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The real problem with the current state of PVP Must read. Please SIGN


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I am dedicated to competition in any form, online or sports.

I have currently a valor 62 sniper battlemaster rakata and geared

And a valor 58 assasin


I think bioware did some amazingly balanced classes and Huttball is really fun.

But I simply have not that much fun pvping here and it took me some time to figure out why.


Bioware introduced a system that perverted the fun and competition of player vs player action into a PVE grinding.


I am currently forced into a system that benefits the casual lowskilled PVE geargrinders.


I am on that joke Dungeon of Illum grinding 30 Mobs every day to get some stupid gear.



I used to play countless hours of Dust2 to progress into the top 20 of my chosen counterstrike server. I played endless hours of Lost temple in frozen throne to become better and be matched against better skilled players.


I had 10.000 matches on tournament arena in tiberium wars until I got to the world cyber games.


But here I am forced to play against poor unskilled players hundreds of times. There is no skill based matchmaking, thus every game is the same boring 6:0 grinding.

If we actually had a ranking, there would be close games, motivations, and new challenges that would keep me playing for the sake of competition.

I could do 10.000 games of dust2 but 200 games of huttball without any skillbased matchmaking feel like running a dungeon full of Mobs.



Congrats bioware for turning pvp in a daily chore of finishing 3 dungeons and killing 30 mobs.


Remove the stupid gear progression already and make it a skill based progression with Vanity items for character progression

Edited by beyou
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I am dedicated to competition in any form, online or sports.



Congrats bioware for turning pvp in a daily chore of finishing 3 dungeons and killing 30 mobs.



This right here. I didn't make it to pro level but I am damn good and have a TON of experience. Thank you for the post.



Edited by BCBull
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Changing in 1.2 - Read the Q&A.


Jop, I read it.


Everything is based on playskill now. There is no more system that people can bypass to have an advantage. We no longer have gear that is needed to compete on equal levels.

Sarcasm off!


Edited by beyou
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I was thinking along the same lines as the OP and I had something of an epiphany. The fact is that you are rewarded equally in this game for damage/heals etc. REGARDLESS of the gear/stat differences (ranking). Why would you award a valor 60 with gear the same as a fresh 50? Counter-intuitive as it seems, you should actually reward the lower layer more FOR A WIN.


The Gear Snowball Effect has on matches and the random gear system make competition meaningless outside of "Grind your gear, then play the REAL game". A ranking system is required, inverse Valor should be assigned as you level up, leveling up should become harder.

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dont you get ranked warzones in 1.2 ? where obviously higher rated teams match up versus other higher ranked etc ?


its just a month to its supose to be launched..


Yes, with a gear grind barrier of entry that will keep most of the real PvP'ers out, especially if they try to join after S1 and are looking at a long-*** grind in front of them to even start.


If Bioware wants real competitive PvP in skill based "ranked matches" gear will be completely irrelevant. Ranking systems will pair players based on their skill, not the "skill" built into their toons gear.


Something like that would keep me coming back to this game again and again. Without it, the first time I have a big consulting contract and haveto take 2-3 months off I'll probably say, "to hell with it" and never play again.

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I am dedicated to competition in any form, online or sports.

I have currently a valor 62 sniper battlemaster rakata and geared

And a valor 58 assasin


I think bioware did some amazingly balanced classes and Huttball is really fun.

But I simply have not that much fun pvping here and it took me some time to figure out why.


Bioware introduced a system that perverted the fun and competition of player vs player action into a PVE grinding.


I am currently forced into a system that benefits the casual lowskilled PVE geargrinders.


I am on that joke Dungeon of Illum grinding 30 Mobs every day to get some stupid gear.



I used to play countless hours of Dust2 to progress into the top 20 of my chosen counterstrike server. I played endless hours of Lost temple in frozen throne to become better and be matched against better skilled players.


I had 10.000 matches on tournament arena in tiberium wars until I got to the world cyber games.


But here I am forced to play against poor unskilled players hundreds of times. There is no skill based matchmaking, thus every game is the same boring 6:0 grinding.

If we actually had a ranking, there would be close games, motivations, and new challenges that would keep me playing for the sake of competition.

I could do 10.000 games of dust2 but 200 games of huttball without any skillbased matchmaking feel like running a dungeon full of Mobs.



Congrats bioware for turning pvp in a daily chore of finishing 3 dungeons and killing 30 mobs.


Remove the stupid gear progression already and make it a skill based progression with Vanity items for character progression


I know alot of ppl that Enjoy the game and its getting better each patch, Ranked WZ's will hit and they will be nice, if you Expect everything out the Door for a 2month old game then well your SOL kiddo...


Not signed/Games comming along fine and in time things will be released over time...

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I know alot of ppl that Enjoy the game and its getting better each patch, Ranked WZ's will hit and they will be nice, if you Expect everything out the Door for a 2month old game then well your SOL kiddo...


Not signed/Games comming along fine and in time things will be released over time...



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I know alot of ppl that Enjoy the game and its getting better each patch, Ranked WZ's will hit and they will be nice, if you Expect everything out the Door for a 2month old game then well your SOL kiddo...


