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A Day in the Life of a Republic pvper


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There are a few things that remedy this though such as gear and being in a premade. But when you PUG pvp, your odds of winning just drop naturally though they are not necessarily related to you directly.


^ = baddie


gawd! I get sick of the "OMG pre-made" QQ fest..... you do realize you can only que 4 ppl together at a time right...


"pre-made" definition to me: competent players grouped together.


So in fact by ******!ng about pre-mades, it just mean's your complaining that you feel player's being competent and knowing there class must be an exploit or unfair or OP or what ever excuse you give yourself.


FINALLY!!! if you cant get into a "ZOMG AWESOME SAUCE OVERPOWERED PRE-MADE" it most likely because YOU suck and there is a reason people will not invite you to group.


Personally I get tells constantly "hey Hackz lets que together" from people I don't even know or kinda sorta know but arn't on my friend list and I will usually que up with them too help. (I have a feeling allot of people complaining about pre-mades are just afraid to ask better players to que with them)


NOT to be Egotistical or anything, but it kind of is. Im good and I know this. I have full BM gear and I dont que with Pre-mades on purpose (unless asked) because I actually enjoying pug'ing. I enjoy helping the the "not so geared" players win. because personally, I can win a huttball alone. I do it all the time. Being powertech with grapple I'm unstoppable defense I just grapple the ball carriers into the fire.


(people rage in /1 all the time "Hackz u cant kill any 1 without fire" and actually they are correct I cannot. I'm tank specced tank geared for maximum huttball runing survive-ability with no burst damage. I just know my class mechanics I know my roll and I pull off Hail-Mary grapples all the time and I'm good at it get over it...)


being specced hybrid shield tech I have the survive-ability to tank 2-3 players from center to goal line no problem with no heals (with my trusty expertise adrenal and medpack of-course)


But that's something else most "QQ'ers" over look... If you have little or no pvp gear and you get WRECKED by a BM its not because he is OP it's because he has 12% expertise from gear and popped an expertise adreanal giving him 27% expertise, SO... not only are you doing 27% less damage to him, he is doing 27% extra damage to you. and he prolly Popped that adrenal for fun just to get a little "hehe" out of how mad you just got wrecked (I know I do this all the time)

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A day in the pvp world of this Repub (Kaas City)...


Noon login into Ilum pvp. 10+ Imps at Central. Only Repub action is kill trading which I am not interested in.


Did 4 warzones later in afternoon: first started with 3 Repubs and wz shut down in 120 seconds. Next three also started short and had no chance. Players leave and pop in - sometimes the same people - throughout match and it either shuts down or finishes with no chance. See same kill traders in wz and they are terrible.


At this point, it's not even a viable option. Bioware has created an atmosphere where the most viable method of accumulating valor is to exploit the system, and they don't seem to care.


Can't say I'm really excited to play right now other than raiding, and it won't be long till that is pointless too.

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The word "bad" is missing from the thread title.


its a team effort.


no matter how good you are as an individual (that means it doesn't matter if you end up with 700k dmg done and 200k healing done at the end if you lose)... if your team is a bunch of window lickers... you're boned.

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A Day in the Life of a Republic pvper (The Jekk'Jekk Tarr) (1-49)


First WZ pops - it's Huttball (Butt-haul). Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Butt-haul, but I don't like starting my day with it... I always feel out of sorts for the first half. I get owned by an Assassin 1v1. I berate myself for fighting him at all - I'm a Sage healer. *** am I doing. We're getting dominated, but it's only 1-0. Then I "wake up" and start playing for scores rather than kills. I tell this guy to stop throwing me the ball when I'm trying to Rescue him. Next possession, we score on the Rescue pull. We end up winning by 2. Good start.


Next we had Civil War (Turrets Syndrome). I know most of our team, and I feel good about our chances. We end up winning with 300+, having 3 capped twice.


Then I ran 2 Voidstars in a row where at least 5 people on our team constantly fought away from the doors on Defense, and generally exhibited idiotic behaviour. We lost both. Then I ran one with people who knew what they were doing, and we easily won.


Over maybe 15 warzones, we lost those 2 Voidstars and a couple others. The best challenge came on a Pub vs Pub Butthaul match. I recognized a lot of people on both sides, and the opposing team was all over me. I was flattered.


