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Are androids and Iphones declared as "required" for playing this game?


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I have yet to buy even 1 fleet pass from the vendor, so I fail to see how its a "needed" feature.


But, I guess hyperbole and sensationalism is whats needed nowadays for your thread to stand out, so whatever. I'm surprised you didn't add the typical, "Bioware fix this or my 3000+ member guild quits now" addendum.

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Speaking of security keys - does anyone know off-hand if you can link the account to both the physical dongle type (which I have been using) and the Android app version?


Clearly the Android version is easier to see in my dark gaming room when I'm starting stuff up BUT it prompts for a 7-digit code and 20-digit code that I already configured for the dongle.


The Account page just says I am already configured and gives no option for an additional device.

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I have an android and use the security key on my account, so I have access to the one hour fleet pass. I will however agree completely with the OP. The one hour fleet pass should be made available to ALL players. It is simply too useful a tool to keep from players who can't or wont use it. There are other ways to create perks that don't screw over players so badly.


I can't imagine playing this game without the hourly fleet pass, I use it a lot when jumping around the galaxy with guild mates doing different things. If it was not available to me I would probably end up leaving as travel is very tedious in this game as it is for no good reason.


I'm happy to see that Bioware is aware of the problem and looking to address it.


No one is getting "screwed over so badly." It's a convenience thing. I don't use or buy one and I have the iPhone app and never felt the need to have the 1 hour fleet pass.

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Oh yes it's shorter, indeed. It's 60 mins afaik. They can do whatever they like and move to FP or GTN as they need it. I can move to fleet once per day, same way as all those who do not want or (as in my case) can not use authentificator.


Odd, I can go to the fleet as many times as I want without using any kind of pass. I can use my ship or I can use the fleet shuttle, and there really isn't a limited amount of times I can use them.

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I am more than annoyed with BioWare & EA Origin at this point about the security key fob. I purchased one for not four bucks as some of you state but for €12.99 which is appox $17.50. This purchase was made via the origin website, which is where this site directed me when I wanted to get one, on 6th January.


After many email and talks with customer reps I am still without the keyfob and out of pocket... I even had to file a claim with paypal as I am not getting anywhere with Origin.


Oh I live in Ireland. Just to add and I think they should not have taken my money so damn quickly if they could not fulfill the order.


Now I love this game. I have purchased it, bought a 6 month sub that I am planning on extending, and even upgraded to digital deluxe for some extra perks in game. I would love to have my security key fob.. hell I paid for it.. But it seems that EA cannot supply one.... and I am sure I am not the only person to encounter this problem.

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You can get an android simulation for your computer and run the app there.

Possible solution - yes, thanks, I'll think about it.


Makes initial post less true - no. I bought this game, I paid my sub and now I'm told by Mr. Georg Zoeller that feature works fine for me. When its NOT.


So I'd suggest them either to find another excuse for lack of mobility in travel system.

Or make authentificator (NB, AUTHENTIFICATOR, not PASS itself - I'm highlighting this for those of you that post before reading anything, trying to mark me as "gimmenow" whiner) avalible to ALL players, no mater what phone they use and\or where they live.

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Originally Posted by Sinku

nope its not required to have one. You can also buy the $4 keygenerator. To the people who are going to freak out about that the generator is to protect your account from YOURSELF. Also, it's $4 so dont freak out like a child.


Bro it's $4 plus another $2.50 for shipping and handling!

I am not made out of money!



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In last Q&A session there was one thing that seemed strange to me. I'd love to have some clarifications about this matter.




Security vendor is avalible to those who use authentificator system. Authentificator system is avalible to those who use Idevices or androids(for free afaik). It also exists as small physical thing (for price afaik) which seems not to be avalible to all the countries, that may OFICIALLY buy and use this game. It is not mentioned among goods for my region, neither on the site (swtor.com), nor in origin store SWTOR page - client and timecards are all they offer.


So, following the simple logic - unless I buy myself an I-device\android device, I'll NEVER get an access to important in-game feature (Fleet Pass). Though I pay same subscribtion. And we are talking not about some rare mounts or pets or holodancers or special outfits. We are talking about NEEDED in-game feature here.








Well that's pretty clear.


Completely disapointing, but at least we know where we stand.




Get a security key or accept the fairly pants travel system or quit, those are our 3 options. :mad:

Edited by Goretzu
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The extra fleet pass, if it is on a separate CD timer, is available at the security vendor as an enticement to protect your account with a random numeric sequence.




And is basically Bioware saying:


"We know SWTOR travel system is sub-par, and often annoying, therefore we're enticing you to get a security key by putting something that makes it better on the security vendor."



If the travel system was fit for purpose, there'd be no enticement to get a security key. :mad:

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Possible solution - yes, thanks, I'll think about it.


Makes initial post less true - no. I bought this game, I paid my sub and now I'm told by Mr. Georg Zoeller that feature works fine for me. When its NOT.


