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Yeah...no. If I can define SWG's space feature in 2 words it would be: Black Space. (Durr right?)


*Get a ship*

Wow, look at all this black! It's so void and empty much like my wallet after giving it to SOE!


Alright got my first mission need to kill 5 pirate ships. *update* alright now I need to kill 10 more. *update* 15 now??? *Update* 20 now..? :confused: *update* okay seriously 25 more? *update* alright boss fight. *dies* ow, that hurt at least I don't have to start..all...over... *cries*


Next mission: Patrol space (So exciting!) for enemies.

Alright this mission will be better for sure!

*update* defeat pirates ambushing you.

*update* another ambush

*update* another ambush

*update* Guess what. another ambush. :tran_grin:

*3 hours later*

Pilot trainer: I've trained you well now go visit your next CO.


Pilot Trainer 2: Alright now go into space and eliminate 5 pirate ships.

Where have I seen this before?... Aw well I'm sure it's not the same thing I've been doing for the past 8 years.


sadly i agree. but thats nothing suprising. in swtor just last night on narshadda i had to kill 20X then bonus quest was to kill a further 40X so thats 60X in the bonus objectives for the SAME QUEST. and swtor came out just a few months back so go figure.


and just to be a jerk. I dont recall swg EVER asking me to kill 60 of the same npc. in any one given quest to complete an objective. *excluding earning titles.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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sadly i agree. but thats nothing suprising. in swtor just last night on narshadda i had to kill 20X then bonus quest was to kill a further 40X so thats 60X in the bonus objectives for the SAME QUEST. and swtor came out just a few months back so go figure.


and just to be a jerk. I dont recall swg EVER asking me to kill 60 of the same npc. in any one given quest to complete an objective. *excluding earning titles.



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I dont recall swg EVER asking me to kill 60 of the same npc.



If you don't recall at ANY time the game asked you to kill the same npc X times then just...wow. Did you even play SWG?


SWG's space combat of kill X enemies Y times is no different to what you did on the ground. The only difference was that you run/fly in circles a lot just to pop a shot and start spinning after them again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.


I hope you see where I'm going with this so I don't have to keep explaining it again and again and again and again and again and again...

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How can you really compare the two? SWG was a Sandbox MMO while TOR is a Story MMO. Two different styles. Both styles have there pros and Cons. But at the End of the Day with SWG it was an eight year old game which had been ruined first the CU the the NGE. Sure it was playable, Sony tryed to turn it into a story MMO but they didn't succeed. They failed and then Bioware made TOR, people QQed because SWG shut down for good/they paid money to play it.


If they paid attention Sony announced half way through last year that SWG was going to be free for the current subscribers till it shutdown in December. So you weren't paying for it for half a year. For those who say TOR isn't a good replacement for SWG because it has none of SWG's feature news flash it isn't trying to be SWG they never said it was going to be.


Now on a side note I would like to see Space Combat similar to SWGs because I thought that polished. But I am happy with how it is now.


swg was free for active subscribers from september 2011 until it closed, I subscribed to galaxies for 6 years, im sorry I made an error of the period of my paid subscription by a couple months. please find it your heart to forgive me.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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If you don't recall at ANY time the game asked you to kill the same npc X times then just...wow. Did you even play SWG?


SWG's space combat of kill X enemies Y times is no different to what you did on the ground. The only difference was that you run/fly in circles a lot just to pop a shot and start spinning after them again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.


I hope you see where I'm going with this so I don't have to keep explaining it again and again and again and again and again and again...


I wish you would quote me entirely, instead of just segments to make your strawman.

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Both games are uniquely different. I played SWG starting in Beta, through CU and NGE, the rise and fall of the game started and ended with CU (Combat Upgrade). The graphics at the time were the best of any game online. The content too was the best around. As a crafter and spacer I found crafting to be calculating and frustrating but did enjoy the science behide it all. The space was second to none. Outfitting my ships that would allow me to bring friends on board to man turrets and reap real credits and useable parts was enjoyable. SWTOR has zero crafting and space compared to SWG. The pvp in SWG was epic, screenshots showing over 100 people engaged in all out fighting was something at the time unique. SWTOR does not compare to SWG in that respect. This game is graphically heads-and-shoulders superior to SWG. WoW was a cookie cutter of SWG.
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swg was free for active subscribers from september 2011 until it closed, I subscribed to galaxies for 6 years, im sorry I made an error of the period of my paid subscription period by a couple months. please find it your heart to forgive me.




