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Pvp gearing changed on 1.1.5 PTS.


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Edit: To make it clear. acquiring wz/mercenary commendation in 1.2 might be easier than it is now. We do not have enough info to calculate things, such as how long it would take to acquire gear in 1.2, other means of wz/mercenary commendations income, new pvp changes...etc.


Original post:


Currently on the 1.1.5 PTS pvp gear is acquired differently. This is not in the patch notes and can be just an indicator of whats to come in the future(1.2).


1000/1000 wz/mercenary commendations = 1 bm com.

120 wz commendation = 1 champion com.


This makes champion com slightly more expensive, while making bm comm cost 4k wz com and removes randomness.


It might be there(pts) for testing purposes for when 1.2 hits and 1.2 will have more/different medals and thus wz commendations might be easier to acquire.

Edited by shadowAI
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Currently on the 1.1.5 PTS pvp gear is acquired differently. This is not in the patch notes and can be just an indicator of whats to come in the future(1.2).


1000/1000 wz/mercenary commendations = 1 bm com.

120 wz commendation = 1 champion com.


This makes champion com slightly more expensive, while making bm comm cost 4k wz com and removes randomness.


It might be there(pts) for testing purposes for when 1.2 hits and 1.2 will have more/different medals and thus wz commendations might be easier to acquire.


Huzzah for grindmaster comms change...o`cmon.Change one retarded system with another that even more retarded.

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So they are facing the PvP grinding problem/lack of content with... MORE grinding!


They are probably thinking: "Hey, we already lost the subscribers who have all gears, lets just hope this stall players that are about to reach level 50"


Can't stop thinking how stupid this is.

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Change one retarded system with another that even more retarded.


Please tell me what you prefer?


1. Luck system when you grind all day, and have a chance to get nothing.

2. Grind all day and get something.


What method do you think is best, beside complain is your method. I like to hear peoples ideas..

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Please tell me what you prefer?


1. Luck system when you grind all day, and have a chance to get nothing.

2. Grind all day and get something.


What method do you think is best, beside complain is your method. I like to hear peoples ideas..


How about:


Make it cheap to get and focus on real issues like nuke Ilum for good and bring a real arena to have some fun?


This is just going to make Warzone quitters to continue quitting and the grindfest in Ilum also continue.

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500/500 Would be far better than 1k/1k then again i guess with this change anyone who has champion or rakata now has absolutely no reason to ever go to illum now or even pick up the daily /weekly wz quests.


Talk about pendulum swings every patch.

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Please tell me what you prefer?


1. Luck system when you grind all day, and have a chance to get nothing.

2. Grind all day and get something.


What method do you think is best, beside complain is your method. I like to hear peoples ideas..


I agree, getting rid of the RNG is a good thing, but getting 4000 warzone commendations (at least currently) is upwards of 10-15 hours of warzones. 20-30 hours of warzones seems like A LOT, for one piece of PvP gear, especially since Champion to Battlemaster is a pretty minimal upgrade.


Can't really tell the speed until we see the updated medal system, though. People will probably see a lot more commendations per game.

Edited by savionen
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Good. Champion gear is a joke to get in it's current form though. Causal to the max.

Atleast we won't have to suffer trough random bm bags now.


I hate the RNG BM bags as much as anyone.


But damn....1000/1000 tokens for each BM token.....that's a ******** of farming there.


That's 4000 Warzone commendations for each BM token, with a win awarding you roughly 70/win, 40/loss.


So even with an average 60 Commendations / game, it will require ~67 Warzones to gain 1 BM commendation.


Now obviously there might be more to these changes than we currently know. But without further context, this is a pretty retarded change.

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Please tell me what you prefer?


1. Luck system when you grind all day, and have a chance to get nothing.

2. Grind all day and get something.


What method do you think is best, beside complain is your method. I like to hear peoples ideas..


Win 3 wz`s get crates and have a chance to get 1 comm from each bag 2 times a day.Or do enough wz`s(u need 4000 comms for one bm token,so its 8000 tokens for,lets say,helm which means you need to do,average, 110 wz`s for that helm.)Have fun with that.Also for all ppl who didnt get bm before that.....accept my condolences

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Currently on the 1.1.5 PTS pvp gear is acquired differently. This is not in the patch notes and can be just an indicator of whats to come in the future(1.2).


1000/1000 wz/mercenary commendations = 1 bm com.

