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Warzone LOL moments


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Got pushed off the ramp up to the enemy's goal while I had the ball and I ended up inside one of the support beams which hold the ramp thingy up.

It was about a minute remaining and I couldn't move and none of the enemies could attack me, not even their aoe would hurt me. Since the pillar I was in blocked my vision I couldn't throw the ball either. We were in the lead so I just /getdown 'ed till the game was over.

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Besides of the usual grind of day to day warzones there are some moments that makes all of us LOL.


Last night in a match in Voidstar I was in the attacking team and we just deactivated the first set of force fields and me and a trooper were charging towards the 2nd set of doors. I saw a sorcerer on the other side of the bridge so I decided to wait for the trooper to go first so if the sorcerer does a KB it won't take out both us.


As true to their form the sorcerer seeing the trooper charging towards him did KB and knocking him/her off the ledge.. Game over for the trooper right? Nope the trooper managed to get a grapple off and pulled the sorcerer down with him!


I LOL'd then proceeded to the door and planted the bomb unchallenged.


Anyone else got any LOL moments to share?


I love it. I would have fallen out of my chair if that had been me

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Many good times in warzones. Many good laughs.


Yesterday on smuggler sniper, Voidstar.

Fought the first door free, one guy is plantig. I get into position to cc the respawn.

Shield goes down, I throw my AoE cc grenade on one imp.

Whole respawn got ccd. Two of them BEHIND the shield.

Plant goes through. Imps who got stucked behind the shield get kicked from warzone 30sec later. :)

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my lol moment was when i was on my jugg and i was carrying the ball.. well thing about force push is if your at the bottom of a ramp and the target is at the top it hits at the angle and they go higher and farther then usual..


well i jump to a target closer to there goal line then i force pushed him when i got under him on the ramp but the angle and distance he went was he flew from the middle ledge to the ledge on the far left landing on the fire pit just as soon as it started burning allowing me to score with another force charge since push resets it

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OK this kinda sucked (since it happened to our team) but still happened and is a "LOL worthy" moment I say:


Huttball...we have a premade vs a premade. The game was 0-2 (we haven't scored yet). We ended up scoring 2 quick ones. The game then became almost impossible for either side to capture again due to each sides coordination. So many close calls at the goal lines denied.


It came down to the last minute which is obviously "hold the ball and defend" mode. They had it. 10 seconds left we killed their guy and got the ball. Our guy gets focused down hard...dots ticking away on him left and right. He has about 200 health and the game ends. No one has control of their characters and the game ALWAYS pauses for a second or so to bring up the scoreboard. In this time our guy died from dots...giving them the ball....and counting them as victors.


/facepalm haha

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I was a sniper, running away through the bridge while a shadow pulls me right on the ledge, with the intent of me falling into the chasm. He missed by a meter. I get behind him, take cover and use my cover pulse. He goes on his Emperor Palpatine journey... :D

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OK this kinda sucked (since it happened to our team) but still happened and is a "LOL worthy" moment I say:


Huttball...we have a premade vs a premade. The game was 0-2 (we haven't scored yet). We ended up scoring 2 quick ones. The game then became almost impossible for either side to capture again due to each sides coordination. So many close calls at the goal lines denied.


It came down to the last minute which is obviously "hold the ball and defend" mode. They had it. 10 seconds left we killed their guy and got the ball. Our guy gets focused down hard...dots ticking away on him left and right. He has about 200 health and the game ends. No one has control of their characters and the game ALWAYS pauses for a second or so to bring up the scoreboard. In this time our guy died from dots...giving them the ball....and counting them as victors.


/facepalm haha



Similar situation, however instead on trying to hold onto the ball, I cloak to reset the ball after stealing it from the enemy. Teammate sits at the ball spawn, grabs and the timer hits zero as he runs away.

