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Sorcs and Sages need 2 Stances so they cannot Heal and DPS at the same time.


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hes mad because hegot into a 1on1 with a heal/DPS spec soc and lost.


SO because of his loss his idea is not to get better or try new tactics, its to post on the forums this topic so that his BH can auto win the 1on1.



SO said Soc is in DPS which is half of what his BH's output is, he wins.


Soc is in heal trying to get away and out heal damage and dies - results his BH wins.



The guy just wants Bioware to help his BH win.

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Not that I support the OP, but it's really not hard to pull like 300k damage and 200k healing. If it's a well geared and oiled premade or something you can easily get even more numbers, maybe like 500k but still only 150-200k healing.


It's kinda silly to have so many utilities tied to a single class with no restrictions. I'd be more happy with some sort of secondary AC choice where after picking Sage they then pick if they are going to follow the path of damage or healing and depending on the choice it lowers their output on the side they didn't pick by like 10-20% or something.


However before one jumps to these sorts of things you have to realize what this would do to a class during their leveling and also in PvE endgame stuff.

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Shadows and Assassin are limited by stances, why aren't Sages/Sorcs? Good fkn question.


I was just thinking this.... they killed assasin/shadows hybrid spec by making stance dancing impossible and there wasn't a huge uproar about assassins to begin with.

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Tanks can't use Guard unless they're in their tanking stance, more food for though. This isn't even really a problem unless hybrid builds are particularly effective, as they are with Sorcs. A hybrid Assassin build can be pretty nice too but they have stances..
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Generally, Sorc/Sage healing is weak enough not to be effective mid-fight. The problem is, they can easily Force-Speed away, hide behind a pillar, and heal a fairly significant portion of their health before I (a sniper) can actually catch up to finish the job. For this, I don't think having 2 separate stances would change much.


Truthfully, DPS Specced Classes should have completely obsolete heals regardless, Sorcs can just exploit them in ways that Mercs and Operatives can't.

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Generally, Sorc/Sage healing is weak enough not to be effective mid-fight. The problem is, they can easily Force-Speed away, hide behind a pillar, and heal a fairly significant portion of their health before I (a sniper) can actually catch up to finish the job. For this, I don't think having 2 separate stances would change much.

Unless they add a fairly hefty stance chance cost like Assassins have (do they still have that 50 Force cost?)

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Unless they add a fairly hefty stance chance cost like Assassins have (do they still have that 50 Force cost?)


No it costs ALL their force to change stances now. So even after you are out of combat if you wanted to switch you have to wait for your entire force bar to fill, switch, and be on empty again.

Edited by Surgin
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I don't judge pvp or a persons skill by kill death ratio in bgs.


I mean I can spam AOEs and do little damage and end up with tons of kills, did i really kill them? No the way that stats are calculated in this game is what needs changing.



Soc is not even the best pvp class



You can justify it however you'd like, but I don't think there's a single category for ranking pvp performance in which I'd say my scoundrel outperforms my sorcerer.


Sorc has better heals, better damage, WAY better AoE damage, more survivability, more mobility, more CC, more utility, and all of that at range.



edit: AND it's much easier to play.

Edited by Aidank
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Flat out prevent them from casting heals/shield while in DPS stance or make them take 2x as long to cast them or something. these Sorcs doing 500k Dmg and Healing at the same time is just ridiculous.


Yah, hear they run around really fast like operative, and burn people with their fingers, we must nerf them now.

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Generally, Sorc/Sage healing is weak enough not to be effective mid-fight. The problem is, they can easily Force-Speed away, hide behind a pillar, and heal a fairly significant portion of their health before I (a sniper) can actually catch up to finish the job. For this, I don't think having 2 separate stances would change much.


Truthfully, DPS Specced Classes should have completely obsolete heals regardless, Sorcs can just exploit them in ways that Mercs and Operatives can't.




that's called using your head, the soc is using tactics to win the fight, hes not just standing there and going toe to toe as we really can't go toe to toe with other DPS classes.


And that's why so many QQ because they just want to stand there and kill us and that want us to stand there take it and like it.

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No it costs ALL their force to change stances now. So even after you are out of combat if you wanted to switch you have to wait for your entire force bar to fill, switch, and be on empty again.


I can get behind this for healing stance for Sorcs, and that stance be required to use the bubble, and Force Speed be forbidden in that stance.

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It's a good question.


But I think the main issue with Sorcerers/Sages isn't that they can switch between DPS and healing abilities on the fly. The issue is that they can spam these abilities virtually endlessly.


Sith Warriors / Jedi Knights are restricted by Rage / Focus.

Imperial Agents & Smugglers are restricted by Energy.

Bounty Hunters / Troopers are restricted by Heat / Ammo.


Sorcerers are supposed to be restricted by Force, but this really isn't the case.


The size of their Force pool compared to the costs of their abilities allows them to churn out damage and heals at a rare higher rate than any of the other 3 class types. Warriors can burn through a full Rage bar with a handful of attacks, while the other classes can quickly find themselves with a full heat bar, an empty energy bar, both of which empty/refill at a snail's pace once down to one >.

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I hope with all this stance crap, limiting our force run and bubble that you also support increasing our burst damage otherwise just trying to kill off a class you don't like to fight against.



Really? It's a called nerf for a reason.


Sorcerers don't need retuning, or whatever, they need a nerf.

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If you want more burst you could always play a Sniper, that class that can't really do anything else..


I think even with stances and restrictions a Sorc would still be a very viable character, it'd just take a bit more planning and it'd be less self-sufficient. While Sorc burst isn't that great, their sustained damage really is. If you get both, Operatives should get their burst back, or better sustained as well.

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