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** Analysis of patch 1.1.5 PvP changes **


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This effectively reduces any potential pvp in this game to warzone matches. It's good in the sense that it's easier to get gear now and close the outrageous gap that exists, but it's bad in the sense that there's only going to be warzones.


Let's be honest with each other, right now the only PvP in this game is in a WZ. You can't consider Ilum to be PvP when it consists of a zerg fest standing at the entrance to the opposing faction, hoping some scraps get tossed to them. What really killed open world PvP is the fact that BioWare segregated quest areas so heavily on planets. Hopefully this is fixed in later content releases.

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Let's be honest with each other, right now the only PvP in this game is in a WZ. You can't consider Ilum to be PvP when it consists of a zerg fest standing at the entrance to the opposing faction, hoping some scraps get tossed to them. What really killed open world PvP is the fact that BioWare segregated quest areas so heavily on planets. Hopefully this is fixed in later content releases.


Lets be honest here, head out the other side of the repub base (or speeder?!:D)and find fights that aren't a zergfest.


I do it all the time.


Ilum is terrible because players allow it to be so. It easier to farm your daily in a zergball at the base entrance so that's what happens. I assure you though, you can and do find even fights else where.

Edited by ImURmaster
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Ilum should be made a large scale wz with 30v30 teams, the world pvp should be spread across the main cities (like there are any), so yes, world pvp is not there and the republic and empire players never meet in the leveling zones. Make the leveling areas cross at some point so players can meet the opposite faction players.... and for whiners like "I cant level up because I get killed" go choose a pve server. In uo the world pvp was perfect, you would never know when you are going to get into a fight but then they ruined it. Edited by Hyppyrotta
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These changes sound AWESOME!


Ilum credits for playing warzones? Hell yeah. I hate Ilum.


I actually like the dot and alderaan changes, but most of all I hope that with the change to medals and healers we (the imps) will actually have healers on our teams from time to time instead of having 0 healers 90% of the time going against rep teams of 2-3 healers all the time.


The medal and valor changes are awesome. Suddenly non-tank non-heal classes (i.e. sniper and marauder) aren't the stepchilds of valor/commendations farming anymore.


1.1.5 can't come soon enough.

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How many comms for a win and how many for a lose?


Unless it's a lot more than I recall this is a big nerf to commendation gain unless you're a baddy (or dedicated healer) who only got 4-5 medals.


Right now I get an average 100 commendations per game. How many will I get after the change?

Edited by yukirshiro
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* Alderaan Civil War: The speeder bikes that transport players back to the battle now have a three-second activation time to increase the likelihood that an organized attacking team can successfully take the side turrets.


Makes it more interesting. Middle will again have some value. It gives options, and options are always good.


I think you may be misreading this patch note. Seems to be talking about the speeders from the rez point ("back to the battle"), not the side turret speeders. Not sure how that is helpful to the middle.

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I think you may be misreading this patch note. Seems to be talking about the speeders from the rez point ("back to the battle"), not the side turret speeders. Not sure how that is helpful to the middle.


...It's highly helpful to middle. Before you took side speeders and you were instantly there.

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