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Reasons Why I Will Quit Your WZ


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I leave WZ'S when im the only healer and absolutely no 1 peels people of me.


Or when im getting farmed by a full battlemaster premade :p


Speaking of, got a burning noob question. Which do you want the tank to put a shield on in Huttball, yourself, or the ball carrier you're healing?

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You know what I do if I have people that appear to be new to PvP? I.. help them.. get better.. :o


Especially if I see fresh 50s with like 20 valor. I'll even whisper them and tell them to stay close to me and which point to go for first etc.


You're my new favourite person.


Bravo, sir. Gentleman, scholar, etc.

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You have my sympathy. Healer is the one role I can't bring myself to play in pug pvp. It's just too frustrating and even moreso than a tank, it's really all about making sure your team wins unless you're just going along as pocket heals.


I like playing my healer in pugs, keeps me on my toes.


Getting guarded and peeled makes me lazy.

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Sorry, but being a Healer sometimes I get pulled away from the objective, or get knocked far away from said objective. But you know what? They are trying to kill me and I've at times managed to tie up enough people just long enough... far away from the objective so that someone from my team can control the turret or plant the bomb or run away with the Huttball.


In the above, I am furiously trying to keep myself alive as well as get into a position to heal someone else OR get back to help. When I'm doing that, I don't have TIME to stop and engage in chat. Not even a HELP!


Sorry, but I didn't level to 50 solely by PvPing. When I did hit 50, I had ZERO pvp gear and only a smattering of Warzone Commendations / low Valor rank. But I tried. I tried to contribute. I tried to make a difference and I ground out to the point where everything I wear except my Lightsaber is from a PvP vendor. And you know what? I ground it out on LOSSES because people saw my lack of gear, made some kind of snide comment, and then left the WZ.


I don't leave doors or turrets, but others do and I'm a healer. Even when I speak up in chat asking... begging... for someone to come guard with me... I get silence, and then the 3 Jedi Shadows pop up and I'm dead before I can even say GAH!


I'll point to the above statement about grinding gear born on the back of LOSSES. Losing all the time does not make getting gear easy or fast. Nor does it help that people rage-quit or assign MVP awards to buddies or the highest DPS'er in the match. Yea, thanks guys. We won. I threw 350k healing and turned the tide and topped the charts by at least 100k... Thanks for the ZERO mvp awards. Appreciate it. Really.


There are other gripes that I have, like people guarding / protecting DPS'ers.... /boggles, but whatever. I'll just keep on keeping on. Limping to the pvp vendor every so often when I have enough commendations to convert to mercenary commendations. I'll probably get into Battlemaster gear by... August. Maybe.


And to this I absolutely agree. I started pretty much the same way as you, tho im having a bit more luck with the groups I end up with.. As far as winning/losing goes.



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There's all kinds of guides online on how to be a better player. Here's one on Why I Will Quit Your WZ or even better How You Know That You Suck At WZ's:


  • You engage in pointless PVP far removed from an objective (this does not apply if your side is dominating and you're just harvesting medals, of course)
  • You are level 50 and have ANY green or blue gear (not counting relics). If there is more than one player on your PUG like this, leave immediately. It's over.
  • You use an inefficient, solo strategy (aka, you are not working as part of a larger unit). This is hard to describe, but believe me, I know it when I see it.
  • You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you).
  • You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this.
  • You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team)
  • You wait until an enemy is seconds away from capping the objective you're defending before you say anything in group chat. Even worse, you let an objective be capped w/o saying anything.
  • You do NOT utilize the side-speeders in the Alderaan WZ.
  • You do not understand your role (ranged acting like a melee, etc.)


Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, that goes without saying. Anyways, I'd love to hear your examples of poor player behavior!


Well then... let me pour you a new bowl of corn flakes. Someone apparently sh*t in them.

