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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For the love of all that's holy GET RID OF SPEEDERBIKES on V-star!!!


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Title says it all. You basically are handing 1st defenders an auto-loss if it's during off peak hours where folks are slow to accept queues. Please get rid of this stupid, non-sensical, slower than molasses and not in ANYWAY adding to RP, speeder bike ride at the beginning of Voidstar for defenders.


While you are at it why not make med centers semi-permeable and allow folks to leave automatically after 10 seconds as individuals or 15 or 20 or w/e. Then you can prevent luck wins where you wipe out a large part of the defending team at the same time and then, due to pure luck they auto spawn (door is down upon release) on defense, and boom a new full team. This happens in about 25% of Voidstar games and gives the lucky door team an HUGE advantage. If it happens once no big deal, but a couple of lucky breaks, or the opposite where they all die and get the full 24 can make or break that wz.


Regardless of the last part, for the love of gawd, get rid of the speederbike ride. Totally pointless and actually breaks the wz at times.

Edited by Renlotho
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I'd love it if they just put a timer on the respawn door, so I don't have to auto run into it constantly to make sure I can get back as quickly as possible.


Sometimes I'm in there for 20+ seconds, just tell me how long I have! I'd rather be sending my crew out on missions!

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I wish they'd get rid of the speeder bikes at the start and the cut scene. No other warzone has either and often it screws over one team because someone waits until the last second to enter the warzone and they watch the stupid thing all the way through missing the green light for go.
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I'd love it if they just put a timer on the respawn door, so I don't have to auto run into it constantly to make sure I can get back as quickly as possible.


Sometimes I'm in there for 20+ seconds, just tell me how long I have! I'd rather be sending my crew out on missions!


There is a circle on the door pulsing and losing part in a CLOCKwise fashion..

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There is a circle on the door pulsing and losing part in a CLOCKwise fashion..


You are my favourite!


BTW I usually just spam spacebar to get passed the speederbikes in VS, doesn't always work but 8/10 times it does.


Unfortunately it almost never works when there's less than 24 seconds to start the game. Its weird like that.

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Title says it all. You basically are handing 1st defenders an auto-loss if it's during off peak hours where folks are slow to accept queues. Please get rid of this stupid, non-sensical, slower than molasses and not in ANYWAY adding to RP, speeder bike ride at the beginning of Voidstar for defenders.


While you are at it why not make med centers semi-permeable and allow folks to leave automatically after 10 seconds as individuals or 15 or 20 or w/e. Then you can prevent luck wins where you wipe out a large part of the defending team at the same time and then, due to pure luck they auto spawn (door is down upon release) on defense, and boom a new full team. This happens in about 25% of Voidstar games and gives the lucky door team an HUGE advantage. If it happens once no big deal, but a couple of lucky breaks, or the opposite where they all die and get the full 24 can make or break that wz.


Regardless of the last part, for the love of gawd, get rid of the speederbike ride. Totally pointless and actually breaks the wz at times.


The SPACEBAR press costs me more than anything ... who in their right mind put that in?

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Absolutely agree. It is almost as pointless as mod stations.


Mod Stations are a relic from beta where you had to use them to mod your gear, you couldn't just swap at will where ever you wanted. It was a feature when added had a purpose and was required. I am betting they will find use for them down the road.


The speeder bikes are as pointless as the stupid droid companion that won't shut the hell up making you sit in your ship waiting for him to stop talking so his annoying a** won't talk over the conversation you are about to start.

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speeder bikes are annoying. just had a game where i zoned into a speeder in a game in progress, had to wait 1 minute for the speeder to finish.


unfortunately by this time, the enemy had blown through the door right as i got to the spawn.


did i also mention how i had to wait the full duration for the spawn timer as well when the speeder ride finally ended?


spent 4 minutes in a ROW of that match either on a bike, waiting to spawn, or running to where the action was 1 room away.

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Just lost another Voidstar.... full team, but only 4 made it in on time for the first door, 4 were on the speeder.


They take the first door immediately, then only made it to the third door.


We only made it to the second.


It would have at least been a tie if not a win if not for the speeders.


A MILLION games sold.... $50-100 MILLION DOLLARS and they can't fix a GLARING problem that makes the rounds unfair.


Logged out with 2/3 daily done and that was the only reason I logged in to begin with.


Because of stuff like this sub was cancelled 2/22.


Leaving stuff like this in place for months and months of beta and then months after launch says they simply don't care.


Go look at what GW2 is doing with PVP and see what a company can do when they focus on the product and not the profit (oh, and it has no monthly fee).

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There should be an option that we can select to not show the pre start of PVP matches like voidstar, and some flashpoints too.. We have seen the cinematics millions of times now..please let us turn them off.


There is that option at least for some cinematics (auto-skip movies) forget where it is exactly but it exists. Doesn't work on the speeder bikes and neither does space bar. I've pounded it almost to death and its done nothing last 6 VS matches I defended so I'm calling bs.

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