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Not interested in a swg without JTL, and all the extras we had at game's end. PreCU emu won't be adding the expansion planets they said, nor all the houses, vehicles, group instances, and many other things.


Not for me. I'll wait for the NGE server. I was told they have space cracked, and it will be up much sooner than expected.

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if its coming across that i think SWG was a crap game, or that SWGEMU is going to be a crap game. then i have worded things slightly wrong. SWG was probably good, once upon a time, but its time has gone. i wouldn't be surprised if once it did feature at E3.


It probably did once or twice, but that would have been back when it was managed by SOE.


i don't think the ppl trying to revive it will ever recreate its glory days. generally when ppl do things as a hobby the quality is not as good as when ppl are doing a paid job. (i'm not saying this is always the case) the ppl doing the programming will be doing this for their own reasons, some will be trying to recreate a nostalgic version of a game they once loved. some will be doing this to further their programming skills. and others will be doing this with an eye on the future hoping it leads to a job somewhere. and there will be other ppl with other reasons.


this is going to be a rag tag bunch of ppl all with different degrees of skill, and all with different ambitions. and the end product will most likely reflect this. of course there is as much a chance of them doing a great job as there is them doing a bad job. but unlike a game backed by a real games development studio the results are far from certain.


Judging from the number of people who have come and gone on the SWGEmu project, I can see your point, however that still doesn't change that they have all worked for nothing, on this hobby project of theirs in order to get Pre-CU SWG back up and running. And who said that a hobby wouldn't be of the same or better quality than someone who was paid to do the same thing? These guys have been working on their own MMO engine that can use the software and data files that SOE sold us when we bought SWG. This project is their baby, and they have put years of work into it. Even with all of the professions not working yet, it is still playable, and it still has fewer bugs than SOE's version. This is not just some knock off copy they are making. This is something they have been devoted to producing for years now. I'd say they have a pretty good job of doing it well.



but lets just say they do a great job. some1 has to maintain this game. how long before the ppl that are doing this as a hobby suddenly realize, if they are good enough to do this, then they are good enough to make a living out of this? and also if the game is a huge success, lets say SWTOR starts being killed off by SWGEMU, do ppl really think LA wouldn't take them to court and shut them down, seems as if LA makes money of SWTOR, but it wouldn't be making money off of SWGEMU.


Ummm, yeah, they probably will make a living out of it. After all, they are developing their very own MMO engine. Or can you really not see the possibilities there? Besides, if you were spending several years redeveloping an MMO from the ground up because it was a game you loved and the company running it completely trashed it, would you really get sick of it and quit?


As for the legalities, they are not distributing any copywrited software, or even images. The only items you download are ones they have created themselves. The actual Star Wars data comes from the SWG discs which the SWGEmu site clearly states you will need an original copy of, and if you have bought a copy of them, then you can do whatever you like with them. That software is now owned by you.


and ppl that say its ok we are just using the game we bought and own, plz look into copyright laws, when you purchase something like a game, movie, song you own the right to use the game for you personal use, you are not allowed to share the game with the public (unless you are paying royalties, sure SOE were but are th new programmers?). and making an MMO would seem like a very public thing. but if i'm wrong about that and thats not enough, i'm sure LA legal team could come up with something.


Who is sharing anything? The only software being shared is software created by the Emu team. The software from the SWG discs is not provided in any way. As I have previously said, the SWGEmu site actually informs you that you need a genuine vopy of SWG in order to play it. So, Lucasarts has no say on what software is shared, since none of their IP is being shared, and they are still being paid (or rather have been paid) for any versions of SWG being used to play the Emu. Also, when you buy a game, that copy of the game is yours to do with whatever you see fit, so long as it stays in your possession.


i love how ppl say yes its all about the money with SWTOR, EA, BW and LA, well news flash, money makes the world go round


i'm not saying SWG is rubbish, but i am saying its in the past, and the whole SWTOR vs SWG is stupid, for many many reasons


For EA, LA, BW, and TOR, it probably is all about the money, you are right. Yet here they are, losing subscriptions from TOR, and desperately trying to get them back.


And if people want SWG back, what is wrong with resurrecting it?

