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Pvp gearing changed on 1.1.5 PTS.


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Wow people come on...


I've heard countless whines about the complete RNG Randomness of the current bag system and now they are going to put out a system to where you know if you Grind X amount of Y it will get you Z, you guys are STILL gonna whine.



Shut up or quit. There is no excuse for your whining now.


Because RNG is just a code word for 'i want it faster'. Its more dignified to say you want it non random though.


When they convert it to non random average time equivalence though people see that now its


1. Just as hard

2. They cant pretend to be complaining about the random nature of it anymore


so they become extra irritated

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15 years of grinding korean mmo's? I pity you.


It got me cosmic one-ness and the inability to get upset or angry on the internet.

Instead i go through life with a slight grin and perpetual amusement. :)

After what ive done i cant really take any of the complaints or concerns over a game like this seriously. It will just be whatever it is.

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I think everyone just needs to unbunch their panties and stop complaining about something that was talked about but not yet implemented. If you know anything about ANY product release...what's talked about is not always the final product. IF they are going to make it 1k/1k...chances are....you're going to get more comms for doing stuff. Many have said it, but it keeps getting looked over.


Just take a deep breath, ENJOY the game, and wait to see what happens. :D

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So 40 games of 15 minutes for 1 commendation... so 600 minutes.... 10 hours of non stop pvp, not including the queue or anything else... and that`s at 100 commendations per game.


The average player will get what? 60-70.. that almost doubles the time...


Since a casual player plays 3 hours a day maximum, it will take them... 10 days for 1 commendation?


i will say it again...




Very cool BIOWARE, you fixed it... totally.


I wish ignorant ppl would leave their opinions unspoken.


Guess what it is right now, bro? Many of us have gone 2+weeks with no comms. That's 10 days for a GUARANTEED comm (and for me it will be much less since I don't suck). I'll frigging take it.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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I wish ignorant ppl would leave their opinions unspoken.


Guess what it is right now, bro? Many of us have gone 2+weeks with no comms. That's 10 days for a GUARANTEED comm. I'll frigging take it.


And many of us had done a 4 comms per week. And that just doing dailies, not grinding. So your point ?¿

Edited by Keldaur
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And many of us had done a 4 comms per week. And that just doing dailies, not grinding. So your point ?¿


Most people just killtraded their ilum daily and left wzs until they got carried. The current system is a complete joke, punishing random people, favoring scrubs and exploiters, and giving others free lootz. This proposed system, combined with the new objective medals and the new dailies, is infinitely better.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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I don't agree with Bioware moving the goal post even further. Some of us casuals with over a decade of mmo gaming experience want to be able to fight on even terms with the hardcores living in their mom's basement. Edited by HBninjaX
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How about:


Make it cheap to get and focus on real issues like nuke Ilum for good and bring a real arena to have some fun?


This is just going to make Warzone quitters to continue quitting and the grindfest in Ilum also continue.


how unusual pvp player wanting welfare loot must be world first.


there is a game for it, its called gw2, wait patiently for it and stop trying to diminish actual mmo effort.

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I don't agree with Bioware moving the goal post even further. Some of us casuals with over a decade of mmo gaming experience want to be able to fight on even terms with the hardcores living in their mom's basement.


Learn to read and stop making assumptions.


1) It might or might not be 1k/1k

2) There will be MORE way to get medals and as such MORE Comms per game

3) They never said they are getting rid of dailies, just rid of WINNING requirement for dailies

4) They haven't said what the dailies awards will be (maybe it's 1k/1k?)

5) They could easily adjust the commendations system



Point is we don't know yet stop being ignorant and making baseless assumptions.

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This system sounds utterly rediculous. It does not reward skill at all, only rediculous amounts of playtime. Why not give merc coms for open world pvp kills. Say as long as the target is within 5 levels give merc coms for kills anywhere. This might entice people to go out and find open world pvp.


Id rather go find people to kill for coms then just sitting in a que all day.

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Most people just killtraded their ilum daily and left wzs until they got carried. The current system is a complete joke, punishing random people, favoring scrubs and exploiters, and giving others free lootz. This proposed system, combined with the new objective medals and the new dailies, is infinitely better.


Who is saying the current system is good ? What i am saying it is not good to enlarge the time to get champion or BM when already people got it (i got 2 BM toons so...). Stop argumenting on a total different matter.

