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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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Its weekend here in Oceanic time as well!!!!! But i gurantee you in 9 hours the Oceanic servers will be Full like they are EVERY NIGHT at that time


I logged in at 5am AEST and the 3 NA servers I play on were all Heavy (bar swiftsure which was light... And has been since Oceanic servers came).


Do your homework and pay more attention rather than just taking a quick glimpse and thinking that its set in stone.


Concerned gamer: Population is dropping


Bioware Fanboy: No proof!


Concerned gamer: Here is screenshots of the lack of players in game, emperical evidence that the servers aren't listed as full usually and countless ancedotes from gamers who feel the world is empty. Can we please have something done to fix our playing experience?


Bioware Fanboy: Those aren't facts!! Just quit then


Concerned gamer: ...

Edited by Touchbass
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Already have, so have hundreds of thousands of others.


So then how are you a concerned gamer?




Saturday 6:30 pm EST


Only 5 NA heavy servers, lol.


and saying only 5 servers heavy lol doesn't make you sound like a concerned gamer at all but more someone revelling in the fact

Edited by corbanite
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So then how are you a concerned gamer?


Cause I'd like to come back? My grouping experience has been compromised and I'd like it fixed. I have 3-6 toons I'd like to level but would rather enjoy it to it's full potential.


EDIT: The only way to get attention to the issue is to broadcast the problem. Being only 5 heavy servers right now (there will probably be 2 full, 7 heavy later tonight maybe??) is a sign we could be right that there are too many damn servers. We've been complaining about this for months and I would like them to address this issue immediately. You must understand having difficulties with this for over a month makes people jaded. This is suppose to be an MMORPG and I can't take full advantage of it.

Edited by Touchbass
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Cause I'd like to come back? My grouping experience has been compromised and I'd like it fixed. I have 3-6 toons I'd like to level but would rather enjoy it to it's full potential.


EDIT: The only way to get attention to the issue is to broadcast the problem. Being only 5 heavy servers right now (there will probably be 2 full, 7 heavy later tonight maybe??) is a sign we could be right that there are too many damn servers. We've been complaining about this for months and I would like them to address this issue immediately. You must understand having difficulties with this for over a month makes people jaded. This is suppose to be an MMORPG and I can't take full advantage of it.


I think it is likely that many have hit 50 and don't play as much. Wont know whether lack of subs or reduced acticity until 1.2 hits IMO.


Be interesting to see what torstats says then.


today on my server fleet had about 100 but nar shaddaa had 50.. I think that is high for that planet.. I didn't check all places just noticed as levelling an alt and thought it was a high number for a levlling planet.

Edited by corbanite
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Already have, so have hundreds of thousands of others.


Jeez, if you don't like the game then you don't play it. All good, no worries. But stop the fear mongering. The only fact here is that you, me and everyone else posting on these boards have absolutely no clue about the true state of the game as a whole. There are low pop servers, and there are high pop servers. There are people leaving and there are people joining. You saying that hundreds of thousands of people have quit is worth exactly as much as me saying hundreds of thousands have recently joined the game.

Edited by Trenter
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During our offpeak time I see AT LEAST 3+ heavy and the rest jumping between standard and heavy throughout the day.
I hope you realize the designations are near meaningless. The threshold for light->standard is well below the "standard population" a server needs to feel active, which thanks to all the segmentation and segregation BW mistakenly saw fit to design into the game, results in plenty of standard population servers that feel as though they're light population servers.


(I know someone will counter with how they will just lie as I have seen other threads, those make me laugh and realize just how little soooo many know about how the business world and how it's laws function) ...
They're not actually obligated to report subscription numbers, and can easily hide TOR or BWA specific financial data within other numbers. Edited by Ansultares
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So then how are you a concerned gamer?






and saying only 5 servers heavy lol doesn't make you sound like a concerned gamer at all but more someone revelling in the fact


I think you can still be concerned and not be a part of a bad game.


YES incoming fact, our leading researchers have concluded you CAN care about something if you leave. Sure it's a cop out, but you took it out of context anyway.


"Already left" as in already decided to not join the blind cult of bioware.

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Jeez, if you don't like the game then you don't play it. All good, no worries. But stop the fear mongering. The only fact here is that you, me and everyone else posting on these boards have absolutely no clue about the true state of the game as a whole. There are low pop servers, and there are high pop servers. There are people leaving and there are people joining. You saying that hundreds of thousands of people have quit is worth exactly as much as me saying hundreds of thousands have recently joined the game.


Too bad refunds don't work as well when you have more than a month's game time. If someone paid for game time they have the right to express an opinion on how changing would help them comeback. There is no fear mongering going on just a refusal by some more idealistic members of the community to see the truth as it is. It happens quite a bit with MMOs as the population declines people refuse to believe it and this refusal hurts the game because until the community really wants mergers and population stabilization no company will start doing it. There aren't low pop and high pop servers, there are servers with healthy populations and many without that are losing community members each day. The longer this takes the more these small servers suffer.

