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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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One thing that I have found disappointing in other MMOs is that years after launch there has been no improvements to character creation. Any chance you could improve customizability by having separate height and build so that we can create tall thin characters or short fat characters?
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Do you have any future plans to add more gear catered to those players that tend to bounce around in their alignment choices, IE walk the neutral path? I know that I tend to walk the the middle ground as far as alignment goes on a few of my characters and I was just wondering if there would be gear that would cater to those individuals, or, perhaps remove some of the alignment restrictions on certain items. It isn't a huge issue, just a curiosity.



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The question:


Are there plans, and if so a timeframe, for the implementation of "barbershops" or "plastic surgeons?




Do you have a plan to allow character physical recustomization options? If so, is it something that can be expected in 3 months, 6 months, over 12?


By physical character customization I specifically refer to the ability to reopen the last page of the character creation screen both for our characters and companions that belong to one of the playable species.


Up until now all customization talk has focused on hoods and wardrobes. It would mean a lot if we could get something more concrete on physical appearance.


While it would be nice to have even more options for hairstyles, color and such I understand that might take much longer to implement, but in the meantime, being able to tweak our character's cosmetics with the ones already available in game would do wonders.



Edited by Vagessel
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Could you (the Bioware developers) offer further comment about the future addition of same-sex relationships? I don't expect a firm timeline, but perhaps just a few rough ideas about how you might implement those relationships? Thanks for your time.
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Is there movement towards balancing the operative/scoundrel medic skill tree to make it more viable in raiding and making alacrity more beneficial to their hots and other heals?


Please see this thread for a more in-depth analysis of the community's thoughts. (ignore the first question, scroll to discussion of the class starting with sprigum's post)


Edited by Xenthis
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When can we expect server transfers or mergers? There are a ton of servers but personally the population on mine (Naddist Rebels) is very limited on both Imperial and Republic. Factions are heavily unbalance, and having the lack of members on one side makes it hard to run groups for Flashpoints, and even Operations recruitment. My guild has been trying to recruit raiders for literally a month, and we've had ZERO responses.
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Currently, Guardian is a very low end tank when compared to other Tank AC's, due to lack of Sustainable Damage output, Lower than average burst damage and Nothing to really keep a mobs attention beyond cycling taunts. Threat generation is very low due to these facts, is there anything in the works to help us Guardians keep aggro more reliably?
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One of the best things about SWTOR (in my opinion) is the class and companion storyline. I would love to be able to re-play these questlines on my level 50 characters without having to re-roll and do all the planet quests again. Perhaps explore different dialog choices, etc.


Are there any plans to implement such a feature? Say, for example, as a Legacy reward?

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Hi, I was wondering whats going to be done about the faction imbalance issue? imps are more then 2-1 over republic at the moment and it makes for very discouraging pvp as well as pve since there is less of a pool of people to choose from while doing ops etc.
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When will you address the resolve feature in pvp? In it's current state it does not work as its supposed to all the time and the amount of snares being stacked on you, makes its pretty pointless. The only time I ever see a full resolve bar is when I have just respawned after being killed, so it doesn't exactly help! Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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