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funny how probably everyone here saying s/he's not quitting is either a fresh 50 or not 50 at all yet :) Just wait and see what a boredom this game turns out to be once you hit max level and THEN write whether you're quitting or not, guys.


If you like this game even about 2 weeks after you hit 50, then more power to ya, I envy you.


While you have the 50 part right, my main alt just hit 40 last night. However, I have scads more alts. Have to decide if it will be the BH or the Sage next. Or maybe the Sorc... ;)

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your a CU / NGE player from your sig and you played on bria get out of our forums smedley :p




Smedley actually is an avid WoW fan (/true story btw)...I've never played WoW.


I think it more apt for you to call me Dallas Dickinson as he worked on the CU and NGE before becoming heavily involved with TOR.


P.S. Am neither JS or DD :(

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While you have the 50 part right, my main alt just hit 40 last night. However, I have scads more alts. Have to decide if it will be the BH or the Sage next. Or maybe the Sorc... ;)


yeah. ultimately it boils down to you enjoying or not enjoying leveling different alts I guess. I usually do like it, but repeating the same quests over and over again without any change whatsoever (except for the class quest, which really is only a minor part of the overall leveling experience) is just not fun for me. Again, if you do enjoy it, then that's awesome, but I wanted to start banging my head against the wall when I had to do that abomination of a planet called Balmorra. And then, when I landed on Nar Shaddaa, I just turned the game off and made a different alt (because I thought that I'm not enjoying the game because of the class I'm playing, not because of the game - I hoped it's not the game, because I wanted so much to love this game). Only with my fourth alt did I realize that it's not me, it's the game.

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Not Quitting!



I do understand that the after 50 is supposedly a little dry right now. But thats not a good reason to Rage/quit. I read that 1-50 takes 130-150 hours. The story for the chars i've played so far (one at 47, second at 35) is so great I dont really notice the bugs so much. If the end is so bleak, ill take my time to get there untill it gets some more love (which the devolpers have said they are focusing on right now)


I have no doubt thell continually add the things the community are asking for, so Im in no rush to get to 50 with my chars. 1200 Hours for 8 chars story to 50...... not bad for a $60 game, plus annother $120 for the amount of time itll take to lvl 8 chars to 50 with an entertaining story.


Well said!


I'm not quitting either.


My adventure, has just begun! ^_^

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funny how probably everyone here saying s/he's not quitting is either a fresh 50 or not 50 at all yet :) Just wait and see what a boredom this game turns out to be once you hit max level and THEN write whether you're quitting or not, guys.


If you like this game even about 2 weeks after you hit 50, then more power to ya, I envy you.


I have two level 50s and I have seen hard modes. I go on rants in Ventrilo quite often and the friends that stayed and I always laugh about how cliche the story is.


Although, when I bought this game I had the intentions of giving it 6 months. I know that an MMO usually doesn't launch with its best stuff, but I have fun gearing up in Flashpoints and playing with friends. Granted my rants include quality of life implementations I wish were included in the game along with wishing the game felt more finished--but I feel as if BioWare is aware of what needs to be done.


I tend to agree with both sides with this argument but I am leaning in BioWare's favor considering what they try and embed in our brains. As long as they don't blow smoke and 1.2 is as beefy as they say it will be (4 pages alone of crafting notes and 30 gigs worth of data mined material) then I will stick around.


I think the game has a good foundation and they are not going to let such a big project go down the drain by excluding important aspects and/or stopping caring because they have over 2m subs.

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I won't quit, this game is too much fun! There are things that I would like to see added. Like sandbox space zones so that I can really enjoy the fruits of having a ship. I am hoping the first expansion will be emphasized on ship PvP combat, questing with no rail system and customization of your ships look (I.E. color and looks). I think if they truely looked at potential of spaceship zones they will relize a huge uniqueness the can offer that no other D&D based theme can.
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funny how probably everyone here saying s/he's not quitting is either a fresh 50 or not 50 at all yet :) Just wait and see what a boredom this game turns out to be once you hit max level and THEN write whether you're quitting or not, guys.


If you like this game even about 2 weeks after you hit 50, then more power to ya, I envy you.


Just hit 50, yes. By my calculation, I'll have all the alts I want to level to 50 somewhere around Christmas. I'll get back to you then...oh, but wait...you're QUITTING aren't you.

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BW's main focus was STORY... questing. The personal story of your character with planet story quests and side quests + even more optional heroic content.


Anyone who wanted to focus on endgame and pvp in a brand new MMO was just begging to be disappointed.


I want to do endgame. I want to PvP. A lot of things I "want" are on the horizon.


Patience is a virtue bred out of gamers around 2005. The "I WANT IT NOW" crowd is generally the loudest on the forums, but a minority in the game.


I'm sticking around until I see all the content that matters most to me... now. In a few months, when I'm ready to see the rest of it, and it's not really there.... well, my stuff will be waiting for whoever wants it.


Until then... PARTY ON, WAYNE!!!

Edited by Meluna
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Why do we care if you arent quitting? Are you guys overly sensitive when someone quits after pointing out broken mechanics, outstanding bugs that don't get attention, and obvious gameplay flaws?


I don't need to be told you are happy with your mediocre product. Hopefully when patch 1.2 comes around it will be worth playing.

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Why do we care if you arent quitting? Are you guys overly sensitive when someone quits after pointing out broken mechanics, outstanding bugs that don't get attention, and obvious gameplay flaws?


I don't need to be told you are happy with your mediocre product. Hopefully when patch 1.2 comes around it will be worth playing.


u mad bro?



