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Everything posted by Kelfred

  1. In the Kelfred expanded universe, she got hit by a tacocopter run amok and was tragically decapitated by one of its rotors. Ironically, the same thing happened to Shepard. Twice.
  2. I have to disagree, theres an excellent reason why the main characters have to be involved in every story and at every available opportunity. It sells more stories to have Luke on the cover waving a big honkin lightsaber. Luke is instantly recognizable and the author doesnt have to go through the unendurable agony of creating their own original character.
  3. You didnt even read my post, but quoted it anyway. Super. As I said, in my post, 'not sure it can be called immaculate conception anyways...' I sure didnt say anything about Jesus or the term referring to Mary or not referring to Mary. Lets just walk away from this one, before we get the religious right in this converation and all end up regretting this.
  4. This is why I despise the EU, or at least parts of it. Here we have Sidious, evil mastermind genius, worked with Plagueis, another mastermind genius, all to destroy the jedi. According to Plagueis, as I recall anyway, generations of Sith had come and gone, all plotting and planning for the eventual overthrow of their hereditary enemies. After the successful takeover of the republic and the breaking of the jedi, they just forget about the remaining jedi and write their memoirs. Generations of planning to destroy their ancestral enemies, the only real threat they face, and they just walk off and leave a few hundred. I will readily admit that I am not an evil genius, but I can certainly call that stupid. Maybe if there were five or six still around, I'd feel pretty safe and secure. A few hundred? No way. I'd make it one of my main priorities to wipe out the remainder, leave no risk of them coming back at all. After all, if the sith stayed in hiding all those years and made a come back, why not the jedi? I'm sure Palpatine would be intelligent enough to look at his own example and see a point of concern with leaving enemies alone.
  5. Whats wrong with the immaculate conception theory? Its not like its an overdone plot point. As far as I'm aware its only been done once before. Its pretty much whats implied in the movies, if I understood correctly. Not sure it can really be called immaculate conception anyways, I've always wondered what midichlorians looked like. Maybe they look like little sperm cells.
  6. In regard to the original questions posed, it would make sense for Palpatine to not kill Bail (even or especially if he knew Bail was allied with the resistance). If he know Bail was with the resistance, he would know who to watch, he could see who goes to talk to Bail and then watch them. He could gather loads of info on the rebellion and its members. If he killed Bail, someone else would just take his place. Possibly someone unknown to Palpatine. It would take time and resources to find out who replaces Bail, vital information could be lost in that span of time. The same, conversely, goes for Bail watching Palpatine. There is something to be said for hiding in plain sight. Especially as a senator you would likely have access to all sorts of information like troop movements, expansion plans, etc. You'd be placed to hear if there was any possibility of troops going to Tatooine for example. Since he was already a senator, it might be viewed suspiciously if he were to suddenly up and vanish also.
  7. I doubt that there were a couple hundred left. That would speak to poor planning on the part of Sidious. If he could mastermind the takeover of the republic (or at least pick up where Plagueis left off), I doubt he would leave that many jedi to chance. I'd think maybe a dozen or so survived, due to mischance, previously unplanned jedi excursions that Sidious hadnt planned for, or the force. Sidious had all the resources of the entire Republic at his disposal, unlimited funds and superior soldiers. I dont think he would haved erred on underestimating jedi, given that this was the culmination of the entire sith plan. I think he would have planned to get rid of every single one and would have been able to account for force usage and other exigent circumstances.
  8. Dude, I seriously doubt George Lucas was conceptualizing **** in the star wars universe. Even the violence is pretty sanitary, no blood or viscera flying around. No wounded people screaming for their mothers. These are kids movies, which adults can enjoy. This isnt the "I spit on your grave' universe.
  9. I say take it in a whole new direction and cast Jenna Jameson as Anakin.
  10. How can you argue with that? If you did, you might get analized too. I'm not sure what that is actually, but I'm pretty sure I dont want it to happen to me.
  11. I dont think Anakin was stupid so much as he was a ***** teenager. Which, in many cases, is the same thing as stupid. The french even have a saying 'cherchez la femme', which doesnt quite translate to men are stupid, so much as 'look to the woman'. This is where Anakin's fault and stupidity lay. Its the age old classic tale of love, treachery and force choking the crap outta some chick who torqued you off on a lava-spewing planet while your best friend stand there and watches. Dumas couldnt have told it better, even if he knew what a lightsaber was.
