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SWTOR The Hardware Killer


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I have no Case cooling issues.

I have a Big Tower Thermaltake VH6000BWS Armor+



3x Harddrives and 1xSSD has dedicated cooling


Finaly, I have no issues with other games or Music Sequencer, or rendering application.

Just if I start SWTOR goes my hardware hot.


Nice case, but how many fans do you actually have in there? Why not take a case temp reading while you're playing.


Oh, and just because you don't have a problem with other software, doesn't mean you don't actually have a potential problem. Does SWTOR stress your components, yes. More than some games, yes. Does it in itself cause hardware damage? No. Poor cooling solutions and aggressive overclocking can though.

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I was gonna mention the chip scenario but someone else already caught it. OP never did respond, it sounds overclocked.


@OP - $2500 does not guarantee good performance. I see hundreds of customers a day and a good percentage now play SWTOR. So far, Ive met about 5 of "you" out there with similar issues. It happens. I also see $600 rigs playing this game extremely well with $150 video cards thrown in, and 3-4 year old rigs happily dancing on Tattooine.


Sometimes it CAN be "you" and money does not protect you from that. :rolleyes:

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I run an i5 2500k with the same GFX Card as you (Twin Frozr GTX 560 Ti) and with all the game settings to max and shadows on high, my cpu temps never go above 50c and my GFX card peaks at about 59c.


So its most likely your machine setup, you don't have proper airflow and/or your fans are working against each other (bad setup).

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After getting some constant NVidia driver has stopped responding and recovered errors with my GTX260, i really started to despair. Thinking I might have a psu problem, i swapped out my 500w for a 750w and still the same problem was occuring.


Then I read some post on a forum somewhere about 'MSI Afterburner' and have been using that for about 9 days, and had not one single crash of my pc since using it. Relief!!


So it turned out on my Nvidia GTX260 that the fan speed seemed to be fixed at 40%, and MSI afterburner let me set it to be properly variable based on temperature. Well its worked for me so thought i'd pass this on for others who may be frustrated at some issues right now.

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Nice case, but how many fans do you actually have in there? Why not take a case temp reading while you're playing.


Oh, and just because you don't have a problem with other software, doesn't mean you don't actually have a potential problem. Does SWTOR stress your components, yes. More than some games, yes. Does it in itself cause hardware damage? No. Poor cooling solutions and aggressive overclocking can though.


Just amazing how much of you don't see the reality.

With other games I have no issues, but with SWTOR I need to change everything? LOL.

Just an update with another game.




They don't need 24 fans :D

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Something I do believe is wrong with your system.


I run a Q9550 as well, but I'm stock at 2.83Ghz.

I run GTX 470, again Stock. The GTX 470 and 480 are known as the hottest running and loudest cards ever produced.


I run cooler then you, with more FPS.




Something doesn't add up...



And the plot thickens.....

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Something I do believe is wrong with your system.


I run a Q9550 as well, but I'm stock at 2.83Ghz.

I run GTX 470, again Stock. The GTX 470 and 480 are known as the hottest running and loudest cards ever produced.


I run cooler then you, with more FPS.




Something doesn't add up...


You run, Fun Speed: 89%, GPU Temp:79, GPU Usage:99% in login screen. Is that normal.



Just, take a break...

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I have no Case cooling issues.

I have a Big Tower Thermaltake VH6000BWS Armor+



3x Harddrives and 1xSSD has dedicated cooling


Finaly, I have no issues with other games or Music Sequencer, or rendering application.

Just if I start SWTOR goes my hardware hot.



Yes you do or your graphics card wouldn't be getting so hot and the fan spinning up to not far off 100%, I have 2 6950 in crossfire which should get a lot hotter than your single 560ti, but the max I get if I leave it on the char select screen for 10 mins or so on the hottest card is 75c.



That was with V-sync turned off, I normally play with it switched on the temp after 10 mins with it on was 65c.



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You run, Fun Speed: 89%, GPU Temp:79, GPU Usage:99% in login screen. Is that normal.



Just, take a break...


Quite normal for any game where I disable Vsync. In WoW at the login screen, I would hit over 250 FPS, Fans at 100%, temps at 85C.


I can check in Skyrim as well, many think that game is demanding GPU wise(It really isn't, it's built around running on 7yo hardware like the Xbox360)


I just find it odd that your 560Ti is running hotter. I don't get it since I thought the 5XX series were supposed to run quieter and cooler then their 4XX brethren.

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Game does seem a bit hard on video though. I have the Q9550 as well not OC. I had a GF280 card originally that worked for Age of Conan, Aion, Rift but even back in Beta for SWTOR I started to have some video issues. Lock ups, screen pixels etc. Started having problems booting up so for about two months I left my system running over night instead of shutting down and just restarted each day so I didn't have issues. I wasn't sure if it was video or my OS got corrupted or what.