Thanks for the bump anyway.


Did I mention I'm not quitting?

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Why do we care if you arent quitting? Are you guys overly sensitive when someone quits after pointing out broken mechanics, outstanding bugs that don't get attention, and obvious gameplay flaws?


I don't need to be told you are happy with your mediocre product. Hopefully when patch 1.2 comes around it will be worth playing.


How many times can one post about the same f'in stuff? That's the issue that this thread is really making fun of. Everyone points out the same things, tell us when we reach 50 we'll hate the game (but then tell us how they don't want to play alts because they couldn't stomach going through the whole arduous, terrible, tortorus levelling process again - that they then bemoan is far too easy anyway), that PvP in Ilum is impossible because of the current setup and the terrible framerates, and that (insert game here) had this so this game should have had it standard, that animations are ruining "responsive" gameplay (as opposed to adapting to the same supposed "handicap" that everyone has), that the game is breaking their equipment, and that the servers are all dying with only 2 or 3 people in every zone all the time.


So, anyway, I'm not qutting either. I'm enjoying the storylines and the game. I realized long ago that getting to the end in these kinds of games early on is a really bad thing to do. Sure, some want to get there quickly so they can satisfy some psychological need to be "first", and they'd like to be able to take advantage of broken systems before they're fixed so they can be king of the hill for awhile, but the inevitable sets in, boredom, because of the unwillingness to re-experience the game again, or go back to square one.


Yes, I hit 50 already as well, and I know what's good and bad about the game, but whereas I see a good game that I enjoy that can be fixed, others prefer to loathe because it doesn't match up to what they were expecting.


I'm having fun enjoying the product, and I really don't care why people are quitting, or why they feel this is "mediocre", "bad", or whatever. Not everything can be everything to everyone. Just as our opinions of this game will not sway you to think that the game is good, nor will you sway those that are having fun, and by telling us to "just wait" you assume that we are like you, which obviously isn't always the case.

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Giving up on a new MMO is like tossing a newborn in a dumpster because you can't force him to get a job and charge him rent to live with you.


BW's main focus was STORY... questing. The personal story of your character with planet story quests and side quests + even more optional heroic content.


Anyone who wanted to focus on endgame and pvp in a brand new MMO was just begging to be disappointed.


I want to do endgame. I want to PvP. A lot of things I "want" are on the horizon.


Patience is a virtue bred out of gamers around 2005. The "I WANT IT NOW" crowd is generally the loudest on the forums, but a minority in the game.


I'm sticking around until I see all the content that matters most to me... now. In a few months, when I'm ready to see the rest of it, and it's not really there.... well, my stuff will be waiting for whoever wants it.


Until then... PARTY ON, WAYNE!!!


Part on Garth! I totally agree, people where expecting something that bioware didnt necessarily promise. They promised a great story and a ton of leveling content. They did promise end game raids which they delivered on but alot of their emphasis was on the story.


For people who enjoy the story and star wars this game is a dream come true, 8 classes with their own unique story line plus the options you make/ companions you play with can affect your conversations and lead to different results. I dont care what anyone says, they put a ton of work into this game and for the most part it was what i expected and exceeded my expectations in some areas.


I think the end game was great to be honest, but the execution of it was poor. For PVE they made progression far too easy. If raid bosses dropped less loot and where harder , the hardcore plaayers would still have something to do.


If nightmare and 16 man raids had their own loot , alot of players would still have something to do. The loot system while leveling up was fantastic, but in the end game for PVP and PVE its just cookie cutter sets. They need to fix this. Sure allowing mods with set bonus's to be transferred to orange gear is going to help, but that still doesnt give them an excuse to rehash loot through every aspect of the end game, 16 mans and 8 normal and hm's have the same loot, on top of that commendation vendors and HM FP's also drop the same loot as 8 and 16 man normal raids (and some gear is rehashed into hard mode Ops as well).


They need a unique dynamic end game loot system, where their are really good pieces of gear that arent part of sets that have low drop rates, they also need to lower the amount of gear that drops from a raid, they arent doing anyone any favors by having an 8 man Ops drop 4 pieces of gear per boss on most occasions (although it kinda feels like they did a ninja nerf to that as now some bosses only drop 2 pieces).


The end game content was great, but the execution was poor, if running HM FP's still had some value once you have columi gear that would be great, right now i have no incentive to run them , but id love one because they are alot of fun (which is why i still run them but incentives are always nice)


No one seems to ask the hard questions about the end game content, and look into the reasons they are actually bored with the content, if you really think about it would you be bored with the ACTUAL content if you had incentives to run it for longer, if OP's actually had progression (AKA harder gear checks , for instance the first time you go into EV you guild should only beable to clear the first 2 bosses until they get the group geared from those 2 bosses and are able to progress to the next boss)


They sped up the progression for end game PVE far too much and on so many different levels, to much gear drops from Raid bosses, all the different modes drop the same gear(HM FP's , commendations, Normal Ops etc). The raid bosses werent hard enough, the raids werent long enough etc. Getting full columi in 2 days shouldnt be possible, in wow it took most people weeks to get full tier sets. Also Tionese gear serves no purpose in this game as moost people run HM FP's before OP's and wont need it by the time they run Ops.


Sorry for the wall of text, I love this game and im enjoying leveling up new toons, i just hope they can fix end game progression eventually. Some of the stuff announced for 1.2 seems like it will help but there is still no news of wheather 16 mans will get their own loot or not , that would be a really good start though.

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