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SWTOR The Hardware Killer


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The difference to other games is that SWTOR can use the whole GPU power. In some games people complain "why do I have not more fps, my graphics card has only 40% load". SWTOR can produce 100% load by giving you 100+ fps. You will notice that the load is lower when in more complex scenes where not the GPU is limiting. I´m sure you won´t have the load / heat issues in Ilum with heavy action.


My solution is: I´m capping my fps at 40 with a 3rd party tool.

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The simple fact is that software CANNOT, by definition, harm hardware in any form what so ever. Every piece of hardware has a safety switch - it can never run at a capacity that would harm it. Your CPU can never become too hot and burn, same with graphics card. They will swich off. If they do switch off, it's your fault because you don't have proper cooling. Everyone claiming anything else is talking out of his a*s. Period.


You couldn't be more wrong, it isn't possible. Here is some bedtime reading, maybe next time you won't open your mouth and look like an idiot in front of people.










These are just some of the more recent and public issues, where software can/could cause permanent hardware damage.


Let me put it this way...


What do you think actually controls the hardware in a computer? How do you think that command to shutdown is initiated? It isn't little people inside your computer that physically move a switch. It is a series of negotiations between SOFTWARE that monitor the current hardware state. Compromise one and you kill the entire system, and any fail safes in place.


Oh, you can also disprove yourself by taking your heatsink and fan off your CPU. Fire up your computer after doing so and see how long it lasts before it destroys itself.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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TOR is harder on your hardware than it needs to be


May or may not be accurate. Doesn't change the fact that heat is a problem of hardware, not software. If you can't run your system at it's full advertised specs without overheating it, there's something wrong with your system. The software you are running when you overheat it is simply detecting the existing problem for you.

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May or may not be accurate. Doesn't change the fact that heat is a problem of hardware, not software. If you can't run your system at it's full advertised specs without overheating it, there's something wrong with your system. The software you are running when you overheat it is simply detecting the existing problem for you.


The Tom's Hardware article posted a few pages back even stated the game is rather demanding for what it is.

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The Tom's Hardware article posted a few pages back even stated the game is rather demanding for what it is.


Then I'll assume it is accurate that TOR is more demanding than it should be.


It doesn't change the fact that heat is a hardware issue, not a software one. TOR is identifying problem systems, not creating them.

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My CPU hovers around 50c with the stock fan, while playing. I haven't checked my GPU temps but the fan isn't louder than any other game I've played, and if the fan was maxing out I'd certainly hear it because it sounds like a jet engine when it does.
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Just think it is ironic that the links to the whole starcraft "overheating" even Blizzard says it is due to insufficent cooling. Also software does tell your pc to shut down in case of thermal overload. It is the BIOS in your motherboard. SWTOR cannot affect that. Also SWTOR cannot push the GPU beyond 100% (unless of course you buy it overclocked or you overclock yourself). SWTOR cannot burn up anyone's video card if it is cooled properly. Period.



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while I understand some people run the game just fine, (personally I do) their pretty quick to shoot down ops's and blame their rigs......how do you explain why the performace issue/fps posts or the "how to increase swtors performance" threads are some of the most viewed on the forums? outside of the early access stuff.....


and not just the vocal minority starting hate posts, because thew views arnt even close to the posts in some threads, people are clearly having issues and looking to see if there is a fix available for their individual machines.


People ask for the sources all the time, I think we could ask BW the same thing when they just threw out that 5% having issues, since if that 1.7 sub number is accurate give or take, it would seem to be alot more then just that said 5%


Its not just some people that run the game just fine, its the vast majority, and every patch makes it even better. I know that doesn't make it better for those who are having issues, but that doesn't change that its the truth of the matter. I explain the high post/view count by people frustrated with a problem trying to find anything solution that might work.


It is most likely issues with individual setups that are also causing the problem, as something like the famous claim that the engine is the core problem would then mean that it would be impacting the majority of players, not a minority of players. That said Bioware still want to figure out what those issues are so they can make it better on more systems, or help people fix issues with their system.


5% would be 85,000 people. A lot of those heavily viewed/used threads are also repeat customers, I haven't seen anything to indicate that the 5% guestimate, that was retracted in the next sentence, is inaccurate by any significant margin.


Views are also a terrible way to determine anything more then the thread is being accessed a lot. Every time you make a post in an existing thread you add 2 views to the thread, the view from when you opened it, and the view from when you posted a reply and it send you back into the thread. Players having issue repeatedly visiting a thread trying to find new ideas will quickly pop up that view count.