Read the last page and like I said, you can't compare the two because there two different types of MMOs.

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Both games are uniquely different. I played SWG starting in Beta, through CU and NGE, the rise and fall of the game started and ended with CU (Combat Upgrade). The graphics at the time were the best of any game online. The content too was the best around. As a crafter and spacer I found crafting to be calculating and frustrating but did enjoy the science behide it all. The space was second to none. Outfitting my ships that would allow me to bring friends on board to man turrets and reap real credits and useable parts was enjoyable. SWTOR has zero crafting and space compared to SWG. The pvp in SWG was epic, screenshots showing over 100 people engaged in all out fighting was something at the time unique. SWTOR does not compare to SWG in that respect. This game is graphically heads-and-shoulders superior to SWG. WoW was a cookie cutter of SWG.


My only problem with your statement is WoW was a cookie cutter of SWG which if it was then it would have been a Sandbox game. SWG went CU after WoW came out which if you played any of the WarCraft game before the story came from them. WoW is a "Story MMO" not Sandbox.

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Why quote an entire segment if only need 1 part if it is pertaining to the reply? Kids these days. :rolleyes:


because when you pick and choose what you reply too, you miss the details.


sadly i agree. but thats nothing suprising. in swtor just last night on narshadda i had to kill 20X then bonus quest was to kill a further 40X so thats 60X in the bonus objectives for the SAME QUEST. and swtor came out just a few months back so go figure.

and just to be a jerk. I dont recall swg EVER asking me to kill 60 of the same npc. in any one given quest to complete an objective. *excluding earning titles.


swg never asked you to kill 60+ npcs in the same quest.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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And I'll say again. Yes it did. Kill 5 pirates. *update* kill 5 pirates + 1 elite pilot :eek: *update* kill 5 pirates + 2 elites. etc etc


but the totality of that never exceeded 60 of the same npcs for the SAME QUEST. its ok to be wrong. no ones going to think less of you, if there was anything remotely close it would have to be npc farming for gcw points, for slayer quests for pvp.

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but the totality of that never exceeded 60 of the same npcs for the SAME QUEST. its ok to be wrong. no ones going to think less of you, if there was anything remotely close it would have to be npc farming for gcw points.

*Sigh* Words that come to my mind right now: Persistence and futility. I won't say why though. :rolleyes:

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*Sigh* Words that come to my mind right now: Persistence and futility. I won't say why though. :rolleyes:


THERE WERE NO 60+ npc killing requirements IN A SINGLE QUEST outside of Slayer DEEDS and COLLECTIONS. your just plain wrong, put up the proof...

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ok I did play SWG. And while i will admit i am sad its gone, i think maybe im saying give it a about 3 more months, we will see some derastic changes in SWTOR. I Played from start to end... Ill admit after they brought in the jedi for every one to play it inda got boring, but if not for SWG, i would not have been so interested in SWTOR.... Now maybe its just a crazy Star Wars fan talking, but i think the Legacy System is something that SWG shoulda had... I mean I had an ent, crafters, and a Jedi.... but the classes were really defined.... I think that Legacy will open up the game a lot.... and one thing i do miss is the space ccombat.... i mean the multiplyy speed controls, 3d movemen.... it was all good... but maybe SWTOR will improve that.... i remeber whe Space came out in SWG... There wasnt that much t do.... So who Knows maybe space will improve.... and hey maybe multiplayer space is one of the BIG things instore for us.... As for me I will wait it out for the improvments... I like this game... but i mean give BIO a break... the game has only been out 4 months now.... and remeber SEG had alot of time to make the improvements.:p
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THERE WERE NO 60+ npc killing requirements IN A SINGLE QUEST outside of Slayer DEEDS and COLLECTIONS. your just plain wrong, put up the proof...

I'm saying they were kill X npcs Y times. I'm not saying they ever exceeded 60 that post was a joke. (Apparently one exaggerated too far that it erupted the 3rd World War.)


Who knew people take the internet so seriously. :rolleyes:

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SWTOR is story driven yes, but there was more than that which made KOTOR a great game, they completely took everything else that made KOTOR away and just said "We have the class quests, this should be good enough." To say this game is a WoW clone is a poor choice of words, this is basically a clone of everything that has come before it, only it feels incomplete, feature wise and also overall it was like Bioware had a huge grand vision on how to make this game truly stand out from the competition, but then they just stopped and settled with just voice acting, i dunno what happened, but this game feels like it was meant to be much more than this, like an aritst that has an idea in his head, he wants to paint a huge city, buildings all that, but he only ends up painting a few skyscrapers, what you are left with is a disappointing portrait, in this case, MMO.