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There's all kinds of guides online on how to be a better player. Here's one on Why I Will Quit Your WZ or even better How You Know That You Suck At WZ's:


  • You engage in pointless PVP far removed from an objective (this does not apply if your side is dominating and you're just harvesting medals, of course) kay, I'll stop training people off the doors on Voidstar so someone else can stealth in and plant a bomb. Just for you
  • YOU DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE OR RESPOND TO IN-GAME CHAT yes, you better *********** stop what you're doing, say "on my way!", and then start moving, instead of just going ahead and moving, yep
  • You are level 50 and have ANY green or blue gear (not counting relics). If there is more than one player on your PUG like this, leave immediately. It's over. because people that just turned 50 and haven't had the chance to acquire better pvp gear aren't allowed in warzones until they get the gear they are trying to get, right?
  • You use an inefficient, solo strategy (aka, you are not working as part of a larger unit). This is hard to describe, but believe me, I know it when I see it. remind of this little tidbit when my whole team gets peeled off me in huttball and I'm left alone to run the ball, with the only people available to pass to are on the other side of the map busy with the bait
  • You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you). no, I actually go for the healer that is being left to freecast on the enemy that is already being attacked
  • You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this. would you rather I stay alone at a turret that is about to be zerged by half their team, or go straight to their turret that you're attacking where my absence or presence could actually be the difference in getting it from them? you'd be surprised how fast a team of 4 can take down a non-tank left alone, the best I can give you is MAYBE 5 seconds
  • You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team) because PvE'ers have absolutely no right to get into PvP. I love how accepting you are of anyone that isn't decked out in top tier pvp gear
  • You wait until an enemy is seconds away from capping the objective you're defending before you say anything in group chat. Even worse, you let an objective be capped w/o saying anything. I'll remember this one next time I get ambushed by a team of stealthers
  • You do NOT utilize the side-speeders in the Alderaan WZ.
  • You do not understand your role (ranged acting like a melee, etc.) I assume you have a problem with me using ranged attacks on my assassin when I'm not close enough to melee enemies, right?




Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, that goes without saying. Anyways, I'd love to hear your examples of poor player behavior!


You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this.


well, I thought it was funny...

Edited by Metaspark
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I think I've only ever quit one Warzone match (I exclude the couple of times friends were left out of a pre-made queue we were trying for) out of anger.. and that was when we were being farmed at our own spawn point. Good or bad team, it says something about the people who stay to the end, and you receive some Valor and Commendations at the end, even if it's just a bit.


I'm not without my frustration though.. usually I feel it when the entire team is not working as a team, and when someone runs right past me being attacked to attack someone else (I'm the healer, too >>) However, all it takes for a team to start focusing is usually just someone to help guide them or teach the newer players the know-how. We need more people willing to teach and not berate. You win some, you lose some. The factors that lead to the outcome are numerous and can never be pinned on one person's actions.

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Sorry, but being a Healer sometimes I get pulled away from the objective, or get knocked far away from said objective. But you know what? They are trying to kill me and I've at times managed to tie up enough people just long enough... far away from the objective so that someone from my team can control the turret or plant the bomb or run away with the Huttball.


In the above, I am furiously trying to keep myself alive as well as get into a position to heal someone else OR get back to help. When I'm doing that, I don't have TIME to stop and engage in chat. Not even a HELP!


Sorry, but I didn't level to 50 solely by PvPing. When I did hit 50, I had ZERO pvp gear and only a smattering of Warzone Commendations / low Valor rank. But I tried. I tried to contribute. I tried to make a difference and I ground out to the point where everything I wear except my Lightsaber is from a PvP vendor. And you know what? I ground it out on LOSSES because people saw my lack of gear, made some kind of snide comment, and then left the WZ.


I don't leave doors or turrets, but others do and I'm a healer. Even when I speak up in chat asking... begging... for someone to come guard with me... I get silence, and then the 3 Jedi Shadows pop up and I'm dead before I can even say GAH!


I'll point to the above statement about grinding gear born on the back of LOSSES. Losing all the time does not make getting gear easy or fast. Nor does it help that people rage-quit or assign MVP awards to buddies or the highest DPS'er in the match. Yea, thanks guys. We won. I threw 350k healing and turned the tide and topped the charts by at least 100k... Thanks for the ZERO mvp awards. Appreciate it. Really.


