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Bioware, accept responsibility for your crappy engine.


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If you have a new video card with directX 11 your game will run poorly because Directx11 is trying to emulate DX9 code. Simply download DX9 pack so you have both and the game will run great. Your drivers etc will not down load DX9 by default and STWOR does not install the needed files for you.



Thats why the poor performance is random. Thats why older computers tend to run it better than people with crazy set ups. Some people have directx9 some do not.


The majority of people I have dealt with on this issue have done this, with no improvement at all. There are a couple of people that claim it has helped, but no hard evidence.


Mmmm, I don't think DX9 is emulated in DX11. It didn't used to work that way. DX11 is an extension on DX10 and DX10 on DX9, etc. The extensions address new functionality of the new technology used in newer videocards. The rendering engin in SWToR uses the DX9 functionality available in the DX11 version.


A stand alone Direct X 10 or 11 installation does not contain all of the resources of Direct X 9. So a separate installation of Direct X 9 resources is generally a good idea if you are going to run a, typically older, Direct X 9 product. While it isn't required to do this, because later versions of Direct X can work, there tends to be a performance hit.


That is why a couple of days after launch BioWare made a post on the forums instructing people with newer Direct X 10 and 11 cards to download the standalone installation of Direct X 9. As SWTOR didn't come pre-packed with all the Direct X 9 resources.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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Well my boyfriend just got an e-mail back from them again after telling them that everything he tried did not work. They came back and told him that their design specialist team has looked into all the crashing and fps problems and that the game is not bugged. So even with his out of the world computer right now, they told him it is in fact his computers problem not their game. So I personally do not think anyone's problems will ever be fixed. :mad:


They say that because it would look stupid for a professional game developer to admit their engine is broken and asking too much from a PC and they can't do anything to fix it.


Really, this game doesn't have all that much better graphics than let's say World of Warcraft. People keep going on and on about how much more detailed this game is and WoW is cartoonish but really everything in this game looks cartoonish to me too. Yet in WoW I can mass PvP just fine. :rolleyes:


As long as Bioware is slapping us in the face like that "it's not us, it's you" then I'll stay unsubbed. Who the hell do they think they are? Only ppl running Ilum fights smoothly are ppl with double CPU in their PC, something that is very rare to have.

Edited by dnomz
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Its pretty simple...post a video of full illum ops fighting that has over 60fps. U can't because no such video exists...unless the person is running the game on a NASA supercomputer or something. Therefore we can say the engine can't handle large scale pvp...its not rocket science just plain fact that anyone with a brain can see. Bu bioware is killing illum in the next patch so I guess we wont have to worry about it...lol
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Its pretty simple...post a video of full illum ops fighting that has over 60fps. U can't because no such video exists...unless the person is running the game on a NASA supercomputer or something. Therefore we can say the engine can't handle large scale pvp...its not rocket science just plain fact that anyone with a brain can see. Bu bioware is killing illum in the next patch so I guess we wont have to worry about it...lol


lol indeed :D

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All the people that complain the game isn't doing well...


it is your machine. If it was the engine, EVERYBODY would be having issues and there wouldn't be one sub in the whole world. It is only the people that have issues with their computer that come on and moan about everything because they don't want to accept that it is their machines that are the problem so what's human..what's natural. They blame it on the game!


i7 2600k, 8 GB DDR3 1600 RAM, 240 GB SATA3 SSD Kingston HyperX, Nvidia Geforce 570 GTX, 16Mb/s connection with around 50 to 70 ms latency (At home I am pretty much sitting upon the DSL hub of my provider, so no signal loss at all), and I get 5 to 15 fps on highest possible setting while playing full raid vs full raid in Illum in the central area.


Ok, I could tune down my settings a bit, but sorry, with such a system I expect 30 fps and more even in a full raid vs raid environment.

Edited by Midichlorien
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i7 2600k, 8 GB DDR3 1600 RAM, 240 GB SATA3 SSD Kingston HyperX, Nvidia Geforce 570 GTX, 16Mb/s connection with around 50 to 70 ms latency (At home I am pretty much sitting upon the DSL hub of my provider, so no signal loss at all), and I get 5 to 15 fps on highest possible setting while playing full raid vs full raid in Illum in the central area.


Ok, I could tune down my setting a bit, ok, but sorry, with such a system I expect 30 fps and more even in a full raid vs raid environment.


Its your computer not their game.