  12. Hanharr seemed pretty tough in the game. That very first fight against him was a monster to win. Bowdaar is just a hair covered cheesy poof that tries to hump your leg when you walk in the door. He might look like a wookie and talk like a wookie, but that, sir, is no wookie. I dont beleive for a second that he won all those arena fights. They must have been rigged by the Hutts, illegal doping of the other fighters before the fight. Then they dump him on you before ESPN gets wind of it and you obligingly remove him from the spotlight and take him on a tour of the galaxy.
  13. Jeebus, dude. Ignore my questions, ignore everything else I said. State that Maul's training was the same as Anakins or possibly superior, when called on it, you ignore that too. Then mention others who are completely irrelevant to Maul's training or lack thereof. Okay, Darth Zannah trained for over a decade in being a force sorceress. She was initally trained in the force by Bane. She then had access to Freedon Nadd's holocron, teaching the intricacies of sith sorcery. Note the key word here, is train. Train, train, train. She didnt just open up a genie bottle and get her wishes granted. I'm sure Maul was trained to fight and master his pain and use his anger. All classic parts of being a sith warrior, which it is explicit that was all he was intended to be. Sidious does not teach him anything else. Managing the PH levels in your blood would probably not be a warrior's training. Forget it, I'm done here.
  14. To each their own. There's a youtube vid with Hitler that perfectly sums up my feelings on the ME3 ending. I couldnt say it better than Hitler, so I wont even try.
  15. Well, what can I say. I've enjoyed it so far.
  16. I think you guys did a good job, given the multitude of different stories you had to tell, the choices, etc. Please dont ever do anything like the end of Mass Effect 3.
  17. 'Maul spent the first few years of his life in the care of droids in a secret location on Mustafar. A year after he was given over to the Sith, Sidious was granted permission from his own Master to train Maul as an apprentice. But in order to avoid breaking the Rule of Two, Sidious was only allowed to train the young Zabrak as a weapon; he was never trained to be a true Sith Lord in the same way as Plagueis and Sidious.[1] During his training, any show of fear was severely punished, and any hint of mercy rewarded with cruelty.' 1.↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Star Wars: Darth Plagueis' Now I dont mind that your arguments seem to be based off of absolutely nothing, but now you're just making stuff up. Maul's training was superior to Anakin's? Where did you get this from? If there is something out there that states Maul had extensive training in the force, then ok, lets hear it. I'll be happy to reconsider my viewpoint. Otherwise, again, its your contention that all the training jedi and sith go through isnt necessary because they really just have to utilize their will. Or get angry. That flies in the face of all the training that Luke had to do, Anakin had to do, Sidious himself had to do, Plagueis had to do, etc, etc. Usage of will is a key component, but no training makes the will useless. Its my will to be a cardiologist (I'm not one), now I just need to find someone to let me cut them open and fiddle with their ticker. Its going to end poorly, whatever my will is.
  18. Yes, its just a lazy author making a blatant money grab, banking on people's willingness to swallow any tripe thats served up. Especially if it gives you what you want, in this case, Maul surviving. He obviously did survive, its just contemptible that he did in this way.
  19. I see it more as the dark side being a perversion of the force. The dark side folks seem to be intent on using the force, the light side to be being used by the force. A fine disctinction maybe, but it is evidenced by the apparent dark side hunger to use the force for immortality, while the jedi follow the will of the force and die when its their time, as the force wills it. Maybe this is getting too existential, but I dont see a perversion of the force being something that would then give you more power. Its effects are readily visible in the dark side users, their corpse-like pallor, etc. The jedi seem to be more along the lines of learning to be the servants of the force, the sith to learning to make the force it's *****. If power is derived from the force, which would the force be more inclined to favor.
  20. So what you're saying is that Star Wars is fiction. That really needed to be said? If you can suspend disbelief on this and its necessary for you to believe that Maul survived, then ok. Not that you need my permission or anything. However it being fiction doesnt mean that some critical thinking shouldnt be applied. I believe fiction is better if it has a dose of realism with it. This fails on several levels. If Maul had extensive training in the force in the area of healing and maintaining life, I'd be willing to buy it. Heck, I'd like to buy it, Maul is a cool character. Theres no way I can say this without sounding patronizing and condescending, but from my education and background and area of knowledge, this doesnt meet the requirements for suspension of disbelief. There are just too many mitigating factors against it. I would have been more willing to buy into his coming back as an angry force ghost and taking possession of somebody, except again, he has no force mastery to speak of and shouldnt be capable of that either. Or maybe his PO'd twin brother comes back and gets all medieval on Obi wan. Anything other than a Monty Pythonesque black knight, 'I've suffered worse' scenario.
