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Everything posted by Bekillinyou

  1. agree you will find that manny things we cleang to are basied on our own point of view -ben kenobie-
  2. no that can't be right because true balance is just that equal on both sides in this case light/dark
  3. cause he did bring balance to the force as he wiped out all the jedi and the sith in the end there was just luke and leia neither were true jedi yet
  4. lmao you have a point ....but sometimes little needs to be said
  5. name a game that had all those aspects in it at the same time ...you can't nuff said
  6. I suposed it did for some but since it was a sandbox game you had the choice of doing something diff everytime you loged in I played from launch till the NGE and never did I feel like i was doing the same thing I did the day before is more or less what I ment
  7. after pages and pages of reading till my eyes are bleeding lol...... my 2 cents Pre CU SWG was and will always be the greatest game ever made for 4 reasons 1 Freedom, to do as you please when you please go were you want when ever you want, live were ever you want ect 2 comunity, there were times when I would and manny ppl I knew would spend the day sittin and chattin in a local cantina that would be full of players sittin buffing chattin for hours on end 3, customation, you as the player had complete control over your abiltys wep's armor skills ect you could create your own uniquie class and 4 player Crafting SWG crafting was hands down the best ever made the best gear was always crafted by another player be it weps armor spice whatever manny will agree that it was SWG greatest aspect now that being said ToR is not SWG it's a great game if you like it's type the story aspect is indeed great and fun to play but it does get repetive.... were as SWG did not
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