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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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I think BOTH of you guys are being biased. Whats a story if theres actually a MATCH between the good and the light. Light wins some dark wins some. You started this thread by stating how powerful Lord Malgus is was already a fail in the first place. Ok sure hes powerful but thats only part of the story. Almost all SW stories have had a all-powerful emperor that eventually gets defeated in the end. Its almost like a balance. If your all out light then u could match a all out dark. After that it just come from PERSONAL skill not the freaking force which seems like part of the debate now. When you talk about the darkside your talking about EVERYONE whos dark (and trust me not all dark dudes are powerful).
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The best example of the Darkside being stronger can be seen in this game,


Shatela shan the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and perhaps the strongest jedi in THIS era nearly got killed by Darth Malgus in the trailer Returned. She only survived by a saber throw from her MAster and even then Darth Malgus slaughters her MAster and His own by himself



ROund two: the trailer HOPE


Darth Malgus is blown to hell from a persistant trooper, despite this he severs statela shans saber and nearly kills her. Hes then blown up again and finally defeated but survives.



Now Darth Malgus was a powerful Sithlord for sure but pales in comparison to Darth Viatate the Emperor Who crushed and absored a planet of Sithlords and achieved Immortality.



IF Darth Malgus has proven to be more powerful than the Greatets Jedi in this era, What comparion can there be when Malgus is nothing to the Most powerful SITH, the Emperor?


Thus the Darkside is STONGER.



The Darkside IS STRONGER, the only disagreements are from fan boys or players who are mad they choose a jedi.


Darth Sion was immortal he could not die in battle, the only way he was defeated was to be convinced to let go of his pain.


NO JEDI EVER had such a power.


Darth Nihiliuos DEVOURED ENTIRE frackin planets, he devoured thousands of jedi without even needing to draw his lightsaber. he was only defeated for his "connection" or love for his apprentice, in other words his last straw of humanity. He was the Dark Side made manifest.


NO JEDI EVER came close to such a power



Darth Revan a Jedi Master turned to the Dark Side and became MORE POWERFUL, had he remained a Jedi he would be too weak and indeed the republic would have remained too weak too resist the madalorians or the True Sith Empire.


Lastly look at all the fights in the movies,


Darth Maul is taken down by TWO jedis, and he kills one


Darth Sidious kills three Jedi Masters and draws with Mace although it can be argued he lost its very obvious it was a ruse to turn Anakin to the Dark Side.


Count Dooku defeats anakin and obi wan and holds his own againt yoda,

It then takes a much more experence obi wan and anakin to beat him and ONLY after anakin used his anger (darkside) to overwhelm him.


Quoting Yoda that its more seductive but equal is not accurate as he was a champion of the Light, Had he admited it was stronger Luke would probally just joined his Father and Ruled the Galaxy as Father and Son.


Jedi have temptation to go towards the Darkside because ite more powerful, Do Sith Lords have any such temptation to learn from the Light? No because they are more powerful and do not require inferior and weaker arts.


I can debunk your entire premise with one guy's name and title:


Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker


Four words.


Luke Skywalker can kill multiple Sith Highlords simultaneously. Luke Skywalker would smack the Emperor of TOR around so fast the entire Sith Empire would fade away as they were retroactively erased from history. Luke, after realizing his potential, makes Emperor Palpatine look like a rank amateur.


According to Apocalypse (the latest book in the FotJ series) the entire surviving Sith culture is terrified of Luke Skywalker.


On top of that in TOR the Jedi Knight is stronger than the Emperor and can defeat him one on one.


Yes, Satele is weaker than Malgus. That is only because BioWare doesn't know how to write a strong NPC protagonist.

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From What I can see -


It is less about the Light or Dark Side and more about the person themselves and their individual potential....there is such varying degrees of Force power between different users NOT a blanket Light Side or Dark Side power level


That is why there are some Darksiders more powerful than Lightsiders and some Lightsiders more powerful than Darksiders and within the Ranks of both - Some Darksiders are more Powerful than other Darksiders and some Lightsiders are more powerful than other Lightsiders.


I Think Anakin/Luke had the potential of being the most powerful force user - so whichever side of the Force they would have Chosen to use - I'm sure they would have been the most powerful anyway....


Whichever Side of the Force you use - if you have the Ability with it, you will be just as powerful either way....but perhaps in different ways.

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From What I can see -


It is less about the Light or Dark Side and more about the person themselves and their individual potential....there is such varying degrees of Force power between different users NOT a blanket Light Side or Dark Side power level


That is why there are some Darksiders more powerful than Lightsiders and some Lightsiders more powerful than Darksiders and within the Ranks of both - Some Darksiders are more Powerful than other Darksiders and some Lightsiders are more powerful than other Lightsiders.