120 wz commendation = 1 champion com.


This makes champion com slightly more expensive, while making bm comm cost 4k wz com and removes randomness.


It might be there(pts) for testing purposes for when 1.2 hits and 1.2 will have more/different medals and thus wz commendations might be easier to acquire.


So 40 games of 15 minutes for 1 commendation... so 600 minutes.... 10 hours of non stop pvp, not including the queue or anything else... and that`s at 100 commendations per game.


The average player will get what? 60-70.. that almost doubles the time...


Since a casual player plays 3 hours a day maximum, it will take them... 10 days for 1 commendation?


i will say it again...




Very cool BIOWARE, you fixed it... totally.

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I really think they are concerned with losing subs,so they decided to give a carrot on stick so ppl will keep playing.And unable to come up with a good carrot they decided to add even more grind.Whats next?nerf ops so ppl will be able to kill only one boss a week?To make ppl clear EV once a month?
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I really think they are concerned with losing subs,so they decided to give a carrot on stick so ppl will keep playing.And unable to come up with a good carrot they decided to add even more grind.Whats next?nerf ops so ppl will be able to kill only one boss a week?To make ppl clear EV once a month?


Amen brother.


They just keep making this worse... how about making pvp so fun people actually play it because it`s FUN not because you need to play months to get the gear...

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I don't think there's any reason to say "the sky is falling" this is only part of the information.


But yeah, currently technically assuming average RNG, and assuming the BM comm drop rate actually is 25%, that'd be 1 BM comm every 2 days, over about 3.5 hours of PvP. So 7 hours for a piece of gear.


2000/2000 would be 1 piece of gear, whenever you wanted to play, but would take about 20 hours for a piece of gear.





If you're suddenly getting 250-300 commendations a game though, it's could be a rather positive change. Although I kind of doubt they'd hand out 3 champion commendations a game.

Edited by savionen
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So 40 games of 15 minutes for 1 commendation... so 600 minutes.... 10 hours of non stop pvp, not including the queue or anything else... and that`s at 100 commendations per game.


The average player will get what? 60-70.. that almost doubles the time...


Since a casual player plays 3 hours a day maximum, it will take them... 10 days for 1 commendation?


i will say it again...




Very cool BIOWARE, you fixed it... totally.


Double that for Republic on servers where Empire took advantage of the Ilum Fiasco and now Reps win like 1 out of 10 matches.

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Win 3 wz`s get crates and have a chance to get 1 comm from each bag 2 times a day.Or do enough wz`s(u need 4000 comms for one bm token,so its 8000 tokens for,lets say,helm which means you need to do,average, 110 wz`s for that helm.)Have fun with that.Also for all ppl who didnt get bm before that.....accept my condolences


I rather do think its a lot commendations, but I was quoting you who said both sytems are horrible, so I asked you what did you prefer or what other ideas does he have.


Me, I really don't care tbh, I do WZs more than Ilum or any other form of PvP in this game. So it'll pay off for me in the long run. Sorry not a fan of zerg fest/trade killing PvP in Ilum.


People complain, but never have any suggestions. Then people are like why bother suggestions "BW DONT LISTEN , BLAh BLAH".. If that is true, then why are stuff being fixed and slowly being changed?

Edited by Jinroku
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so, if a person wants to go from valor rank 0 to full bm gear they can expect at LEAST 600 hours of pvp.


or put it another way, if you want BM gear from scratch, you need to pvp 24/7 for almost an entire month without any sleep, eating, work, or breaks whatsoever.....


holy grindfest batman.

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I rather do think its a lot commendations, but I was quoting you who said both sytems are horrible, so I asked you what did you prefer or what other ideas does he have.


Me, I really don't care tbh, I do WZs more than Ilum or any other form of PvP in this game. So it'll pay off for me in the long run. Sorry not a fan of zerg fest/trade killing PvP in Ilum.


People complain, but never have any suggestions. Then people are like why bother suggestions "BW DONT LISTEN , BLAh BLAH".. If that is true, then why are stuff being fixed and slowly being changed?


Here is what they should`ve done: Daily quest gives some bm commendations(rise quantity for a piece).To get daily done you need to do objectives:do over 350k damage/healing done,score twice in one hutball,kill 10 players near turret,something that rewards usefull participation,not luck in getting good team.That way bm gear will be harder to get for bads and easier for good players.

Edited by cosmov
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