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Reasons Why I Will Quit Your WZ


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i quit every time im put on a team with republic players. theyre all terrible. ive been levelling a vanguard and this has been happening all too often


Now that was funny.



Seriously, why bother quitting a wz in this game? They only take 15 minutes tops and offer some rewards even if you lose. It may not be fun but by the time you see bad play (hopefully at least 2 or 3 minutes in), leave, re-queue, go through the intro, and risk another bad group is it worth it? Why not just put on your man pants and suck it up?


(Unless you are grouped with me and you need to l2p, then please leave immediately! :eek:)

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and I mark a healer with a crosshair as soon as I find one. I even call out the name of the healer. eg. Foo is a healer and marked. A day does not go by with me seeing a toon dps'ing a toon standing beside the healer. I see it all the time. Yesterday, we had a 48 bh healing on top of our ramp near the endzone. I would spawn, approach him, get pwned by his buddy as I try my best to kill the healer. Meanwhile teammates are down in the pit running around 4v1 on some guy who either fell down there or pushed by someone.


48 bracket is medal based not wins based. It's a valor farm.

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He speaks the truth.. and everyone angry at this thread knows its the truth..!!


dont get mad bcoz he pointed out stuff that dumb pvpers do..

if you do any of the things on his list.. then cry all you want.


You make PvPers look bad when you type like this. Stop making PvPers look bad, please.

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Well, my opinion is that people who leave warzones have such fragile egos and such thin skin that they can't handle losing anything. People who leave warzones, no matter the bravado of the insult they type in chat before they do, are just babies that have very little character and have never been taught how to deal with the world. Our Lil Snowflakes.


Who cares if you lose? In losing, you always learn something and you apply what you have learned and get better.


Actually, I am appalled to discover that teammates for a 15 minute pvp warzone spend their time checking out my gear and others'. They just have to protect themselves from what? Losing? Good God. How pathetic is that?? lol.


Oh, and I do type in chat to call out incomings. Of course, in the time it takes me to type that, I generally have to just allow myself to die, because that is the consequence of stopping to type. The way warzones are set up, mostly pugs, are not conducive to teamwork. We have a bunch of people who have rarely played together as a team, no one is on vent, a couple of people will call out objectives, but mostly the only typing you see in chat are these people that hate losing and find the need to type in insults to the rest of the team so they feel vindicated.

Edited by Appletaz
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Lookout everybody. We've got a ****** here!


No one cares what you think but you. I loath elitist players. You are all the same. Funny thing is most of the elite pvpers I've played with or talked with are very friendly and helpful. Most of your elitists are very average players pretending to be amazing. Raging left and right, leaving left and right. I'll take green and undergeared over raging quit bot any day.


YOU are a HUGE part of the problem bro. Just as much as people who don't type while they pvp.

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The nerd rage is strong in this thread...


In the current state of the game (dailies), it really doesn't give high end champions/battlemasters any reason to stay in a doomed to failure game.


Once they take dailies out, you should see a higher participation rate.



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I know this argument raises tempers on both sides, but it's really about peoples' priorities, about what they want from the game:

-If you play for gear, you want your wins as efficiently as possible so that you can stop queuing.

-If you play for the sake of playing, then you're gonna queue back up regardless of wins or losses.


These two sides have been at each other for as long as there has been internet PVP (and likely even before). The Forum PVP that zealots on each side create is just as intense, and produces even more tears... ;)

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I know this argument raises tempers on both sides, but it's really about peoples' priorities, about what they want from the game:

-If you play for gear, you want your wins as efficiently as possible so that you can stop queuing.

-If you play for the sake of playing, then you're gonna queue back up regardless of wins or losses.


These two sides have been at each other for as long as there has been internet PVP (and likely even before). The Forum PVP that zealots on each side create is just as intense, and produces even more tears... ;)


The smart is strong with this one. Well said good sir.

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[*]You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team)




I like this one, I wonder how raged you would become to know i wear NO pvp gear at valor rank 40+ . I mean I have pvp gear i just DONT WEAR IT EVEN FOR PVP.


Guess why? My PVE is better, yup you heard it better!!! as a tank the pvp gear has horribly eff'd up stats. Accuracy and Absorb for a Tankasin. Screw that, experitise only counts if you can actually land a hit on me. Good luck while im in my pve tank set.


I run balls though 5+ battle masters ALL the time, with ease then wisper to them (if same faction) that I have no pvp gear and watch em whine.


SO put that in your pip and smoke it...... Kuush.

Edited by WutsInAName
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I like this one, I wonder how raged you would become to know i wear NO pvp gear at valor rank 40+ . I mean I have pvp gear i just DONT WEAR IT EVEN FOR PVP.


