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Everything posted by BUBBUH

  1. I fail to really see where a fully upgraded companion is needed outside of world PvP. Of course, fully geared 'helps' sure it is wanted, not necessarily 'needed'. Also, you spent cartel coins, is it automatically out of the question to request a refund, or ticket? I got my coins back on a dye where I messed up and it glitched. Surely, you can get yours. And leaving over such a trivial issue - I'm at a loss for words.
  2. Well yeah, she is the 'chosen one' since she is the same bloodline. Because starting out as a scavenger and ending as the next leader of the rebellion isn't evident enough apparently.
  3. I have always been surprised they haven't done a single 'jedi temple' attack/defend map -Wasted potential.
  4. Why are you on SWTOR? Purely out of sheer curiosity.
  5. TFA was decent. The last 10-20 minutes were rushed horribly and provided no real backdrop to catch your breath. It also really lacked any consequences. I felt like I was watching a Marvel Film. That is not good, but not particularly bad either. Just bleh.
  6. I never understood the relentless sentiment to the animated series. Even the original 2D CW. Admittedly, I have not been able to endure the first episode of Rebels, but I have seen the first season of CW. To say it is the 'best material' in the last 30 years, compared to the novels, comics, lore, games - I simply disagree. 'TFA showed they knew what they were doing' - Ok, Name one single flaw with Rey. Surely, I can't name a single flaw. This is what passes for great storytelling? Superwoman with a lightsaber? We can do better. It's 2016 and we have seen a golden age of television drama. I will not lower the standard because of the Star Wars title.
  7. It is not exactly theirs. TOR, for the most part is the property of BW. Now sure, you can flip open a piece of paper where Disney bought Lucasfilm, who in turn licensed the title to BW to make KOTOR - Absolutely. Technically their property. Got it. However, they did not create this universe. They lack the respect it deserved. They didn't even bother asking before ruthlessly and unceremoniously gutting it, only to bring it back in a bastardized form. Hence, this is what Disney is renowned for with the franchises they purchase. And the 'big deal' so to speak is really quite simple. There will most likely never be a TOR game ever again. And as a very dedicated fan, it kinda breaks my heart to see potential -limitless potential- absolutely distastefully wasted on children TV shows. That is the essential issue.
  8. Haven't seen this thread in awhile.
  9. JK/SW. Smuggler/BH are both hilarious. 'You have searched far and wide, scoured galaxies for my presence- You have found me, now tell me, what is your purpose here?' The smuggler looks up and with a slight grimace. 'I finna get dem credits son' And watching them both go toe to toe with the Emperor - I can only suspend my disbelief so far. I will say though I laughed so hard I started to tear up.
  10. TOR has eclipsed the movies for me. SW to me will always include Revan and Malak. Malgus and Satele. If films were made about any of those characters, they'd do just as well if not better i'd argue. Popularity does not determine whether or not a story is good. Canon does not determine whether a story is good. You determine if you like it, period. There are many misconceptions about why Disney decided to gut the entire EU. The reason, is somewhat simple. As usual with most business decisions, is money. Disney did not hold the trademarks on any of the EU characters. So why bother paying ridiculous prices for a Plagueis trademark, when you can simply make Snoke? And make him more kid friendly to boot? The list goes on and on. Also, it is funny too see even the original films be held in such a high regard. They are good, don't get me wrong. But also ridiculously cheesy at times.
  11. Title. 1v1's where companions are a factor. Willing to level up from scratch.
  12. "I like Sorcs where their at right now, I can watch football and still pull 10+ medals." - A buddy of mine.
  13. Dat team comp. But still, decent nonetheless.
  14. So many of you have no idea how easy it really is to completely take your account. This is one of the most high-security mmo's out there. Credit farmers and scammers are a virtual non factor. The only way for someone to take your account would be through your email. Add another step with the security key through your phone. Without the email security. All it takes is one little keylogger, boom. They log in, strip you of all your credits, gear, items, empty the cargo holds, everything. If they wanted to be malicious they could sell your bound gear as well. They then can mail that to a junket account in a flash, or sell it on the GTN. It's like a candle dropping out of airplane. Went out before it began. 15 seconds or lose nearly everything. Have some common sense.
  15. 'Chiss Master Race' - Good ol' Dromund Kaas chat.
  16. Credits aren't becoming EVE's Isk anytime soon. If anything I'd just add a few more gold sinks for the commendation vendors. (IE Armor costs 2,000 credits + 20 Comms - etc.) But they've done a good enough job with the commendations in that regard. The value of credits will continue to decline however, but when you have thousands slicing on Yavin 4..
  17. As far as Regular WZ i've seen imperial win a grand total of 3 times. My valor rank is 50. They won twice against another Imperial team.
  18. This essay made me face palm quite a bit. But a good laugh too, you think the game has a future, that one got me. How was refuting my GW2 diagrams that i broke down for you going? That earlier proves you know very little about mmos and how they survive. But then again, i wouldn't expect much from a kid who enjoys cutting out F2P. Paragraphs are your friend.
  19. Its kind of funny your brought bands into this, but it'll work with what i'm about to say. I paid 250$ up front to see Slash at house of blues, i'd rather see that than some porcupine boy band. You can have the opinion that porcupines are better, but it's just an opinion, it rings hollow. Stats never lie and stats always talk. I'll just leave it at this, before this turns into the philosophy of an opinion etc. You enjoy SWTOR, i'll enjoy GW2, Let's just agree to disagree.
  20. http://www.gamespot.com/news/star-wars-the-old-republic-cost-200-million-to-develop-6348959 Looks like that 80 million magically grew to 200, same gamespot website you used too. Edit: Even Forbes called it between 200-300 million.
  21. You can enjoy throwing 15$ a month into the wind for a star wars skin and bad gameplay, i'll use mine more wisely.
  22. this mmo im playing has a cool looking armor. Better keep up with my topic changes.
  23. Decade is 10 years long, you can't be 13 and get away with calling that out. And you would blow 15$ for a Wow ripoff? Sorry for questioning your decade long experience in mmos, but i'll tell you your wasting money on a sinking ship.
  24. "You can convert cash into cartel coins" - you "Converting cash is much more of a hassle than asking mommy for a sub" Which is the whole point of the glorified demo. - me Than i made a pretty brilliant analogy that you don't understand because you haven't hit like..7th grade? Go read it again and please, make an argument instead of "i dun und3rstan"
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