Your system clearly sucks and you need to run very low settings. Also with that system you should take advantage of our new optimization! Very low shader setting.




I feel like thats how they look at posts like yours. Its not us its you type of thing. So since you guys all have crap computers we are adding lower settings /facepalm.

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Its your computer not their game.


Your system clearly sucks and you need to run very low settings. Also with that system you should take advantage of our new optimization! Very low shader setting.




I feel like thats how they look at posts like yours. Its not us its you type of thing. So since you guys all have crap computers we are adding lower settings /facepalm.


Thats the first thing I thought when I read that about the extra low gameboy shaders being added lol, /facepalm


So instead of fixing their train wreck game engine, they decided to add a setting to make it work very badly on top end computers.. Oh dearie...


Seriously, I keep saying it, they need to dump the entire engine and start from scratch, or bring in some more devs with real mmo engine coding experience, and give it a major overhaul...

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The eye test tells me there is something wrong with their engine. I know nothing of programming, but my comp which is not great, but not terrible played RIFT, DCUO, WoW, and FFXIV much more smoothly than this game. ~35-45fps under chaotic circumstances (raids, mass pvp). I get roughly 15-20fps now and that is with a faster connection (had to upgrade because hell it was free for 6months [originally 15Mbs now 20Mbs]). Seems like the game, because everything on my end is the same or better than it used to be.

My 2cents.

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The eye test tells me there is something wrong with their engine. I know nothing of programming, but my comp which is not great, but not terrible played RIFT, DCUO, WoW, and FFXIV much more smoothly than this game. ~35-45fps under chaotic circumstances (raids, mass pvp). I get roughly 15-20fps now and that is with a faster connection (had to upgrade because hell it was free for 6months [originally 15Mbs now 20Mbs]). Seems like the game, because everything on my end is the same or better than it used to be.

My 2cents.


It must be their engine. No doubt about it. I have a monster of a PC, and I experience these issues.


At first I kept thinking "It must be because of peoples machines" because I never experienced the problems everyone talked about, and I leveled from 1-50, played lots of pvp, flashpoints, raids, etc.


Then I changed servers, because my old server kinda died out. Suddenly, in this high population heaven, I had massive stuttering on fleet, and in PvP matches I had ability delay, and chat message sending delays.


So my guess is that this might not be (only) problems with their graphics code, but a problem with their networking code.

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It must be their engine. No doubt about it. I have a monster of a PC, and I experience these issues.


At first I kept thinking "It must be because of peoples machines" because I never experienced the problems everyone talked about, and I leveled from 1-50, played lots of pvp, flashpoints, raids, etc.


Then I changed servers, because my old server kinda died out. Suddenly, in this high population heaven, I had massive stuttering on fleet, and in PvP matches I had ability delay, and chat message sending delays.


So my guess is that this might not be (only) problems with their graphics code, but a problem with their networking code.


Same story all round :mad:

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So my guess is that this might not be (only) problems with their graphics code, but a problem with their networking code.


There are at least 3 problems:


Problem No1:

Very I/O dependent. This is when you drive around the fleet, pass the PvP Quest Machine and then open your character window. The stutter that happens (or 1-second slide, when you have a slower HDD) is due to slow I/O and can be improved with a SSD or a ramdrive.


Problem No2:

Too many fancy assets. The fx asset file is a problem. Delete it and all the lighting and glowing things (lightsabers) will miss, but fps will get a lot better.


Problem No3:

Crappy n^2 problem solving. The more players there are, the higher becomes the load on the server and the network. If you fubar that, bad things happen whenever you have many people on the screen, especially if they move and shoot (not stand and chat, like on the fleet).


Nothing you can fix, except for number 1.

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Almost 70 pages and people still say: "It has to be the engine." While knowledgable people came along and said it is probably not the actual engine but the coding done with it.


Please learn the difference between engine and game code. I admit their coding has to have been sub-par for the game to run this badly on a large number of machines (including mine) in situations they should have tested. But that does not make it so that it "has to be the engine".


Blame where blame is due, don't throw this blanket statement about engine over the problems when they are clearly multi layered.

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"can be improved with a SSD or a ramdrive"


Ummm...I have an SSD. Can't say that it helps much.


"Please learn the difference between engine and game code"


I could care less of the difference. That's what I paid BW for. What I got for my money is a 2012 MMO that doesn't support more than a handful of players without having a seizure, with muddy stone age graphics. You can argue engine vs. game code till the cows come home, end result for the customer is he bought a steaming pile of crap.

