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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Can you give us any details on Guild Capital Ships? I've seen them discussed, but I'm eager to see what is being planned. I've seen rumors ranging from just being a meeting hall to having guild-only dailies/weeklies, exclusive space combat missions, etc.


What plans are you able to share with us about Guild Capital Ships?

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Could we please have just an estimated time frame for the implementation of SGRA's to the game (this doesn't need to be an exact date just a rough idea) and a few details regarding how they will be implemented, i.e; Will they be added for existing companions/future companions/random world NPC flirts?
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Currently us Twi'lek players can't get PROPERLY CODED masks. Why? Our Lekku just simply disappears under it, even though they're like 5kg. Maybe our characters can make holes on it? It happens with hats and others, as well.

And we also want the ability to use hoods. They can just drop forward onto the chest. After all, they're not rigid!

Edited by DasEmpanada
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Are there any plans to expand upon the Achievement system? The current Achievement system is extremely transparent, and makes it difficult to "hunt down" Achievements. For many people the Achievement system is a great way to add gameplay at end game.
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I do like having 8 character slots available per server however my friends and I play both republic and imperial on the same server, and we would like to know if there are plans for implementing the ability to be rewared or purchase extra character slots for a server that we already have 8 characters on?
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Will at some point, we be able to access cinematics of past missions, at least for the main story quests, and relive those moments? I miss the great moments of my class story. and would love to experience those again. Allow us to view them with the gear we have, and companions (limited to those we should have by that time in our stories), but not to change our original choices.
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Searching vendors is a big pain point..do you have any plans to perhaps add a sort feature? Like "Only show items that have strength" or something of that nature? It would be great to have an expanded search feature on vendors to only show what you are really trying to find.
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Characters with a neutral or "grey" alignment are at a disadvantage because there are almost no Relics that they can equip until endgame. This forces players to stick with either light-side or dark-side dialogue options exclusively, limiting freedom and roleplaying. Will Relics be added that can be equipped by neutral-aligned characters, and are there any other plans for neutral gear?
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Why did you choose to go with the WoW PvP model ? Shared, instead of separated, talent trees between PvE and PvP. From now until SWTOR finishes you'll be continually balancing them in a futile effort on something that can never be balanced, not unless you homogenize every class with the exact same abilities. This is valuable dev time that could be spent on other aspects of the game. As a PvE player this is the one thing I hated most with the WoW PvP model, having my class continually nerfed, adjusted and fiddled around with through no fault of my own because of PvP.
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There are two companions that are completely useless to bounty hunters because they lack a proper modifiable weapon (tech blade and tech staff.) My question is are there any plans to add fully modifiable tech blades and tech staffs into the game, and when will this be done?
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