class that actually gains the least from this is... wait for it... SCOUNDREL/OPERATIVE HEALERS! WHAT A SURPRISE!


Scoundrel/operative healers were built for some odd reason with the most DPS burst out of Sage/sorcerer, Commando/Mercenary. Obviously, burst DPS is useless in a PvE setting, making the advantage only viable in 1v1 duels and PvP medal farming.


Pick an ungeared enemy (<13k health), relic + adrenal + sabotage charge = automatic 2.5k demolisher medal.


With a smattering of dots and well placed AOEs I can easily get 75k dmg and bag the 300k heal at the same time on Huttball and Voidstar (too much downtime in Alderaan).


Check the scoundrel forums for QQ about how we are underpowered in PvE (admittedly I haven't had any trouble in hard modes so far). Way to lower the competitive advantage of the class...again.


At least they are balancing the AOE heals soon...


I do care about winning, I just liked taking advantage of one of the LAST class advantages of rolling a scoundrel.

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No worries, soon we will have rated warzones and we can have good pvp. That bads will stand out like a sore thumb with the tracking of kills/deaths, damage/healing and win/loss that everyone can inspect them and see. Edited by Badlander
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No worries, soon we will have rated warzones and we can have good pvp. That bads will stand out like a sore thumb with the tracking of kills/deaths, damage/healing and win/loss that everyone can inspect them and see.


Not really, since the game isnt currently balanced on a 1v1 level and the current team sizes for warzones means you will always have pre-mades and PuGs mixed.


If the above 2 situations change then maybe.


Sidenote: As soon as rated comes, watch people start crying for equivalence between classes. Invariably certain classes will dominate in certain areas and we could easily find ourselves with homogeneous classes with little to no specialisations. It could be argued that process has already begun with the true burst class of the game taking a massive nerf.

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This fix is a godsend to healers. I play a full fledged 33 point healer sage. I get maybe 4 medals healing my *** off. 2.5k heal 76k healing 300k healing and maybe a defense point if i'm lucky. I can spam dots to try to get damage medals but i'm not going to get 2.5k damage because as a fully speced and geared healer my crits are lke 1800 range not 2.5k. my commando can defend attack heal and racks up 2-3 times more medals and is much more rewarding to play. Part of the problem is we have one guild with 8 battlemasters fully geared out. named the red lightsaber district. I call them bowel movement brigade because they are all bm's they form as 2 groups and always end up together and always against alliance so sometimes the 3 win thing takes me 12 hours in one day to achieve. we usually only have 1 republic team running at once and 3-4 emperials but one of the current problems is if you join as a group it gives you priority queueing so you'll end up being the group that faces off against republic. During most of the day we have maybe 2 republic who are fully geared out. The red lightsaber district not only uses kill trading in ilum on shadow hand and does so for several hours every day so they are already at over 75 valor but when the ilum fix was made there were nivolved in rez camping for the whole day and many of them gained 20 or so levels as a result Bioware felt since they already obtained the levels and gear associated with it that they shouldnt be punished and even after constant reports of the kill trading and picture and video proof of them using cheats and hacks has not punished a single one. This leads me to believe that bioware has no intentions of punishing anyone involved in behavior outside the intended purpose and tha they do not back up their elua agreement by punishing those who have use exploits and hacks to get ahead. Tro another member of their group who is in another guild has also used speed hacks to win wz's as far as i know no one on our side has used hacks in pvp play but there's probably someone on shadowhand i just havent run into yet. due to this I believe that the cheating and hacks will continue because swift bans of at least 3 days should have been the first response to deal with this situation along with stripping any benifits gear and valor alike that was acquired by unintended means.
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and to the afk if not standing on the turret. There is currently a bug where if your not there when a turret is capped you often dont get any defense points for it. that means if you didnt attack left and later you need to go guard it due to the person who was guarding it being better geared/skilled you will get no defense points. this is a known bug and has been acknowledged by bioware
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theres a reason why i get at the minimun 8 medals per game. Cuz i work my *** off for the team. No matter what it takes. Why should the noob that didnt do 1/4 of what i did have the same reward as me? Bioware we are Capitalist NOT COMMUNIST. Why do you think communism was doomed from the start? The doctor has the same pay then the guy working in a supermarket? Now the pros get the same reward as the noobs.. epic fail Edited by JeefTheBeef
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theres a reason why i get at the minimun 8 medals per game. Cuz i work my *** off for the team. No matter what it takes. Why should the noob that didnt do 1/4 of what i did have the same reward as me? Bioware we are Capitalist NOT COMMUNIST. Why do you think communism was doomed from the start? The doctor has the same pay then the guy working in a supermarket? Now the pros get the same reward as the noobs.. epic fail


Are you seriously comparing economic systems in a multinational video game and real countries?

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theres a reason why i get at the minimun 8 medals per game. Cuz i work my *** off for the team. No matter what it takes. Why should the noob that didnt do 1/4 of what i did have the same reward as me? Bioware we are Capitalist NOT COMMUNIST. Why do you think communism was doomed from the start? The doctor has the same pay then the guy working in a supermarket? Now the pros get the same reward as the noobs.. epic fail


You keep talking as if medals are a function of skill rather than just a function of your class/role.