  21. I didnt see him use any force lightning in the movie. He did jump around a lot, which would imply telekinesis. However, I expect that this would be part and parcel of his training to fight. I think there would be a huge difference between jumping around and throwing things and maintaining homeostasis in the body without the organs that do such for you. The body, human or I suppose otherwise, is incredibly intricate and requires everything working together in the proper manner. Discussing the kidneys is getting tiresome, but lets look at what they do, according to wikipedia; 'The kidneys are responsible for regulating blood water levels, re-absorption of substances into the blood, maintenance of salt and ion levels in the blood, regulation of blood pH, and excretion of urea and other wastes.' This is incredibly delicate and precise work, your organs do it for you, so its taken for granted. Further;' Other diseases which result from a homeostatic imbalance include diabetes, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, gout and any disease caused by the presence of a toxin in the bloodstream. Medical intervention can help restore homeostasis and possibly prevent permanent damage to the organs.' So you're going to buy in to the concept that a guy who is a force novice, never trained to do anything but fight, can suddenly manage all of the above 24/7, even in his sleep. Yeah, its fiction, but its sloppy, lazy fiction.
  22. Agreed, this is just poor writing trying to capitalize on a popular character. In regard to the force mastery issue, Sidius is very clear that he did not teach Maul anything besides fighting jedi. He is similarly clear that he did not teach Maul any force powers or sith secrets. So, again, what you're saying is that all the training from apprentice to master of the dark side is useless because all you have to really do is get mad and then you can do anything. This is nothing but weak writing. As for Anakin surviving, the jedi turned dark side dont instantly forget everything they've learned once they've turned dark. Also his wounds were severe, but less than Maul's. And his power in the force was unparalleled. Yet he still nearly died. So, Anakin had better training, more power, lesser wounds, and he still nearly croaked. You're argument though is that Maul got really, really mad. Like if Rush Limbaugh were refused service at IHOP mad. Mad isnt enough is my argument. Anakin nearly died and he had all the benefits that Maul didnt. Saying that he survived is nothing but a slap in the face to fans by an author out to make a buck.
  23. Do zabrak have kidneys? Theres no way to answer that, as you well know. Best guess would be that since the majority of evolution seems to have trended towards carbon based, bipedal life forms that there would be other similarities as well. Do zabraks have blood? If they do, then it builds up toxins and needs to be filtered. If they dont have kidneys, then they have something darn close to it in functionality. There is a limited amount of space in the torso. Zabraks were noted to have two hearts in an earlier post, this would leave even less room, assuming that both hearts are human sized. The kidneys or whatever passes for the kidneys would likely be located close to the urinary tract, again likely evolution would dictate that such organs would be in close proximity.
  24. Today , 09:54 PM Quote: Originally Posted by Kelfred I see, so the argument is that force will keep you alive through any trauma you may suffer. You dont need to have your blood filtered and cleaned, because the force will do it for you. Your blood pressure doesnt need to be regulated, because the force will do it for you. Thats a pretty all inclusive argument there. I guess logic and medical science can just be thrown out the window. The guy who was cut in half, in real life, still had a functioning kidney. If you think kidneys arent necessary, I'd recommend doing some research. The only problem at this point then, is that according to 'Darth Plagueis', Maul was designed as a weapon. Just a weapon, no force mastery was taught to him. No secrets of the sith were taught to him. He was taught to fight and thats it. So a guy who was never taught to use the force for something other than fighting, now has the ability to keep himself alive in the face of a massive traumatic injury, use the force to cleanse his blood and regulate his blood pressure, maintain consciousness and crawl away to fight another day. Thats seems like a pretty steep learning curve. I seem to recall reading Leah use the force to heal Mon Mothma on an atomic level when she had some sort of terminal illness. She had very little training as well. Just sayin. Thats just poor writing. Its reminiscent of the greeks usage of deus ex machina, 'then a god shows up'. Essentially the situation is all fubar, but then a god shows up at the last minute and sets everything right. It utterly invalidates the entire concept of getting younglings, training them, the padawan process, knighthood, mastery, etc. Really all you have to do is wish upon a star really hard and it'll all be ok. Training isnt necessary at all. Weak. But then if the author had any actual talent, they'd probably be writing something other than star wars novels.
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