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I have the solution for Marauder PvP woes(Anyone who has been knocked/pulled)Read ->


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I also feel that no other class suffers from this more then we do because of our lack of ranged abilities.


Hi there! I'm an Assassin and I strongly disagree with this. If I get knocked off a ledge I don't have the option to do the smart thing and save my charge for just such an occasion. Why? Because I don't have a charge! And while my awesome 10m abilities more than make up for this, I... uhm wait...


And also: What do operatives have that prevents the exact same thing from happening to them?

Edited by Crowleyz
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Juggs can spec into a 2 sec immune on their charge. But they do not have the toolbox maras have. I feel we dont need it either. You can camo up to them and charge after kb. Or charge then root, and camo back after after kb. If anything i would favor a kb distance diminishing return in leu of resistance. The dr idea just came to me. Havent thought it out tho.
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both those classes have stealth, both have ranged to varying degrees, both can run away. Next?


Also, the OP has offered a solution and tbh, force charge SHOULD come with knockback immunity anyway, so i don't see what the crying is about. All it would mean is that whatever class we face needs to think a bit before hitting their panic button. Which is all a knockback is. Whilst i agree we cant be allowed free roam, because that would make us OP and we'd dominate everything. This whole pingpong ball crap has gone on too long. The trouble with knockback is that it gives absolutely rubbish players the ability to win without much thought. Im all up for balancing but i want each class to need to think to win, not just pop knockback at the earliest opportunity without thinking. I have to time everything well to get a clear victory (without cutting it close) why shouldn't anyone else? The fact there are face roll classes in this game annoys me, if you dont want to learn how to play your class properly ****.


I've addressed the op and sin stealth and having ranged.



And no force charge shouldn't have a knock back immunity because you bads are bad. Learn to play your class right and then GO. Maybe you should think to win bro.

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Hi there! I'm an Assassin and I strongly disagree with this. If I get knocked off a ledge I don't have the option to do the smart thing and save my charge for just such an occasion. Why? Because I don't have a charge! And while my awesome 10m abilities more than make up for this, I... uhm wait...


And also: What do operatives have that prevents the exact same thing from happening to them?


Absolutely nothing is the answer you are looking for.;)

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Bad idea.


Immunity to KB is one thing, but on a 20 second cooldown?

Are you fully aware of how OP that would be?


You are saying that you want a permanent immunity to KBs.


If anything it has to be a 3 sec duration 2min cd or something like that.


I'm getting quite tired of people who don't know how to deal with certain things and then try to fix it on the forums. On top of that laying out an idea that might have been good, but taking it completely out of proportions with extremely overpowered stats.


well there are defensive skills enough:


like BH have their bubble: look i cant be CCed and stopped !!!


you have sorcs/sages standing there infront of the fire waiting till their dash CD is off with bubble up and knock people off asoon as someone even makes the attempt to touch him.


5 secs aint long and it makes you re-evaluate what u are doing

a marauder isnt going to kill you in 5 secs not with protection some classes have


like i have said i have tested it many times on sorcs how many of them just press the skill as an automatism.


Force charge -> run -> and than you see them use their knock back totally gone to waste

i still find it hilarious like brainless dummies hitting that skill.


But for me thats not optimal, sure i dodged the knockback .... but what did i do? my target is still getting away with it as the knock back still has an insane range


there is nothing strategic about what they are doing, pressing the skill as soon as they see a red name tag close to them.... thats about it

Edited by Alegoss
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well another skill? we dont have enough skills to bind it seems :p

just make it a passive effect on Force charge


its not really an immunity is it, its just to make the classes with knockback aware that u cant press that skill as an automatism.


everyclass with a knockback has triggerfinger for that skill they dont need to think about it they just press it because its that usefull and they dont need to pay attention to anything


with the 5 secs you might make them reconcider their tactic, or make them use their brains not to waste an uneeded skill.


U will see that when such a thing would be implemented, how many classes with a knockback totally waste the knockback, not thinking what they are doing


actualy most people use the knockbacks and pulls in huttball on the ball carrier. as for the rest, i have a soon to be 50 sentinal alt (equivilant of marauder) and i have no problems wot so ever. sure ur gonna get knocked or pulled, deal with it it happens, if ur finding urself on cd for charge do wot everyone else does, save it for when u get knocked back. i think its around hte same cd time maybe abit longer thats were camoflage is usefull, if u get knocked back again or soem1 else comes to pull u knock u, use ur short stealth and run to a healer or the heal thig around the warzones

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yes i agree knockback happens you cant be aware of everything around you but...


even so the fact that knockback is a counter its way to powerfull in Huttball, there is no way you will counter a knockback as a marauder.


