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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Question for the Development Team. For special events would it be possible to do for example a Space Mission allowing us to relive say the The Death Star II battle from SW Episode VI. Would this be something to consider for The Old Republic or will the team try to stick with events only for The Old Republic era?
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Are there any plans to increase the threat generated by tank's in their threat stance above 50% to account for the strong increase in DPS threat, as opposed to a weak increase in tank threat, created by end game gear scaling? Edited by SuperSair
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In the FAQ posted today, Georg Zoeller mentioned that there would be several improvements made to the crafting system to allow players to craft orange items with augment slots and take the mods from their tier gear and place the mods into their orange gear.


I'm personally a fan of the Primeval Vindicator / Paragon gear and I'd like to know if you will be adding a way to reverse engineer a Green, Blue or Purple item to become an orange, add a way to reverse engineer an orange item to learn how to make that item or simply add more schematics to the game.


I'd really like to learn how to make all of the Primeval gear. ;)

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Is there any chance of making all the basic white-quality armor sets into blank-slotted orange gear? With the custome gear in game, I seriously see no point at all in merely white gear - some of it looks great, and I wish it were viable for combat!
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When will maps be getting an overhaul so that you can actually use them for navigation? Currently a number of planet maps (eg Nar Shaddaa) do not show where your quests are on the main map, and there is no way on any main map to find out which of the bind points is closest to where you want to go.


In some closed in areas you can click on the exit/entry arrows to see the next bit of the map, but this does not work when there is a lift.


From the area map you can click on the main map to zoom out, but you cannot then select another area to zoom in on.

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Will you be adding an Account Baggage Hold; in some games you have an account that all characters can use, the only way to transfer money to my lower level pub's is a time consuming process. With a Account Bank i "Could" add money to the account and put class restricted gear in there and transfer instantaneously to my other characters.



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Currently the situation is that at level 50 pvp becomes a grind before you have a complete set of the current top pvp equipment and then you can actually participate properly in pvp games without being a free kill for geared players. This is something that will be happening with every new top-level pvp gear released, coinciding perhaps with every major content patch, and that has driven a number of players away from other games with a similar structure.


So the question is: are you happy with this repeated grind cycle for gear (grind-to-gear or be a free kill) or do you have plans to make pvp attractive simply for the sport of it? Please remember that rank-matching of players is not the solution because of how players can/will game the pvp rewards when given the chance and also the presence of end-game PvE gear, especially at lower Valor levels.

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What are you going to implement to give high-end players something to do in game besides operations (= off raid-time)?





P.S. currently there's literally nothing to do off raids besides leveling your alt or doing some warzones. As a semi-hardcore PvE guild we now only gather at raid time and that drop of activity is due to lack of high-end content.


Best regards.

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Question: What happened to many of the promised features that were spoken of pre-launch such as consequences to actions and choices, crew skills having a use out side of crafting and heroic fights which weren't beating on one opponent.


Background to Question: Pre launch we were told that there were multiple arcs and actions in the game would have consequences. Yet this isn't the case, there was talk of meeting the widow of the captain of the black talon at a later date, this never happened. There was talk of bringing consequences in where people had to live with what they had done, yet this never happens and often there is no choice. Take the SW story, try to let someone live and they kill themselves, try and talk someone down and they still attack biggest of all no matter what affection you have with someone they will betray you.


We were also told that crew skills would play a roll in the game world such as slicing allowing you to hack a computer and disable the security system. Amazing idea makes it slightly useful only never seen a place for it once.


Then we were told that it wouldn't be very heroic to have a bunch of players all beating on one mob. Nearly every single quest ends in the player and his companion or his friends beating on a single mob strong or elite or champion mob. What happened to this not being heroic? There are plenty more examples such as more species than any other game, choriographed fights, a fun crafting system etc.

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At what point can we expect too see some more endgame PVE content? I am getting to the point where I have perfect gear in every slot and I am not particularly interested in creating alts. What incentives are you going to be putting in for players who have completely done all the operations and have their t3 gear?
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