I Think Anakin/Luke had the potential of being the most powerful force user - so whichever side of the Force they would have Chosen to use - I'm sure they would have been the most powerful anyway....


Whichever Side of the Force you use - if you have the Ability with it, you will be just as powerful either way....but perhaps in different ways.


Actually according to EU, Luke Skywalker is the epitome of Light side power - he became Anakin's potential realized. Abeloth is the epitome of Dark side power. Luke wiped the floor with Abeloth the first time they fought. The second time, Abeloth defeated Luke but could not kill him.


What's more? Abeloth is not a Sith. She's a Dark sided entity (an immaterial being) who has difficulty fighting the strongest Jedi ever to exist.


That should be telling you the measure of the Light sides potential, and just where the Dark Side really stands if an immaterial entity of the Dark Side struggles to defeat a mortal, light sided being like Luke Skywalker or even come close to killing him.


There's a point where Abeloth tried to enter the mind of a powerful Sith during this time and consume/kill him. Unfortunately, this Sith was smart (-NOT- more powerful) and he used her own weakness against her (the result of her vampiric, dark sided nature). She was morbidly lonely in her existence. He preyed on that and forced her to retreat from his mind.


The very nature of the Dark side is self destructive. Any true fan of SW who avidly reads its material would know that. There's several sources that cite the Dark Side often sending self-conscious force users into a depressed state of suicide (e.g Galen Marek, he HATED his life as the Dark Side fueled him). It cannot sustain itself; hence why from the very start Dark Siders are doomed to failure and destruction. The irony is that Dark siders seek to gain a measure of immortality (which the SW fan knows is a vain, futile endeavour because Dark Siders cannot attain immortality; the only way to do so is through endeavouring to train in the light) - unaware that their delving into the Dark side is what's preventing them from attaining true immortality (not states of agelessness like some people seem to think counts as pure invulnerability to death).


Also, LordOfMassacre, you're aware that Jedi who have merged with the force while retaining their individual will can come back at any point in time they like, and interact with the physical world around them how they like without fear of expending their energy (like a dark spirit would)?


Obi-Wan Kenobi took control of Luke's body when Darth Vader threatened his life. Luke consented to it and Obi-wan briefly fought off Vader using Luke's body as a conduit ~ defeating Vader. That's just one example. Obi-Wan, because he was merged with the force, was infinite in that measure of power - he WAS the force. No Sith can ever achieve that :)


I love Sith. I love playing as Sith. Heck i've even roleplayed a Sith Lord on several occasions. But as much as I favor playing Sith in the end it wont change the facts about SW Lore and why i'd choose the Light side over Dark any day when push comes to shove. It's like asking a fanatic of the modern age "Heaven or Hell?" ~ the more logical consensus would be their favoring of Heaven, "ever-lasting salvation or eternal torment/ultimate destruction?"

Edited by Oonkeh_
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The Dark Side is stronger only because it abuses the power to wield the Force. Jedi, on the other hand, don't backstab and endlessly lie because (in essense of virtue) we are far better than Sith and those that support them. As for you comment about Darth Vader ssaving Luke...that was a Light Side thing for him to do...SO it wasn't Darth Vader the Sith LLord who saved Luke, it was Anakin Skywalker the Jedi Knight. Edited by Celcionna
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Using the logic of the Dark Side, being emotional makes you more powerful.


Using the logic of the Jedi, compartmentlizing your emotions so they don't hamper your performance makes you more powerful.


By that logic, Anakin, by drawing on all his hate, anger, and rage, was at his peak of power when fighting Obi-Wan. And Obi-Wan, by keeping his emotions in check and not letting them color his decision-making, was at the peak of his power.


And Obi-Wan wiped the floor with Anakin.


Thus, by the very logic of what makes the Dark Side its most powerful, and what makes the Light its most powerful, Light bent Dark over and made it its *****.


Well said... Well said.


I like you. :cool:

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Actually according to EU, Luke Skywalker is the epitome of Light side power - he became Anakin's potential realized. Abeloth is the epitome of Dark side power. Luke wiped the floor with Abeloth the first time they fought. The second time, Abeloth defeated Luke but could not kill him.


What's more? Abeloth is not a Sith. She's a Dark sided entity (an immaterial being) who has difficulty fighting the strongest Jedi ever to exist.