Eventually the purpose in huttball is still to eliminate the ball carrier, so in my opinion you should be able to counter the knockback as well as they can counter you closing in...

in order not to give ur opponent a clear score.


as eventually thats what it is knock everyone of and just walk freely to score


in voidstar/alderaan i can us the charge as a counter or at least in many different ways on knockback but there, it doesnt feel as important as in huttball (mainly because of the lvl difference of Huttball)

Edited by Alegoss
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yes i agree knockback happens you cant be aware of everything around you but...


even so the fact that knockback is a counter its way to powerfull in Huttball, there is no way you will counter a knockback as a marauder.


Eventually the purpose in huttball is still to eliminate the ball carrier, so in my opinion you should be able to counter the knockback as well as they can counter you closing in...

in order not to give ur opponent a clear score.


as eventually thats what it is knock everyone of and just walk freely to score


in voidstar/alderaan i can us the charge as a counter or at least in many different ways on knockback but there, it doesnt feel as important as in huttball (mainly because of the lvl difference of Huttball)


thats wot resolve is for whe they make it work properly, away to counter knockbacks and stuns when ur bar is full and white for a short time

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You and I both know resolve is a hit and miss. Have the time it's JUNK for me. I can have full resolve and I still get knocked back, or stunned. So resolve means Jack squat to me. Warriors need a ability to counter the knockback. We HAVE to get close to our target because we are melee. A player thats range doesnt have this issue at all. They knock you back which is followed by a stun making the warrior a hood ornament for the time while the range continues to beat the **** out of us with the warrior can't do a thing about it at all. Once the warrior can force leap back to them the range does the same thing. So how can anyone say that the warrior is gimped in this area, because we are indeed totally screwed on this.


I ask BW to look into your data you have and prove to me and the rest of the community that we are wrong. Funny thing is BW will not even do that because they know this is a fact.

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Seriously dude you REALLY need to learn to play better. I have 50 Jugg and 50 Marauder

and there is NO WAY I need an immunity to KB. I'd absolutely destroy people on both chars if I had immunity.


I used to think maybe a 30 Fury pop to gives us leap again. It would take up Fury and /or use Frenzy to use wouldnt be OP and give us an extra jump at the cost of Beserk/pred/Bloofthirst. NOW thats way more then a fair trade off. But meh not needed.


But giving us immunity is stupid. I already line myself up when I leap to someone so they knock me into sandbags, barriers or simply straight up and and down the ramp we are fighting on. Its pretty sweet when they do KB and you go nowhere and then run through them to their surprise. Try it , try to be better and think of ways that YOU can be better.


Also using your example i.e. you need help playing--- YOU can use camo to run through fire and get in position to get the pass and or leave anyone else that chases you in the fire, YOU can use predation to run fast and hit Camo to get to the goal line ahead of everyone else for a scoring pass, YOU can use undying rage to get through 2 YES I said TWO fires with the ball to score, YOU can use Undyingrage and Predation to run the entire length of the field and score with the ball. YOU can... ahh screw it I can go on and on howe you DONT need immunity lolz




BTW you can VERY easy kill someone in 5 secs lolz

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I think a lot of you are missing the main point of all this. Here is my point exactly, and if any of you have a solution to this, I am all ears. Lets say you are in a Huttball match, and you're on the main level, along the side when you happen to notice the ball carrier is right there waiting for the fire to subside. You think, now is my chance to stop him, so that my team has a chance to stay in this match.


Now let's stop and think. What can each and every class do in this situation.


Juggernaut- Force Leap->Push = win. He's not scoring.

Powertech- Grapple. Win. Not scoring.

Mercenary- Electro Dart to stun = very needed time for allies to close in, also ranged attacks to damage the target.

Sorcerer- Electrocute, Whirlwind. Take your pick, both = win here.

Assassin- Force Pull and Creeping Terror. One obviously pulls you to your location, the other offers a 2 second stun. 2 seconds is 2 seconds, and if timed right could catch them in flames.

Operative- As I said before, this class could use some love in this aspect too, but they can at least deal some pretty decent damage with Orbital Strike, along with Corrosive Grenade.

Sniper- First and foremost as hard as they hit, they could kill the target before the flames disperse. If not, they can use Leg shot for a 5 second stun.