Not signed/Games comming along fine and in time things will be released over time...


So you call me kiddo and put out the most unlogical text I have ever read??


Some people have fun.

The game is getting improved.

The game is 2 months old

I will not sign to show what way it should be improved because it is gettng improved...

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It doesn't matter how balanced they get their combat for ranked matches if you have to pay to win (buy a NASA specced PC).


I've got my money on there being no x-server queue system for these ranked WZs, so the best you can hope for is "king of you server".

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Jop, I read it.


Everything is based on playskill now. There is no more system that people can bypass to have an advantage. We no longer have gear that is needed to compete on equal levels.

Sarcasm off!



Hey pro guy, you're playing the wrong game.

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So you call me kiddo and put out the most unlogical text I have ever read??


Some people have fun.

The game is getting improved.

The game is 2 months old

I will not sign to show what way it should be improved because it is gettng improved...


Alot have fun, already been shown, yes kiddo, thanks...

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It doesn't matter how balanced they get their combat for ranked matches if you have to pay to win (buy a NASA specced PC).


I've got my money on there being no x-server queue system for these ranked WZs, so the best you can hope for is "king of you server".


I'm pretty sure ranked warzones and cross server warzones are coming in and the same time, and it would be kind of silly to make ranked warzones server only, since the main reason they're doing cross server ones is to improve queue times on low population servers.


Also, in the last Q&A they said there's a "very low" shader setting coming for folks with low-end machines. My machine runs TOR beautifully but I know I'll be turning that option on for Ilum either way.


What's more troubling is the people having issues on High-end machines, but I'm sure they'll get that fixed.


OP, I think what you're saying is that you're achievement driven and this system in its current incarnation lacks the tools to make you feel like you've achieved anything other than getting gear.


I agree, but I also know that MMORPG's don't launch with those systems in place.


Personally, rankings will be fun, but I care less about E-Peen than sandbox elements, and making the servers feel more "alive". Warzones are fun but I get bored with them pretty quickly without some meaningful use of the many nice maps we quested on while getting to 50 interspersed in between. What's the point of having the planet Alderaan, for instance, if it will only ever be fought over by a few level 30's and a few gankers?

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Another problem is tha I am currently forced to do atrocities that have nothing to do with competing against other players to get stuff I need to do actual pvp.


And believe me mortredz, people like you, the casual non competitive players has not so much fun when he is grinded by the likes of me. But I guess you are on some very low skilled server.

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Changing in 1.2 - Read the Q&A.


The problem is "Ranked WZ" is fairly vague. We don't actually know whether we will be able to do full pre-mades, or whether we will have to do full pre-mades for ranked matches. Without at least some limited cross-server queuing the matches will get stale if we are only playing against the exact same people, with the exact same comp over and over, or if people will queue dodge each other to farm rank on lower caliber players.


After all of the failures that have occurred in their PVP design, "1.2 will fix it" is not very reassuring.

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Remove the stupid gear progression already and make it a skill based progression with Vanity items for character progression


Totally and completely SIGNED!!!


...and lets be ABSOLUTELY clear about something else: It should have been like in the quote from the beginning.

Edited by justadude
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Perhaps if every republic PvP team wasnt 40% troopers, 40% healers, 15% smugglers and 5% of whatever else perhaps it would be a little more challenging.


Also if the resolve bar worked as it should perhaps that would help, but that doesnt help againest 4 consulars slowing you to infitinity

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I am dedicated to competition in any form, online or sports.

I have currently a valor 62 sniper battlemaster rakata and geared

And a valor 58 assasin


I think bioware did some amazingly balanced classes and Huttball is really fun.

But I simply have not that much fun pvping here and it took me some time to figure out why.


Bioware introduced a system that perverted the fun and competition of player vs player action into a PVE grinding.


I am currently forced into a system that benefits the casual lowskilled PVE geargrinders.


I am on that joke Dungeon of Illum grinding 30 Mobs every day to get some stupid gear.



I used to play countless hours of Dust2 to progress into the top 20 of my chosen counterstrike server. I played endless hours of Lost temple in frozen throne to become better and be matched against better skilled players.


I had 10.000 matches on tournament arena in tiberium wars until I got to the world cyber games.


But here I am forced to play against poor unskilled players hundreds of times. There is no skill based matchmaking, thus every game is the same boring 6:0 grinding.

If we actually had a ranking, there would be close games, motivations, and new challenges that would keep me playing for the sake of competition.

I could do 10.000 games of dust2 but 200 games of huttball without any skillbased matchmaking feel like running a dungeon full of Mobs.



Congrats bioware for turning pvp in a daily chore of finishing 3 dungeons and killing 30 mobs.


Remove the stupid gear progression already and make it a skill based progression with Vanity items for character progression


I like it the way it is, but I do agree with what you said about ilum, as for your other opinions I wouldn't be too happy if they changed. And believe it or not, I enjoy wz pvp in this game, maybe your server is full of terrible pvpers unlike yourself, but mine seems evenly balanced.

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