Anyway... 1-49 Pubs on The Jekk'Jekk Tarr kick *** at PvP.

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As a world famous mmo gamer and pvp legend I know that these losses are not because I or the rest of republic side are bad players its merely that we are massively disadvantaged by ingame mechanics and the appalling bias toward imps overall


Sorry, but you lost all credibility to me with that statement.

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A day in the life of a Darth Bandon PvPer


Log on at roughly 8:30 server time.

The 2 top republic guilds on the server are doing their warzone dailies around this time.

Get in their premades almost every time.

Win a lot due to geared and skilled players.


Trying to PvP at any other time is just painful, and pretty much an auto-loss, with few exceptions.

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A day in the life of a Bondar Crystal Republic PvPer


Log on at roughly 7am-11pm server time. anytime between

One of the top republic guilds on the server will be doing their warzone/Ilum dailies around this time. yes, srsly

Get in their premades (or my own guild's premades) every time.

Win a lot due to skilled players and communication.


thx Mystry




A day in the life of a Bondar Crystal Empire PvPer


Log on.

Fall asleep waiting for Queues.

Smash face on desk when its Huttball (again and again).

Logout. Go play my Shadow.

Edited by DarthSalt
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wewt what is this?


I see you all the time in the Wz's im in ginger and i feel like i win way more than i loose.


Having a much harder time getting my dailies done on my imperial character whos on the same server since we seem to be loosing alot more.


At least it was like this a week ago when i still played :rolleyes:

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Stop talking ****.


I'm on your server and can safely say I win a LOT more than I lose.

Hell, I'll even dare any imperial lvl 50 from our server to challenge me on that statement.


Oh and there isn't any "evidence"


It's just a bunch of random numbers you've posted.


I had similar stats on Kresh.

Not that radical, but still also so many losses.


Healing rings are still a mystery to me how to dispel.


I proposed that you cap the no of healers per wz on 2. In that way you can effectively kick them with 2 dps per person (4 dps). mirror that to the other side, you have 6 people involved. That leaves 2 person as a leverage - or the skill of these 4 persons.

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On my server we almost inevitablly get roflstomped by the republic. They play as a coordinated team and almost always win alderan and voidstar.


Usually because the teams are 2 prenades because of how few republic there are playing on the server. We sometimes win huttball but that's mainly because we play it more and people are beggining to learn how to play.


My napkin maths of warzone are

Alderan 95% lose

Voidstar 90% loss

Huttball 60+% loss

That's republic versus imperials


Imperial vs imperials is 50/50 or near enough. I queue solo so take the rough with the smooth. Had a 5-5 match yesterday loosing to possesion in the last 30 seconds.


A good coordinated team will win regardless of faction at warzones. On ilum we win most of the time because we bring more people but i can say hands down the republic are some phenominal players. Hats off and much respect to Republic of Ula VII

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^ = baddie


gawd! I get sick of the "OMG pre-made" QQ fest..... you do realize you can only que 4 ppl together at a time right...


"pre-made" definition to me: competent players grouped together.


So in fact by ******!ng about pre-mades, it just mean's your complaining that you feel player's being competent and knowing there class must be an exploit or unfair or OP or what ever excuse you give yourself.


FINALLY!!! if you cant get into a "ZOMG AWESOME SAUCE OVERPOWERED PRE-MADE" it most likely because YOU suck and there is a reason people will not invite you to group.


Personally I get tells constantly "hey Hackz lets que together" from people I don't even know or kinda sorta know but arn't on my friend list and I will usually que up with them too help. (I have a feeling allot of people complaining about pre-mades are just afraid to ask better players to que with them)


NOT to be Egotistical or anything, but it kind of is. Im good and I know this. I have full BM gear and I dont que with Pre-mades on purpose (unless asked) because I actually enjoying pug'ing. I enjoy helping the the "not so geared" players win. because personally, I can win a huttball alone. I do it all the time. Being powertech with grapple I'm unstoppable defense I just grapple the ball carriers into the fire.