Then there is us, Marauders. We win right? We can just use Force Leap and get right on them for an easymode win. Well, here is why my idea would be useful. Most every other class has something in their arsenal to deal with this situation. What happens here is we get knocked back, off the ledge again removing us COMPLETELY from this equation. We are non factors at this point. We let our team down. So what are we supposed to do here? Run at them to save our charge? Good luck on that, got a long way to go. Charge up to them and try to position ourselves with out back to a pole or behind them? Maybe you guys play with some chumps, but on my server, people with KB's are smart. They use it on me the moment im half way to them. I dont even land and im knocked back already.


The truth is, we are the ONLY class who cannot slow down, stun, pull, push or do any kind of damage at ALL because we don't have an ability that can reach that person other then Force Leap, which is quickly negated by Knockback. I know some of you are saying how rare is this instance...when would that happen? To me? ALL the time. It's the main reason I want the immunity to begin with. I want to be helpful in this situation, not completely useless like we are now. I don't want this so I can jump in and rage someone's face. it would be nice, but it's not why I would like it.


The other solution? Allow use of the MGGS in Huttball and attach locations along the edges of all the platforms, to allow another aspect of the game that ALL players can take advantage of. I want the immunity to make us competitive in Huttball, that's it. Give the Huttball Arena MSSG locations and i'd take that instead, with no issues. Or even if I could add to the description of "Hard as Nails" that if you are using Force leap from a raised or lowered spot, the immunity kicks in. If its used on a target that is on the same level as you, then it will not kick in. Something like that works too.


Lastly, I did not intend for this thread to be a flame war, but what thread on this website isnt? Some people are here to flame, because that's who they are, They argue for the sake of arguing. I don't pay much attention to them, and the rest of you shouldn't either. They feed off of it. Most of them probably don't even play our class anyway. At any rate, my character name is Jailer and I am on the Canderous Ordo server, which is one of the, if not THE most populated server in the game. I know it is on the east coast, so I play with quite a few high end people, both imperial and republic. There are some seriously good Republic players on this server too. Lots of very intense WZ's with those guys.


/end rant

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Seriously dude you REALLY need to learn to play better. I have 50 Jugg and 50 Marauder

and there is NO WAY I need an immunity to KB. I'd absolutely destroy people on both chars if I had immunity.


I used to think maybe a 30 Fury pop to gives us leap again. It would take up Fury and /or use Frenzy to use wouldnt be OP and give us an extra jump at the cost of Beserk/pred/Bloofthirst. NOW thats way more then a fair trade off. But meh not needed.


But giving us immunity is stupid. I already line myself up when I leap to someone so they knock me into sandbags, barriers or simply straight up and and down the ramp we are fighting on. Its pretty sweet when they do KB and you go nowhere and then run through them to their surprise. Try it , try to be better and think of ways that YOU can be better.


Also using your example i.e. you need help playing--- YOU can use camo to run through fire and get in position to get the pass and or leave anyone else that chases you in the fire, YOU can use predation to run fast and hit Camo to get to the goal line ahead of everyone else for a scoring pass, YOU can use undying rage to get through 2 YES I said TWO fires with the ball to score, YOU can use Undyingrage and Predation to run the entire length of the field and score with the ball. YOU can... ahh screw it I can go on and on howe you DONT need immunity lolz




BTW you can VERY easy kill someone in 5 secs lolz


I understand what you are saying bud. I was raging a bit last night when I wrote this, Sorry about that. What I was talking about on the immunity part was, after force leaping that we have a 3 to 5 sec where we cant be knocked back. That's all I was talking about. Believe me I know I need to L2P better. I know that I am not the best player by any means. Trust me I know. I have found it very hard for me to do any damage when I am always being knocked back and stunned and not being able to do anything about it.


We as warriors have to get real close to inflict any type of damage on our targets. Range has the ability to beat the crap out of us warriors before we can get to them and when we do, they knock us back, stun and then again continue their attack.


So please don't flame me as I am asking for a little help on this. I am just tired of getting my rear pulled apart in every WZ match I play.


What is the best spec for a Marauder PVP toon? and how to counter there knockbacks? Again, please no LOLZ, or L2P or anything like that sort.


Also, sorry didn't mean to divert the thread. If someone would give some pointers that haven't already been given. Message them to me so I don't divert this thread then I already have. Again sorry about that.