There are other gripes that I have, like people guarding / protecting DPS'ers.... /boggles, but whatever. I'll just keep on keeping on. Limping to the pvp vendor every so often when I have enough commendations to convert to mercenary commendations. I'll probably get into Battlemaster gear by... August. Maybe.


and this:






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Wild guess here, but I imagine the reason people do not respond to your in game chat is because you are such an elitist a-hole to everyone so they put you on ignore.


Many people playing this game can't take criticism, even if it's accurate and true. How is the OP an elitist, for wanting to PvP with people who are team players?

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There's all kinds of guides online on how to be a better player. Here's one on Why I Will Quit Your WZ or even better How You Know That You Suck At WZ's:


  • You engage in pointless PVP far removed from an objective (this does not apply if your side is dominating and you're just harvesting medals, of course)
  • You are level 50 and have ANY green or blue gear (not counting relics). If there is more than one player on your PUG like this, leave immediately. It's over.
  • You use an inefficient, solo strategy (aka, you are not working as part of a larger unit). This is hard to describe, but believe me, I know it when I see it.
  • You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you).
  • You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this.
  • You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team)
  • You wait until an enemy is seconds away from capping the objective you're defending before you say anything in group chat. Even worse, you let an objective be capped w/o saying anything.
  • You do NOT utilize the side-speeders in the Alderaan WZ.
  • You do not understand your role (ranged acting like a melee, etc.)


Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, that goes without saying. Anyways, I'd love to hear your examples of poor player behavior!


you sound like an jerk who thinks he/she is the king of pvp.. if you don't like seeing some under geared people or people who talk in gen chat cause both of these is gonna happen and there is nothing you can do about it so stop pugging. also if they are a bit under geared chances are they are more skilled then you.

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There's all kinds of guides online on how to be a better player. Here's one on Why I Will Quit Your WZ or even better How You Know That You Suck At WZ's:


  • You engage in pointless PVP far removed from an objective (this does not apply if your side is dominating and you're just harvesting medals, of course)
  • You are level 50 and have ANY green or blue gear (not counting relics). If there is more than one player on your PUG like this, leave immediately. It's over.
  • You use an inefficient, solo strategy (aka, you are not working as part of a larger unit). This is hard to describe, but believe me, I know it when I see it.
  • You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you).
  • You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this.
  • You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team)
  • You wait until an enemy is seconds away from capping the objective you're defending before you say anything in group chat. Even worse, you let an objective be capped w/o saying anything.
  • You do NOT utilize the side-speeders in the Alderaan WZ.
  • You do not understand your role (ranged acting like a melee, etc.)


Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, that goes without saying. Anyways, I'd love to hear your examples of poor player behavior!



But he's right in every single way so why are you flaming him?


If you all wernt so bad at PVP people wouldnt leave warzones. So instead of blaming people that dont want to sit there for 15 min banging their heads agaisnt their desks maybe you should look at the reason they leave?


But ofc, this dosent apply to any of you because deep down we all know that anyone who keyboard turns, backpeddels, tab targets, kill farms or just generally runs around the wz with their head up their arse are actually the best PVP'ers in the game.



Stop expecting people to carry you, start pulling your weight and people wouldnt afk away from you.


I know that all you BADS will rage at what iv put, im sorry..i forgot that its your right to get carried through life...

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But he's right in every single way so why are you flaming him?


If you all wernt so bad at PVP people wouldnt leave warzones. So instead of blaming people that dont want to sit there for 15 min banging their heads agaisnt their desks maybe you should look at the reason they leave?


But ofc, this dosent apply to any of you because deep down we all know that anyone who keyboard turns, backpeddels, tab targets, kill farms or just generally runs around the wz with their head up their arse are actually the best PVP'ers in the game.



Stop expecting people to carry you, start pulling your weight and people wouldnt afk away from you.


I know that all you BADS will rage at what iv put, im sorry..i forgot that its your right to get carried through life...




Lol, I love to backpeddal. It is a sure fire way to get people that think they are leet to think you suck and follow you away from the door in voidstar while your stealth buddy caps the door for you.