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Cause I'd like to come back? My grouping experience has been compromised and I'd like it fixed. I have 3-6 toons I'd like to level but would rather enjoy it to it's full potential.


EDIT: The only way to get attention to the issue is to broadcast the problem. Being only 5 heavy servers right now (there will probably be 2 full, 7 heavy later tonight maybe??) is a sign we could be right that there are too many damn servers. We've been complaining about this for months and I would like them to address this issue immediately. You must understand having difficulties with this for over a month makes people jaded. This is suppose to be an MMORPG and I can't take full advantage of it.





Im seeing more heavies and even a few VERY HEAVIES!!!!



I told you that you are obviously not on at the right time.


Now scrub that nonsense out of your signiature, ur obviously THE noob.

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Im seeing more heavies and even a few VERY HEAVIES!!!!



I told you that you are obviously not on at the right time.


Now scrub that nonsense out of your signiature, ur obviously THE noob.


That's because people are re-rolling off their dead servers onto the live ones. Game is dying, not growing.

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So if players are continuing to play the game by re-rolling on different servers, how does that make the game 'dying'?


Yeah I had to read that twice to see if I missed something, definately one of the more ironclad arguments on these forums :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am more than likely prejudiced in my views as the game was a major, major letdown for me so I won't speculate but I will say that the summer time should give some clues as to the future of the title.


I would have been more impressed if it started out at 400,000 and grew to 1.7 million. I don't see it growing or dropping to any significant degree in the very near future.

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Concerned gamer: Population is dropping


Bioware Fanboy: No proof!


Concerned gamer: Here is screenshots of the lack of players in game, emperical evidence that the servers aren't listed as full usually and countless ancedotes from gamers who feel the world is empty. Can we please have something done to fix our playing experience?


Bioware Fanboy: Those aren't facts!! Just quit then


Concerned gamer: ...

Sad truth.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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So if players are continuing to play the game by re-rolling on different servers, how does that make the game 'dying'?


Just to simply :jawa_wink:


- People leave

- server pop goes down

- the LEFTOVER reroll


Hard to get isn't it ?

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Concerned gamer: Population is dropping


Bioware Fanboy: No proof!


Concerned gamer: Here is screenshots of the lack of players in game, emperical evidence that the servers aren't listed as full usually and countless ancedotes from gamers who feel the world is empty. Can we please have something done to fix our playing experience?


Bioware Fanboy: Those aren't facts!! Just quit then


Concerned gamer: ...


Those really aren't solid facts in the face of 1.7 million active subscribers.


And this so-called empirical evidence are selective evidence from forum posters who only make up like 2% of the entire gaming population.


Sure, maybe some of them are legitimate, but to put things into the grand scheme of things, maybe this only happens on some US servers. European and Aussie servers seem to be doing fine.


When I play late enough, I can see all European servers reaching standard server load, with a few going heavy.


WoW is also losing heaps of subscribers but for some reason, people want to bail from SW:TOR losing subscribers, to another MMO that is also losing subscribers and relying on desperation tactics like free diablo 3, free mount, and now the scrolls of resurrection with instant level 80, free cata, etc.


People claim to want to leave SW:TOR for various reasons, when the MMO that they go back to, namely WoW, is also suffering for the same reasons.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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Those really aren't solid facts in the face of 1.7 million active subscribers.


And this so-called empirical evidence are selective evidence from forum posters who only make up like 2% of the entire gaming population.


Sure, maybe some of them are legitimate, but to put things into the grand scheme of things, maybe thing only happens on some US servers. European and Aussie servers seem to be doing fine.


When I play late enough, I can see all European servers reaching standard server load, with a few going heavy.


WoW is also losing heaps of subscribers but for some reason, people want to bail from SW:TOR losing subscribers, to another MMO that is also losing subscribers and relying on desperation tactics like free diablo 3, free mount, and now the scrolls of resurrection with instant level 80, free cata, etc.


There were over 40 light servers last night in the US, these are facts. WoW is doing great atm, its population is stabalizing at just over 10 million. It should be losing subscriptions this late into an expansion and will increase ten fold once MoP lands. Of course these trends are subject to change but I see no reason to disbelieve it.

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Those really aren't solid facts in the face of 1.7 million active subscribers.



1.7 million active subscriptions =/= 1.7 million actual people still playing the game.


Can't believe people still fall for simple marketing spin.


EAware counts me as an "active subscriber" and I haven't played in damn near 2 months.


They only get to for another 9 days though. Then they have to count me as a cancellation.


Guess how many more pre-paid accounts will be running out of time soon and becoming officially cancelled where they can't be counted? I'm betting enough that even 1 million "active subscriptions" will be nothing but a fond yet bittersweet memory for poor ol' EAware.

Edited by Zorvan
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I wonder why they did open so many servers at once if they were aiming for 2 million players?


Hard to do the maths?


because people were whining about the queues. bioware made the mistake a few times (listening to the whiners too much)


I'm sure they've already learned not to do that too much anymore, see AU/Asia launch (1 server for each kind)

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