Thanks again

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I just want to throw this in here. I am a 50 Marauder @ valor rank 57, full champ gear, oh so close to BM.


Getting knocked around really sucks, but I have learned to deal with it. The most frustrating part of knockbacks is by far in Huttball on the higher tiers / walkways. One thing you need to do when fighting a sorc, merc, sniper or someone else with a knockback on those upper levels is to try think at all times about where your trajectory would take you if you were knocked back, and try to position yourself around the possible knockbacker so that you get knocked only a short distance away and stay on the upper walkway, or position yourself so that you will hit a sandbag or other obstacle (the "cover" metal pieces come to mind that are on the corners up there) so that you can stay in the fight. I can't tell you how many times I have done this and been able to completely decimate a ranged class because their knockback didnt buy them the distance they needed.


This won't work every time, and a good player with experience is going to see what you are doing and try to out maneuver you to get that proper knockback off. This is one of those subtleties of PvP that separates the good players from the great players and makes it more fun in my opinion.


One thing that I would be ok with though, is having some sort of mechanic that makes us, or possibly any players that have recently been knocked around immune. The reason is that if you get multiple classes with this in a warzone, you literally can feel like a pinball being tossed around. I've been force pushed, then knocked back by a sorc, then yanked into fire by a BH.. i mean really it's a little excessive.

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actualy most people use the knockbacks and pulls in huttball on the ball carrier. as for the rest, i have a soon to be 50 sentinal alt (equivilant of marauder) and i have no problems wot so ever. sure ur gonna get knocked or pulled, deal with it it happens, if ur finding urself on cd for charge do wot everyone else does, save it for when u get knocked back. i think its around hte same cd time maybe abit longer thats were camoflage is usefull, if u get knocked back again or soem1 else comes to pull u knock u, use ur short stealth and run to a healer or the heal thig around the warzones


This is completely off topic but, DAMN this post was ugly. Somewhere your former English teacher had a stroke.

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No it does not. It makes knockback skills useless.


Not necessarily. Jugg's have this in the vengeance tree. It's a 4 sec CD. you leap in, and for the next 4 sec people can't use KB on you. or any controlling skill for that matter.


It's not OP in that design because a smart player will see the Jugg jump in, see the shield icon on the character, and they can simply wait for 4 seconds and then KB.


Seems a pretty decent balance to me. At the most the maurader/jugg will get of 2 or maybe 3 skills. to balance it out you can make it KB immunity, but not stun immunity. And on leap only, not charge. there's some variables to work with, but i don't see it as being undoable. but I agree that more skills are not needed...it should be a passive benefit tied to another skill, but limited.

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I think a lot of you are missing the main point of all this. Here is my point exactly, and if any of you have a solution to this, I am all ears. Lets say you are in a Huttball match, and you're on the main level, along the side when you happen to notice the ball carrier is right there waiting for the fire to subside. You think, now is my chance to stop him, so that my team has a chance to stay in this match.


Now let's stop and think. What can each and every class do in this situation.


Juggernaut- Force Leap->Push = win. He's not scoring.

Powertech- Grapple. Win. Not scoring.

Mercenary- Electro Dart to stun = very needed time for allies to close in, also ranged

attacks to damage the target.

Sorcerer- Electrocute, Whirlwind. Take your pick, both = win here.

Assassin- Force Pull and Creeping Terror. One obviously pulls you to your location, the other offers a 2 second stun. 2 seconds is 2 seconds, and if timed right could catch them in flames.

Operative- As I said before, this class could use some love in this aspect too, but they can at least deal some pretty decent damage with Orbital Strike, along with Corrosive Grenade.

Sniper- First and foremost as hard as they hit, they could kill the target before the flames disperse. If not, they can use Leg shot for a 5 second stun.


Then there is us, Marauders. We win right? We can just use Force Leap and get right on them for an easymode win. Well, here is why my idea would be useful. Most every other class has something in their arsenal to deal with this situation. What happens here is we get knocked back, off the ledge again removing us COMPLETELY from this equation. We are non factors at this point. We let our team down. So what are we supposed to do here? Run at them to save our charge? Good luck on that, got a long way to go. Charge up to them and try to position ourselves with out back to a pole or behind them? Maybe you guys play with some chumps, but on my server, people with KB's are smart. They use it on me the moment im half way to them. I dont even land and im knocked back already.