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As bad as i think SWTOR is, I no longer try to compare the two games. I also don't think SWTOR is going to change anytime soon so I unsubbed.


As for SWGEMU, they met with Lucasarts, they are not violating any laws, they will not do anything to jeopardize that position, so the EMU is safe.


It took the better part of two months of denial to realize there is no Star Wars MMO for me. The EMUs are the only SW games I have until someone makes another SW MMO that is not a railpark.

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As bad as i think SWTOR is, I no longer try to compare the two games. I also don't think SWTOR is going to change anytime soon so I unsubbed.


As for SWGEMU, they met with Lucasarts, they are not violating any laws, they will not do anything to jeopardize that position, so the EMU is safe.


It took the better part of two months of denial to realize there is no Star Wars MMO for me. The EMUs are the only SW games I have until someone makes another SW MMO that is not a railpark.


if you look back at my posts, you will see my point is, if they didn't' get the go ahead from LA they wouldn't be able to do it. i'm glad they have the green light. also i'm glad they were bright enough to realize they needed the green light unlike some ppl on here that clearly don't understand how copyrights and consumerism works.


i still think alot of what i put in the last post still stands (not the copyright stuff, as a go ahead from LA negates that) and i still think the SWTOR vs SWG is a silly argument, as i put it before, its like muhammad ali vs waldo.(tho i should have put vs jarjar binks, for the the sub forum we are in). but i wish the programmers on SWG good luck, and hope they do a good job

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SWG all the way, the space was great. Some people didn't like it but it was a god to me. Here in TOR we walk through a wall to get to fp/ops, in SWG you had to travel manually to get to the heroic entrance, hell flying to ISD just to be able to start it was more heroic/fun/enjoyable then running ISD itself.
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SWG all the way, the space was great. Some people didn't like it but it was a god to me. Here in TOR we walk through a wall to get to fp/ops, in SWG you had to travel manually to get to the heroic entrance, hell flying to ISD just to be able to start it was more heroic/fun/enjoyable then running ISD itself.


Well you see, that's where different playstyles come into play. I like the Space Game here - it's a fun diversion and hope that BW can expand upon the Space portion of the game in the future. I don't like wasting time when playing a game - especially when I have a limited amount of time to play. A game that makes it less time-consuming to get from point A to point B so I can do C is much better in my opinion.



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People who like SWTOR is a much different crowd than those who like SWG. I like both games. However, SWG had many advantages and features that I still look for (to no avail) in other MMOs. SWTOR has advantages in other areas. The main reason SWG vets still play SWTOR and do not "look for something else" is because it is about Star Wars. We are great fans of the entire Star Wars franchise.


SWG was nearly close to a perfect game (more so before NGE). However, it was only perfect for people who wanted to build something. SWTOR is a game, feels like a game, and is based for the "casual" gamer. SWG was a UNIVERSE. You felt like you really lived there. I spent days simply giving entertainer buffs in the cantina. I spent months building my home. I finally perfected my ships (and decorated them the way I wanted). The economy was supurb because nearly everything was player crafted.


SWTOR is about loot/reward/challenging content. These are the quick rewards that make players feel like they are accomplishing something. The problem is that the world is static. The only thing that changes is a random developer event and waiting for new content to blow through and master. The "community" is not very social. Players do not feel connected to the rest of the other players.


I do hope that an SWG 2 is release in the future. I know somewhere, somehow, a real developer will take on the challenge to create a truly wonderful Star Wars Universe in an MMO. I will be too old to play it, but I can prepare now by getting my children addicted to Star Wars as I have been all my life :p


When people say they want SWG 2, it is not a literal creation of the SWG game. People want a Star Wars game that allows them to feel as though they are part of the game (not simply playing the game). They want to work hard at mastering something and feel as though they have conquered a planet. Honestly, if you combined the best features of SWTOR with those of SWG, I think you would have a game that would would be truly amazing.

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How do you compare a game that didn't do good to one that is?



Highest sales of any MMO !

Cost the Most to make out of every MMO !

Has 4X the Active player Base than SWG ever had !