That should be telling you the measure of the Light sides potential, and just where the Dark Side really stands if an immaterial entity of the Dark Side struggles to defeat a mortal, light sided being like Luke Skywalker or even come close to killing him.


There's a point where Abeloth tried to enter the mind of a powerful Sith during this time and consume/kill him. Unfortunately, this Sith was smart (-NOT- more powerful) and he used her own weakness against her (the result of her vampiric, dark sided nature). She was morbidly lonely in her existence. He preyed on that and forced her to retreat from his mind.


The very nature of the Dark side is self destructive. Any true fan of SW who avidly reads its material would know that. There's several sources that cite the Dark Side often sending self-conscious force users into a depressed state of suicide (e.g Galen Marek, he HATED his life as the Dark Side fueled him). It cannot sustain itself; hence why from the very start Dark Siders are doomed to failure and destruction. The irony is that Dark siders seek to gain a measure of immortality (which the SW fan knows is a vain, futile endeavour because Dark Siders cannot attain immortality; the only way to do so is through endeavouring to train in the light) - unaware that their delving into the Dark side is what's preventing them from attaining true immortality (not states of agelessness like some people seem to think counts as pure invulnerability to death).


Also, LordOfMassacre, you're aware that Jedi who have merged with the force while retaining their individual will can come back at any point in time they like, and interact with the physical world around them how they like without fear of expending their energy (like a dark spirit would)?


Obi-Wan Kenobi took control of Luke's body when Darth Vader threatened his life. Luke consented to it and Obi-wan briefly fought off Vader using Luke's body as a conduit ~ defeating Vader. That's just one example. Obi-Wan, because he was merged with the force, was infinite in that measure of power - he WAS the force. No Sith can ever achieve that :)


I love Sith. I love playing as Sith. Heck i've even roleplayed a Sith Lord on several occasions. But as much as I favor playing Sith in the end it wont change the facts about SW Lore and why i'd choose the Light side over Dark any day when push comes to shove. It's like asking a fanatic of the modern age "Heaven or Hell?" ~ the more logical consensus would be their favoring of Heaven, "ever-lasting salvation or eternal torment/ultimate destruction?"


My Laconic Answer........according to EU :)

(which imho can be slightly too maleable (inconsistent), badly-written and writer biased)


In the Clone Wars Series the Mortis Trilogy (which to my understanding is a higher degree of canon) seems to show the Balanced Nature of the Force between the Light and the Dark (with Entities/Avatars) and the fact that it actually Should be Balanced.......


The Sith are NOT the Dark Side - the Sith tend to actively seek to unbalance the Force to thier own individual ends with a Dark Side Bias ....... The Jedi seek (or should seek) Balance in the Force - its natural state (this is what was talked about in the Movies - prophecy and all - the Jedi at their core seem to understand this) not a Light Side dominance. (perhaps Many EU Writers fail to understand that concept - and have some really crazy character ideas that they need to get out of their system? :))

This is where I think the Jedi don't have to be written as Emotionless Hypocritcal drones (They are not Light-Side preachers) and can have individual opinions on things and should have no problem in fighting if it is necessary - doing what needs to be done but not going to any excesses - This is why I love the Original Ben Kenobi and Yoda - they were both great individual personalities and were amongst the best wind-up merchants in the Galaxy - perhaps in no small part responsible for Luke's Whining - and yes, I loved Whiny Luke too.....:) )


The Sith Obviously had to be stopped - but the Jedi were culled severely too - Perhaps the Reason that the Jedi were wiped out in the films is because they lost sight of that natural balance without realising and had allowed themselves to become too embroiled in the political machine and inadvertantly had a bit too much influence on events being made with a political agenda rather than 'flowing' with the force - Obi-Wan and Yoda seemed to go back to more Spirtual/Hermitical ways and began the redemption of the Jedi culminating in Luke.


(admittedly the above is all my own opinion - based on what I saw in the Movies - mainly the original trilogy)

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Honestly, I still believe they're equal, as the Force itself doesn't have a "Light" or "Dark" side. It's simply The Force. The Light and Dark are simply in how it's used/abused. Are Force Lightning and Force Choke inherent Dark Side abilities? My answer is no.


To clarify, lightning is naturally occuring, and therefore why not be able to draw all static electiricity into the body and project it as lightning? To me, that's the same as ripping boulders out of the ground and flinging them at people. In fact, if you're in harmony with the Force, the lightning should not harm you at all. Same as the Energy Absorption ability. Satele used it in "Hope", and Vader used it to absorb Han's shots on Bespin.


