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What disappointed you the most.


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The lack of a Dual Spec. I have to make THREE characters to have a Tank, Healer, and DAMAGE dealer?! Come on man... And PURE DPS Classes like Snipers don't even have the best damage in the game! It's unspeakable. When Blizz releases a game, they make SURE they have balance, but the way classes go it's just despicable.
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troll threads


I am playing the game and have great fun at times. There are things we all like as I said.


Why does it bother you so much to think the game has lots of room to improve? Did you even read the thread or just type your standard line?

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After coming from playing EQII, I was most disappointed by how much seperation there is for the factions. You can barely ever talk to them, can't buy from them except one spot which nobody is really gona bother with, can't organize RP'ing events with them, and truly you never really see them throughout all of lvling up.
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I am playing the game and have great fun at times. There are things we all like as I said.


Why does it bother you so much to think the game has lots of room to improve? Did you even read the thread or just type your standard line?


Half the point of branding a thread or poster as such, is to try and get a "rise" out of the one posting. However, to balance things out I would suggest making "What you enjoy the most" thread too.

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Half the point of branding a thread or poster as such, is to try and get a "rise" out of the one posting. However, to balance things out I would suggest making "What you enjoy the most" thread too.


Advise taken. I bit. I have made threads about what is good, and will continue.

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For me it simply is:


- Ilum (there are never more then 4-6 republics there including me)


It sounds like you're either not looking much or not heading there during peak hours. Even on my lower population server we can get a full Ops and even more-so to do battle. Imps still outnumber us but we fight none the less.

Edited by Daeborn
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Pretty much the Lack of End Game...


Anytime someone says "lack of end game" I always see the lack of knowledge. There's plenty of end game both PvE and PvP in TOR. Bugs too but there's "end game".


Try harder next time.

Edited by Daeborn
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It sounds like you're either not looking much or heading there during peak hours. Even on my lower population server we can get a full Ops and even more-so to do battle. Imps still outnumber us but we fight none the less.


Play can be radically different from server to server. As much as 1 server having 200 people in fleet during prime time, and another having 25.


It's real hard for to blame the community for this imbalance, we are just gamers.

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Play can be radically different from server to server. As much as 1 server having 200 people in fleet during prime time, and another having 25.


It's real hard for to blame the community for this imbalance, we are just gamers.


I'm on a lower population server. Granted I am on a PvP server still but one can find an Ops to do PvP if one looks enough.

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Anytime someone says "lack of end game" I always see the lack of knowledge. There's plenty of end game both PvE and PvP in TOR. Bugs too but there's "end game".


Try harder next time.


PvP wise there is one non functioning planet... Oh and 3 war zones we have been doing since level 10.


This is a lot to you?

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Lack of constructive criticism.


Everyone on this forum seems to be an expert. I am not going to say people don't have legitimate complaints and concerns. However, there is a way to post said concerns and possible get Bioware to listen. Everyone seems to know how not to make an MMO. My biggest question to most of the players since they seem to know how to do it why haven't they made their own MMO?


First off, the general forum is a bad place to post. Suggestion box and customer service forum have a higher chance that a Bioware employee might actually see it. Actually using the in game feedback system would be even better. Those who quit and post on the forums I have to ask why? When you unsubscribe from the game or cancel your subscription you get a survey that will actually be read by a company working for Bioware or Bioware itself. The only reasons to post would be to try and get others to follow suit or because you have a pathological need for attention.


Second saying I am going to quit if x is not fixed is akin to being a kid with a ball and taking it home if people don't play the game your way. No one takes this kind of person seriously. I mean seriously a grade school mentality is sad in anyone 13 and up and pathetic in anyone that is classified as an adult.


Third research goes a long way. Reading dev blogs and interviews would tell people what bugs and issues are being worked on. I see the same posts about the same complaints all the time. Yet if you look at the Dev tracker and interviews from various sources much of those complaints have already been commented on by a Dev. They occasional even post what solutions are coming and sometimes when.


For instance a common complaint I see is Ilum sucks. This is nothing more than a personal opinion however how can one even begin to fix such an issue if they don't know why. Now this is a complaint I agree with however this is a better way to post.


I dislike Ilum because:


-The Republic and Imperial forces are segregated and there is no feel of immersion for such a contested pvp planet.


-One of the quests is broken (Defend the Shipment) and can only be completed shortly after the server comes up. After the bug gets activated when clicking on the shipment you get the error message "Object in use".


-The dailies feel like they were tacked on as an after thought.




Please revamp Ilum to be a true pvp planet. Once you hit Ilum soil your pvp is on! Rework the map so dailies force both sides to contest for pve content as well as have pvp objectives interspersed amongst the pve content rather than in their own section of the map. Make the map wide open.


Biggest thing to remember is this is just my opinion and just because I dislike it does not mean everyone does.


Every MMO has issues when it launches. There are rumors that a few of the premier titles were unplayable when they launched. It took several of those games months and years to become a decent game.



I am a Bioware fan, Star Wars fan and an MMO fan. That said I expect a lot and fortunately for me many of my concerns have been addressed in either interviews, blog posts or on the Dev tracker itself.

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There are somethings we all like. There is no question about that. I like the feel/resource system.


What I want to know is, what has disappointed you the most? I hoping a couple common themes will appear to identify problem areas.


For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


How about you?


The moderation on the forums. They allow way too much trolling and useless hate to be posted.

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I'm on a lower population server. Granted I am on a PvP server still but one can find an Ops to do PvP if one looks enough.


Again that's a problem. I shouldn't have to search the galaxy to find fun. With 25 people in the fleet you will be waiting a LONG time for a 16 man ops.

Edited by BCBull
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PvP wise there is one non functioning planet... Oh and 3 war zones we have been doing since level 10.


This is a lot to you?


Hyperbole. PvP is functional even on Ilum. Sure you can crash and lag can be tough but it's slowly getting better. WZs are the same. PUGs can suck but if you get a good core of 4 to group with you can dominate WZs. And have a lot of fun too.


1.2 brings some much needed fixes in PvP too. It's coming up very soon.

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Again that's a problem. I shouldn't have to search the galaxy to find fun. With 25 people in the fleet you will be waiting a LONG time for a 25 man ops.


There is a 25 man ops? I thought the most was 16 and it has the same rewards as the 8 man version.

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Again that's a problem. I shouldn't have to search the galaxy to find fun. With 25 people in the fleet you will be waiting a LONG time for a 25 man ops.


What server might this be? Even on my low pop server there's at least 50 in Fleet, 20 in guild and around 15 on Ilum during peak hours. Plenty to get Ops started. I finished my Ilum weekly last week, working on it this week and normally can do my daily there too each day if I put my mind to it.

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Hyperbole. PvP is functional even on Ilum. Sure you can crash and lag can be tough but it's slowly getting better. WZs are the same. PUGs can suck but if you get a good core of 4 to group with you can dominate WZs. And have a lot of fun too.


1.2 brings some much needed fixes in PvP too. It's coming up very soon.


If you call fishing at base walls while view a slide show functional, then I would say you expectations are very low.


I'm looking forward to the ranking system. As I have said the ranking system and a wroking Ilum will be enough to tie me over.

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