Has more competition to compete with than SWG ever had




Crappy Graphics even compared to its fellow MMOs of its time

Final Fantasy 11 and WoW are still going and with a larger community tha SWG ever had to date!

SWG was brought down because its player base was not enough to continue it .....plan and simple



If SWG had a community of active players worth keeping it up , it would still be playable. It didn't because most the MMO community found it too be simply a DEAD game with nothing worth to note.


NO MMO designer has ever said that SWG brought anything worth mimicing , but yet you can see WoW , Lineage II . FInalFantasy 11 in alot of interviews with MMO creators .

SWG SUCKED ! Sandbox of no life , is not worth having !


Here is a quote from Raph Koster, one of the industries most respected developers in his day.

"Star Wars Galaxies, a game I was the creative director on, is shutting down. It’s happening in mid-December. You can read an interview with John Smedley about it on Massively. The short form, though, is that the contract with LucasArts is up.

I am sure there are plenty of people who are prepared to mourn; I went through my own emotional arc of moving on years and years ago at this point, so I am not going to dwell on it.

Instead, I’ll note that sandbox, worldy MMOs do not seem to have gone away despite the economic currents that run against them. It’s too big a dream, I suspect, and games like Arche Age, which isn’t out yet, Wurm which is, and of course EVE, show that there is a passionate audience for the sort of experience that lets you step into a more fully realized world and live there.

Some will say that SWG was a failure. They’ll cite the NGE, of course, and they’ll point out that it fared poorly against the juggernaut of WoW, despite the power of the license. My postmortem would be much like Smedley’s:

Here’s what I would have done differently. I would have made sure the ground and space games were launched all at once. I would have given the game another year to develop and really polish it quite a bit. I think we created one of the most unique and amazing games ever created in the MMO space. It is the sandbox game. Nothing else even comes close to what we did there. I would have really taken our time and polished combat right so we never had to do the NGE.

In the end, the game was quite profitable, it ran for eight years, and it entertained a few million people. I’ve been told it had a qualitatively different and more powerful community than other games, by objective metrics. It was built with some rickety tech — and some that won awards and led to patents (1, 2, 3). It was more casual and more broad appeal than what the license could even handle, in some ways, and many individual features that SWG had today power entire blockbuster giant companies in the social game space (hey look, farming where you come back the next day… where have I seen that before…?). And it gave us features that continue to amaze people who don’t realize what can be done: real economies complete with supply chains and wholesalers and shopkeepers, that amazing pet system, the moods and chat bubbles (anyone remember what chat in 3d MMOs looked like before SWG?), player cities, vehicles, spaceflight…

And dancing. Which everyone made fun of. But as far as I am concerned, it may have been the biggest and best contribution, the one that spawned a jillion YouTube videos and may well be the lasting influence the game leaves behind, an imprint on all the games since: a brief moment where you can stop saving the world or killing rats and realize the real scope and potential of the medium.

In the end, SWG may have been more potential and promise than fulfilled expectation. But I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity. There’s a reason people are passionate about it all these years later. I’m proud to have worked on it."


patent 1: http://www.google.com/patents?id=rNaOAAAAEBAJ

Patent 2: http://www.google.com/patents?id=otaOAAAAEBAJ

Patent 3: http://www.google.com/patents?id=o9aOAAAAEBAJ


To say that SWG was some flash in the pan garbage game that no one liked is hyperbole.

The game was mis managed by sony, and over micromanaged by Lucas. Most of the problems created pre pub 9 were due too poor implementation of Raph's vision due to time constraints.

I have never had before or since the level of fun, immersion, excitement, or joy from a video game or any other form of media (minus the star wars movies of course) that I got from SWG. I know im not alone. As much as I hate to say it, Bioware Austin lost about 150 people recently ( http://www.gamebreaker.tv/video-game-shows/star-wars-the-old-republic-video/the-republic-swtor-show/swtor-doomed-to-fail/ ) and if a game was going to be described as a flash in the pan failure I can definitely see SWTOR as lingering dangerously on the edge of that category. When I log in to my server (daragon trail) I see 3-4 people on the fleet on either side at any given time. That number is quite a bit smaller than what I would see in the cantina in mos eisley in swg (radiant server) at any given time.