(people rage in /1 all the time "Hackz u cant kill any 1 without fire" and actually they are correct I cannot. I'm tank specced tank geared for maximum huttball runing survive-ability with no burst damage. I just know my class mechanics I know my roll and I pull off Hail-Mary grapples all the time and I'm good at it get over it...)


being specced hybrid shield tech I have the survive-ability to tank 2-3 players from center to goal line no problem with no heals (with my trusty expertise adrenal and medpack of-course)


But that's something else most "QQ'ers" over look... If you have little or no pvp gear and you get WRECKED by a BM its not because he is OP it's because he has 12% expertise from gear and popped an expertise adreanal giving him 27% expertise, SO... not only are you doing 27% less damage to him, he is doing 27% extra damage to you. and he prolly Popped that adrenal for fun just to get a little "hehe" out of how mad you just got wrecked (I know I do this all the time)




And not because you called me a baddie for stating an obvious statistic. You suck at pvp because you forget it's a team game. Plus, I highly doubt you can start from the midfield and score on huttball with out heals, haha. You will be stunned, burned down, and tossed around like the little girl you are right after you use your CC breaker.


So nice try stud, but your troll-fu is weak. Learn about game mechanics before attempting to post about a subject you obviously don't know anything about.

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you and the people that consist of the republic on your server are just bad. that's all there is to it. on my pub alt, i win the majority of my matches because the imps are usually incompetent when it comes to voidstar and civil war. huttball is painful, however.


but thanks for your data. it's totally statistically significant and i'm sure will be considered seriously.

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Sounds like a server issue. Because on Infinite Empire its wayyyyy different. Pretty even pub/imp ratio.


I second this. I play in Infinite Empire and I win at least 75% of my games solo queueing, and even more than that if I queue with my friend.


I can see how some undergeared/bad players would lose the majority of their games, though.

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People who claim that they do better than 50/50 win rate as republic should make their own lists and make a post here.I find it very hard to believe these claims and even Bioware have stated that the empire wins more than republic across all servers.


Deluding yourselves and tyring to convince others that all is fine and dandy with regard to pvp balance does no one any favours.

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I present a list of warzone matches played over the course of a day on 24/2/12 Chuundar server.



lost 6-1

won 2-1 (rep team was oppo)

lost 6-0

lost 6-0

won 6-0

won 3-3 (rep team oppo)

lost 5-1

lost 6-1

lost 6-0

won 3-2(rep team oppo)

lost 3-1

lost 3-2




















lost 415-0

lost 400-0



won 65-0


won 330-0

won 120-0

lost 300-0

lost 200-0

lost 300-0

won 300-0

lost 305-0



Ok so 36 matches during 24/2.I am a level 50 gunslinger with 634 expertise gear mostly now champion.


36 matches played won 9 lost 27


So that works out to a 75% loss 25% win record.


This was pretty average for the server overall and although there are many players on my server who deny that republic are at a disadvantage and always claim that warzone matches are about 50/50 the evidence above is there for all to see.


As a world famous mmo gamer and pvp legend I know that these losses are not because I or the rest of republic side are bad players its merely that we are massively disadvantaged by ingame mechanics and the appalling bias toward imps overall.


It is now more or less prime time on a sunday on one of the major european servers.There are 28 republic players in the fleet and this number is not uncommon.


SWTOR is a failed game with unbelieveably bad balance and pvp problems and its no surprise that the population of Chuundar server has dropped so low on the republic side.


All I hear is blah blah blah. What you're record suggests is that you or your team isn't working together. Imps on my server could post this exact same thread since they rarely win on our server. Explain that one?


Also, this game is as close to balanced as you'll find. I can't pin point more than a handful issues and they are ALL to do with ability delay and NOTHING to do with being over/under powered.

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Ginger Magician is pretty good. He makes alot of enemies... but then when you kill people in fullloot pvp games... they can get over the top angry... so... don't take everything you read on forums as truth...


Honestly, Im excited Gingers here... shows this game has some draw to the hardcore pvp community.

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Gingermagician is a self proclaimed game god.

You only need to go to the gun slinger forums and look at the " I can't beat a sorc" thread and thumb through it to see all the crap he/she post.


So from what I am gathering ginger you need to reroll from a slinger cause you can not play one but now when you do might I add to go Empire as well.

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I do have a sentinel which does pretty well although it is maxed out in gear and not yet level 50.

Overall I quite like the game but the pvp is not skilled and at the end of the day its pretty meaningless.

However having finished playing Darkfall and in the absence of any other good MMO's to play right now I have nothing better to play atm.


And thanks for your acknowledgement that its a great privilege for SWTOR that I am playing which is certainly very true:D

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