So I'd suggest them either to find another excuse for lack of mobility in travel system.

Or make authentificator (NB, AUTHENTIFICATOR, not PASS itself - I'm highlighting this for those of you that post before reading anything, trying to mark me as "gimmenow" whiner) avalible to ALL players, no mater what phone they use and\or where they live.


They....can't because it's just not that simple. Android devices all run on the same OS making it easier to write an app for them that can run on any of them. This isn't true of phones that do not run a standard/widespread/modern OS because the app would have to be specifically written for that phone/OS. Why can you not run SWTOR on a Mac running OS X? Because the game would have to be ported to that system before it would be able to do so which is why people have been running Bootcamp to run Windows on their Mac to run the game.


If anyone can help clarify the issue beyond this....feel free?

Edited by terminova
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And is basically Bioware saying:


"We know SWTOR travel system is sub-par, and often annoying, therefore we're enticing you to get a security key by putting something that makes it better on the security vendor."



If the travel system was fit for purpose, there'd be no enticement to get a security key. :mad:


The security key is either free (mobile phone app) or sold at cost (keyfob). They don't make a profit on it. Pull yourself together, man. Just use the fleet shuttle.

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Which defeats the purpose of having the key.


Except your entire argument is that the fleet passes off the security vendor are the 'required' part of the game, not that the key is the required part of the game.


His suggestion is perfectly valid, and completely nullifies your complaint.

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Except your entire argument is that the fleet passes off the security vendor are the 'required' part of the game, not that the key is the required part of the game.


His suggestion is perfectly valid, and completely nullifies your complaint.


The person you quoted is not the OP.

And i kinda agree with the OP. In a game where it is hard enough to get groups to begin with, forcing people to buy their security key thing for fast travel to the lfg chat is a bit backwards.

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The person you quoted is not the OP.

And i kinda agree with the OP. In a game where it is hard enough to get groups to begin with, forcing people to buy their security key thing for fast travel to the lfg chat is a bit backwards.


Except you're wrong as well.


Noone is forced to buy anything. That's the whole point. Even IF the security key is 'required', you can get it free with the android simulator.


So again, this argument is completely specious.

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The person you quoted is not the OP.

And i kinda agree with the OP. In a game where it is hard enough to get groups to begin with, forcing people to buy their security key thing for fast travel to the lfg chat is a bit backwards.


They aren't forcing anyone to buy anything. Everyone can use the Emergency Fleet Pass once every 18 hours. There are also shuttles from planets to the Fleet that don't cost anything and have no cooldown.

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The person you quoted is not the OP.

And i kinda agree with the OP. In a game where it is hard enough to get groups to begin with, forcing people to buy their security key thing for fast travel to the lfg chat is a bit backwards.


Or as someone suggested, get the Android Emulator.


You do not have to buy anything. If you have a smartphone, use it. Otherwise use the program linked above.


No cost. Completely free. Less QQ.

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This particular answer was definitely not very ... diplomatic and the reaction to be insulted by this because you don't want the security key understandable.


The bright news:


Zennis: Has there been any discussion to streamlining the Space Port process? Perhaps allowing speeders in the Space Ports besides the Fleet?


Brian Audette (Senior Designer): We've absolutely heard what the fans are saying and have been exploring options to address these issues. While we are still investigating allowing speeder use in Space Ports, we've also been looking for other ways to get people from point A to point B with greater haste. One such feature will specifically affect planets that have Orbital Stations instead of Space Ports such as: Tython, Korriban, Hoth, and Belsavis. We'll be adding an option for players to go directly to their ships from the surface shuttles as opposed to having them run through the Orbital Station to their airlocks. This feature and some additional tweaks will start showing up in Game Update 1.2.


This will definitely be a quicker way to get to your ship and would have been a better answer to the question.

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The OP lives in Russia. Is that part of the EU release and market?

Let me think. I have bought this game via russian-language interface 4.01.12 for RUR on origin store, I've got a ru-page for buying this game (and timecards) for RUR on swtor.com, and I've seen game boxes in local stores. So you tell me, is that part of EU-release or what?


They sell this game to me, but I don't have same support and content as US player does? Looks like I'm not asking for anything extra, am I? And I don't think rest of EU world uses just I-things and androids also.


And I, probably, wouldn't even care, if official person, person in charge, did not point me out, that there's no need to worry - all I gotta do is buy a pass, relax and enjoy.


Don't think I need to repeat what was already stated in my previous posts. Problem here is not that pass itself is not avalible to everyone, but that damn tool that is needed to get the pass (which is showed as a "solution", not by me, not by random player) IS NOT AVALIBLE. Unless user goes for emulators etc. It's pretty same as if they did it, let's say, for linux-users only, and told you - enjoy, you can always use emulators. It's NOT right.

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