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Just thought I would give a recent experience for the elitist OP.


Was on Alderaan guarding a turret with a level 50 mercenary. Saw two republic coming, checked my teammates gear out of curiosity. Maybe 2 at most centurion pieces.


You would have left right? That 2v2 is just soooo pointless for someone as goooood as you, huh?


We engage them, they target him and he obviously goes down fast. I kill one and delay the other, and WHAT DO YOU KNOW? The one you would have so causally dismissed was right back. He took the speeder immediately. It was almost as though he had had some experience playing that warzone, like there were under 50 warzones or something???


Thing is, the OP thinks he is extremely good. Amazing. Bad news is the really good players don't bother waisting their time with these threads, they make some friends and group with them.

Edited by undiess
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There's all kinds of guides online on how to be a better player. Here's one on Why I Will Quit Your WZ or even better How You Know That You Suck At WZ's:


  • You engage in pointless PVP far removed from an objective (this does not apply if your side is dominating and you're just harvesting medals, of course)
  • You are level 50 and have ANY green or blue gear (not counting relics). If there is more than one player on your PUG like this, leave immediately. It's over.
  • You use an inefficient, solo strategy (aka, you are not working as part of a larger unit). This is hard to describe, but believe me, I know it when I see it.
  • You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you).
  • You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this.
  • You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team)
  • You wait until an enemy is seconds away from capping the objective you're defending before you say anything in group chat. Even worse, you let an objective be capped w/o saying anything.
  • You do NOT utilize the side-speeders in the Alderaan WZ.
  • You do not understand your role (ranged acting like a melee, etc.)


Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, that goes without saying. Anyways, I'd love to hear your examples of poor player behavior!


yup. agreed.


people who are just saying your an *** or whatnot, just dont get it and are a bunch of noobs.

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There's all kinds of guides online on how to be a better player. Here's one on Why I Will Quit Your WZ or even better How You Know That You Suck At WZ's:


  • You engage in pointless PVP far removed from an objective (this does not apply if your side is dominating and you're just harvesting medals, of course)
  • You are level 50 and have ANY green or blue gear (not counting relics). If there is more than one player on your PUG like this, leave immediately. It's over.
  • You use an inefficient, solo strategy (aka, you are not working as part of a larger unit). This is hard to describe, but believe me, I know it when I see it.
  • You come into a battle in progress and do not focus fire an enemy who is already being attacked (you most likely choose that tank over there, at full health, you wretched baddie you).
  • You leave a door/turret unguarded. Unless your side has victory in the bag, there is absolutely no excuse for this.
  • You do not have PVP gear and have been 50 for a while (people will remember playing with you. not having ANY PVP gear is OK if we've never played with you and assume you're a new 50, but if we recognize your name and you're still not buying gear...you don't understand PVP in SWTOR and I don't want you on my team)
  • You wait until an enemy is seconds away from capping the objective you're defending before you say anything in group chat. Even worse, you let an objective be capped w/o saying anything.
  • You do NOT utilize the side-speeders in the Alderaan WZ.
  • You do not understand your role (ranged acting like a melee, etc.)


Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, that goes without saying. Anyways, I'd love to hear your examples of poor player behavior!


Oh! I'm at work... I would had loved to read this with some popcorn... I think I'm going to do it when I'll get home this afternoon. Anyway, I think you should repeat more that "you don't respond to ingame chat" (in capital letters) thing, I have my doubts everyone will have noticed it.


But what I am really wondering is, with all that list, do you really play any Wz or you spend the time just queuing and quitting, queuing and quitting?

Edited by Streptococo
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Only reason I will quit a WZ.


1) Door blown in under a 1 min if we are first defenders.

2) 0-2 in Hutball in the first 2 min.



With these situations I feel it is better to quit and re-queue if I am solo queuing. Will be no fun going though an entire WZ from the very start only to get farmed.


To the person that said they can only stand being a healer in solo queue..... many times I feel the exact opposite. I can do over 300k healing and 75k damage. Keep my team up forever and they still cant accomplish goals and kill anyone.

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