The truth is, we are the ONLY class who cannot slow down, stun, pull, push or do any kind of damage at ALL because we don't have an ability that can reach that person other then Force Leap, which is quickly negated by Knockback. I know some of you are saying how rare is this instance...when would that happen? To me? ALL the time. It's the main reason I want the immunity to begin with. I want to be helpful in this situation, not completely useless like we are now. I don't want this so I can jump in and rage someone's face. it would be nice, but it's not why I would like it.


The other solution? Allow use of the MGGS in Huttball and attach locations along the edges of all the platforms, to allow another aspect of the game that ALL players can take advantage of. I want the immunity to make us competitive in Huttball, that's it. Give the Huttball Arena MSSG locations and i'd take that instead, with no issues. Or even if I could add to the description of "Hard as Nails" that if you are using Force leap from a raised or lowered spot, the immunity kicks in. If its used on a target that is on the same level as you, then it will not kick in. Something like that works too.


Lastly, I did not intend for this thread to be a flame war, but what thread on this website isnt? Some people are here to flame, because that's who they are, They argue for the sake of arguing. I don't pay much attention to them, and the rest of you shouldn't either. They feed off of it. Most of them probably don't even play our class anyway. At any rate, my character name is Jailer and I am on the Canderous Ordo server, which is one of the, if not THE most populated server in the game. I know it is on the east coast, so I play with quite a few high end people, both imperial and republic. There are some seriously good Republic players on this server too. Lots of very intense WZ's with those guys.


/end rant


Actually everyone who is disagreeing with you on here, that I've seen, plays a Marauder. In fact, just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean they are arguing just to argue. Have you considered the fact that you just don't know what the hell you're doing? Of course not right? Because you're here to make a statement, and then claim anyone against your statement is just out to get you, and also be a big meanie poo huh?


Marauder is fine for almost everyone playing it. Sure there are times when it's frustrating to get knocked back and watch them sprint away. You know why they do that? They are afraid, because of what your class is capable of doing to them.


We do tons of damage, and plenty of healing as Marauders. We are beasts. Learn to use your 4 second stealth too, might help close the gap, instead of spamming leap everytime you see someone. I've yet to hear you mention our 6 second fear also, do you not even bother to use this?

Edited by JediKlick
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You raise some major concerns that do point out the disadvantage of Marauders, I just feel that your going about the solution the wrong way. A simple buff is not gonna solve this problem.


See the problem with the argument here is that your idea is soley based on your experience in Huttball. Huttball is unique in that it's mostly a vertical stage where Voidstar and Alderaan is mostly 1 to 2 levels mostly fought on wide open ground. On Huttball, even if you get knocked off, you could charge back in but be knocked right back off again, in addition, you can't just run back up there, resolve may run out and you may be picked off.


But thats only one wz disadvantage over two where we dominate. A buff would be pointless because the problem is not consistant with other Warzones. Nobody disagrees that Huttball is BS when it comes to that catwalk, everyone and every class has a problem with it. So perhaps the problem is the Warzone itself not Marauders.


I won't go through tips and tricks on how to play Marauder, there are plenty of guides and post on here for that right now. But I will say you just have to play smart but most importantly, play your roll. Decide on what your roll is in these matches. Are you going to be pure DPS, or you gonna be the ball carrier. Let your team mates know and focus on it. Get buffs from (Juggs/Guardians) and heals (Sorc/Sages), just ask them. If you play your roll you will do much better in Huttball. You may not win every match but you will enjoy the game much more as a Marauder.

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Bad idea.


Immunity to KB is one thing, but on a 20 second cooldown?

Are you fully aware of how OP that would be?


You are saying that you want a permanent immunity to KBs.


If anything it has to be a 3 sec duration 2min cd or something like that.


I'm getting quite tired of people who don't know how to deal with certain things and then try to fix it on the forums. On top of that laying out an idea that might have been good, but taking it completely out of proportions with extremely overpowered stats.


Its already in the game. Except that in addition to immunity, its on a 30 seconds and last 8 seconds and improves run speed by 30%. Its a ptech/vanguard skill - a class that can already take considerably more damage than maras. Also might I add, ptechs hit like trucks - they do not suffer dps issues whatsoever.



Assassins and shadows get force shroud, 3 ( 5 second, if specced) immunity to all force/tech abilities on 1 min cd. Its on a class that already has in-combat stealth, ranged attacks and force speed. I believe operatives also get a similar immunity but I could be wrong.