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A couple times in Huttball as a sorc I have run to the goal line ready to pull our ball carrier across the line when in range. I pull the carrier.... he comes to me and I realize he does not have the ball anymore.. a second goes by and the ball lands on me as he passed it to me right as I was pulling him. :p
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Funny moment :


I fight a powertech 1v1 with my vanguard. We both friggin died at same time, giving us both the solo kill medal. Just hilarious to see how tight was the fight and how we both die having used all our tools to stay alive.


Another one, I was 10% health after surviving and sucessfully killing one ennemy, there was a juggernaut coming to finish me off, as I was standing near a fire trap, grappled the jugg / stunned him on the fire trap and got me a free kill. Always makes me laugh, how helpless those ennemies might feel when grapple puts them in hazards.


Or even, I was kiting away as I was close to die, when the ennemy chasing me passed over the fire trap, I used storm (wich grants me a speed boost and roots the ennemy) on him over the fire trap, I moved away and he died in the fire.


Or, when the ennemy screams SPEED HACKZ !!1 when I actually specc my vanguard up to Hold the line with also the perma 15% speed boost in the tactics tree (immunity to CC and speed boost for 8 secs) to score a few touchdowns easily. People should inform themselves about classes abilities and specs before crying.

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For me it was in a huttball match last night. My PT got jerked around like a ragdoll and when all was said and done, he was stuck in reverse. No matter what I did, he just kept walking backwards. If I used the right/left mouse to move forward he just stood still. But the game couldn't let me use channeled abilities as I was still "moving". I suicided in the acid, didn't fix it, nothing I did fixed it until I zoned out of huttball.


So, I used the camera as a rear view mirror, and then swung it the opposite direction so I'd be pointing towards the bad guys. I didn't do squat for damage/protection, but the PT in the middle walking backwards and switching directions must have looked like a target in a shooting gallery. It was both frustrating and funny at the same time.

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Besides of the usual grind of day to day warzones there are some moments that makes all of us LOL.


Last night in a match in Voidstar I was in the attacking team and we just deactivated the first set of force fields and me and a trooper were charging towards the 2nd set of doors. I saw a sorcerer on the other side of the bridge so I decided to wait for the trooper to go first so if the sorcerer does a KB it won't take out both us.


As true to their form the sorcerer seeing the trooper charging towards him did KB and knocking him/her off the ledge.. Game over for the trooper right? Nope the trooper managed to get a grapple off and pulled the sorcerer down with him!


I LOL'd then proceeded to the door and planted the bomb unchallenged.


Anyone else got any LOL moments to share?


If only you had been a sage, you could have force-pulled your teammate to safety for some extra lols. (Hopefully leaving the sorc to fall to his dooooooooooom) :-)

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This just happened on my sniper in a Voidstar.


I was taking cover on one of the little boxes by the door. A gunslinger from the opposite team takes cover on the OPPOSITE side of the box. We both were attacking each other. He outgeared me and got me.


But still...cracked me up.

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My LoL Moment, as many seem to be was in Huttball. I was running the ball and was just past the first fire on the top floor, my brother who i was playing with (sorc healer) had run ahead to past the last fire to get a pull on me when i reached the edge. I get to the end and jump off towards him waiting to get pulled and then i was pulled to the left by a BH and before i even got to the BH another BH had pulled me to below, again before hitting the floor i was pulled up to my brother to go on and score :)
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Besides of the usual grind of day to day warzones there are some moments that makes all of us LOL.


Last night in a match in Voidstar I was in the attacking team and we just deactivated the first set of force fields and me and a trooper were charging towards the 2nd set of doors. I saw a sorcerer on the other side of the bridge so I decided to wait for the trooper to go first so if the sorcerer does a KB it won't take out both us.


As true to their form the sorcerer seeing the trooper charging towards him did KB and knocking him/her off the ledge.. Game over for the trooper right? Nope the trooper managed to get a grapple off and pulled the sorcerer down with him!


I LOL'd then proceeded to the door and planted the bomb unchallenged.


Anyone else got any LOL moments to share?



How does a sorc knock a BH into the void.. when BH knock back has a farther range to knock you back lol funny as hell but dude failed pretty bad

Edited by Furyofwar
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