My wife heals her *** off and gets like 4 medals for the entire game. I get that many in 2 seconds by putting Guard on someone. Wooooo, skill.

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You keep talking as if medals are a function of skill rather than just a function of your class/role.


My wife heals her *** off and gets like 4 medals for the entire game. I get that many in 2 seconds by putting Guard on someone. Wooooo, skill.




if anyone with an aoe taunt gets less than 9 medals a match they should LOSE valor and comms for being terrible.

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You keep talking as if medals are a function of skill rather than just a function of your class/role.


My wife heals her *** off and gets like 4 medals for the entire game. I get that many in 2 seconds by putting Guard on someone. Wooooo, skill.


And now kills are gonna count for them so they can get more the solution is to add more medals for those classes so every 1 can get the same number of medals if they play super good. Not make it so every 1 gets the same valor regardless of if they played well or bad

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But medals don't mean you played "super good" in any case. Most medals are already basically free (2.5k damage hit? 75k damage? Killing blow? lol)


You get a couple more free for playing Voidstar...er, I mean for hitting high values like 300k damage.


Besides, none of them have anything to do with actually winning the match.


Medals have just never been about your actual skill. They're just a fun little thing to occasionally E-Peen around with, but since they give extra Valor and Comms they really mucked things up for some classes and gave way too much to others.

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yes they do not my fault if im always in the action dpsing and guarding during the entire game making sure we score dying for the team and not caring cuz i know in the end im gonna get rewarded for it. Now all the noobs get the same valor i do but didnt do anything compared to me. We dont *farm* medals we just get them cuz we played better then you simple as that
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We dont *farm* medals we just get them cuz we played better then you simple as that


If there were medals for objectives and such I'd agree. There's not.


Like I said, most medals are friggin' free. Especially for tank classes. It's not uncommon for me to get Invincible on my Assassin in the first encounter of a warzone if there's a decent sized battle over a node. It's just that easy to get medals.

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why was my 4 page thread closed for this?..


the argument is people keep saying your going out of your way to farm over 4.


i don't understand how someone can be so horrible to only obtain 4 metals in this game when its so easy to do damage heal guard or just get a kill depending on your class....


"No generally if you are playing well and doing your job you will have over 10 you don't go out of your way to guard someone for 10k you protect them so they live you don't ruin your teams chances of winning by healing all your weakened teammates and killing some people You dont handicap your team by playing the objective and gaining defender and offensive metals and no you don't handicap your TEAM BY KILLING PEOPLE AND DOING DAMAGE YOUR NOT FARMING ITS CALLED HAVING A BRAIN


if someone has 4 metals at the end of a warzone they are useless and did nothing for the team all they did was one very lazy role. "





Ok ill stop guarding people i don't want to get hurt and die! ill just do damage i know im a tank but thats the point?


Oh no i wont heal him my damage metals are easy to get!


Nope not going to 1v1 that guy sure it could be fun i could win but nope ill go run away.


Cap that point? Why i already have 4 metals offensive and defensive metals are lame anyway.


if you manage 4 metals a game i hope your kicked for inactivity.




please explain to me how you only manage 4 medals a game please.


you all say "hurrdurr now u can play dah objectiv!"


clearly you all don't play the objective because you can obtain objective medals and if your not killing someone doing damage healing or at least guarding someone what the heck are you doing? The objective? yeah go solo and carry the game for us in a 50 bracket that always works.



No we arnt farming your just horrible at this game if you only get 6 at minimum that shows you honestly tried to help your team.


not just did the very least.



all i have about this topic iv wrote people cannot comprehend trying on a warzone i suppose.


Have you ever WZ'd at all? A healer doing nothing but healing may only get 3 medels depending on the WZ. Did you really say ther is no metal farming? Rofl...****!

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If they are going to cap medal bonuses at 4 medals, they should just give everyone the 2k valour / 40 comms as a baseline reward (win or loose) and remove the medal system entierly.


It seems like they had a choice between balancing medal gain between roles / classes, or breaking thier own reward system so no one could get ahead. They chose the easy way out.

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yes they do not my fault if im always in the action dpsing and guarding during the entire game making sure we score dying for the team and not caring cuz i know in the end im gonna get rewarded for it. Now all the noobs get the same valor i do but didnt do anything compared to me. We dont *farm* medals we just get them cuz we played better then you simple as that


Yes, you got more medals than your healers who kept your worthless behind alive because you "played better".


Keep telling yourself that, buddy.

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Idk if its been said before, but in the new patch after 4 medals you wont get valor. Before


the patch you got valor for kills in WZ. Couldn't it be possible that the increased valor will


come from killing people. I mean in Huttball kill healers, guards, and the ball carrier. If the


valor gains from killing people was increased, it might encourage people to kill more folks.


And if you kill more people, you stand a better chance of winning. But I also agree that


either after 4 medals people will either give up or start trying. I'm interested to see how this


works out.

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