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I have just quit trying for FPs


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I used to try really hard to get FP runs but it is such a chore I just gave up.


I was lucky to get a couple a week but the effort I had to put in was just too much vs the rewards.


People always say get a guild or friends but I have both. It just very hard to try and play around other peoples schedule.


There has to be a better way.

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I've given up as well. I'm sticking to friends and guild runs. There's no point in me spamming fleet for over an hour on a high pop server to get absolutely nowhere


Yeh I will run with friends as well but the problem is timing, people don't always play the same times and days.


It is really hard to play around the schedules of others

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Well, on my server everybody joins the "Lfg50" channel ("/cjoin lfg50") and then just asks there - you don't have to be on the fleet - you can be anywhere.


It just started with someone standing on the fleet shouting "any 50th levels looking for groups - type /cjoin lfg50"


The same could be done with "LFFP" or something like that.


Got a group together to take out a world boss in about 10 minutes.

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I've given up as well. I'm sticking to friends and guild runs. There's no point in me spamming fleet for over an hour on a high pop server to get absolutely nowhere


Man, I feel for you, it seems like you're one of the minority that actually makes an attempt to get a group going. Unfortunately you're held back by the people who don't.


Whats even more sad is if we eventually get a 1-click auto-teleport LFG these problems will go away, not because more people will want to do FPs, but because it won't take an ounce of effort on their part.

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It's just flat out tiring trying to fill spots. 9 times out of 10 it takes forever getting a group together and with most people and limited time, it's just not worth it. Even in a larger guild, it's still a pain. I'm done with finding groups as well which is also making me less and less interested in playing unfortunately. Bioware desperately needs to address this. I think server merges are a must at this point, without a doubt.
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In the same exact boat mate. I'm on one of the most highly populated servers and I still have an absolute torrid time trying to find an HM group.


I log in to try to at least form a group but I end up just not being arsed in the slightest. I'm only playing this game to level an alt but even that is kind of tiresome.

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Its not just the FP's. Im still leveling. Today I threw away all my Heroics for yet another planet. Sure would like to get my hands on some gear.


Afterward I started to create a char on a more populated server. Someone had my name. Lost all interest in playing today.

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Well, on my server everybody joins the "Lfg50" channel ("/cjoin lfg50") and then just asks there - you don't have to be on the fleet - you can be anywhere.


It just started with someone standing on the fleet shouting "any 50th levels looking for groups - type /cjoin lfg50"


The same could be done with "LFFP" or something like that.


Got a group together to take out a world boss in about 10 minutes.


Thanks for the heads up. I wasn't aware that this even existed in this game

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The problem is mostly on the gearing. The rewards are the same as in normal Ops, so if you can do those (which are easier than most HMs and can EASILY be pugged) than there's no point in doing the HMs. Pretty much at all.


The second problem with the gearing is even if you want/need to do HMs, because each one drops a certain piece of gear, people only look for specific ones. Why should I join your HM FE if I already have my chest? I don't care how long you're going to spam for a healer, I still already have my chest.


Sadly, these are two issues that LFG will not solve by itself. So there will still be long queues because nobody wants to do it. What they should do is just make it so either the HM will drop a random token, or preferably everyone has a chance for a random token like in Ops. yes, I know Ops arent random, but it would be too easy if HMs gave everyone a token and werent random.

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The only fp i have ran the last couple weeks is BT hm for the daily, seems like it's the only one anyone wants to do. Whenever I look for a group for a different fp I end up spamming general for half an hour. I look forward to bw adding in a dungeon finder, and yes it is inevitable that they will.
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inb4 "but a dungeon finder will ruin the game!"


I play a healer and grouping still sucks.


Doesn't help that HM flashpoints are harder than normal mode EV though.


that is a lie , noway that freaking last boss is easier than a simple HM , other than him i admit it is hehe.

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Maybe a cooperative game isn't for you then?


Thats silly. I played WoW for many years and never had problems like I have here.


You should hope they make the game more friendly for people like me or people like you are going to be looking for something else to play.

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