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playing on PVP server=pointless


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I agree with you here. The last MMO I played was SWG. The PvP in the game was a blast and there were no substantial rewards (until they added some jedi lvling). Planning a raid on a player city/base was reward enough. You got to blow up a base that someone had to build (gather resources, craft, deed, get the mayor's approval, lvl, etc) and/or pay for. It was a pride thing. There were problems of course, can't protect a base 24/7, but it was fun open PvP. Planets were even controlled by factions. Not because the game said so, but because the imps or rebs on the server decided that Naboo was ours, try to take it from us.


And you used to hunt people down. An actual bounty system, with tracking features for BHs. People went into hiding on their toons, or lvled in obscure areas of worlds far away from any transport. It was great.


Going into a republic or imp player city and taking it over. Reward = you won and no one can say different.



Although I certainly wouldn't complain if some reward, merc comms or whatever, was added to world PvP, I world PvP because... hold on to something this is going to blow your *********** mind... I like to PvP.


When did doing anything in a game require rewards to be worth doing? Seriously, where did it start?

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I agree with you here. The last MMO I played was SWG. The PvP in the game was a blast and there were no substantial rewards (until they added some jedi lvling). Planning a raid on a player city/base was reward enough. You got to blow up a base that someone had to build (gather resources, craft, deed, get the mayor's approval, lvl, etc) and/or pay for. It was a pride thing. There were problems of course, can't protect a base 24/7, but it was fun open PvP. Planets were even controlled by factions. Not because the game said so, but because the imps or rebs on the server decided that Naboo was ours, try to take it from us.


And you used to hunt people down. An actual bounty system, with tracking features for BHs. People went into hiding on their toons, or lvled in obscure areas of worlds far away from any transport. It was great.


Going into a republic or imp player city and taking it over. Reward = you won and no one can say different.


unfortuantely, we have to accept the reality that todays gamer market cares more about actually getting something. without rewards, organizing that kind of thing is nigh impossible.

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unfortuantely, we have to accept the reality that todays gamer market cares more about actually getting something. without rewards, organizing that kind of thing is nigh impossible.


You're right. Sigh. Until they add some stat bonus for 'winning' the war I don't think people will care enough to do open pvp.


That or people need to organize hunting parties to kill people while lvling. Then guildies may need to run protection while someone lvls. I was recently killed by a couple rebs while I was lvling a toon on Tatt (repeatedly killed, ha). It was a blast, trying to get my guildies to me in time to kill these guys.


But I digress...

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I don't think we need rewards (or penalties) for PvP, although valor points for killing someone close to your level once doesn't sound unreasonable.


There is open-world PvP in some places -- the bonus series areas on Tatooine, Alderaan, Nar Shadaa, for example. On later planets, you can run into enemies throughout the map.


Voss seems to have a lot of it around the Temple of Healing. I find it very hard to finish quests around there (except really early in the morning) without getting repeatedly attacked. I assume that is because both Republic and Empire players both go there for their quests?


Perhaps in a future patch there could be added quests on each planet that take you into enemy territory, or at least shared areas. These quest could specifically point out that they are sending you into dangerous territory, so people could choose to avoid them if they don't want to PvP. Conversely, they could flag you for PvP on non-PvP servers.


What about quests to actually hunt down an enemy? "You must kill one enemy player on this planet".


If players meet each other, there will be PvP.


What I don't want to see is incentives that encourage people outside the planet level range to come to a planet to kill people much lower level than they are. That is the sort of thing that drives people away from PvP. As it is, while encounters are few, players that you do meet are usually around your level ensuring a relatively fair fight.


We don't need to encourage people to come to particular planets -- anyone level 25-26 is already on Tatooine (there isn't anywhere else to go). We just need to introduce new ways for the players that are already there to run into each other, without it being overly disruptive to those that just want to complete their quests.


Whatever they did on Voss that leads to so much PvP -- do more of that.

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You're right. Sigh. Until they add some stat bonus for 'winning' the war I don't think people will care enough to do open pvp.


That or people need to organize hunting parties to kill people while lvling. Then guildies may need to run protection while someone lvls. I was recently killed by a couple rebs while I was lvling a toon on Tatt (repeatedly killed, ha). It was a blast, trying to get my guildies to me in time to kill these guys.


But I digress...


I don't world PvP because there is no place to come across other lv50s out in the world, and I don't enjoy ganking lowbies.


Even the designated world PvP areas are ghost towns, and I'm on one of the more heavily populated PvP servers w/ a balanced faction.


The simple fact is that there's no reason whatsoever to go to Ilum/Outlaw's Den, and so nobody does.

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I don't world PvP because there is no place to come across other lv50s out in the world, and I don't enjoy ganking lowbies.


Even the designated world PvP areas are ghost towns, and I'm on one of the more heavily populated PvP servers w/ a balanced faction.


The simple fact is that there's no reason whatsoever to go to Ilum/Outlaw's Den, and so nobody does.


Maybe they need to make lvl 50 pvp missions (terminals) only available on Ilum. That way lvl 50s will spend time there anyway. I mean that seems to be step one, get people to the planet.


To be honest I have yet to take one of my lvl 50s to Ilum. I haven't stepped foot on that planet

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About the only thing I liked about Aion was that their pvp "currency" was both gained AND lost. .


That was the beauty of the game. It promoted fighting in organized groups, since anyone of officer rank+ had no incentive to fight alone, due to how many points you'd lose if you got killed. You could easily go backwards in that game if you were stupid. I also loved the adrenalin rush of finding high ranking pvpers and getting them killed. Right before we quit, myself and two buddies baited the Asmo governor over in Gelk. I popped wow on my chanter, got him and his group to chase me in the canyon. I used the geyser in between the two forts, and my ranger/sorc friends snuck around behind them. I then jumped off the cliff back down behind them and we managed to gank him. It was freaking epic.

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If killing an opponent awards valor, shouldn't being killed by an opponent cost valor?


About the only thing I liked about Aion was that their pvp "currency" was both gained AND lost. Too bad the rest of that game was pretty much garbage.


Sure, just remove the valor requirement for wearing gear and I'm all in.


And no, Aion's PVP system for currency was the worst of any MMO in history.


You obviously started the game fairly close to launch.


Try telling that to someone who just starts the game right now.


Why don't you express the fact that You could be governer rank'd lose 5-6k of currency per death to a rank 9 soldier who out gears you because he did a PVP currency dump prior to PVP'ing. And when you do kill him you gain all of 1 or 2 currency where he gains thousands for killing you.


No Aion's PVP system was pathetic, poorly thought out, and is exploitable.


So much so was gear an issue, and factional balance that the game is going "Free to play" in Europe and the U.S.


Their gaming community is short of non existant, unless you are on a server where your faction controls most of it.


They are just now merging Vaziel with Zikel which people told them to do for almost 2 years in order to balance gear and factions.


It took them 2 years to realize the players were right.


There's an old saying, "Day late and a dollar short."


Aion is dead, and even 3.0 won't save it.

Edited by Ahebish
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Those who enjoy PvP for the sake of PvP, do not need rewards to do so.


While I see your point, I think it would be nice to see some incentives for more consistent world PvP. Too often the open PvP area on Tatooine and the joint quest areas on Belsavis, etc. are simply empty.

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