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Warzone LOL moments


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Besides of the usual grind of day to day warzones there are some moments that makes all of us LOL.


Last night in a match in Voidstar I was in the attacking team and we just deactivated the first set of force fields and me and a trooper were charging towards the 2nd set of doors. I saw a sorcerer on the other side of the bridge so I decided to wait for the trooper to go first so if the sorcerer does a KB it won't take out both us.


As true to their form the sorcerer seeing the trooper charging towards him did KB and knocking him/her off the ledge.. Game over for the trooper right? Nope the trooper managed to get a grapple off and pulled the sorcerer down with him!


I LOL'd then proceeded to the door and planted the bomb unchallenged.


Anyone else got any LOL moments to share?

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I was in a huttball escorting the ball carrier to the goal zone in a game where we were winning 5-0. He died about 3 meters before reaching the line to score, despite my taunts and stuns. The ball ended up going to a member of the other team, who with an escort of 2 other players ignored me and ran towards the ramp farthest away from me. Like typically happens though, the ball went to the player with the lowest health, about 20%.


The perks of being a bounty hunter are the following: rail shot and grapple. I shoot off a rail shot at the guy who is now carrying the ball, knocking him down to about 12%. I grapple the guy over to me where I am standing on the goal line. I rocket punch the guy knocking him down to about 7% and he beings running back towards the ramp again. The rocket punch reset the cooldown on my railshot. I begin to run over the goal line into scoring position and launch a railshot at the ball carrier. The shot crits and kills the guy. The ball starts flying through the air to me since i'm the only person around on my team. When the ball lands on me I'm already over the line and it instantly counts as a score and I win the game for my team!


I highly highly regret not recording this video :(

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One of the LoL moment for me was in Huttball also. A sage had the ball waiting for the fire to drop so he could run down the ramp and score. I was on the goal line trying to CC the sorc that had just spawned ( OR receive a pass which Rep don't do a lot of ). The Sorc force runs up the ramp and the sage force runs down the ramp. They both hit their KB but both were a little late causing the sorce to be blown forward up the ramp into the fire that just started up again and knocking the Sage into the goalline for a score as the Sorc is melted.


Another was in Voidstar. Republic get the last door down but the Imps were all over it. They had a team FULL of Sorc and BHs ( whats new ) they were doing a great job of CC and only had to burn down about 10 more seconds. Then this sorc runs into the middle of the republic players uses his KB knocking someone past the defensive front they had set up allowing him to cap with like 2 seconds left. I would love to hear what those players said to him lol. :p


On a side note. It seems that Sage and Sorc KB are involved in most of the LoL moments for me.

Edited by Diewoe
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I was in a huttball escorting the ball carrier to the goal zone in a game where we were winning 5-0. He died about 3 meters before reaching the line to score, despite my taunts and stuns. The ball ended up going to a member of the other team, who with an escort of 2 other players ignored me and ran towards the ramp farthest away from me. Like typically happens though, the ball went to the player with the lowest health, about 20%.


The perks of being a bounty hunter are the following: rail shot and grapple. I shoot off a rail shot at the guy who is now carrying the ball, knocking him down to about 12%. I grapple the guy over to me where I am standing on the goal line. I rocket punch the guy knocking him down to about 7% and he beings running back towards the ramp again. The rocket punch reset the cooldown on my railshot. I begin to run over the goal line into scoring position and launch a railshot at the ball carrier. The shot crits and kills the guy. The ball starts flying through the air to me since i'm the only person around on my team. When the ball lands on me I'm already over the line and it instantly counts as a score and I win the game for my team!


I highly highly regret not recording this video :(


Cool story bro

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I was in a huttball escorting the ball carrier to the goal zone in a game where we were winning 5-0. He died about 3 meters before reaching the line to score, despite my taunts and stuns. The ball ended up going to a member of the other team, who with an escort of 2 other players ignored me and ran towards the ramp farthest away from me. Like typically happens though, the ball went to the player with the lowest health, about 20%.


The perks of being a bounty hunter are the following: rail shot and grapple. I shoot off a rail shot at the guy who is now carrying the ball, knocking him down to about 12%. I grapple the guy over to me where I am standing on the goal line. I rocket punch the guy knocking him down to about 7% and he beings running back towards the ramp again. The rocket punch reset the cooldown on my railshot. I begin to run over the goal line into scoring position and launch a railshot at the ball carrier. The shot crits and kills the guy. The ball starts flying through the air to me since i'm the only person around on my team. When the ball lands on me I'm already over the line and it instantly counts as a score and I win the game for my team!


I highly highly regret not recording this video :(


Now while this is a cool story it doesn't really have a LoL moment in it. its more just bragging. :D

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I had lol Moments as opposing team powertechs grappled me into acid pools, just to be grappled and stunned by me 2 secs later . When match begins i stand by that pool and waiting on enemy sorcerors , they use force speed to get to that ball faster and as soon as they reach it , they end up swimming i get the ball and try to score. Anyway being a Powertech in Huttball match is a lol moment by itself .
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Best LoL I had was a 42 sage was destroying my teammates so I did the old Grapple into the fire (was amusing but this isn’t the LoL moment)


I found the same sage sitting on the middle platform a few minutes later so I jumped down to him and started kill the guy. When he was on low health, he popped force sprint and zoomed off the edge, I launch grapple a few meters back from the edge before he went down. The poor guy pretty much landed in the ditch thinking he was home free, only to be dragged all the way back, up and over the ledge straight into my rocket punch for the kill.


Sort of wet myself LOL

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Posted a short version in a thread earlier...



