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What disappointed you the most.


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There are somethings we all like. There is no question about that. I like the feel/resource system.


What I want to know is, what has disappointed you the most? I hoping a couple common themes will appear to identify problem areas.


For me without question it is the near complete separations of factions. I didn't think I'd have to search the galaxy for a fight.


How about you?


edit - What I'm seeing the most in this thread.


1. Near complete separation of factions / lack of World PvP

2. Awesome story ending at 50

3. Lifeless world

Edited by BCBull
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Getting stuck in terrain all the time, often for no reason at all.


I've raged more at that, than the ******* that play huttball without understanding the basic concepts.


How are these things even in game? It happens everywhere. This should've been fixed in alpha or some ****.

Edited by Grotpar
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If I have to pick one thing, I suppose my biggest disappointment is the sheer amount of unintelligent players. Too often, especially in warzones, you see too many people unable to make a good decision or showing tactical brilliance. There are too many lemmings that don't know that doing the objective will net far better rewards. Instead they simply join the zerg and accomplish nothing. It's like they need an addon to tell them what to do because they lost the ability to think :(
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The total disconnect between leveling and end game. They made a great story during the leveling process, only to abandon it completely at max level. The end game is a watered down version of other MMO's, nothing innovative at all. Kinda boring!
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If I have to pick one thing, I suppose my biggest disappointment is the sheer amount of unintelligent players. Too often, especially in warzones, you see too many people unable to make a good decision or showing tactical brilliance. There are too many lemmings that don't know that doing the objective will net far better rewards. Instead they simply join the zerg and accomplish nothing. It's like they need an addon to tell them what to do because they lost the ability to think :(


Yes there are a lot of bad pvprs. I chalk it up to a lot of that "I never pvp" crowd trying it out in sw:tor.

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Yes there are a lot of bad pvprs. I chalk it up to a lot of that "I never pvp" crowd trying it out in sw:tor.


That's not an excuse not to know your skills though. A Jedi Guardian never taunting for example. There is no excuse for such a performance. I'm a DPS specced guardian but that doesn't stop me from spamming taunts.

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That's not an excuse not to know your skills though. A Jedi Guardian never taunting for example. There is no excuse for such a performance. I'm a DPS specced guardian but that doesn't stop me from spamming taunts.


Probably not your first rodeo either. Some of this stuff is not inherent from birth ya know? Without friends in my first PvP experience, I would have been clueless too. Apparently, you picked it up like magic without ever missing a beat. huh?

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Probably not your first rodeo either. Some of this stuff is not inherent from birth ya know? Without friends in my first PvP experience, I would have been clueless too. Apparently, you picked it up like magic without ever missing a beat. huh?


I consider myself blessed with common sense and adequate tactical insights. I must admit my first huttball experience was a bit overwhelming, but I did know my skills. As for the other two warzones: How hard can it be? If you can't grasp the essence of Voidstar or Alderaan the first time you're there... something might be very very wrong.


And again: having no pvp experience is no excuse for not knowing your skills.

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I didn't follow the game prior to release so I had few expectations. Issues I had within the game however were the linear quests. Bioware want you to believe that the questing is personal but it doesn't change events or the envoroment around you.


For example, there is a questline on Quesh that has you blow up some sort of fuel plant (something like that, can't remember fully). The end of the questline has a cutscene that shows the fuel cylinders exploding and the plant going to ruins. Straight after the cutscence however, it returns to it's former glory, NPC mobs and all. For a game that is as heavily instanced as this, that to me was a letdown.


There's also the problem with the planets feeling dead. There is no life on them. NPC mobs rarely path, and when they do, they only move 5 ft. The biggest culprit of this imo, is Tatooine. I only played empire so can only comment on their starting area on Tatooine. When I first arrived I was like "wow, this place is amazing". But why have that entire area of housing and buildings and then not use it? Felt like a huge waste of space, or at least a space filler. Taris (what a hole lol) is the complete opposite and there are too many mobs. It's near impossible to move around without agroing a mob between quests.


I thought PvP was quite good. I'm not a fan of pvp and only play to fill time or get welfare epics. But I can see the problems that people who enjoy PvP would face, especially world PvP. I'm on one of the busier servers (The Harbinger, pve server) and I didn't see a Republic player until I reached Tatooine and then Hoth. And that was from early game access. It was worse levelling my next toon.


Overall however, it was the levelling process that got to me the most. The linear paths and lack of life were the 2 main problems imo.

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No real reason to explore

Dead, lifeless worlds

No dynamic events

Crafting to simplified and made long to make up for it

Densely populated servers detract from the fun big time

Isolated feeling

Combat is same-'ol-same-'ol

Promoting the usage of Alts, but no different sub-quests for different classes

Biased feeling toward Empire

Equipment system

Little to no customization in anything

Missing features

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Open world PvP, no doubt - it's a total, complete disaster. Expecially when b4 release BW had that italian dude, Luschini, talking about PvP, and he seemed to know what he was talking about...alas NO... they managed to produce a giant turd instead
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I consider myself blessed with common sense and adequate tactical insights. I must admit my first huttball experience was a bit overwhelming, but I did know my skills. As for the other two warzones: How hard can it be? If you can't grasp the essence of Voidstar or Alderaan the first time you're there... something might be very very wrong.


And again: having no pvp experience is no excuse for not knowing your skills.


You may want to avoid ever coaching youth sports... just saying.

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