Now, when the Force is twisted to suit any single user's will, then it may become tainted by the "dark side". I sincerely believe the Force only brings out someone's true nature. Everyone that says Anakin was a paragon of virtue before becoming Darth Vader hasn't read the books or seen the movies. Or they're just blind to his corruption even before turning. He wanted more power. He knew he shouldn't, but he still did. Yes, he was conflicted, and to some extent I felt bad for him.


The misinterpretation of the Jedi Code is also, I believe, the reason for a lot of Jedi turning to the Dark Side. I agree with a poster on a different thread that the "There is no" part of each line is a mistake. Only Sith deal in absolutes. Yeah, ok. That's an absolute. I think Obi-Wan might have thought that through a little better before saying it.... If you read the Jedi Code as written now, each line is an absolute. Go figure.


Anyhow, before this wall of text becomes any bigger, I'll just say that between the "light" and "dark", it all boils down to the users, and how strong they are. Thank you, and fly safe. o7

Edited by Captain_Zone
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I see it more as the dark side being a perversion of the force.


The dark side folks seem to be intent on using the force, the light side to be being used by the force.


A fine disctinction maybe, but it is evidenced by the apparent dark side hunger to use the force for immortality, while the jedi follow the will of the force and die when its their time, as the force wills it.


Maybe this is getting too existential, but I dont see a perversion of the force being something that would then give you more power. Its effects are readily visible in the dark side users, their corpse-like pallor, etc.


The jedi seem to be more along the lines of learning to be the servants of the force, the sith to learning to make the force it's *****.


If power is derived from the force, which would the force be more inclined to favor.

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To clarify, lightning is naturally occuring, and therefore why not be able to draw all static electiricity into the body and project it as lightning?


Except that Force Lightning isn't electricity. It's the raw, distilled anger, hatred, and will to utterly frelling DESTROY what's in front of you congealed into a physical manifestation of antagonism towards all life. It IS the epitome of Dark Side power, because ALL IT IS is the desire to dominate and destroy that which stands against you.


Now, Force Choke, you may have a point. It's simply a refined projection of telekinesis. Using it on its own shouldn't be any more "Dark" then employing any one of a hundred different martial arts chokeholds. When you use it to terrorize, torment, and murder your subordinates because they insult your religion, or mess up an attack plan, of get you coffee that's too hot. . . well, then you start earn some Dark Side cred.

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Except that Force Lightning isn't electricity. It's the raw, distilled anger, hatred, and will to utterly frelling DESTROY what's in front of you congealed into a physical manifestation of antagonism towards all life. It IS the epitome of Dark Side power, because ALL IT IS is the desire to dominate and destroy that which stands against you.


Now, Force Choke, you may have a point. It's simply a refined projection of telekinesis. Using it on its own shouldn't be any more "Dark" then employing any one of a hundred different martial arts chokeholds. When you use it to terrorize, torment, and murder your subordinates because they insult your religion, or mess up an attack plan, of get you coffee that's too hot. . . well, then you start earn some Dark Side cred.


First, let me say that it's good to see another FarScape fan. :D


Now, Force Lightning... yes, that may be the case in Dark Side practitioners. But my argument is that a Light Sider could use it as well, only from a different source. So far, my Assassin is Light I, since my original plan was to run him grey, but it seems I'm not that bad of a guy. lol


Anyhow, Darkside adepts use the raw anger and hatred, while I believe Lightsiders could just as easily use naturally occuring static electricity. It all boils down to how you RP your character in the game, imo. Or in the actual Star Wars universe, how the objective is reached. EIther by the quick and easy "dark path", or by the more traditional years of training that the Jedi Order provides. Haste makes waste. Darksiders tend to burn out very quickly. Some become dependent on the Force (Sion, Vitiate, Zash, Scourge) to prolong their lives unnaturally. They always pay the price in the end.

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First, let me say that it's good to see another FarScape fan. :D


Now, Force Lightning... yes, that may be the case in Dark Side practitioners. But my argument is that a Light Sider could use it as well, only from a different source. So far, my Assassin is Light I, since my original plan was to run him grey, but it seems I'm not that bad of a guy. lol


Anyhow, Darkside adepts use the raw anger and hatred, while I believe Lightsiders could just as easily use naturally occuring static electricity. It all boils down to how you RP your character in the game, imo. Or in the actual Star Wars universe, how the objective is reached. EIther by the quick and easy "dark path", or by the more traditional years of training that the Jedi Order provides. Haste makes waste. Darksiders tend to burn out very quickly. Some become dependent on the Force (Sion, Vitiate, Zash, Scourge) to prolong their lives unnaturally. They always pay the price in the end.