If the designers @bioware had added any form of content to keep players interested, sand box or no, the game would be thriving. This just isnt the case.


I would give this game maybe 2 more years of squeezing blood from a rock and then it will either be gone, or have been taken free to play with micro transactions, IF were lucky.


If not Im sure theres room for one more "failed" Star Wars mmo in the cemetery of good times past.


Just my take on things.:rak_03:

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SWG all the way, the space was great. Some people didn't like it but it was a god to me. Here in TOR we walk through a wall to get to fp/ops, in SWG you had to travel manually to get to the heroic entrance, hell flying to ISD just to be able to start it was more heroic/fun/enjoyable then running ISD itself.


Yes it was, and it was always fun being on a gunship with everyone else in the group to make the trip.


That won't be in the precu, which is one of the reasons I won't play it.

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There is no comparison. They are two completely different games. SWTOR is based on a solo adventure with character, world and story development (despite that it's smoke and mirrors), with structured multiplayer instances. SWG was about doing whatever you want in a massive universe. SWTOR is about progress, and SWG is about filling in the blanks in the map.
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Anyone who says tor has 1.5 million subs get off this discussion because you are wrong. The game is dying the only reason it was that high when they gave the numbers they gave everyone a free month. So point invalid already. Not to mention most of the light servers at PEAK time have 100 players on or less. The game is dying just admit it.


There's a difference between number of subs and number of people who get in-game. there are 1.5 million subs, only a small fraction of 1.5 million subs get on. anyways back on topic, swtor might just be a WoW clone but swtor tries to make questing fun as possible. SWG is just something no mmo will be like. The mmo style of swg is probably retired.

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Would you like a lightsaber with your happy meal?



Pre CU>Nge


hands down.


No space, no GCW hourly battles, a few group instances missing, many housing models missing, some armor styles missing, many vehicles/mounts missing, 2 planets missing, tons of housing decorations missing, and a whole lot more missing in precu that were in nge.


You're wrong, and that's a fact. pre cu was half the game.


I could live with pre cu skill system if the rest of what was in the NGE that I named above were added to the emu. A hybrid. As it is now, it's nothing but grindfest to level up your skills with little else to do....kinda like what swtor is right now. I did go there!

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SWG Kept me playing for 7 years, even through the bad times.


SWTOR kept me playing for 5 and half months.


I could go on about how good it was, and get shot down by the predictable "oh but SWG was patched and fixed and content added over such a long time!)


No it wasn't, not int he beginning. Even though the PRE-CU royally stuffed it up for most people, it wasnt until that point I cared AT ALL what they did with the game, it worked well and there was more to do than you could ask for, especially Mastering something.

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Two years ago the SWG forums were lit up with posts about why SWG had been a continuing failure of an MMO with virtually no redeeming qualities, (post NGE). Now the SW:TOR forums have post(s) about how many things SWG did RIGHT.


Propagation of misery is a funny thing.


They were undeniable aspects of SWG that I miss, but not nearly enough for me miss the entire game.

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No space, no GCW hourly battles, a few group instances missing, many housing models missing, some armor styles missing, many vehicles/mounts missing, 2 planets missing, tons of housing decorations missing, and a whole lot more missing in precu that were in nge.


JtL was out in Pre-CU, so there was space.


NO GCW hourly battles? No, they were never that... regulated. You coud, however, usually find a battle going on somewhere in the galaxy. Failing that, you could usually find enough people who would be up for starting one.


Instances, dungeons, or whatever you want to call them, weren't really in Pre-CU very much. You could, however, visit the likes of Jabba's palace and work for him, or meet Vader and the Emperor at the Imperial Retreat on Naboo. Possibly better than instances because these don't lock you away from the rest of the game while you do them.


As far as everything else in your list goes, yeah, they may be missing, but that's what happens when you take two versions of the same game and compare them, with several years between their version dates. I'm sure if you compared other MMOs in the same way you would see missing stuff too.

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No space, no GCW hourly battles, a few group instances missing, many housing models missing, some armor styles missing, many vehicles/mounts missing, 2 planets missing, tons of housing decorations missing, and a whole lot more missing in precu that were in nge.


