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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is half the stuff on my ship completely useless? (Also bounties)


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The holoterminal, intercom, and escape pods are only used RARELY during *scripted* portions. What's with that? Why even HAVE THEM then?


A) I would love to be able to use the holoterminal to contact vendors and other important NPCs from the comfort of my ship (provided I'm at the correct planet). Do you know how tedious it is to fly to a planet, exit the ship, then run all over just to find a vendor for a measly armor repair? Do you know how often I have to do this when I'm playing? Just let me use the terminal already!


B) I would also love to use the intercom to address and instruct my companions. It's such a nuisance to have to land and exit the ship every time I want to send somebody on a crew skill task: Why not allow us to access those menus via the intercom and send companions on missions while we remain in space to do battle for Imperial Fleet Command? I send Khem Val out to hunt for crystals while I blast Jedi talon fighters from the sky. Everyone wins!


C) The escape pods. Just...So useless. Imagine during space battles, your ship becomes too heavily damaged. Instead of plummeting and crashing to your death or pausing and exiting battle (which breaks immersion horribly), there was an "Escape" option where the game puts you back in control of your character to make a run for the escape pods. Then the pod launches you off to whatever planet you left your ship hovering above, leaving you out in some random area of the planet when it lands.


D) The chairs in the starship. There are three: One Captain's Chair, two regular chairs on either side. Now what good are three chairs unless you're in a group? Why would you bring a group into the ship even if you were? I would love the ability to assign companions to those seats while the rest hang back in that little room where all of them are currently stashed. Nothing would please me more than having Khem Val sitting at my right hand as I flew through space to destroy Jedi filth.



None of these are big important features. Most could probably be added in no time at all. It's little details like these that would add that much more immersion into the game. And speaking of immersion...




E) Bounties. Imagine for a moment: Mike is a Sith. Jim is a Jedi. They come across each other in their travels and Jim beats the everloving *$@# out of Mike.


Later: John, also a Sith, is in a cantina on Hutta. He sees a bounty board where Mike has posted a bounty. Mike offers a reward of 500 credits to whoever kills Jim. John likes that idea so he accepts the bounty. Jim appears as a marker on John's map. Hovering over the marker tells John what planet to find him on, perhaps even the area of the planet he's in, but not an exact pinpointed location.


John hunts Jim down from planet-to-planet, finally locates him someplace on Dromund Kaas, and defeats him in battle. John receives an item (some generic form of bounty proof with the defeated fellow's name tacked on) for his trouble. He returns to the bounty board on Hutta and turns in the item. John receives the 500 credits Mike offered when the bounty was posted (if not automatically then perhaps attached to some mail, with a customized message from Mike).


Now that one adds to the immersion and, for players so inclined, offers a roleplay aspect. And, for vindictive sadists (such as myself), it offers a neat and immersive method by which to take one's vengeance upon saber-happy Jedi scum. :)

Edited by Ygdrasel
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they won't do a bounty system in this game cause its built for casuals.. and they can't even get pvp right or build socializing into the game. I haven o faith in this company to do anything right with this game.. its warcraft all over again


btw swg did a bounty system that was a pretty epic mini game all on its own.. the trick is to make it worthwhile for the hunter.

Edited by rakkiki
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The holoterminal, intercom, and escape pods are only used RARELY during *scripted* portions. What's with that? Why even HAVE THEM then?



B) I would also love to use the intercom to address and instruct my companions. It's such a nuisance to have to land and exit the ship every time I want to send somebody on a crew skill task: Why not allow us to access those menus via the intercom and send companions on missions while we remain in space to do battle for Imperial Fleet Command? I send Khem Val out to hunt for crystals while I blast Jedi talon fighters from the sky. Everyone wins!


Lol.. you DO know you can just press the N key and send them out from there? The only thing you can't do while in space with your companions (as far as I am aware), is give them gifts.

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John hunts Jim down from planet-to-planet, finally locates him someplace on Dromund Kaas, and defeats him in battle. John receives an item (some generic form of bounty proof with the defeated fellow's name tacked on) for his trouble. He returns to the bounty board on Hutta and turns in the item. John receives the 500 credits Mike offered when the bounty was posted (if not automatically then perhaps attached to some mail, with a customized message from Mike).


How did Jim the Jedi get on Dromund Kaas? I'd do that in a second.


I like the bounty idea, though. I'd like to see it implemented.

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they won't do a bounty system in this game cause its built for casuals.. and they can't even get pvp right or build socializing into the game. I haven o faith in this company to do anything right with this game.. its warcraft all over again

btw swg did a bounty system that was a pretty epic mini game all on its own.. the trick is to make it worthwhile for the hunter.


thats actually a compliment, but ok..

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Lol.. you DO know you can just press the N key and send them out from there? The only thing you can't do while in space with your companions (as far as I am aware), is give them gifts.

You cannot inspect their equipment or change it, either, which makes performing companion maintenance a chore.