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This system sounds utterly rediculous. It does not reward skill at all, only rediculous amounts of playtime. Why not give merc coms for open world pvp kills. Say as long as the target is within 5 levels give merc coms for kills anywhere. This might entice people to go out and find open world pvp.


Id rather go find people to kill for coms then just sitting in a que all day.


I just keep waiting for more people to realize that the Battlemaster gear is barely any better, if at all, than the Champion gear depending on your class, and stop worrying about it.


At 1000/1000 the Battlemaster Gear becomes even less worth it.


Go get your champion gear, play, have fun, because you're nothing close to gimped in full champ gear. Champ gear is easy to get. I can't figure out why so many people are still losing sleep over this issue.


The only point of Battlemaster gear/title is e-peen. Go get your Rakata gear and mix it with Champ and you won't be able to tell the difference between you and a Battlemaster.

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Please tell me what you prefer?


1. Luck system when you grind all day, and have a chance to get nothing.

2. Grind all day and get something.


What method do you think is best, beside complain is your method. I like to hear peoples ideas..


i like the skill based system... you have to actually be good to get anything. This crap of sucking a monkey harry nut sack and still getting the best PvP gear in the game is not cool. WoW did that crap and it was never a good idea.

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I havnt tried the system on PTS, but as I see it the true problem is that they are replacing a grind system with another grind system.


There is truely no reward from such a system, as you will get the gear eventully from systems like this - It is jsut a question of time invested.


What about a system that rewards on the spot from killing players? winning a WZ? I'm not asking for the dead players gear, but there needs to be something.


could be mods, schematics, credits, armour, weapons.. endless possibillities.. :)


It would be alot more exciting to get something "omg nice" from a kill then tokens for gear down the road.

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Who is saying the current system is good ? What i am saying it is not good to enlarge the time to get champion or BM when already people got it (i got 2 BM toons so...). Stop argumenting on a total different matter.


Man, are you just intentionally being dense or you just trying to piss me off?


It's not increasing the time for anybody competent. Those players already pull in an average of 100+ comms a wz, making it about 4 days for me, instead of 2 weeks. Does that "enlarge the time"? I already log in, do my daily, and log out because theres nothing to do, and I never get anything. SO. MUCH. BETTER.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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I think the root of this problem is that pvp armor makes too big of a difference in pvp.


A player should not be required to have full Battlemaster gear just to be competitive.


PvP in this game should be renamed GvG (gear vs. gear).


If gear mattered less then people would cry less about how difficult and unfair it is to get.

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I think the root of this problem is that pvp armor makes too big of a difference in pvp.


A player should not be required to have full Battlemaster gear just to be competitive.


PvP in this game should be renamed GvG (gear vs. gear).


If gear mattered less then people would cry less about how difficult and unfair it is to get.


I skimmed through this post so all I caught was "I'm bad, im badim bad..." if you werent bad you would know that champ to bm is a tiny tiny difference and the same difference can be made by getting your datacrons... **** about the gear>skill qq

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How about:


Make it cheap to get and focus on real issues like nuke Ilum for good and bring a real arena to have some fun?


This is just going to make Warzone quitters to continue quitting and the grindfest in Ilum also continue.


Why would anyone looking for commendations quit a warzone?


There's often better rewards versus time spent for losing quickly - especially if you snagged Ilum buffs - than queuing for half an hour, and then playing to a 17 minute win.


I understand it for the people who are only looking for mission bags. However, this system seems to eliminate the situation in which mission bags are the only thing you can get from a warzone.

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1000/1000 is too high if you ask me, but it does serve a purpose because after rank 65 WZ/Merc com's have no purpose except for buying potions. If anything it should be more like 650/650 which is about 30-50 games.


1000/1000 is basically like grinding an entire lvl-60ish Valor rank.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Whatever they do with the gearing progression system, they should add a "starter set" that's trivial to pick up (maybe even make it cost credits). Reasonably it should be around 20% worse than the top tier. However, being 20% worse (real effect, not expertise: eg, take 20% more damage, do 20% less than a fully geared player) that's much better than what fresh 50's will be starting with as new tiers of gear are added. Make it unusable in flashpoints/operations if you're worried about it messing with PvE progression.


I'm not looking forward to gearing my alts, or re-gearing characters if I leave for 2-3 months on work contracts and come back.

Edited by _Marou_
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