Edited by Smitar
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"can be improved with a SSD or a ramdrive"


Ummm...I have an SSD. Can't say that it helps much.


"Please learn the difference between engine and game code"


I could care less of the difference. That's what I paid BW for. What I got for my money is a 2012 MMO that doesn't support more than a handful of players without having a seizure, with muddy stone age graphics. You can argue engine vs. game code till the cows come home, end result for the customer is he bought a steaming pile of crap.


Check my spec in my description. SSD does jack **** about performance and loading time. I have 1 minute loading time between planets O.o



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He didnt post his system specs genius. Go ahead, make my day.
that video is exactly like mine. and mine was 5 to 10 fps. didnt matter if it was all high settings at 1080p or all low settings at 720p. still played exactly like that.


that is not desired performance for anyone.

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Its NOT the engine. Its just your PC. Look at the recomended requirements and check. Dont just say "I EXCEED recomended." Literally research your PC's specs, and check how it compares to the recomended. I've seen people hit 140-160 FPS on max in open world, but they capped it at 60 so it didnt constantly drop. In PVP they didnt drop 60 FPS on MAX AT ALL.


Proof please.


And YES, it is the engine. FPS in Warzone stays THE SAME on MAX and LOWEST setting.


Conslusion ? Faulty engine.

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i7 12G RAM GTX 580 3G edition on a Rampage III MB and even I lag on Ilum and WZ when people are clustered together.


Who ever says they dont have fps issues in pvp are straight up lying or they dont know what fps drops look like.


Exactly, I think the people that say they aren't having problems never step foot in a warzone or Illum to see how your fps plummets.

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Ok, I need to address something here. First of all: It IS Bioware's fault that so many people are having problems when they should not. they already have gone on record stating that there was so much they had to modify for Hero engine for it to fit their needs.

I develop with heroengine myself, and have put my machine (which I also use for gaming) through the paces without issues at all.


With high ping, in many, many, many places you will see that the server is telling the client which textures to load, and where, rather then simply telling the client to load x npc, or x building. It is a huge issue


However, it IS the client's fault (as in the end user) if their machine is still running on a very ****** graphics card. my mate uses my old 9800gt, factory overclocked, with 1gb of ram, without issue. he has 4 or 8gb of ram, and a quad core. All in all, it is cheapish by modern standards.


My rig: Quad core overclocked to 4ghz, 24gb of ram, SLI gtx 470s, latest drivers. I have high ping to The Progenitor server, but it is almost never HIGH on population. I have seen the aforementioned server loading textures problems. I get massive lag issues with just TURNING, which has never happened on any other mmo I have played, even when running torrent programs and expending 90% of my bandwidth.


Bioware can admit their mistake: look at dragon age 2


Bioware will not admit this, because it means they are liable to fix the issue. Otherwise it becomes a media frenzy, so to speak, and their stock prices will drop because it means one more direction towards a flop on a $200 million title with a name as major as Star Wars.


They are quiet because, frankly, most people are not gonna just pack up and quit. they will complain and complain and complain for months, then years until Bioware decides to fix the issue, meanwhile they keep their subscriptions and bioware keeps making a lot of money.


And FYI, this game does have memory leak issues. It gets up to 1.9gb of usage almost constantly. It is close to the point where I am gonna need to flag the exe for LMAA (Large Memory Address Awareness) so it can access 4gb of my memory.

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Proof please.


And YES, it is the engine. FPS in Warzone stays THE SAME on MAX and LOWEST setting.


Conslusion ? Faulty engine.


Your problem ? LOW FPS of course! You claim you know it is the engine and no other part of the game code ? Proof or GT*O.


Sorry, just had to use own sig to make the point I have already had to repeat way too much in this thread.


Stop mis-using the meaning of the word engine, please!

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Your problem ? LOW FPS of course! You claim you know it is the engine and no other part of the game code ? Proof or GT*O.


Actually I have a rather good understanding how game engines work, because I've done some gamedev work in my life.

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You know I could care less right? Look up hero engine. It is free. I got mine approved before the global "we approve everyone"



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Now please ****

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Check my spec in my description. SSD does jack **** about performance and loading time. I have 1 minute loading time between planets O.o




SSDs help a lot with system booting and loading times, yes, but I doubt a SSD will help much with the Illum fps problems.

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