Gift-giving is in the same category, however, I think gifts are a poor man's solution to the fact that you cannot increase companion affection in play for all companions - even though, most of the time, you are referred to as a "whole squad" by the quest-giving NPCs, leading you to believe that your whole crew is there with you... except they are not.


There should be many more situations where you can use more than one companion, and there should be endgame activities where you use more than one at the same time as well. Of course, this requires storycrafting, but at least it would make all companions worthy additions to you squad, instead of making 3/5 of them utterly useless except as crafting bots, and only one even more than marginally useful at level cap.


tOR is already solo and very small group oriented. The "old-fashioned MMO crowd" is lost. Might as well go down the solo/small group all the way through and provide a complete set of endgame activities for those people - at least it will clarify where the game is going. And, since there's no way it will be able to compete with any other half-decent game in the challenging endgame department, I don't see any point in actually wasting resources on that.

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A) how on earth have you damaged yourself on your ship? Why do you simply not repair on the planet on which you were damaged before boarding the ship?


Also how the heck does someone repair your armour through a holo terminal??


B) you can easily send companions on crew missions from your ship, the buttons at the tip of the screen.


C) And everyone who was just doing the ship missions to pass a few minutes wOuld utterly hate this.


D) Does it really matter you have 3 sittable chairs?


E) you do realise how easily abused a bounty system is?

Edited by Maidel
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You cannot inspect their equipment or change it, either, which makes performing companion maintenance a chore.




They are all accessible via the character sheet while in the ship. In fact it's the only place you can go through them all without having to randomly summon each one in turn!

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They are all accessible via the character sheet while in the ship. In fact it's the only place you can go through them all without having to randomly summon each one in turn!


And IIRC you can also do it while they are "away" on a crew mission.

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The holoterminal, intercom, and escape pods are only used RARELY during *scripted* portions. What's with that? Why even HAVE THEM then?


I'm not sure how you got off on your ramble about bounties, but you sort of answered your own question here.


It's like asking why there are questgivers in the world if all they do is is hand out quests. Why even HAVE THEM then?

Edited by Pink_Saber
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they won't do a bounty system in this game cause its built for casuals.. and they can't even get pvp right or build socializing into the game. I haven o faith in this company to do anything right with this game.. its warcraft all over again


btw swg did a bounty system that was a pretty epic mini game all on its own.. the trick is to make it worthwhile for the hunter.


Really? Because WoW is a vastly better game in nearly every aspect.

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A) I would love to be able to use the holoterminal to contact vendors and other important NPCs from the comfort of my ship (provided I'm at the correct planet). Do you know how tedious it is to fly to a planet, exit the ship, then run all over just to find a vendor for a measly armor repair? Do you know how often I have to do this when I'm playing? Just let me use the terminal already!

What point would there be contacting a repair guy over the holo? Or indeed any other merchant? They are people working from a booth or tent out in the boonies, and aren't likely to ship your new gun across the Galaxy for you. :p


B) I would also love to use the intercom to address and instruct my companions. It's such a nuisance to have to land and exit the ship every time I want to send somebody on a crew skill task: Why not allow us to access those menus via the intercom and send companions on missions while we remain in space to do battle for Imperial Fleet Command? I send Khem Val out to hunt for crystals while I blast Jedi talon fighters from the sky. Everyone wins!

Well, all you do is access the Crew Skill menu (N) click on a Companion and double-click on a Task. Why wouldn't you be doing that on the ship in the first place? Mind you, I'd like to chat to PLAYERS over the holonet, and see their character floating there as we type our chat out.

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What might happen:

Imagine for a moment: Mike is a Sith. Jim is a Jedi. They come across each other in their travels and Jim beats the everloving *$@# out of Mike.


Later: John, also a Sith, is in a cantina on Hutta. He sees a bounty board where Mike has posted a bounty. Mike offers a reward of 500 credits to whoever kills Jim. John likes that idea so he accepts the bounty. Jim appears as a marker on John's map. Hovering over the marker tells John what planet to find him on, perhaps even the area of the planet he's in, but not an exact pinpointed location.


John hunts Jim down from planet-to-planet, finally locates him someplace on Dromund Kaas, and defeats him in battle. John receives an item (some generic form of bounty proof with the defeated fellow's name tacked on) for his trouble. He returns to the bounty board on Hutta and turns in the item. John receives the 500 credits Mike offered when the bounty was posted (if not automatically then perhaps attached to some mail, with a customized message from Mike).


What will happen:


Mike is a Sith. Jim is a Jedi. They come across each other in their travels and Jim beats the everloving *$@# out of Mike.


Later: John, also a Sith, is in a cantina on Hutta. He sees a bounty board where Mike has posted a bounty. Mike offers a reward of 500 credits to whoever kills Jim. John likes that idea so he accepts the bounty. Jim appears as a marker on John's map. Hovering over the marker tells John what planet to find him on, perhaps even the area of the planet he's in, but not an exact pinpointed location.