Close Huttball match, Rep vs Rep and not much left on the timer. I am at about 30% health, no teammates around to help. It looks clear until this Guardian and Sage both come up from behind me. Sage stuns me and I think it's game over, but low and behold right before I died the Guardian force pushed me right into the inzone lol. After than I managed to cloak away really fast (Shadow) and get away home free scoring the winning goal :D

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I hit a air jet in huttball while i was low on health and people were attacking me. I died in mid air and immediately hit the respawn before I hit the ground. I respawned in the spawn room but face planted unable to move. I was told to leave the room or I would be kicked. I could not do anything. /stuck would not work because it kept telling me I needed to be still. I was kicked. We were winning 5 - 0 with only 45 seconds left to go. Edited by Jaick
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Yesterday I saw one of our players put up their bubble, run through the fire to the goal line with someone chasing them the whole way. They just made it over the goal line before getting killed. Only then did they realized that it was our goal and not the other teams goal that he crossed and just handed the other team a point and ultimatly the win.


It was either laugh or cry so I had to laugh.

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Besides of the usual grind of day to day warzones there are some moments that makes all of us LOL.


Last night in a match in Voidstar I was in the attacking team and we just deactivated the first set of force fields and me and a trooper were charging towards the 2nd set of doors. I saw a sorcerer on the other side of the bridge so I decided to wait for the trooper to go first so if the sorcerer does a KB it won't take out both us.


As true to their form the sorcerer seeing the trooper charging towards him did KB and knocking him/her off the ledge.. Game over for the trooper right? Nope the trooper managed to get a grapple off and pulled the sorcerer down with him!


I LOL'd then proceeded to the door and planted the bomb unchallenged.


Anyone else got any LOL moments to share?



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Besides of the usual grind of day to day warzones there are some moments that makes all of us LOL.


Last night in a match in Voidstar I was in the attacking team and we just deactivated the first set of force fields and me and a trooper were charging towards the 2nd set of doors. I saw a sorcerer on the other side of the bridge so I decided to wait for the trooper to go first so if the sorcerer does a KB it won't take out both us.


As true to their form the sorcerer seeing the trooper charging towards him did KB and knocking him/her off the ledge.. Game over for the trooper right? Nope the trooper managed to get a grapple off and pulled the sorcerer down with him!


I LOL'd then proceeded to the door and planted the bomb unchallenged.


Anyone else got any LOL moments to share?


At least you didn't charge the sorc at the same time the trooper grappled him. ;-)

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When we lost 0 - 5 in Civl War (okay not lol moment, but a tight match)




When we were down 5 - 10 in Civil War and someone managed to get the last turret enabling us to win 5 - 0.




In Huttball, when I was standing at the top of the ram and this Guardian leap-charged me, turned around on me and Force Pushed me away and scored a goal. Must have been a lol-moment for him/her lol.




In Huttball, we were up 3-0 up with only 49 seconds left. I grabbed the ball and ran all the way to firepit on the left side. One of my teammates had passed through the fire and with only 3-4 seconds left, I threw the ball all the way to the finish line and luckly he had not stopped, but caught it running at the finish line and scored with 1-2 second left.

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IDK about it being a 'lol' as much as a heartbreaker. It's a close match of late night Sithball (it's what i call it as it's always at least 6 sorcs in it). I'm playing my BH alt (my one button wonder merc that I don't play anymore because I hate being a cheap 1 button pusher). With only 30 seconds left and the game tied, I receive a pass halfway thru their ramp. I'm standing in front of the last fire pad getting stunned and bummed. With only seconds left I see an operative on the goal line. I throw the ball with maybe 5% of my health left. The throw is on the mark and in one of those aggonizing slow motion moments, I see the Op go into stealth just as the ball lands in his area, going instead to the chara that had dropped down after a respawn. The other team gets the tie breaker as they had the ball left, and the operative is saying '***?' over and over.


For all you noobs, you can't receive a pass when you're stealthed.

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My LOL moments:



some idiot didn't understand game at all. After he capture the ball... he run to his own base :D Guy around 30lvl but I think that it was his first time in WZ (well it was chick but in MMO you never know :p).

1 time it COULD be a mistake but not twice.

Anyway - I play as Operative. So I do what every sane person do seeing half dead Inquisitor in light armor in enemy base WITH BALL.

I killed him and scored :-D

Still... he was very skilled. After I killed him I went to stealth and stayed in their base. Moment ago he run for the ball, jump over acid and... returned with the ball to their base.

So AGAIN I killed him again and scored right after ball jump to me.



It's a classic. 2 hero smugglers (mirror of a sniper that use forcefield) setup their forcefield in front of the door and watched closely if anyone attacking them. My whole team went for other door.

So I went to stealth, get behind them and armed the door.

More to that... after door blow up - they were still sitting there guarding that doors :p After I killed one second realize what happened :p

In my mind I saw enemy chat "no worry, our left is OK, we are guarding it".


Another nice moment was when I disarmed one door - 5 times. I never knew that was possible. How ? Enemy was arming the doors all the time. My team was bunch of idiots and no one interrupted them even ONCE. But again - no one interrupted me when I was running around disarming it :D Our defense end on first doors :-D Then we capture all objectives.

But I still don't know how they could put 8-man team containing just noobs.



Another classic. I was alone near generator. 4 enemies jump on me. So before I died I DoT them. From distance I saw all that blue lights that turn dark in 3 seconds just to light up again. When I return I throw granade to interrupt them and AGAIN I DoT them.

For 3 last minutes 4 enemies was unable to capture 1 node guarded by 1 operative :D

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