I don't doubt that people are having issues, and I don't doubt that those issues suck. The game does play hard on the hardware, probably a bit harder then it should, but at the other end of the spectrum the things people are blaming Bioware for are beyond silly, like TOR cooking their hardware.


Ignorant ideas should be fought with the truth, and the truth is that most problems are on the user end because if the core of the game itself was broken literally everyone would be having issues.


People with issues would be better off to stop blaming Bioware or the Hero Engine and start opening dialog looking for help and sharing information about what the problem is they are having. This information would help Bioware and the community actually make things better, whereas "Bioware/Hero Engine suck!" doesn't actually help anything get fixed.

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not a computer expert by any stretch, but doesn't running in windowed mode greatly affect performance? not saying your issues are invalid, but it's just a thought.


I dunno, I seem to remember my husband saying that but I wasn't really listening.

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not a computer expert by any stretch, but doesn't running in windowed mode greatly affect performance? not saying your issues are invalid, but it's just a thought.


I dunno, I seem to remember my husband saying that but I wasn't really listening.


By running in Windowed mode your system will not give the game exclusive rights to resources, so you tend to get lower performance. Where as running in full screen mode your system will grant exclusive rights to that software.


Just think it is ironic that the links to the whole starcraft "overheating" even Blizzard says it is due to insufficent cooling. Also software does tell your pc to shut down in case of thermal overload. It is the BIOS in your motherboard. SWTOR cannot affect that. Also SWTOR cannot push the GPU beyond 100% (unless of course you buy it overclocked or you overclock yourself). SWTOR cannot burn up anyone's video card if it is cooled properly. Period.




You are correct that the article mentions this, but this is expected from Blizzard. It is the old "I did happen.....buuuuuut...this other guy, over here...."


Also, malicious software can alter your BIOS and any other firmware to cause damage. Though I agree that SWTOR is not going to have that level of access, but SWTOR isn't the topic of my discussion. I am simply stating that software, in general, can cause hardware failure.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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TOR is more demanding then it should be.


Doesn't change the fact that if you have proper ventilation you have nothing to worry about.


You gave posters in this thread trying to make it sound like playing TOR is going to melt your PC. You can't really have reasoned discourse if people are running around like their hair is on fire and calling the game a hardware killer.

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Of course: strong evidence says that the OP just bought a bunch of expensive components without actually understanding how it all worked together and is now stuck with poor cooling capabilities when multiple components heat up.



Amazing :D

I'm Network Engineer and IT Technician since 1995 and you are telling me that I'm a n00b. Sincerely I never had the opportunity to read such comments as here.


Everything and everybody just BW not. That's enough for me guys, you just deserve the game :D

Edited by RohanEagle
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My GPU is worked pretty heavily, I haven't bothered to run any performance analysis tools but anecdotally it pushes the fans to pretty high RPMs while playing. Still, the game performs perfectly. Other than that the memory and CPU usage aren't bad at all - I can alt-tab out and do pretty much anything without a performance hit. My relevant specs:


- GTX460 1GB

- i7 3.4 quad core (8 threads)

- 8GB of some DDR3 RAM, whatever was the fastest for this CPU whenever I built it


In any event even if the game used 80% of all resources but still ran fine it would be OK. I'm using my system to play the game at that time so using a high capacity isn't an issue - I don't plan on running the game and also doing things for work at the same time.

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I watch my temperatures CONSTANTLY and my 560 ti with no special cooling NEVER gets that hot. Invest in cooling that doesn't suck and place your fans correctly. Also, with my fan running at 96% on my GPU it's lucky to break 50c playing SWTOR and that's why I just have it run auto and sit @ 50% most of the time, no reason to kill the fan.
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I can agree with this, i have to jack up my GPU's fan to 75% while playing this game or the card heats up very quickly. Mind you, i have a GTX 590, and the game runs pretty bad when shadows are enabled .. very disappointing.


1. Just by seeing you have a 590, that tells me that you are either throwing money away or have no idea what you are doing if you are posting about overheating.


2. Correct ventilation/case for your system.


3. Game runs perfectly with my 560 Ti 1GB single card, never goes above 60 C.


Don't post idiotic replys about your system overheating, 90% of the time its the users fault for the game running poorly.


With that said, it does draw more juice from the system than most MMO's out there, but like the guy said on the first page, if his laptop can run it fine, your doing it wrong.

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There is something bizarre going on with the character select screen. My GPU usage jumps to 100% and my cpu temp hits 70C just from sitting on that one screen. Seems to be some poor programming going on. In game I really don't notice any issues.


I have a Gigabyte 570 with a non-reference cooler design in a Corsair 500R.

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