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Everything posted by thegreatheed

  1. No, you need to stop repeating yourself and to actually read what was typed in previous posts. The solution IS AVAILABLE, FOR FREE, TO EVERYONE.
  2. That blog... (it doesn't even deserve to be called that) was one of the worst blog posts I've ever read. He didn't give any detail or corroboration or background to the majority of his 'points'. One of the points, Scholomance is inherently replayable but SWTOR's dungeons aren't??? This is a perfect point of why this 'blog' post is garbage. He didn't a single reason why Scholo is replayable, and SWTOR isn't, he just upchucked an opinion and expects us to hold our nose and accept his arbitrary, unsupported points. Now, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if you put your opinion up and expose it to the public and expect others to read it, you better back up your ideas, or expect critiques.
  3. Except you're wrong as well. Noone is forced to buy anything. That's the whole point. Even IF the security key is 'required', you can get it free with the android simulator. So again, this argument is completely specious.
  4. Except your entire argument is that the fleet passes off the security vendor are the 'required' part of the game, not that the key is the required part of the game. His suggestion is perfectly valid, and completely nullifies your complaint.
  5. Which is why my sage is wearing the Republic Dancer's outfit.
  6. LOL It's launch day. If you didn't expect queues, well, I don't even need to type it out. People will cry about anything these days.
  7. This argument is old and out-dated. There hasn't been a macro system in a major MMO that allows automation in years. NEITHER IS ANYONE ASKING FOR AUTOMATION. You are not arguing the topic at hand if you say, 'Games should NOT play themselves'. Noone is asking for that. That is a perfect example of a logical fault in presenting an argument called a strawman. IE, that opinion is not constructive or helpful. Here's the types of macros I want. Toggle between stances. (will help with limited action bar space) /cast @focus so I can focus the tank, heal him, and target the boss for utility/dps. These don't provide any sort of automation, and are in no way a sign of a lazy gamer.
  8. Huge plus. Complete Win for Bioware on this point. This isn't anything close to what WoW has experienced in the past. A good sign. Many people want to play, this is good. If you don't want to wait in a queue, move to a lower pop server. I have experienced NO lag at all. But I moved to a lower pop server because I'm not obsessively tied to a server that makes next to no difference in my play experience. To make the launch better. If you think 2 hour queues were bad, imagine if every wave hit at once, there'd be a 6 hour queue on that server you're obsessively compelled to stay logging in to. Everyone? The NA and EU servers are completely separate.
  9. I don't think that word means what you think it means. There is no circumstance where anything in this process can be described by the word segregation.
  10. Did the EGA create level gaps between guilds/friends? No. Did the EGA make many future customers feel left out? No. Any customer you're alluding to here is not feeling left due to Bioware's fault. Their own lack of reading comprehension is to blame. 1. Early access was originally described as 'up to 5 days early'. If you can not critically read and understand that you were not guaranteed 5 days of early access, nothing will help you succeed in the real world. 2. When the extended early access was announced, it was indeed written, albeit at the end of the email, that early access would be determined by the order of pre order code redemption. Again, the inability to comprehend the process created any feelings of being left out. Did the EGA make the forums look like we're mostly all 5 year olds? As was already adequately said, no, you do that on your own, both by your childish ranting, and your lack of reading comprehension. Did the EGA show us the lack of communication we can expect with Bio-Ware? I understood everything communicated to me just fine. Does the EGA show us your lack of communication skills? May God have mercy on you, your life will be hard.
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