Jim is on the Republic Fleet, spamming in General trying to do his Daily HM flashpoint. After watching Jim not change locations for several hours, Mike gives up and abandons the bounty, figuring this isn't worth 500 credits.

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E) Bounties. Imagine for a moment: Mike is a Sith. Jim is a Jedi. They come across each other in their travels and Jim beats the everloving *$@# out of Mike.


Later: John, also a Sith, is in a cantina on Hutta. He sees a bounty board where Mike has posted a bounty. Mike offers a reward of 500 credits to whoever kills Jim. John likes that idea so he accepts the bounty. Jim appears as a marker on John's map. Hovering over the marker tells John what planet to find him on, perhaps even the area of the planet he's in, but not an exact pinpointed location.


John hunts Jim down from planet-to-planet, finally locates him someplace on Dromund Kaas, and defeats him in battle. John receives an item (some generic form of bounty proof with the defeated fellow's name tacked on) for his trouble. He returns to the bounty board on Hutta and turns in the item. John receives the 500 credits Mike offered when the bounty was posted (if not automatically then perhaps attached to some mail, with a customized message from Mike).


Ganking elevated to a whole new and easier level. imagine you no longer have to roam around looking for targets just remember the name and post a bounty, get a fellow player to accept that bounty, make a party and let the ganking fun begin when the godamn map tells you where your target is. this must be the most retarded idea i have ever read on these forums.

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E) Bounties. Imagine for a moment: Mike is a Sith. Jim is a Jedi. They come across each other in their travels and Jim beats the everloving *$@# out of Mike.


Later: John, also a Sith, is in a cantina on Hutta. He sees a bounty board where Mike has posted a bounty. Mike offers a reward of 500 credits to whoever kills Jim. John likes that idea so he accepts the bounty. Jim appears as a marker on John's map. Hovering over the marker tells John what planet to find him on, perhaps even the area of the planet he's in, but not an exact pinpointed location.


John hunts Jim down from planet-to-planet, finally locates him someplace on Dromund Kaas, and defeats him in battle. John receives an item (some generic form of bounty proof with the defeated fellow's name tacked on) for his trouble. He returns to the bounty board on Hutta and turns in the item. John receives the 500 credits Mike offered when the bounty was posted (if not automatically then perhaps attached to some mail, with a customized message from Mike).


Now that one adds to the immersion and, for players so inclined, offers a roleplay aspect. And, for vindictive sadists (such as myself), it offers a neat and immersive method by which to take one's vengeance upon saber-happy Jedi scum. :)


You will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER convince Bioware to put non-consensual PvP in SWTOR. Period.

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They definitely could improve ship interiors an use a lot.


However one thing that is always going to be a problem is that they are designed to be ships and therefore lack customisation frame work.


This is one reason why player house along side more useful and customisable player ships is probably a good idea.

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Ganking elevated to a whole new and easier level. imagine you no longer have to roam around looking for targets just remember the name and post a bounty, get a fellow player to accept that bounty, make a party and let the ganking fun begin when the godamn map tells you where your target is. this must be the most retarded idea i have ever read on these forums.


not really, if the idea is executed like this it would suck yes. tweak it a bit, make the target in question aware of his bounty, give him some beneficial effects or whatever in case he might defeat the bounty hunter and it actually might turn out to be quite fun.


of course it needs more tweaking then that, but truth be told; most awesome ideas start somewhere and more often then not they are pretty rough or sucky in its infancy.

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What might happen:



What will happen:


Mike is a Sith. Jim is a Jedi. They come across each other in their travels and Jim beats the everloving *$@# out of Mike.


Later: John, also a Sith, is in a cantina on Hutta. He sees a bounty board where Mike has posted a bounty. Mike offers a reward of 500 credits to whoever kills Jim. John likes that idea so he accepts the bounty. Jim appears as a marker on John's map. Hovering over the marker tells John what planet to find him on, perhaps even the area of the planet he's in, but not an exact pinpointed location.


Jim is on the Republic Fleet, spamming in General trying to do his Daily HM flashpoint. After watching Jim not change locations for several hours, Mike gives up and abandons the bounty, figuring this isn't worth 500 credits.


And when people decide they just want to continually put bounties on someone just because they can? I think bounty systems while they seem to be a good idea and little more than good old fun, can be easily abused and gamed.

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A) how on earth have you damaged yourself on your ship? Why do you simply not repair on the planet on which you were damaged before boarding the ship?


Also how the heck does someone repair your armour through a holo terminal??


B) you can easily send companions on crew missions from your ship, the buttons at the tip of the screen.


C) And everyone who was just doing the ship missions to pass a few minutes wOuld utterly hate this.


D) Does it really matter you have 3 sittable chairs?


E) you do realise how easily abused a bounty system is?


In EVE, people would put bounties on themselves, just to make their uberness seem higher - "they must be a good player, there's a million credit bounty on him/her", when in fact the bounty was set up by the player that's hunted.

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