Guess why? My PVE is better, yup you heard it better!!! as a tank the pvp gear has horribly eff'd up stats. Accuracy and Absorb for a Tankasin. Screw that, experitise only counts if you can actually land a hit on me. Good luck while im in my pve tank set.


I run balls though 5+ battle masters ALL the time, with ease then wisper to them (if same faction) that I have no pvp gear and watch em whine.


SO put that in your pip and smoke it...... Kuush.


I lol'd

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You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you).


If there's a tank just being completely left alone, chances are EVERYONE is doing something wrong. Leaving a tank at full HP to just taunt anyone he wants and swap guards at his leisure isn't that good an idea either, generally.

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There's all kinds of guides online on how to be a better player. Here's one on Why I Will Quit Your WZ or even better How You Know That You Suck At WZ's:


  • You engage in pointless PVP far removed from an objective (this does not apply if your side is dominating and you're just harvesting medals, of course)
  • You are level 50 and have ANY green or blue gear (not counting relics). If there is more than one player on your PUG like this, leave immediately. It's over.
  • You use an inefficient, solo strategy (aka, you are not working as part of a larger unit). This is hard to describe, but believe me, I know it when I see it.
  • You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you).
  • You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this.
  • You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team)
  • You wait until an enemy is seconds away from capping the objective you're defending before you say anything in group chat. Even worse, you let an objective be capped w/o saying anything.
  • You do NOT utilize the side-speeders in the Alderaan WZ.
  • You do not understand your role (ranged acting like a melee, etc.)


Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, that goes without saying. Anyways, I'd love to hear your examples of poor player behavior!


I carry nubs to victory all the time w/ my awesome heals. /leave? more like /mad or /Q.Q

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Wild guess here, but I imagine the reason people do not respond to your in game chat is because you are such an elitist a-hole to everyone so they put you on ignore.

Read: People don't want to take criticism and get better, because they put him on ignore.


Sometimes the harsh truth is what gets the point across, but there are too many softies in these type of games that can't take a little bit of constructive criticism about how to improve themselves.


Good players will tell others how to become better. The poor players will either think the good player is an a**hole and not heed the advice, of the poor player will understand what he's doing wrong and correct it.

Edited by olagaton
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I quit my first warzone ever the other day on my 42 Juggernaught. It was Void star and we were defending. The game started and I was the only one who moved off the pad, no one else noticed and got caught behind the door.


The enemy team all focused 1 side with just me defending it. I popped all my cool downs, health pots and manage to hold them off until the door opens for my team mates. (I die, naturally)


So my team mates jump off the pad And I’m the only one stuck in the spawn for max duration. 5 seconds later “bomb has been planted”……./facepalm



First time I had no urge to stick out a game

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And to this I absolutely agree. I started pretty much the same way as you, tho im having a bit more luck with the groups I end up with.. As far as winning/losing goes.




This 100% this made me stop playing my healer, well this and the lack of guard/peeling. Also having to deal with a premade of arse holes that loved tossing me the ball just to call me a noob in /ops and /general after the match, however now im playing with a pretty good group of people and dont have to worry about that anymore

Edited by WolfAttack
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There's all kinds of guides online on how to be a better player. Here's one on Why I Will Quit Your WZ or even better How You Know That You Suck At WZ's:


  • You engage in pointless PVP far removed from an objective (this does not apply if your side is dominating and you're just harvesting medals, of course)
  • You are level 50 and have ANY green or blue gear (not counting relics). If there is more than one player on your PUG like this, leave immediately. It's over.
  • You use an inefficient, solo strategy (aka, you are not working as part of a larger unit). This is hard to describe, but believe me, I know it when I see it.
  • You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you).
  • You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this.
  • You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team)
  • You wait until an enemy is seconds away from capping the objective you're defending before you say anything in group chat. Even worse, you let an objective be capped w/o saying anything.
  • You do NOT utilize the side-speeders in the Alderaan WZ.
  • You do not understand your role (ranged acting like a melee, etc.)


Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, that goes without saying. Anyways, I'd love to hear your examples of poor player behavior!


sounds like you're a turbo *** who needs to **** and quit being so mad

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Reasons I will quit your Warzone:


  • Its Voidstar. No reason to stay as Republic, its a loss.
  • Its in progress and we're losing horribly.
  • Its Voidstar.
  • The Imp team has 10 people (every other game)
  • Its Voidstar.
  • I can see that we have 0 healers and/or the healers are worthless
  • Imps have all 3 turrets
  • Its Voidstar.

Forgot the most important one:

  • Its clear my team eats paint chips.

Edited by Squiddish
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As soon as the changes go through to make farming pointless I won't be quitting any more warzones (unless the other side is exploiting or hacking or win trading, of course). But if it's really true that most people don't come to the forums, we're going to have to spread the good news or most will keep right on doing it.
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