Two weeks ago the 280 card finally bit it. Replaced with a EVGA Ti 550 2G DDR5. Last night I started to have thermal shut downs. Precision tool was showing my GPU at 98 degrees C and over 100 degrees C. Thermal shut down for the card is 105 degrees C. Fan running at 100% could not keep it running. I have plenty of cooling in my case (two fans from front, one out rear, one out side, and a massive one at the top to vent heat). My CPU really doesn't heat up but my card was. Going to go and swap the 550 out for the 560 today after work and hopefully things wont be so bad. I run two monitors at 1920 resolution and max graphics. Will be keeping an eye on my GPU temps when I swap out the card but yea....seems this game does really crank up the heat.

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LOL @ blaming Bioware for your heating concerns.



Next week you'll be blaming Bioware for your girlfriend breaking up with you ...


while I understand some people run the game just fine, (personally I do) their pretty quick to shoot down ops's and blame their rigs......how do you explain why the performace issue/fps posts or the "how to increase swtors performance" threads are some of the most viewed on the forums? outside of the early access stuff.....


and not just the vocal minority starting hate posts, because thew views arnt even close to the posts in some threads, people are clearly having issues and looking to see if there is a fix available for their individual machines.


People ask for the sources all the time, I think we could ask BW the same thing when they just threw out that 5% having issues, since if that 1.7 sub number is accurate give or take, it would seem to be alot more then just that said 5%

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If your temps are that high, it's not TOR that's the problem.


My rig is the following:

i5 760(overclocked from 2.8ghz to 4.2ghz)

2 Geforce 465s in SLi(bios unlocked to 470, overclocked from 607/1215 to 749/1625)

700 watt psu

8gb ram

60gb ssd


That's 50% overclock on the cpu, about 30% overclock on -2- video cards. I air cool, not water cool. My temps in the character select screen right now?


41 degrees.


In game, I generally get up to about 76 degrees(and during stress testing, my rig runs fine up to about 98 degrees).


As far as performance, I play with everything on the highest settings(except shadows, which I turn off completely) at 1920x1080. I get 60fps everywhere in the game, with the exception of really huge Illum battles, where I drop to around 45fps.


I have no doubt that some people are having heat/performance issues with TOR. I just don't think TOR is the source of them, otherwise I'd be experiencing it myself.

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I noticed this strange trend with those screenshots. Seems the... more of the GPU a game uses... the hotter it runs.


It's not rocket science.


If your cooling is mediocre and you give your video card a simple scene to render and no limit to the fps, then its going to work really hard to pump as many frames as it can.


That's gonna stress a card in ways that you might not be prepared for. Contrary to the OP's insistence, that case is not going to ensure good cooling. Quite the opposite, the conflicting air direction gives you plenty of ways to screw up air flow.


Without a photo of the setup, all we can do is guess.


Of course: strong evidence says that the OP just bought a bunch of expensive components without actually understanding how it all worked together and is now stuck with poor cooling capabilities when multiple components heat up.

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Its funny how many people miss the point:


TOR is harder on your hardware than it needs to be


If you have a lower end machine, it hurts it.

If you have a higher end machine, you can run it fine, but you should be running it better.



There's been some indication it's not strictly horsepower, since some machines run poorly with higher end components, but in general, there looks to be some MAJOR optimization that needs to be done.

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It's not rocket science.


If your cooling is mediocre and you give your video card a simple scene to render and no limit to the fps, then its going to work really hard to pump as many frames as it can.


That's gonna stress a card in ways that you might not be prepared for. Contrary to the OP's insistence, that case is not going to ensure good cooling. Quite the opposite, the conflicting air direction gives you plenty of ways to screw up air flow.


Without a photo of the setup, all we can do is guess.


Of course: strong evidence says that the OP just bought a bunch of expensive components without actually understanding how it all worked together and is now stuck with poor cooling capabilities when multiple components heat up.


while I understand some people run the game just fine, (personally I do) their pretty quick to shoot down ops's and blame their rigs......how do you explain why the performace issue/fps posts or the "how to increase swtors performance" threads are some of the most viewed on the forums? outside of the early access stuff.....


and not just the vocal minority starting hate posts, because thew views arnt even close to the posts in some threads, people are clearly having issues and looking to see if there is a fix available for their individual machines.


People ask for the sources all the time, I think we could ask BW the same thing when they just threw out that 5% having issues, since if that 1.7 sub number is accurate give or take, it would seem to be alot more then just that said 5%


There is your answer cujojax.


We have two types of vocal complainers that have one thing in common; they are computer 'experts' who built/optimized their computers for the best gaming performance. PEBKAC

Edited by Yuuj
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