You're wrong, and that's a fact. pre cu was half the game.


I could live with pre cu skill system if the rest of what was in the NGE that I named above were added to the emu. A hybrid. As it is now, it's nothing but grindfest to level up your skills with little else to do....kinda like what swtor is right now. I did go there!


TBH i felt the game was more complete during the CU even though I didnt like the new system. but the nge?




Instances NEVER brought the feeling of immersion back. Free Jedis made me want to puke. In fact even after all these years, just thinking about it again, I think ill go visit the toilet.:mad:

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Oh look a thread that capture's people's emotions instead of logic.


If SWG was indeed defined as "good" by more people than the most loyal of fans there would not have been need for the NGE (despite the fact it backfired) and it would still be here today. It bled subs both before and after the update. There are plenty of other MMOs that were released before or at the same time that are still around. It didn't make the money required to stay afloat.


Personally I don't care for either game much but I've admittedly dabbled with more TOR than Galaxies. The saving grace of Galaxies was that it was a sandbox game. Nostalgia by its definition makes you to believe something was better than it really was once you don't have it anymore.

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Oh look a thread that capture's people's emotions instead of logic.


If SWG was indeed defined as "good" by more people than the most loyal of fans there would not have been need for the NGE (despite the fact it backfired) and it would still be here today. It bled subs both before and after the update. There are plenty of other MMOs that were released before or at the same time that are still around. It didn't make the money required to stay afloat.


Personally I don't care for either game much but I've admittedly dabbled with more TOR than Galaxies. The saving grace of Galaxies was that it was a sandbox game. Nostalgia by its definition makes you to believe something was better than it really was once you don't have it anymore.


I play galaxies every day. This discussion isnt about nostalgia or emotions.


The fact remains that in any iteration Swg was a revolutionary game. It had all the elements of UO with a Star Wars universe to craft, explore, fight, live, and die in. Other than graphics and clunky code, the game had awesome staying power. People logged in because they actually had fun.


In the end it didn't die because it was a bad game, it died because SOE couldnt afford to liscence the Star Wars IP for another ten years on a game that had so few subs. The game had so few subs because of the horrific betrayal of the customers confidence perpetrated by soe.


Ive had quite enough of people who were completely ignorant to the game jumping on the bandwagon of people who knew nothing of the game other than what they have heard from others, and yet claim they have the end all of information. "oh ya that game? oh it sucked SWTOR is so KEWL OMG dont even say SWG around here its such a baad phail."


The gaming industry uses things from SWG every day.


There are at least three patents held on tech that are liscenced out all the time. One could indeed argue that the game farmville sprung out of the crafting in SWG.


It was the first game with /dance for gods sake. That game was and is a legend.


If people were either too young, or impatient to understand the game, thats really their loss. As I have said previously in this thread, Ive never had more fun in front of a computer than those first few years of SWG.

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I would've gladly played both Swtor and SWG. I think the better game in terms of actually feeling as though you were part of the Star Wars Universe i'd have to go with SWG. Swtor has become too clinical and there is no feeling of discovery in the game, only the feeling of being led by the nose to the next kill this, collect that quest. If there was ever an SWG 2 with everything intact but had updated graphics, id be there in a heartbeat. Until then, Rest In Peace SWG i miss you. :(
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I am not sure how some people are here to trash SWTOR and say SWG is better. Go to their private servers if you like games that just craft and thats it.


No competition: SWTOR is leagues above SWG. SWG wish it had a playerbase over 500k which is never did in its whole lifespan led alone over 1 million. So there is no comparison.


One is sandbox and one is themepark.

One is more close to star wars lore and one is more to its own lore like crafters as the heroes hmmm?

One has story and one has your imagination and nothing else.

One has crafting that trumps gameplay and functionality of the whole game.

One was known as a failure and hated by star wars fans out the door while the other one has a fanbase and sticks to star wars.


Some people say SWTOR is like wow but yet come these forums. If you don't like the game why put your opinion here if your contributing to the discussion? The thread was about SWTOR vs SWG not WoW.

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