Scapers unite!


Yeah, it's a bit off-Lore for "Dark Side" powers like Force Lightning to be factionally restricted, instead of alignment restricted. However, there are Lore cases where one can use Force Lightning without drawing on the Dark Side. It's rare, but it has happened, so my complaint on that score is minimal.

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3:08 Yoda : " Ok enough of this bull"


3:26 Sidious : " FFS !! "


3:31 Sidious : "Fark where did he go now"


3:34 Yoda : "Surprise fat boy !!"


3:41 Sidious " Oh for heavens sake could you please die I cant take this sheit no more!!?? "


3:46 Sidious " YAY im freaking winning!!! Yoda getting pwned by ze scrublord. I are uber pwnage, lulz, /spit, - ammaggad i just came a little"


3:48 Yoda " Is that all you got... nub !? "


3:51 Sidous " ammaggad.. I just soiled myself "



/point proven


Light side wins ! :cool:

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In My opinion neitherside is more powerful. Indidual strengths are what matter. Jedi have the same capabiliteis as a sith just choose not to use it. With all that power and the search for more power the sith ultimatley destroy themselves. Theirs a sence of balance with power. and although sith exploit that power it destroys them cuz they r unable to control it. and not being able to control it makes them weak. thats y in the end i qoute yoda"always two their are. A master and an apprentice" cuz thats all that ever survives when the force trimphs them.
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The darkside is like a dragster, fast for a bout 6 seconds then it's done. The light side is like a formula one car, it can actually turn and stop and go and do all kinds of things the dragster can't. So sure, for a brief few seconds the darkside is stronger, until it needs to turn and do something else.
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I actually don't think either side is overall stronger than the other. The light uses their powers pretty much defensivley while the dark side uses pretty much offensive based powers. Now while G.L. has said that the Light Side is stronger and must defeat the darkside to bring balance, where is the balance in that? You cannot have balance when there is not two equally opposing forces, if you dont believe me pull out an old style scale and see where the balance is when one side has weight and the other has nothing.


The Light will always prevail, dark siders we have to come to that realization. Yes being all tough guy and force choking peope is cool and all but we will lose. However, we will return and make the light work to get rid of us. That is the true balance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes ofc the lightside is stronger, good always wins over evil. Wouldnt that explain how dark side always wins? aside from the old republic when the sith destroy the temple and empire beats the republic back and force them to signt a treaty which they didnt have to do. Lets fast forward to the present star wars unniverse where a weakened Palpatine kicks the teeth in of 3 masters and stalemates mace.


Then lets fast forward a bit more where right after he fought those 4, Yoda fights him with full power and not only ties but then goes on to say Palpatine cannot be beaten at the moment...Weakened Palpatine beat a fully powered yoda, and before you say no yoda was weakened with the death of so many jedi, bull ****. First of all the jedi forces weakened not his individual power, if that were the case sith with their rule of 2 and luke wouldnt have been very strong.


Only after the CHOSEN ONE who was created by a SITH LORD had a year of training? make him strong enough to defeat 2 of the strongest sith ever to exist, we all know heros have to win.


And since we are quoting swtor which isnt cannon lets bring in another sith, Galen Marek aka Starkiller, as an apprentice he killed jedi masters with relative ease. Ripped starships out of the sky, and kicked vaders *** on the first try *cough luke skywalker cough*

Edited by SirSparhawk
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I actually don't think either side is overall stronger than the other. The light uses their powers pretty much defensivley while the dark side uses pretty much offensive based powers. Now while G.L. has said that the Light Side is stronger and must defeat the darkside to bring balance, where is the balance in that? You cannot have balance when there is not two equally opposing forces, if you dont believe me pull out an old style scale and see where the balance is when one side has weight and the other has nothing.


The Light will always prevail, dark siders we have to come to that realization. Yes being all tough guy and force choking peope is cool and all but we will lose. However, we will return and make the light work to get rid of us. That is the true balance.


In regards to your scale analogy, it's better to think that the entire scale represents the light side of the Force and putting any weight (that is to say, the dark side) on either end throws off the balance. You can't think of the Force as having more than one naturally occurring facets. The Force is, by definition, light sided and the dark side is a mere perversion of it, not another extension.

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To put this as simply as possible....



The creator of star wars and everything you are talking about is George Lucas. George Lucas says that the dark side is not more powerful. So guess what? It's not more powerful. Creator of the universe beats guy from the internet.


George Lucas also thinks that Greedo shot first...

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