I couldn't agree with you more, actually me and all the people I know personally who play this game think exactly the same way, as in this game was meant to be a LOT more than it is and was on release, for the people who say oh its only been 3 months, this has had 10 years in development, how much more time do you need, that is more time than most MMO's (and almost double compared to some).


It IS exactly how you say missing SO much stuff I feel they DID have a picture in mind but they just spent that long on voice acting (and inside sources say that's where most of their time and money was spent) the game overall has suffered because of it.


Don't get me wrong, I was defending this game like nothing else to bad people saying bad things about it but now only after 3 months of playing I see why people have left, honestly and I bought the collectors, went all out and was FULLY looking forward to the game, it is the fastest mmo I've ever got bored of and I thought I would be here for a very long time, just makes me sad of a game that could have been.


Saying that 3 guilds that I've been in (4th now) and they just all up and left, the game entirely, out of my real life friends and family, I'm the only one left playing also, they all give the same reasons :(

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With its years and years of updates and refinements, SWG was probably a bit better, but at its core, SWTOR is a vastly superior game, and after a few updates I don't think we'll even have a comparisson.


Remember that with SWG, we are looking at a finished product whereas SWTOR is still in its early stages, and yet we can still favorably compare it to SWG. To be honest, it feels kinda like I've been playing an expanded beta these last few months (they really should have pushed the launch back a while to make this a playable game first), and yet I'm still comparing it favorably to a game that was out for many years and had all the time in the world to update itself.

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SWG was a different game for a different era that appealed to a different audience with different makers that were horrible in decision making.


SWTOR is a different game for this day and age/time that appeals to the crowds of today with the skill tree, level stuff, raid stuff, that people want these days with a maker that cares about the game and will continue to push out content and not LET this game die.


There's the difference


SOE didn't really "care"


BioWare cares deeply.

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Again to say who would win comes to numbers , that is all ....

SWG not a very big community and never got off the ground

TOR made records in sales and community of active players


SWG lasted 7 years

TOR just came out accouple months ago


If TOR last longer than 7 years it would have beaten it on every level . CloneWars Multiplayer right now has larger numbers of Active players over SWG .


SOE made a mistake in how they made SWG but if they would have done it anyother way it would not have been the SWG you guys loved . SOE admits there mistake but said it was not worth making SWG into a F2P game with really low community.


In the end the players decided who wins and loses and simply enough there are more players right now on TOR than SWG ever had. This can change and I know this like anyother old school MMO player but until it does , numbers give TOR win !


Speaking of theme park , I seem to remember "Jedi Theme Park" that was in SWG ........just another reason I am happy this is not SWG and nothing of SWG is in this game !


1. Swg lasted over 8 years

2. You say it never got off the ground, yet in the first 6 months, it had about 500k subscribtions, Tor has about 1.5-ish million, counting population growth from 2003 to 2012, thats almost equal, but with TOR with slightly higher.

3. Tor probably wouldnt have as many subs if LA didnt pull the plug on SWG, as 3/4 of the former SWG players went there

4. dont post somthing about a closed mmo that had probably 4-7 million people play it total over the last 8+ years, alot of people are still full of noglista for the "good ol' days" on SWG

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SWG was a different game for a different era that appealed to a different audience with different makers that were horrible in decision making.


SWTOR is a different game for this day and age/time that appeals to the crowds of today with the skill tree, level stuff, raid stuff, that people want these days with a maker that cares about the game and will continue to push out content and not LET this game die.


There's the difference


SOE didn't really "care"


BioWare cares deeply.


Were you actually able to say that with a straight face, really? Bioware and EA don't care about you, me, or anyone else that plays this game. We're numbers and dollars. That's it. That's all anyone is. SOE was no different. If this game starts to go south, both companies will drop it like a hot potato.

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SWG was a different game for a different era that appealed to a different audience with different makers that were horrible in decision making.


SWTOR is a different game for this day and age/time that appeals to the crowds of today with the skill tree, level stuff, raid stuff, that people want these days with a maker that cares about the game and will continue to push out content and not LET this game die.


There's the difference


SOE didn't really "care"


BioWare cares deeply.


I'll necro this one as well. I'll assume this is sarcasm. But, if not... Ditto to what Blue typed.


The two companies will execute Order 66 on this game without giving it a second thought if it's not profitable. Don't think for a minute they care, it always has been, and always will be about the almighty dollar.

Edited by Pirana
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