Considering these abilities are already in the game, on classes that are in far less need of them than a marauder/sentinel, its bad logic to call it a bad idea.


edit for clarifications

Edited by Sowwy
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Problem no other class faces? Go play an operative(dps) or assassin that isn't atleast 21 points into the tank tree and see how you feel about knock backs.


assassins get a knock back AND a pull if they spec in to it. Ops are apparently a broken class and need changes different to a knockback or knockback cc, but it would be nice.


As you can see, i play both the mara and the op, neither of which have a push/knockback move at all and i'm much happier with the operative after getting knocked off because at least i can grenade/explosive probe/dart/snipe for kills.


Half the time as a marauder i have floor collision issues with the upper levels of the huttball rafters or even on the little hills up to the side turrets in civil war... then i get "can not see target, spell not ready yet" as my gcd spins, which means i'm useless completely until it works and i can get back into action. Then as soon as i get back in i get knocked back immediately again, in skirmishes in huttball you can't wait to charge in when every sorc has a 20 sec knockback and there's at least 4 sorcs per match... Or BH's fill their spots with their knockback on a slightly longer cd...


Either way mara's need something when they charge so they can at least do their job for 2-4 sec, make those classes use a bit more skill with when to knock us back. Cuz those classes, with the hard cc's and the mitigation and the heals... It's too easy mode, and all sorcs who are worth playing with agree that it's just too easy to do really well for no reason at all. Increase the skill cap and help us not get knocked out of a charge before you even connect with and damage your target.


But nerfing sorcs in general is more important.

Edited by Vakyoom
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There are so many people in this thread that obviously don't do lots of organized Warzones. Knockbacks and Roots are reserved for Marauders and Ball Carriers. You won't fill a resolve bar until the third knockback received, and if they spread it out (via run times back to them), they can fit 4 knockbacks in before a full resolve bar. Since roots are off the resolve system, if the knockback is talented to include the 5 second root, it is nearly impossible for a Marauder to stay on target with knowledgeable, and talented, Sorcs and Snipers.


Most people on this thread are saying to save your charge until you get knocked back. I agree with this, but it has a flaw that I am intimately familiar with. Operatives and Assassins stealth to their initial targets, we can as well if we want to blow our 45sec escape CD, and only if we can get from point A to point B in 5 seconds (the duration of Force Cloak). Otherwise we are in full view and ready to receive roots, stuns, and damage.


Yes, I WRECK people 1v1 on my Marauder (Full BM). But 1v1 does not happen in Warzones, especially vs organized teams. Marauders are child's play for a group of organized Madness Sorcs. I have been knocked backed 4 consecutive times from the 2nd level of The Pit and on East/West nodes in Civil War, with 5sec roots attached to each knockback.


1. Run to target, knocked back - wait 5 seconds for root.

2. Charge to target, knocked back - wait 5 seconds for root.

3. Camo to target, knocked back - wait 5 seconds for root.

4. Charge to target, knocked back - wait 5 seconds for root.

5. Full resolve bar hits, but charge is still on CD, and Resolve has 3-4 seconds left upon reaching target, ONLY if that target hasn't already run clear out of my range.


This cycle can be maintained by 2 Madness Sorcs, 1 Madness Sorc and 1 Sniper, or 2 Snipers. 20 second CD on each knockback, 5sec root attached, which means 5-second windows of opportunity. These windows do not include snares or any escape cooldowns, such as Force Speed, or any castable roots (such as Madness 31pt talent, charge roots, etc.) that can and will be used to hinder your progress back to your target.


This has happened against more organized teams than I can count. I regularly PVP against pre-mades, and as one of a handful of BM Marauders on Imp Side - Prophecy of the Five, we have earned reputations and are targeted and monitored all game.


We are power houses when ignored. We demolish almost every spec 1v1. We are devastatingly underpowered when controlled, and with the root and knockback system the way it is, this will not change. Anyone who disagrees with this has not faced an organized PVP team who knows exactly how to lock us down. People don't try to kill us, they just control us. It is devastatingly effective.


Instead of giving a CD-heavy class even more CD's, they just need to modify the knockback and root system. Currently, knock backs do not fill adequate amounts of resolve, and thus can be chained far more effectively than stuns. Since roots are completely off the resolve system and do not suffer from diminishing returns, they effectively become chainable stuns when used on Marauders.


Marauders do not need any class-wide changes, and the only tree that needs some love is Carnage. It's the resolve and root system that needs an overhaul. This is something that everyone in this thread will agree with.

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